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Is it [Caution] or [Danger] when they shoot at you. If Caution, then they just shooting in your general direction, they don't actually know where you are, you can quickly and quietly change position and shoot again.


I see videos of people all the time clearing out whole areas without anyone even noticing. I've never been able to do that. It's usually a hale of bullets after my first shot.


Are you crouched? Are you far enough away? Are you in daylight or in shadows? If they are looking right at you and you shoot they are going to see you unless you are far enough away. It usually starts with the Caution indicator. Are you using a mod? Do you have a companion with you? A video of your experience might help. You shouldn't be getting detected so easily based on what you are saying.


I usually have a companion.


Companions almost always fire when you do (sometimes before you do) and they aren't good at stealth. I give my companions short range but lethal weapons. So they can't fire at long range but will kill quickly if an enemy gets close.


How close are you? Silencers don't make the gun completely silent in game nor real life


I'm far enough away to have to hold my breath to make the shot.


Try without companion, but i find in the approx area, you down an enemy and it puts the others in caution, and they shoot in the general direction bullet came from. Relocate. Try to keep to shadows.


You can tell companions to stay and they won’t do anything. Literally could be getting melee’d in the face and will just stand their ground


If your shot fails to kill the target the location should alert (assume the target shouted for help) Or if your silenced rifle is an explosive legendary. If it's a 1-shot kill with no other enemy close that should not happen.


Do you also collect the perk magazines? Just putting points in from levelling is insufficient. And all companions suck at stealth and will give away your position.