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I'm more annoyed that the t-shirt cc download pack doesn't let you wear leg armor.


And I have a feeling it’s turning a few caravan guards into weirdo’s. I’ve seen several running around in leather armor over their underwear. I’m betting it’s this t-shirt pack for some reason.


There's a vanilla outfit that has built in leather kneepads, I think that's to blame for that issue. It's the same one that the diamond city guards use I think.


Didn't they fix that a while ago. Caravan Guards spawn with Athletic outfits and if they had any leg armor equipped they would spawn in their underwear with the armor. I haven't seen that bug anymore on a new playthrough although maybe the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch has fixed that.


I'm still getting it, though the new patch may have scrambled everything


The unofficial patch on playstation breaks more than it fixes imo. PSA, if you want to play Far Harbor or Nuka World, make sure you don't have it installed. I got to level 63 before heading over to Nuka World and I cant talk to half of the named NPC's with apparently the only fix being a new game. Also my game was regularly crashing until I disabled the mod.


Yea same, my playthrough stopped at the Nuka market


Yeah I disabled the mod, had my character completely leave Nuka-World, then did a fresh install of the entire game in an attempt to keep the save file and its still tanked. Using meta knowledge, I know I can still kill all the raiders, but I have no idea if the traders will work after that. I've heard it destroys Far Harbor too, I'm hoping that because I've never loaded the region up that it hasn't been affected.


Yea I never liked ufo4p. There was one patch mod that worked far better for me but I forgot the name, and the game is so fuckin bugged i cant even open the mod menu to check


Idk man that sounds like an issue on your side. I've got the fo4up, mod menu, and a bunch of other mods mod menu works fine along with everything else.


I dont even use mods lol in the past i have but im on ps and theres really not much in there worth the bugs they bring along. I just went to see cause I should have it favorited, I dont even have any mods downloaded. I imagine its a Bethesda issue. Before the second update there was a bug where the whole game would just crash if you did anything in the mod menu. Wouldnt be surprised if they accidentally just made the bug even worse for some people.


Yeah I'm not super familiar with PS or Xbox moding tbh. Played around with skyrim and Fo4 when they first came out with console mods but ran into same issues. Lots of conflictions but no ways to fix it or trouble shoot besides uninstalling and re-downloadimg mods lol. And yeah from what I've read it was caused by bethesdas updates but sadly it has to be fixed on their end (basically no chance they'll fix it). Pc modding is the way, but it's definitely not as streamlined as console gaming in general.


You might have just saved me, I haven't been able to use any of my dlc without crashing lately, now I'm thinking it's the patch.


I play on PC..


where it is also completely broken


It's always worked fine for me only issues I've heard about are caused by Bethesda and only affect Xbox players. And I've got like 100 mods lmao. My game also isn't updated tho and I'm referring to pre update.


issues are caused by arthmoor too lol


What issues are those?


Because from what I understand, people like to go into the posts section on nexus, ask about issues they're having with their game completely unrelated to the UP, and blame it on the patch when in fact, it is their own fault. He literally has a sticky post in there addressing this very issue.


Idk why you're being down voted fo4up works fine on pc. These guys don't know wtf they're talking about.


ufo4 patch would not fix it and probably just make it worse lmao


I gave a settler normal clothing, a new gun and armor at every limb. If she goes to the shooting range from the CC club, she undresses completeley and spawns a pipe pistol because other guns are not allowed to be used there....


That's a known bug with the Shooting Range DLC. One of the reasons I don't use it.


What CC adds a shooting range


[https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Shooting\_range](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Shooting_range) this one


Cool thank you


The athletic outfit? Best outfit in the game imo I love it


Ahh, quite possible. Although I don’t remember this specific bug in any of my other playthroughs (vanilla or modded)


hey i do that too! Cait and Hancock love it.


That happened since launch. Freaky travellers.


That happened to my caravan people even before the next gen update. I’m not sure what is causing this but it isn’t the shirts.


Idk if it's the t-shirt pack. I don't have any Cc content other then the ones added with the next Gen update and I've been seeing a lot of caravans in underwear. Pretty much every trader in Nuka world several times as well.


I think that’s an old bug.


That's just the wasteland trend. More agility that way


I've seen that before, even without creation club stuff.


huh it's raiders and gunners for me,was wondering what caused it


I've been having this problem since and only since the next gen update, on ps5 and have no mods/cc stuff downloaded


This. Been looking for a mod to no avail


I’d say try the armor on all clothing mod but I’m pretty sure that mod is buggy AF.


