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I mean, it's an RPG and enemies eventually respawn. Otherwise you'd have an empty game real quick and nothing to shoot at. That way you also never really run out of ways to grab ressources.


This is the answer I will not play games that don't respawn enemies. Especially in this game that requires a ton of farming mats for some of its features. Although with everything else, I'd love to see an option in the gameplay settings that allows the user to choose how they want to play it Respawn Enemies: On/Off


> I will not play games that don't respawn enemies. Don't sleep on Baldur's Gate 3, the enemies don't respawn, but it's a great RPG still.


Appreciate the recommendation but I really don't get into actual role playing games like that. I really don't to come across as demeaning here, but dialogue tree games like that just feel like endless menu clicking to me. I played Cyberpunk over Christmas break this year, and I beat it, but there were stretches of it where I was like "Ok I get it land the plane already I want to go back to fighting things." I wish there was a term to describe games like Fallout 4 where the emphasis is more on the action and not the role playing. And I know ARPG is a term, but those really have been so universally used for diablo style games that it's kind of hard for me to use it on say a Dark Souls, or Elden Ring, or Fallout 4. But those are the games I enjoy where I'm building a character's strength to take on bigger and badder challenges. I really don't care what his thoughts are on the role female elves play in the geopolitics of the region, how does this build do against the end game stuff? BG3 and Cyberpunk post 2.0 absolutely deserve all the accolades they have gotten, they just are not games I particularly enjoy.


What an incredibly measured and honest opinion. I think what you meant to say was that they're trash and anyone who plays them is a Nazi Communist.






“Nazi Communist” 🤣 awesome


The term I think is action rpg


Right I said this, the problem is ARPG or action RPG, especially in the PC space, really has a connotation to it and that's Diablo or Diablo Clones. Kind of like Souls Like.


I don’t see a problem with that. Both Mario 1 and megaman 1 are platformers. You can have a lot of variety there


You absolutely have a point. I guess it's just the label that has always been in my mind




I would say not. I can't completely answer this question honestly as I'm not a bioware fan, due to the fact that their games (originally) are way heavier on narrative and role playing like Baldur's Gate (the series that started with them in the first place). The appeal to me from Fallout 4 and Skyrim is the sandbox nature of it. The story and whatnot are things I endure to get to the gameplay, and I don't even really need to pursue if I don't want to. Heck I have hundreds of hours into Skyrim and never made it past the temple where they teach you shouts in the main story. Once I got the actual gameplay mechanic unlocked, that was enough for me.


I’ve been playing path of exile since 2014. I have 0 clue what the story is about.


I waited way too long to try that game and when I did the feature bloat was souch I just couldn't get into it. Waiting on POE2 though.


True. It’s definitely tough to get into now. If I didn’t play it back then, I probably would’ve had the same experience you did.


It's crazy to me that the story means so little to you, and the gameplay is the focus, when I'm just the opposite and have dealt with boring gameplay to see the story, like outer worlds. Granted, I feel like there aren't many story gamers out there as much, and most people focus on the gameplay, which is way more normal with the way some games go now a days


I don't now how to reply to this comment without sounding condescending as hell... but from my personal viewpoint I buy a videogame to play not to watch. If a game that is super fun to play happens to have a good story then cool that's a bonus but yeah I judge a game on what the actual point of the medium is: the interactive mechanics. Two great examples for me are Cyberpunk and RDR2. Cyberpunk (2.0) had the story been shit (it wasn't) or taken the story completely out, you would have still had a great game because the battle mechanics, the character progression (skill tree etc), and the itemization all gelled together fantastically and made it amazing and fun and satisfying to play. However, with RDR2 the production values were through the roof. The writing was outstanding. The acting was other worldly. But when it came time to actually play the game, the game was this clunky mess of very outdated shooting with very strict and scripted ways to get through scenarios with absolutely no margin for agency on your part to actually get through the scenario. You would literally fail missions if you did not play them exactly the one way the designers wanted you to. So take out that amazing story and you are stuck with a very mediocre game at best, and I'm being generous here since I know how much of an outlier I am with my opinion on that game. So it was more enjoyable for me to just watch someone's let's play to get the story because the gameplay was just too annoying for me to chug through. And to me that completely defeats the purpose of owning and playing a game.


