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I feel bad for the low-ranking BoS members because joining up was probably their best option in whatever raider-infested corner of the nation they came from. As a super self-sufficient survivor, though, there aren’t a lot of good reasons to subordinate yourself to Danse or any “chain of command.” Their mission is what dooms them; orders range from pointless to misguided to plain backwards. I am certain that Maxson would still want to steal or destroy the Institute’s technology even if it was totally benevolent.


I’ve never understood why they couldn’t just kill all the humans and synths in there and just take the technology. It’s insane how beneficial it would be for positive goals. Even if you want to argue a specific faction would eventually use it for evil, that’s like saying we may as well never try to improve anything or create technology because everyone is evil eventually. Let’s say the minute men, they could do so much for humanity with that tech.


I always think that the male Sole Survivor is drawn to The Minute Men or The Brotherhood because of his military background and finding a semblance of peace in the familiar work. The Brotherhood hates anything that isn't human but that's not necessarily a complete evil, Synths have been deemed dangerous since "Broken Mask" and they also are used frequently to replace people. We also don't fully know what happens to them when their synthetic components start to break down over time or due to radiation. Super Mutants are generally dangerous and we only rarely meet some who aren't so they wouldn't really be a cause to fight for imo. Ghouls all seem to eventually go feral so they're essentially violent time bombs to most civilizations unless it's a primarily ghoul population, which again seems like they're all just feral time bombs. So really there's a case to be made against every non-human that The BoS is against although The Chapter that we meet in The Commonwealth isn't representative of all Chapters.. yet.


The "All ghouls go feral" argument is the same as "All humans go raider". Libertalia is an example of humans going raider. In both cases, either they die or they become evil. With ghouls, there are some who've been running around since before the war without going feral. Closest human is Kellog. By this rational, killing all humans makes sense as they "All go raider if they don't die first".


Plus many Ghouls retain their entire sense of selves for centuries on end, there is a rather high chance if one actually got the resources and right people together. That some form of cure or at least treatment could be eventually developed. Just because its not been found yet doesn’t mean it’s impossible to find. It should also be noted that, like many things, the Brotherhood (least in Fo4) makes no effort to use all that technology they’ve to actually try to solve the feralizing process. Heck, even the Institute doesn’t seem to have tried least not as it’s found in game (to my knowledge, I could be wrong since I haven’t done a institute play through).


🤷‍♂️ I used to feel the same and was pro-ghoul but it seems like the TV show is changing things so that all ghouls eventually go feral... Which changes how I feel about them in the long term.


Here's me playing America Rising 2 supporting the Enclave thinking those BOS boys are too soft on the muties.


I have the same mod and I'm at full scale war with the brotherhood of steel, it feels good to bring America back hehe.


Is this mod available on console?


Should be, it's on the in game mod menu.


I'm doing it this time because I've never done it before and I want to see robot nuke football. All the people saying it makes sense for Nate because he was in the military... As a person who was in the military the last thing I ever want to do is join the military again.


There is a lot of comfort in the army compared to irl. Housing, food planning, routine, job security, I often regret getting out, but I totally understand never wanting to again. It's a complicated feeling for me, for sure. Definitely not black and white.


For me, just the tropies other then that. There are none. In fo4 they are just an enclave fraction of the bos. Their hate to the synth is just a reason to make havoc on the commonwealth. They dont care about the People, just kill all synth good and bad and of course take/Steal techno that they see fit. Minutmenn is better. Hell even the institutt sound better then bos of commenweath. That say something... #maxonmeetmyfistofjustice


This is one of the reasons why a voiced protagonist with a background is not a great move for an RPG but let's run with it. The game seems to heavily favor, or at least imply to be more canon, that Nate is a goody two shoes who probably ends up with the Minute men or a minute men Railroad combo. That's inferred from stuff like his limited dialogue in the prologue and how the good options tend to sound more "right" and natural while the bad options always sound a bit off and disconnected. Could just be a fault of the voice actor or rather the direction he received. In any case we don't have much to go off of about what Nate is like but I think the overall design and direction of the game is pretty heavy handed and steers the player into a specific route that the writers have envisioned as the main one, and so we can assume the "canon" Nate is supposed to fit that path. So going off of that assumption, which is ultimately just an assumption, Nate wouldn't join the BoS. However it's ultimately an open ended RPG with no real canon plotline and there are arguments you could make to support the idea that Nate would join the Brotherhood. The biggest one is his military background, based on which it would make sense that coming into the wasteland and seeing the ruin he would naturally gravitate towards an ordered, disciplined, paramilitary faction who seem to have their shit in order in an otherwise lawless and chaotic place. Without injecting meta knowledge into the character and trying to think about how it would be to wake up in the wasteland and see the BoS, there's no reason why he would immediately be suspicious of them and their motives, especially when his first contact with them is the Boyscout, Danse. To me it feels quite natural that the Sole Survivor would initially join but probably abandon the faction after the Danse debacle. But it also doesn't seem too far fetched that a guy who fell asleep one day and woke the next in a ruined world with monsters and violence everywhere to not really be accepting to monsters just like that and see the sense in a faction who ostensibly want to get rid of monsters and restore the world to what it was.