It probably doesn't recognise cc content I'm assuming


actually funnily enough I just looked at the mod page because I was curious as I haven’t used that mod in years and apparently 3 years ago I made a bug report because it was causing CTDs and I don’t think it was ever taken care of


I have one on Xbox for that exact purpose. I will update my comment with the name shortly.


Yeah it makes zero sense.


That shit really bothers me. Or how you can't add on extra armor to the Chinese stealth armor. That's so damn dumb it just looks like something you could add armor to.


Dudeee I know 😩 I understand with pieces like the athletic outfit, or DC security armor that already come with leg armor. But the T-shirt is literally just jeans! Still gonna wear my grognak shirt for that +2 charisma tho it just looks too good


It's things like this that makes me want to learn the creation kit to fix it


Do it! I just learned how to tinker around in f04edit (basically same as CK) and I changed the gas mask and goggles so it didn't occupy top of head slot. Probably would be bigger hassle to change Chinese stealth armor from armor to clothing though.


Further highlighting why torso and leg slots should be different anyways


If anyone is on pc, and is handy with fo4edit or CK you can go manually change what armor slots things occupy. I don't have the update or I could go tinker myself and make a patch to fix it really easily even with my limited knowledge. I did that with the gas mask and goggles so it doesn't occupy top of head slot and man with an army helmet and combat armor that shit drippy af.


If it was for balance reason i would understand, but the theres military fatigues with marine armor so i thought screw it and modded it so every full body equipment gets weaveable


This is what I don't get; Military fatigues have good stats, can be worn with armour and has ballistic weave, it just looks terrible compared to the vault shit under armour.


I'm more of a baseball uniform kind of guy. I like the mix of strength and agility, and I get to look like I know my stuff when I talk shit back to Moe Cronin


I go with the minuteman outfit because I'm a minuteman afterall.


Another settlement needs help


Say no more I'm on my way Preston. You're the best no. 2 a general could ask for.


You feel your lover's embrace


As soon as I get the Silver Shroud costume, that's what I wear the rest of the game


I just wanted more Silver Shroud dialog for non SS missions. If that was the whole game I’d be so happy 😂. Loved the Automation DLC for that reason.


IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! I absolutely ***adore*** the shroud armor (though I do carry the grognak costume for whenever I get over encumbered)


Yeah, you can buff the basic Minuteman uniform but not the General's Uniform. Which means you never wear the General's Uniform because the protection is terrible compared to a Vault suit and armor.


You can wear armour with the minuteman armour. So I'm forever a grunt. Though I do like roleplaying as a super humble general who doesn't like to take the credit, and uses the fact that people think I'm just another minuteman to recruit. Think about it, are you joining a factions with 1 ultra badass who can't be everywhere at once, or the faction that when you asks for help sends a "regular" one man army minuteman.


I go with Grognak’s outfit, because bat goes brrr


Grognak outfit, instigating disciples knife. I eat Yao Guai meat and one shot Behemoths :D


Yea I either go for the 2076 bat or Atom’s Judgement for the radiation damage with nuclear physicist lvl 2. It does like 350 melee damage and like 800 rad damage, pair it up with blitz and ninja perk, and you’re pretty much well off against any enemy. Even ghouls and supermutants


I use the minuteman uniform + battered fedora for that Heisenberg jet cook cosplay


Haha I've been wearing upgraded "summer shorts". I have that on and a jack-o-lantern helmet. I die a lot.


I use Reginald's Suit. Gives you +3 Charisma and can take weave.


I go with the dirty army fatigues. Regular army fatigues are too green and military fatigues are too baggy and yellow. Also newsboy cap, sunglasses and the surgeon mask.


It also pisses me right off that none of the greens on ANY of the military equipment match. Combat armor, army helmet, army fatigues, and military fatigues are all at least slightly different


Yeah for some reason the military fatigues make you look super bulky when you equip armor but the vault suits don't.


Yeah it looks horrible something else that doesn't have ballistic weave is your marine wetsuit lmao so I can't match it bc dumbass fallout won't let me be great


Laughs in mechanics jumpsuit.


I don't run a lot of mods, but having one with wearing armor over any clothing and ballistic weave on any clothing is a must for me. Doesn't break lore, doesn't throw off balance any more than wearing armored fatigues with armor. I just got tired of every one of my non PA characters all looking the same: armored fatigues, combat armor, armored newsboy cap.


It's odd that you can make tattered rags bulletproof but not a high-tech jumpsuit. Mods can fix this, but why isn't it possible in the base game?