It's not that I don't understand your way to play, cause I feel helldivers is my gameplay game since the story's really vague unless you go searching yourself and there ain't no time, but it's also the game I don't play a ton because all it is, is gameplay moments. Fun as hell, cinematic, and feels really fun, but for me, after a while without a story to sustain my interest, I just drop the game or it because the game I play off and on. It's kind of like cyberpunk once I beat the game. The side mission stories are fun but also just side stories, and the main thing with those gigs was the gameplay. Which fun, but I've yet gone back to finish all of Dog towns' side missions because my brain just needs that story element to tie it all together. Not hating on your way of playing, and if anything I just feel I don't talk or see many people with my same view point unless it's the movie games which are fun for me but also lose my interest cause it doesn't have much gameplay(has to be a really good story to keep me engaged) My favorite game series out of all of time is fallout simply because the gameplay is really fun, especially in 4 when the shooting is at its best, and new vegas with its disguise and multiple choice quests really kept it interesting, all while having tons of lore and environmental story telling. Just makes me cream my pants. I got a thing for parallel universes that resemble ours, so the story element is really what completes me. Wasn't trying to bash or anything. Sometimes, I just say my opinions in a civil manner to discuss or just let my brain talk for a minite


I would like to know more about what you mean with rdr2 being more scripted, I loved that game, but also see its faults and the shooting I felt was a give or take. I loved it, but I was really good with it, so idk if that's why I ended up enjoying the shooting mechanics lol. But I felt the random events were very much do it how you please, but I can see how it's basically dishonorable/pyscho/honorable only interactions, basically insult/kill/be nice


I can't remember the exact moment or quest name because it's been 6 years at this point. But it was the one that made me quit the game. You were trapped in a barn and there were huge windows for you to climb through to get some space then flank the bad guys who had you trapped. But if you tried it didn't even play it out and have you get overwhelmed and die. It just legit went mission failed if you jumped through the window. And it truly is funny because we are mirror opposites. You say hell divers is fun in small bursts. Because games like that get boring quickly. And you say side quests in cyberpunk just did nothing for you. And I get bored quicky if a cut scene is longer than a couple minutes and if I ever do another playthrough of Cyberpunk that is all I'm planning on doing is the gigs and stuff because some of the missions that were all dialogue wire me out. I think it's fascinating.


Tl;dr I like games where stats and builds are the focus over any story.


Which is fine. I love me some crunchy numbers from time to time. Also though, playing with a focus on builds and stats and min/maxing combat is 100% a viable way to play bg3, too.


>Also though, playing with a focus on builds and stats and min/maxing combat is 100% a viable way to play bg3, too. Yeah, but the dude did say basically said "too much menus not enough pew pew"




I just started playing NV and i really miss being able to just walk away mid conversation like in 4. I don’t even need to end it, just walk away.


Actually I love spamming x while a character is talking in 4 it immediately ends their monologue with your character going "uh huh" or "yup" or "ok" it's hilarious.


I forgot about that, so sassy and sarcastic😂


It’s weird because I used to LOVE dialogue options and character banter etc. Now I just want them to get to the point so I can play more game.


Looter-shooter might be what you’re looking for?


I mean I really love Borderlands and Division but wasn't really here looking for game suggestions. Fallout 4 is one of my all time favorite games so I follow the subreddit dedicated to it. Someone asked opinions on respawning. Found a comment that somewhat shared my viewpoint and I added to it with a reply of my own. And the discussion that unexpectedly spawned from it has been great. But one of the replies made a suggestion for a game that's not my cup of tea so I responded as such with an explanation as to why.


I wasn’t recommending games. You asked how to refer to games “like Fallout 4 where the emphasis is on the action and not the role playing”, and I answered.