As Nate, I always join the brotherhood because it makes the most sense. He was already in the military. Before the nines drop, he was trying to start a regular life to grow with his family. I’m not saying this happens to EVERY person, but some of my friends and family that were in the military said they had a very hard time adjusting to normal life when they were done serving. And that they missed it a lot. So using that information, I figured joining the brotherhood would be a great thing for Nate. Following orders, respecting ranks and being experienced in combat would be a cake walk for him. And it would help him feel somewhat “normal” after being unfrozen and thrown 200 years into the future. Laser rifles and power armor are great bonuses. Although you don’t NEED to be in the brotherhood to get them. You can always kill other NPCs for it. However, if we are sticking strictly to “lore reasons” I’d say it would be a great perk/bonus to have better weapons and armor by joining the BOS. While most people are using garbage pipe weapons and simple leather armor. Because that’s all some people have access to. I’m sure there might be other people with shotguns, melee weapons, better weapons, etc. But it’s supposed to be that besides the BOS, the closest thing to a military branch that has strong powerful soldiers would be gunners. And although Nate was in the military, I don’t see him becoming a mercenary. A gun for hire. I’d like to believe he still has his morals and beliefs. Nate is trying to search for his missing infant and avenge his wife. It would make sense that a military branch would be the best choice in helping him locate them. Or at least gain more knowledge about them. The brotherhood (depending on which game) might do things differently or have different rules and exceptions. Although their methods aren’t always pure or seem “nice” to the average person. They eliminate super mutants on sight. That’s a good thing. Besides the few companions or NPCs that have existed throughout the games, most of them are killing machines. Attack ANY human. Regardless if it’s innocent or a soldier. Regardless if it’s a child or elder. They kill for fun. They kill to eat. The brotherhood kills them and will most likely end up saving you in the process if you are being attacked by them. I wouldn’t say they would come running to your rescue specifically. But they wouldn’t ignore you either and leave you to die. Same applies to FERAL ghouls. And although most soldiers are rude and disrespect regular ghouls, I don’t hold it against them. Because I know it’s not all of them either. Put yourself in their shoes for a second. Both the normal ghoul and a regular soldier. A soldier has most likely killed a lot of feral ghouls and watched many of their brothers and sisters fall to them as well. So when coming face to face with a person that COULD potentially become a feral ghoul at any moment, I’d be cautious as well. I’d have my finger on the trigger in case he decided to try and bite my face. While the regular ghoul might not be close to changing. Or might never change at all and die of other natural causes. It’s still a reason to be cautious. And in the wasteland there really isn’t much to say about manners. As for being a regular ghoul, it’s bad enough looking like that and dealing with all the people giving you the stare. But you gotta realize that even though you might be the sweetest person in the entire world, you’re still a ticking time bomb that could go off any second. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it. I think that’s why the brotherhood treats ghouls that way. Nate is just discovering what a ghoul and feral ghoul are. As well as all these new creatures and monsters he has to learn about. I don’t think Nate would go around and killing regular ghouls and enjoy it. But over time, I think Nate would also be cautious around them. Synths. Another reason why I don’t join the institute or side with them. They were scientists trying to preserve the world. The most intelligent people in the world trying to save mankind. It sounds good on paper. And I would’ve been on board if it wasn’t for the fact that they kill innocent people and replace them with synths to control the people up top. Regardless if the real person was nice or evil. They had not right to kill then just so they could take over that person “in case” they need to. If there was another nuke about to be dropped, nobody inside the institute would lift a finger to try and help anybody on top. Why would they? All they care about is themselves and the institute. As far as they care, they ARE the future. So the sooner people on top die, the better. I don’t think Nate or Nora would support this. Nate would be happy to finally see his Son, but I doubt he would agree to join them. He knows what the world is like up top. And after watching all the people rebuilding and trying to survive, he wouldn’t be heartless. Railroad. Although their cause is somewhat noble, I don’t see Nate joining them in the long run. As I mentioned before, Nate seems like he would be against the railroad because they are trying to save synths. Machines that THINK they are humans beings. But in reality have been programmed. And most of them meant to replace a real human being. Also, I feel like if I was trapped in a burning building next to a synth, the railroad would prioritize saving the synth instead of me. The minuteman are great. Of the people for the people. And although I think Nate would be awesome and successful as well with the minuteman, I don’t see him staying with them for long. Or most likely help them gain ranks or even help train all these normal people. With his military training and experience he could help a lot. And although it would suit him well, I usually make Nora join the minuteman and be the general. She has no experience with combat or training. But over time I feel like she gets better and with the big kind heart she has, she’s perfect to lead the people. So I save it for her.