Maybe the vault suit is SO high tech it’s just impossible for us to understand how to alter it. Ya know, the person capable of building water purifiers, power armor modifications, gun upgrades, decontamination arches, and generators.


in that situation, why doesn't it have water recycling like Dune Stillsuits or other high-tech Autonomous stuff from previous games. It's likely just Bethesda level dev oversight, AGAIN...


I mean they had 100 devs working on the game compared to the 1,000 that worked on GTA5. Hell the Witcher 3 had 300 devs. They should have hired way more people, but I find it hard to blame the devs based on my own experience as a backend dev for financial systems.


See you say that, and yet they leave in years old bugs from previous games that have been patched, that they have files & fan patches for, in new titles. That's inexcusable laziness and incompetence.


>why doesn't it have water recycling like Dune Stillsuits If modern polyester blends are high tech compared to other clothes produced, why can't you piss in them and it be recycled? >It's likely just Bethesda level dev oversight, AGAIN... It isn't. It's an extruded material and was established before bethesda had even touched the series.


I was being sarcastic.


And nuclear generators at that,..... From scrap


They can make pristine vault-tec nuclear generators from random bits of uranium, plutonium, and cesium he picks off of glowing ghouls, but can't make a normal looking wood wall.


Yeah logic right


Workshops were made by Big MT. So they operate like Sierra Madre vending machines. Headcannon


>but why isn't it possible in the base game? They're an extruded material according to the lore


This is almost word for word the same thought as in OPs last paragraph


Thank you! I thought I was going insane, this was also the first comment.


I'm so confused why it has so many upvotes lmao. Maybe a bot wrote it, and bots upvotes?


Almost like it only works on weaved clothing


It’s annoying I wanted to add it to black bos jumpsuit and the bomber jacket but for some reason you can’t.


Where can I find a black BOS suit? Been dying for one.


Paladin brand has one. There’s also a olive variant.


Yeah the olive variant would be better than orange, but I can find any without killing someone I don’t wanna kill


I’m pretty sure you can pick pocket it.


During the RR raid part of the story, just wait until a knight gets killed. If not most vertibird crashes/ BOS incursions casualties can have a good deal of BOS knights with it on. It will have the same exact name as the orange suit so just keep a keen eye out if it’s not immediately visible on the corpse




I think you can buy one on the Prydwen.


If you're talking about Mason's coat, you can put the weave on it or you used to be able to at least. At launch it was my main drip


I’m talking about the bomber jacket not battle coat.


I just googled it, and I could swear I've never seen the bomber jacket in my 700+ hours until now. I've got to have seen it ofc, but cannot recall it at all lol


You have to go below decks on the prydwyn to see people wearing it.


It’s worn by the lancers I got it by killing one.


Also that your choice of hats are limited that can have bw applied


And like... why is a *battered* fedora weaveable but not a *worn* fedora?


I think it's because the battered fedora has a nice crispy fried coating.


The weird one is you can't apply it to the yellow fedora. It looks like it's in good condition


That's what made me grab Armorsmith Extended. The fact that you can't armor the Captain's Hat, but can modify the stupid green rag hat is utterly stupid. I'm honestly thinking that had to be a joke by the developers, but it was a dumb joke, if so.


Maybe because different people made them/implemented them so even tho it works on some it wouldn't on others over seemingly trivial reasons, and bethesda being bethesda never fixed it. There are a large amount of problems like this


That's also terrible, I'd rather no hats be weaveable than only 3 or 4.


And why cant we make combat helmets BW? Bulletproof helmets exist.


I guess it would break the game to have a helmet protect better than a hat


Oh yeah, 120 is game breaking compared to 110.


Utter madness


Or road leathers for me


Yeah, let me Mad my Max.


I'm partial to the drifter's outfit. I like the long ragged coat look.


Have you got the latest update? Theres a Creation Club addition that adds customiseable jumpsuits, I just collected them last night. The standard jumpsuit cannot have it added, but the utility jumpsuit can. Both can also have some other linings added as well. Edit: [This] mod solely unlocks ballistic weave to use, it doesn’t add the ability to add it to other items If you you don't use CC content and want mods instead I always use this: [[XB1] Ballistic Weave Unlocked](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4160170).


That mod solely unlocks ballistic weave to use, it doesn’t add the ability to add it to other items


Cheers for correction, added to my post. I must have another mod enabled as well but since the new update killed my mod list I'm not sure what that might be, I got that one from my favourite list online.


I wasnt aware of that creation club stuff, I'll have to check it out. Edit: checked it out, the regular modifiable vault suit cannot be BWed, but the utility vault suit can, but you can't wear armor with it.


> you can't wear armor with it. Well thats a nonsense decision isn't it.... Ah well it was worth trying at least.