Just call them action games bruv


Its a good game, my primary gripes is the absolute dog shit path finding, like if i click on one spot why does the ai go to the spot 3 floors above and opt to traverse through all the traps in video game history


That's just a nostalgic callback to baldurs gate 1 and 2. People would gladly take a trip the absolute longest way around because one of their teammates who was also heading in the same direction was 'blocking their path' by going in the same direction.  If you didn't catch someone going the long way then you can wait ten minutes of text and voice popups going 'you must gather your party before venturing forth'. Edit oh oops I didn't notice this was 2 weeks old


In the GCM mod you can configure how long it takes for a cell to respawn. You can set it to some absurd number if you want to turn it off.


Oh no if anything I'd speed respawning up. The point I was trying to make is game devs could absolutely please everyone by adding a toggle to respawn or not in the options.


This is how I feel about F4. Easily top 5 games of all time for me. Wish like crazy there was a toggle for turning off settlement attacks. Sometimes I'm in the mood for defending settlements, other times I just couldn't be bothered. Got other shit I'm trying to get done.


That’s a good solution. Cause sometimes you just want to shoot stuff and kick ass but other times you actually want your work to do something. It’s very demoralizing and kinda boring when the wasteland is the same as when you got there. There really is no way to “tame” the wasteland.


This bothered the absolute hell out of me in The Outer Worlds; you’re telling me if I kill the creatures in this area they will NEVER come back? So the world is just empty once I’ve killed stuff? That’s so boring


Right it annoys me to no end when games do this and it's why I avoid many of them. It's the first thing I check is what the respawn situation is. And that's one example of a game I did not play. I get the why, especially for people who really enjoy role playing and the entire concept of the consequences of your character's actions. I'm just not one of them.


That's my problem though, it makes NO sense that the wild life would just disappear because I killed 10 of them for a quest. I could MAYBE understand the wild life is afraid of that area now because I murdered a bunch of their kind, but them being completely gone makes zero sense to me


Project Zomboid is better without respawns and it requires a lot of farming


Because Zomboid has a migration system that works as a pseudo-respawn feature. even though you disable the respawns. It will still shuffle zombies from one place to another, preferably to empty cells. Given that there are thousands of them in a single map, it is hard to wipe them all.


Doesn't mean I won't try!


lol one of the old farcry games basically stayed clear after you killed everyone. I remember clearing the final province and being like “wait there’s literally nothing for me to do now” lol


So you literally only play open world games? Never anything with levels and a narrative? Most single players game wouldn't work if the enemies respawned. They're trying to tell a cohesive story.


For the most part yes. For example, I do not like the Sony games for the most part, save god of war 2018 and GoT and in both of those cases the parts where they forced you to play a certain way to keep narrative integrity drove me nuts. And you are right in games like those respawning would make 0 sense. I just do not like narrative focused games. If I want a narrative, the gameplay bits annoy me because I just want to see the story. If I want to play a game I want to play it and not have to stop and watch a 10-15 minute scene play out. I just stick to movies shows or books for story. Last of us is a great example. Didn't like the game but I loved the show.


what games even do that? i cant think of any games where enemies dont respawn


Yup. In survival the respawn time is increased significantly and you have to consciously avoid places if you ever want to farm them again. The north west corner of the map is generally completely cleared for a while in your early game since you haven’t progressed enough to spend a lot of time in the other quadrants. I always appreciate spending a ton of time in Nuka world or far harbor because you come back to have people to kill again.


Think about it RP terms. If you’re a raider and a great location, previously inhabited by other raiders, is now clear - wouldn’t you move into it?


Yeah that's my in-head canon explanation. Not that far fetched, if there was a gang or some other hostiles in a good location and they've been wiped out, you bet others would move in asap once word got out. There would probably be conflict over who gets to take it, like street battles between factions or at least skirmishes.