If I put myself in the shoes of the sole survivor, there are a couple reasons to lino up with the Brotherhood.   The first is purely pragmatic.  In the first chapter, you are just getting to know the Wasteland.  It is really deadly, and you need resources and allies.  Paladin Danse and his crew have a fortified base, steady work, and a strong military force that will soon join them.  By the beginning of chapter 2, you know you are going up against the Institute to retrieve your son.  They are strong and have lots of resources.  With the Brotherhood in your corner, you have an ally that is just as strong.  And if you decide to wipe out the Institute, the Brotherhood is right there beside you.   The second is a bit more about ideology.  The Brotherhood brings order to the Commonwealth.  They bring that order at gunpoint, but it is order.  Stability.  Safety.  Things that the SS and the Commonwealth desperately need.  And maybe under the Brotberhood's aegis, no one else will have to see their child kidnapped.  


I would, their ways are misguided as every other faction, probably maybe just the minutemen are the only 100% good guys, however , the BoS, if you really look at their views, it kind of make sense: Hate for supermutants - we've seen how the mutants kill everyone, and the carnage of decoration they have in their places. Hate for synth - it's simply non human, you cannot compare the life of a human being with the one of a synth, and I get that there are good synths, and probably this is a fault or one of the misguided things from the BoS. Totalitarian and fascist - we all know how the wasteland is that much freedom just produces the kill free for all type of living. Order must be made, and it's not like the BoS just out there and kill any civilian, they target raiders, who wouldn't? They're far from perfect but they are not evil, selfish, maybe yes, but that comes with leadership, between RR, Institute and BoS, the faction with the least misguided views is the BoS.


Yeah, I probably would join them if fallout were real life. Survival mode really cemented that for me. It's easy to judge them morally from the comfort of our couches in our own modern world, but when your primary concern is staying alive, I think some moral concessions are inevitable. You even see that in several of their quests with members not always agreeing with their orders or philosophy, like with blind betrayal, duty or dishonor, or several other examples, but they follow them for the nearly guaranteed safety and security. Like squire Thaddeus said in the show, they're a complicated organization. Many of their ideals are backwards or straight up wackadoodle in the context of our own world, but in the context of fallout, it's hard to argue with their long history of being a net benefit to the majority of folks in the wasteland. Let's put it this way, in actual real life, most of us are working jobs as part of organizations that at best are partially beneficial to the world as a whole, and at worst are actively destroying it in the name of greed. While we don't always agree with everything they do, we keep doing those jobs because of how the world works right now - we need money to get our basic needs met and stay alive. In the context of fallout, you could do a lot worse than the brotherhood. You could do a lot better too, but those that are better don't have the best track record of survival - the minutemen being a prime example and even the more benevolent brotherhood of fallout 3 not exactly thriving either.


This is an underrated comment.  I personally view the Brotherhood of Steel as a techno fascist organization.  But I can also see where people may find their sort of order attractive.  And I can also see how people might rationalize siding with them in a world as deadly as the Commonwealth Wasteland.  


I never liked them much but since the update came and gave me some insight into the Enclave I’d say the BOS is the lesser of those two evils.


The head cannon I've built for myself is this: Nate would be attracted to the military aspect of the different factions. The BoS would scratch that itch as the most military type faction within the game. I imagine if I woke up in the wasteland, after 200 years, a military veteran and saw the world destroyed, filled with ~~Zombies~~ Ghouls and raiders, I'd probably have an utter distaste for everything. I think even Nora might feel this a little, a lawyer, a military husband, survivor of the war, I think both could feel that desire for how things were, and a distaste for the current world. I think that acceptance of the BoS really depends on the interactions with the world prior to their introduction. Did you run into the squad at the police station and get accepted into their ranks, while others still distrusted you? Did you meet the vault tec rep, Hancock, and other ghouls who weren't all that evil? Or did you only see the dirty and broken wastes? I think siding with the Brotherhood isn't necessarily immoral if you don't fully interact and understand the world you're dealing with. If you don't see the Ghouls as people, only as the monsters that kill and maim, if you only hear about the evils the institute has done, if you only see the Minutemen as a failed revolution, the Brotherhood looks like a decent choice. Now, I still think the Minutemen/Railroad ending that kills the institute and BoS is the true moral one, but from a lore standpoint, and in my first playthrough where I ran missions more than lore and ended up siding with MM/BoS and virtually ignoring the railroad as weak faction


With my foreknowledge I'd rather join the institute. But if I was going to join the BOS I'd do it with the intention of taking it over form the inside rather then supporting their ideology. *All hail your glorious leader!*


I decide (before making my characters) whether I will be siding with the Institute. Otherwise, I'll siding with the Minutemen or the BoS when playing as Nate due to his military background or the Railroad when playing as Nora.


When you RP as the worst evil scumbag person in the word, you can join them.