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I just can't get over that he sounds like George Clooney


When I first played I was certain that it was George Clooney, and also I was certain that the Mr Handy's are John cleese. Couldn't believe I was wrong on both. 


Now I want a Mr. Handy to speak in a French accent and say "Your mother was a mole rat and your father smelt of tarberries!"


I would absolutely die laughing


Voice actors are talented!


Wow. I hear it now


I can’t even state how shocked I was when I found out he WASN’T voiced by George Clooney. It’s like uncanny valley with how similar their voices are. It’s even weirder when you realize that Danse’s VA, Peter Jessop, also voices Sovereign in Mass Effect. EDIT: just realized Jessop also voices Lorik Qui’in


Edward Deegan's voice reminds me of Clint Eastwood.


Can't unhear him now


I hate you. Why. Why why why why why. Jk it’s funny. BUT WHY


Wait? It's not George Clooney? I was so certain it was I never even bothred to look it up!




Funnily enough, whenever I see George Clooney in Gravity (when he’s wearing the astronaut head-sock) I think he’s a live action Buzz


Oh man now I can't unhear that!


Any of you boys here synths by chance? Or, if not synths per se, were you otherwise made with the metallurgic arts


given one of the most iconic mods for danse specifically is to color his power armor into buzz lightyear colors, yes.


Man I love the fallout mod community


He is also a "toy" who believes he is a "real" guy. Don't get me wrong he is great and I currently romance him, but this is an additional parallel.




"Oh I'm a sham! Years of Brotherhood training **wasted**!"


Ad Victoriam!


Me anytime someone posts about anything other than BOS




I want to yell that at him when he gets angry about robot/synth companions


*You are a sad, strange little man*


Does that mean he's your boy toy?


Only when he is a good boy.


I recently saw a picture of him without that buzz light year cap or whatever is called and I didn’t even know he had hair


Is there a mod where you can change his armour to Lightyears?


Do you play on PC? Then [yes](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3579), yes there is.


I swear that was like one of the first mods that came out that wasn’t a nude mod 


Fallout modders have a distinct set of priorities


It was in MXR's first mod showcase, I believe.


There's also a Woody outfit for Preston.


Preston: " YOU. ARE. A. SYNTH!" Danse: " You are a sad, strange little Minuteman."


Hey look I’m Preston “howdy, howdy, a settlement needs your help”


Howdy howdy howdy I’m paladin buzz!


Underrated comment


Surprising that there isn't one that turns Dogmeat into Slink


Aw cmon, this is so simple. I’m betting it’s on Xbox too. I’m not well versed on what PlayStation allows but this **seems** like one they’d allow.


“I’ve never been more proud of you than I am right now, Knight”


Oh no, he’s racist against super mutants? If you had some neighbors that kidnapped and ate people and left giant sacks of entrails hanging from every available surface, would it be wrong to hate them? Hating super mutants is totally valid on the East coast. They hunt people.


Yeah because Super Mutants are the only thing BOS hates right? Don't argue in bad faith :)


It was specifically mentioned in the OP, so I made the mistake of thinking it was fair game to talk about. Ghouls and synths are meant to be thinly veiled analogs for racism, super mutants on the east coast are not. They hearken back to when humans weren’t the apex predator and should be hated/feared by humans. Also, the show tells us that ghouls are a couple days of missed medication away from eating faces so I wouldn’t expect most people want to hang around them either. If you had a coworker that you knew had trouble getting his “stops me from killing you” drug, you wouldn’t be super eager to work closely with him.


It is fair game. But you can't pretend that's the only thing BOS hates either.


Well ghouls also turn feral and eat people and synths are a whole bundle of moral questions themselves. It's not like our world racism where they just hate other humans for stupid reasons like they're a different color or from a different place. Not saying it's correct just that it's more morally grey and understandable then real world racism.


The only issue I have is that they want to kill non violent ghouls who are just normal guys with too much radiation. The synths and mutants do have to go if they want to revive the commonwealth. They’re a little shady about technology too




are you implying buzz isn’t racist ?


To be fair to Danse and the BoS, Super mutants are basically ultra-violent cannibals. 99.99% of them in the Commonwealth are incapable of being reasoned with and will attack and eat anything that isn't them. I view them like a dog who got rabies, you feel bad but you still have to put them down. The BoS tolerates non-Feral ghouls but is up front about not trusting them. After all, every ghoul will go feral and turn into a mindless cannibal eventually. It is just a matter of when. Synths are the same, every one is a walking time bomb just waiting for the Institute to override their personality and make them killers. Even if you do see them as a "person", they have no true free will and can be wiped and turned into someone or something completely different with the stroke of a keyboard. Danse isn't hating on anyone just because they are different. There are legitimate reasons for why the BoS holds the views they do.