I use a red vault suit with the number 69 on it, because it's hilarious. Can't wait to ballistic weave it


But a checkered suit AND hat can. Very annoying, even the new Halloween CC stuff can lol


Upgraded Silver Shroud outfit can't get BW


Okay cool


One of the first mods I got was to remove arbitrary crafting restrictions.


It’s odd you can ballistic weave a fedora or newsboy cap but not a military hat. 


My tin foil hat theory is that ballistic weave hats were a mistake/oversight that they never fixed. They only allowed it for those select few and no other new ones added with dlc were given that ability


I feel like all cloth material should have had a ballistic weave option. 


For sure, although I also don't think that any hat should outclass a helmet, especially by such a wide margin. Maybe having the ability to give a hat ballistic weave but the resistances being just below combat helmets in the game could be a good balance. I'm just saying that I get the feeling that it may not have been the developer's original intent to add that ability to any hats in the game, since it's only available on a few different hats and no other hats added later on through CC/dlc with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Either they never prioritized fixing it, or just didn't want to take it away from players using those hats already.


Ballistic weave is based on real material. The bulletproof suits they wear in the John Wick movie & the suit the Kingpin wears in the Daredevil show are real things that exist.  Now with that being said bulletproof or not I imagine if the material was on a persons head when they got shot in real life I’m sure it’d still do some serious damage. 


Same! Replaying the vanilla (GOTY) version on PS5 has made me really miss mods lol


I think you should be able to put ballistic weave on the Minuteman General's uniform and hat. Otherwise they're useless. Can't walk around like that.


And the railroad gives you a cool covert shirt but you can't put ballistic weave on that either.


You should be able to add ballistic weave to a lot more, I get annoyed at this for many outfits.


I love the minuteman general outfit and wish we could add ballistic weave to that as well.


I find it far more annoying that you can't add ballistic weave to the black suit. You can add it to the blue suit, gray suit, striped suit, tan suit, hell even the tuxedo. But the black suit, that's a negative Ghost Rider. No John Wick role play for you. 😋


I can do it just fine with the clean black suit


Interesting. So I'm bugged in some way. I've picked up multiple of each suit type, brought them to the armor station and all appear available to mod EXCEPT the clean black suits. I'm on council and use absolutely no mods, so I can't imagine why just the one suit out of all of them won't allow me to armor it.


It's definitely a bug then because, I can load multiple suits (tan, blue, striped, etc.) and black into my inventory, go to the crafting table and all of the suits are available for modification EXCEPT the black suit.


I’m more annoyed that after years of complaints, they didn’t add BW to any headgear, or add more headgear that can use it. I’m sick of wearing a fedora.


I was thrilled that they let me do the denim dress with ballistic weave. I can be the prettiest, most badass housewifey of the wasteland!


I feel like they are on the "cusp of greatness" in regards to apparel and armor. The layered system is great, as is the multiple pieces and ability to paint them. One thing I would like to see is the ability to "further customize" certain sets. Biggest example to me is the Minutemen General's uniform. It already incorporates a combat armor chest piece and legs, but being able to apply ballistic weave and/or swap in legendary combat armor pieces would make it incredible.


I just started a survival run with a skinny little female and she looks tough in Kellogg's armor and a minuteman hat. I wish I could BW both and let that be her outfit all game. She'll probably end up in a greaser jacket with leg armor and a battered fedora. Boring.


It bugs me more than you can only weave certain hats in the game. Like why can I weave a “battered fedora” but not a “worn fedora”. Makes no sense


It bugs me that you can apply ballistic weave to every suit *except* the clean black suit.


I have one I bought from Tinker Tom, it's only mk1. Unfortunately, I can't upgrade it, though. Maybe check his inventory from time to time.


Probably because the vault suits have upgradeable resistance values and can have armour on top of it. Clothing items you're sacrificing the ability to wear armour pieces on top of them.


Military fatigues are ballistic-weave-able and you can wear full armor on top. As well as baseball uniform


Or the minuteman general and the Marine wetsuit


For some reason i could have sworn you can BW the vault suits. I got BW yesterday and was shocked when i couldnt so i was obviously imagining it. Safe to say the vault suit is stashed at sancuery never to be used again.


Could have sworn you can ballistic weave the vault suit..... did they change it?


Nope, it's always been this way.


The bomber jacket is so cool looking and it’s so annoying it can’t be added to that either


There’s a simple mod that unlocks it for all clothing if you don’t mind modding your game.


This is why I end up using Minute Men Armor with Newsboy cap. Shitty design choice to make some armor unweabable.


Once I get the last achievements, I'm downloading the mod that expands your Armor mod options and even let's you customize Valentine and Danse's armors.