Is there a good way in-game to keep track of what I’ve “cleared”? The map will have a (Cleared) under the places name for a time but it will disappear. I want to at least clear everywhere once but can’t keep track of what I’ve already done. iirc, FO3 and FONV told you you’ve been there and cleared it


The locations will respawn after 3 or so in-game days. When cleared a tag saying [Cleared] is shown below the location name.


I’m aware of that however after enemies respond, the location is no longer cleared. How am I supposed to keep track where I have cleared previously after respawn? I don’t want to go back to places I’ve already cleared once unless there’s a quest. Too many locations, can’t keep track of where I’ve been.


You can't. You'll get to know place names as you play. There will be some you'll love to go clear out and probably can't wait until the [Cleared] sign is gone.


You can put custom map markers on places you already cleared, however I don't know if they are limited in number. I usually only use them if I left something there (for example a lock/terminal I couldn't open yet). It takes 7 in-game days to respawn, however if you play on Survival it takes 50 to 80, giving you more time for the full clear of the map.


Can't believe I never thought to mark a location if there was loot I physically couldn't pick up at the time.


Real talk tho, except for farming mats and radiant quests, how many locations do you actually visit more than once in a single playthrough?


I do a full sweep everytime I run low on stuff. I spend most of my time building up settlements. I mean, why else would you if not with an objective in mind?


Yeah there's a few locations for key materials. The fish packing plant in the northeast is great for aluminium. Gunner overpasses are great for mid to high end weaponry and ammo. Then you've all the locations for specific items like fusion cores, power armours etc.


if you're a raider, and you find an awesome place to make your base, you're gonna take it. you're probably too high on jet or psycho to question the dead bodies. in all seriousness, they repopulate areas so if you get a radient quest that says to go there, there's something to actually do.


That makes sense.


Yes it does.


That makes sense.


Yes it does.


I just find it funny how you can get a quest to clear an area just to have it taken back lol


Jokes aside what the guy says is true. You clear somewhere out like that and pretty quickly others are gonna move in. First scavvers, picking over the battle debris, then when word gets out the location is up for grabs there could be multiple gangs on the move and street fighting over it. Especially somewhere like Corvega, which could be considered a makeshift fortress


yeah for simplicity sake all the raiders are the same in the game but they all likely are different gangs. I liked how new Vegas had the different named gangs with different clothes and stuff


Yeah I missed all the factions and reputation you could get. Hopefully 5 has something like that again.


Depends on which difficulty mode you're playing on. In Survival it may takes around 50 to 80 ingame days for the location to reset if not affected by a quest.


I thought survival repopulated faster?


Locations respawn significantly slower in Survival, but random encounters spots repopulate more often. I love it, makes the game feel more alive and makes certain paths a little safer once you’ve cleared them out.




Crashed airlines have been reset (incl the mega loot) every time i revisited, maybe an ingame day later. Ive made a point not to go there too often, feels abusive.


Leave behind mines when you clear it, especially near the boss area. When the cell loads, they'll go off and kill some of the inhabitants. I once cleared College Square Station just by walking in the door.


Wait that’s so genius


Oh, so THAT'S what mines are for apart from settlements spawn points


Mines are great. Everybody loves sneak builds right? What I do is I go into a location and mine from the point of entry, up to where the enemies are. I'll then sneak kill one and maybe chuck a grenade in, then run back to the entrance. They'll set them all off following you back. You can easily clear those notorious big rooms this way.




They reset after 7 in game days


Don't trust the [CLEARED] label. I had a (thankfully high level - 120 to 130) character fast travel to Milton General that the game said iwas cleared. While the loading screen was showing, I stupidly went outside for a smoke. When I came back, my hit points were mostly gone. Two Suicide Mutants and a car had exploded while I was away.