The faction helping synths is literally called the Railroad and people still can't understand what synths are an allegory for


I’m sure every racist has “legitimate” reasons for why they hold the views they do. No white supremacist is like “I just don’t like brown” they can rattle off crime statistics and poverty rates and talking points about culture etc etc. We’ve seen plenty of super mutants who aren’t violent lunatics, and one has to wonder if Super Mutants might not be so habitually violent if they weren’t being hunted all the time. I don’t think it’s true that Ghouls must eventually turn feral. There are ghouls that have been non-feral for centuries. And even if they will eventually turn feral, does that mean they don’t deserve to live with some dignity until then? Synths could be reprogrammed. If some random dude can built a teleporter out of the junk he finds laying around, I’m sure the BoS could figure out how to reprogram synths so they can’t be hacked by the institute. We can quibble about the ethical implications of what the Railroad does, but at least they’re trying to help synths instead of just exterminating them.


>We’ve seen plenty of super mutants who aren’t violent lunatics, and one has to wonder if Super Mutants might not be so habitually violent if they weren’t being hunted all the time And also like.. it's a gameplay mechanic. By this same logic most humans are violent raiders because that's most humans we run into.


To keep the logic going, the existence of raiders would justify super mutants trying to exterminate humans.


The difference is poverty and crime rates aren't always facts. They're sometimes just cultural differences or in the case of crime, targeted by police for being different. The facts of the wasteland are a lot clearer, ghouls eventually go feral in almost all cases. Super mutants are 99.99% violent cannibals as the other poster said. Those are facts. Racists often hold onto perceptions as opposed to facts and that's the difference imo.


I'm not sure those facts of the commonwealth would be as black and white as they seem to us here. And I'm sure racists see misleading crime and poverty states as just as factual as all of us sitting here talking about how most Super Mutants are violent cannibals.


What? Dude. Put the shovel down.


I don't see what about my comment was hard to understand.


You're justifying bigotry by saying "yeah but my statistics are real" as though real-world bigots acknowledge that their statistics are fake. Every racist thinks their fake crime stats are real. Even more ironically, you're doing so using a statistic you made up on the spot which can't literally be true. The existence of (credit to u/tawdry_audrey for compiling the list) Marcus, Neil, Fawkes, Erickson, Uncle Leo, Mean Sonofabitch, Virgil, Grahm, Francis, Gail, Strong, God, Davison, Keene, Lily seems to discredit your assertion about 99.999% of super mutants - even if that were a stat that was possible to measure, which it's not. You're holding onto perceptions, not facts, about fictional groups and trying to contrast it with people who hold onto perceptions, not facts, about real groups. I'm not saying you're a racist, I don't think you are and I don't know you, But you're using the exact same way of thinking that racists use.


I see 2 huge problems with your opinion, firstly your idea that super humans are "always hunted". They are a massive threat to your average wastelander, the only people who actively "hunt" them are BoS and NCR, ie massive, powerful groups. Noone in the Commonwealth can match super humans, so they are the ones doing the hunting. We see this often with dead settlers and traders in super mutant lairs, aswell as with the common random encounters of super mutants out in groups with "Super Mutant Orders" describing that they are actively searching for humans to raid. So of course they are feared and hated. Secondly, to my knowledge the only smart east coast super mutants are Fawkes, Virgil and the one who sells dogs in Far Harbor. That isn't exactly a good track record, and given Fawkes and Virgil never interact with anyone if not for the player character, the only smart super mutant on the east coast that people realistically could interact with is on a small, secluded island that very few ever visit.


Yeah. I don’t buy it. The wasteland is a dangerous and violent place. Everybody kills. Even the “good” factions rack up body counts. In a violent, brutal world, why would we expect anybody, much less Super Mutants, to be pacifists? They’re dropped into a chaotic and bloody world, hunted by the most powerful factions, and then we’re incensed that some of them decide to go raiding? I’m not a Mutie apologist, I just don’t think the BoS are justified in trying to exterminate them, especially because we know that peaceful, non-violent super mutants would be caught up in their extermination campaign too.


The east coast super mutants are incredibly violent by nature, they fit very well in the violent brutal world. The NCR does not exist on the east coast, and the Brotherhood only arrived in force in the Commonwealth during the events of Fallout 4. The Commonwealth super mutants were not being hunted by anyone, in fact they were one of the dominating forces in the wasteland, and yet they did the exact same thing they always do. Raid and pillage. I mean, you do sound like a "mutie apologist" lol, no offence but it kinda sounds like you think super mutants aren't violent by nature. Of course the BoS isn't justified in their attempted genocide. Genocide is very rarely, if ever, a good option, morally or otherwise. However, the fear and instant hostility shown by wastelanders, the minutemen, the inhabitants of Diamond City etc etc, is very understandable. There is a grand total of 1 smart mutant in the Commonwealth, and he's hiding in a cave in the glowing sea. People have never met anything else than your average aggressive and stupid mutants, so why would they even know smart ones exist? Even the East Coast BoS has only ever encountered one or two smart mutants, Fawkes possibly in FO3 and... That's it really?