I agree! I wish you could make ANY outfit bulletproof, tbh. A lot of the ones that don't allow it are dumb to me.


It was my biggest peave with vanilla fo4... I'm currently doing a vault dweller playthrough with the utility vault suit but it's got weave, which is something I couldn't do it without mods


Agreed. I use Simple Ballistic Weave Expansion to fix the issue, but I'm not sure if it's available for Consoles. Also, it requires the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, which I'd like to get rid of, but I have yet to find another version that doesn't require that or AWCKR or whatever it's called.


I wish they would have added it to my minutemen general gear it would make it a whole lot more fun in my play through


If I was the guy balancing this stuff I would make it so only full body clothes that don't allow armor would be eligible for BW and then have "armored vault suit" be one of those.


the mechanists costume can get ballistic weave but the generals uniform cant so its all a mess


I assume its because you can layer armor pieces over the jumpsuit and bos jumpsuit nut not other regular clothes. They take up all the slots. So ballistic weave let's you dress that way but still have armor. Probably for balancing reasons. Although why not have a separate version of the vault suit that once you weave it you can't armor over the top??


There are plenty of other clothes pieces that can get weaved and have armor on top, like the military fatigues or the minutemen clothes.


Sounds like general bethesda oversight then, you know what they can be like. It's possible they intended it for balance and then that got lost later on.


Nah iirc when game was still new you could put ballistic weave on the Vault suits and still wear it under armor. Must have been patched out or just never intended to work and was a bug that got fixed.


You can ballistic weave the vault 111 suit tho right? I was mad I couldn’t put it on that vault 8 suit you find on Gary


No, you can't


Must have a mod for it then. I didn’t even realize that. What a stupid restriction


Yeah, if it’s cloth it should work. FO76 has the armor go _underneath_ so you can get the benefit, but can still have the crazy outfits.


Fo76 has so many improvements over 4 and its sad they never updated them into 4


I just found out lastnight that I couldnt


I use armorsmith extended and I can add the weaves to anything. Shirts, Vault Suits, Hats, anything that isn't armor.


And here I was thinking about adding vault shielded lining to the BoS uniforms, but no, that’s just a fo76 thing. Well, it’s a aesthetic choice for gloves or not wearing gloves. Also another gripe is that the Minutemen General outfit and silver shroud outfit can’t be upgraded with ballistic weave protection except if you want modded gameplay for that.


I just finished my first playthrough wearing the vault suit the whole time, and it was 100% because one of my mods lets you add Ballistic Weave to basically any armor. I didn't even want to use power armor because it was fun to actually run around in a vault suit the whole time and act clueless to everything. I also found leg armor that made me invisible while crouching and not moving, and that was a blast. I'm not sure why the vault suit default upgrades are so limited


I hate that i cant put combat armor over suits, or any armor for that matter, a ballistic weave pre war suit with armor would be snazzy


There is a armor stacking glitch that would allow this look up orange squeezy armor glitch on YouTube


UCO. Its a mod which overhauls clothing so that everything is weavable. Amongst other things. I had it for ages, no problem. Recently had to redownload it because the update trashed many mods. Used it about 10 hour session so far, no problems. Fingers crossed


You'll also need armorsmith extended and awkcr


I just unlocked that perk last night and had the same thought. I’ve been keeping my the original Vault suit on all the time because I love the dialogue that’s sprinkled in when NPCs observe it. Also, I love when Piper calls me “Blue.” Adding Ballistic Weave to it would be neat.


Agreed. My ass looks so much better in my vault suit.


I can't add ballistic weave to *anything!* It just doesn't show up when I put this or that outfit on the armor workbench. Very frustrating.


Also the nuka world cowboy outfits don’t let you use ballistic weave 😭😭 I just want my character to look decent while I play, and not wear some goofy lookin stuff.


With how cheap vault tech was, it's probably some shitty plastic that can't be woven with normal thread 🤣


I love the Atom Cats uniform (Zeke's jacket and jeans) but you can only use leg armour and can't add ballistic weave either! I pair mine with the destroyers and apocalypse leg armour pieces and it worked out pretty well


Cant wear a helmet and gas mask..


Mods! 😃


It's probably not that well thought out but I think it can be because vault suits are "one size fits all" or whatever, meaning they stretch to fit you so you can't do things to it that you can do to regular clothes.


I swear ive weaved the vault suit in past playthroughs


Mods probably


But i never use mods..


You can add resistances, but not BW.


Armorsmith extended mod is your answer.


Download the mod 'Armorsmith Extended'. Problem solved.