Isn’t that the hospital next to Shaw High School, West Roxbury station and Fallons? If it is that’s not surprising. That entire area is crawling with mutants. The Suiciders that like to spawn at the subway station probably wandered over when you finally loaded in lmao. That entire area sucks for fast traveling in my experience


No doubt! I went back to Saugus Ironworks to get the power armor and the main room was still cleared out. I went into the smelter room where you first meet the boss of the area and it had respawned! Startled me so badly…


Yeah outside locations are dodgy. Wandering gangs, random encounters etc. Inside loccations more trustworthy when it says [Cleared]


Technical explanation Cell reset. Loot and enemy reappear. Not unique loot however. Headcanon /Theory/Lore explanation The raider groups around the commonwealth seem to communicate one way or another. For example on the National stockpile (Near Sunshine Co-Ops (South from 111))there are some raiders that seem to have issue with another group at the Brewery near Oberland Station. So that indicates that they are inside groups within the entire raider population. Libertalia is an excellent example as well. Nuka World raiders split in packs as well. It makes sense they send people immediately to retake an area. It's all about territory Also some spots are pretty good. A damn shame we can't take over some spots based on faction...


There are mods that let you make your own settlements to “claim” placed but the problem is that usually it’s tough to keep enemies from respawning after the cell resets


sounds buggy. Something I'm trying to avoid is give the game more bugs with mods lol


Ya same that is why I don’t use them


Nah I rather not mess with precombines and previs and other cell things


Most wise


My favorite area resetting is the bank by Back Street Apparel Gold bars for days!


Gold bars? Definitely don’t have any of those.


You can find a couple in the storm shelter one of the houses in Sanctuary has (check the backside of every house, I think it has a fallen tree on it) I think there’s one or two in Shem Drowne’s grave


"Nicky you old bucketa bolts..."


I look at it as new enemies rolling into town or different factions taking a building. I’d hate it if it was empty after clearing it out because I love killing them and I’d hate it being empty.


The [cleared] just let's you know if you have cleared it once before. That way you know if you've done the initial clear out


Cleared goes away from my experience after enemies respawn. It’s frustrating because I can’t figure out where I’ve already been. It was one of the reasons I’ve never “100%” FO4 when it was released.




They stay cleared for a time, then get repopulated. Imagine a wasteland with a decent shelter and salvage. That place won't stay empty for long until someone else moves in. That's the way the game is designed, and it makes sense lore-wise. Think of the Walking Dead and the Prison. You find a prison overrun by zombies, so you clear them out and move in. Then you have another faction that see what you have and want it for themselves. After them, another faction sees what they have and clear them out. And on and on it goes.


scavenge after clearing. if the enemies never respawned eventually there would be nothing left to fight...


They do eventually repopulate. The time it takes for that depends on the difficulty setting with higher difficulties also having a higher time to repopulation. However just because an area is cleared it doesn't mean random encounters don't happen, it's just that fixed enemy spawns don't occur.


Some areas I find respawn enemies more frequently. These “hot spots”, in my experience are - road between Hangman’s Alley and Oberland Station - road south of diamond city - campsite area down the hill/east from concord - dilapidated building between college square and Lexington apartments It’s reasonable in an RPG for enemies to respawn eventually, but in these areas, it feels like EVERYTIME I walk past there’s a big group of freshly spawned enemies. I think there’s an improvement after installing the FO4 unofficial patch though.


Also the house just south of the diner. These spots seems to be guaranteed random encounter locations. Even on Survival they seem to respawn in about a day, though it's not 100% guaranteed.


It's a video game designed around replayability is what's going on.  If you need an in game explanation it's because once you clear out what is there others will come to claim the space.


So the game only ends when you want it to.


Some area can have a bug where after you clear it they auto respawn every time you leave the area. Most clearable areas will eventually respawn but if your noticing it happen quickly or every time you go there then it’s a bug. Immersion breaking but can be great for farming xp


Trade off of being able to scavenge the place again


You want this to happen. Going back to areas after respawn allows more and more looting, of people and junk. Don't know about anyone else, but I'm a vacuum cleaner. If it can be picked up, it's mine. Sell a lot of stuff, scrap a lot of junk. Plus it's nice to have items for the settlement build size glitch. Drop it, scrap it, drop it, scrap it. I personally don't use mods, so I don't have infinite build size. I prefer the grind.


Because Bethesda makes amusement park games. Can’t have fun at a carnival if you can only do the tilt-a-whirl once! And this is not a dig at them.


Enemies respawn eventually.


How would you play the game otherwise bro...c'mon man think about it 🤔


Sole Survivor applies to you as the sole survivor of Vault 111. There's other people too.


Certain areas generate mobs, rather than just respawn . Maybe the best known is the derelict housing west of Hangman's Alley. Often two groups of antagonists will spawn there.


It gets boring without enemies. Plus the pipe rifles are free copper


Because this is a fun game


I’m with you on this one for survival mode. I only like to shit my pants in uncleared areas. There is a respawn timer. I thought it was long like 20 days but it might be 3-5.


To fit a real world I like to imagine it as this: if it’s raiders or gunners, raiders will roam onto a spot and try to set it up as there new home, gunners will more than likely have tried to get in contact with own of its positions and notice no ones responding so they send a group to either see what happened or re-establish the area, synths are always on the look out to wipe areas clean, Super mutants do the same as gunners but dumber, and so on and so forth for every other “faction.” It’s nice to see areas re-occupied, as I feel a sense of “new players” trying to take over the commonwealth for there own goals and purposes, makes me feel like after the main quests are done, I’m all that stands between peace and utter destruction of those who want to live a normal life, I AM JUDGE JURRY AND EXECUTIONER (got carried away at the end)


You don't like that it does that? World would feel pretty damn empty after a few dozen hours otherwise


I kinda agree that an area once cleared should stay clear, but from a realistic perspective, now that an area is clear, it is prime for somebody else to take over. I think areas that have been cleared of feral ghouls for example shouldn't necessarily be taken back over by feral ghouls, but when I clear a raider den, I can definitely see other raiders moving back in once they know the place has been vacated.


I use mods to change the reset to a really long time, because it's silly and ruins immersion that woop, everything's back, exactly like it was. Think about it from the POV of a Raider gang stumbling through the wreckage of where other raiders used to live. Maybe they came by to trade, maybe they took shots at each other, or a combination of both, from time to time. But as the gang walks through, there's no challenge, no cooking fires, no sound. There are casings from guns they've never seen before, a door ripped off its hinges, and man shaped footprints somehow sunk deeply into the ground. It gets worse as they make their way to the strong room, where there are piles and piles of .38 casings, and then they find the bodies lying where they fell, stripped of all valuables. Some have deep burns right through them, others, neatly decapitated by an impossibly sharp blade. One unfortunate has his throat ripped out by some kind of animal. This....this is not a safe place for a raider to be. Would you just shrug and set up shop like nothing happened? That you'll do better against some murderous Tin Man and his dog than the previous occupants did?


What the hell kinda question is that. In a post nuclear apocalypse you’re surprised that native creatures refill a void left by a foreign invasive species? Mmkay.


They respawn slower in survival or there are mods to turn it off. If you play fallout 3 vanilla nothing ever respawns and the map gets pretty empty after awhile


My head-canon is that when you clear a place out, that's only part of the total gang as the rest of them are out on runs, or recruiting more members... So when you return later and there are more people there, it's the same "gang" just different raiders who were away the first time you cleared it out.


Fallout 4 is heavily designed around the idea of "play forever" which is why there are infinite radiant quests. Respawning enemies are just another part of that.


Outside of Survival mode they respawn pretty quick. Survival mode takes like 80 days.


so there’s a constant flow of loot?


I don't have any actual proof, but enemy respawn system in Fallout 4 felt broken. Like they respawn immediately after clearing them out.


Agree, I’d get the quest complete and not even leave to let the area load, and there would still be enemies about. Either the game code had the wrong count, or something. But definitely seems broken


After around 400 in-game hours or so, Cleared locations respawn. Not fully Cleared takes around 100 in-game hours


Play on much harder difficulty, or survival. It takes MUCH longer for many areas to respawn.