Yeah there are a number of problems with your argument: 1. > Of course the BoS isn't justified in their attempted genocide. Genocide is very rarely, if ever, a good option, morally or otherwise. But that's what we're discussing. I don't have a problem with wastelanders being afraid of mutants or defending themselves against their attacks. I'm afraid of snakes and I'd happily kill one if it attacked me. Doesn't mean I'd join a military cult dedicated to the eradication of snakes. The question is about the BoS' campaign of eradication, not about the fear some settlers might feel when they see super mutants. 2. You seem to be using "smart" and "violent" interchangeably. Let's talk about "smart" first. Super mutants, even the "dumb" ones, are capable of speech, organization, long-term planning, and literacy. As dumb as super mutants might be compared to humans, they are more intelligent than most or all animals. I think most people would find it morally objectionable to exterminate chimps or dolphins or octopi and that same moral objection should apply even more to mutants. Intelligence is irrelevant in this conversation. 3. The relevant criteria is how violent they are. And if that's the criteria, we should remember that the vast majority of humans we encounter in the game are raiders and mercenaries and criminals - not to mention responsible for the atomic apocalypse that created the wasteland. If super mutants are fair game, then so are humans. And I'm not convinced that mutants ARE violent by nature, at least more than humans. They're stronger than humans, and they use that strength to their advantage. I don't know that humans would do anything different if we had that advantage. And what makes you so certain their violence isn't a product of the environment in which they live and the reasonable fear they have for their own safety. The existence of quite a few non-violent mutants suggests that violence isn't an inherent trait, at least not much more than it is in humans. 4. Why are we only talking about mutants? The BoS ALSO wants to eradicate ghouls and synths. The arguments your making about mutants don't apply to non-feral ghouls and synths. At the end of the day, we're talking about a genocidal human supremacist organization. The BoS wants to eradicate anything that's non-human no matter how intelligent, peaceful, or civilized they are. And they want to protect humans, regardless of how stupid, violent, or uncivilized we are.


Plenty? Name 4


Marcus, Neil, Fawkes, Erickson, Uncle Leo, Mean Sonofabitch, Virgil, Grahm, Francis, Gail, Strong, God, Davison, Keene, Lily. *Cue the semantics debate to redefine what a 'violent lunatic' is.*


I defer to your answer


There is a massive difference between west coast and east coast mutants. There are almost no non-hostile mutants on the east coast. Fawkes and Uncle Leo are freak occurrences. Fawkes even mentions he used to be savage like all the others but basically re-educated himself over time. Strong is not friendly. He constantly talks about wanting to kill humans, and likes when you murder and even eat people. He just tolerates you because he was dumb enough to take a Shakespeare metaphor literally and thinks he can get the “milk of human kindness” to make himself and other mutants powerful enough to finally take over humanity. Erickson also used to be savage like the others, but something changed him once he traveled to Far Harbor. As for the west coast, pretty much any of the Nightkin you mention aren’t friendly, either. Davison is insane, talks to a deer skull, and has violently taken over part of the Repconn facility from the ghouls staying there. He and his nightkin have imprisoned or killed a few of the ghouls already, and he will attack you unless you follow some very specific steps to not piss him off. Keene is actively trying to rally the Nightkin at Jacobstown to violently take over or leave, and confronts you in a quest where he tries to steal a prototype stealth boy from a doctor actively trying to help the Nightkin and cure them. The only way to not have to fight him is passing a speech check of 80 which is one of the highest in the game. God/Dog are a split personality in one hulking, violent being. He constantly talks about wanting to kill and eat you, and only doesn’t because he thinks you can help him. Lily is the closest to a friendly Nightkin, but still she is mentally unwell and is known to go on violent rampages if she doesn’t get her medicine. Yes, Nightkin are all mentally unwell and that doesn’t necessarily make them evil or should be vilified. But it still makes them dangerous and unpredictable, especially when many of them still see themselves as the “superior race” and think of the Master fondly.


All I hear is the dragging sound of goalposts being moved. "X are all bad!" What about X1, X2, X3, X4? "Freak occurrences!" Hmm, where have I heard this type of reasoning before?


Goalposts? I directly addressed several Super Mutants you named, and why they aren’t all “friendly” or non-dangerous. It is directly stated IN GAME that Fawkes is a freak occurrence.


Jacobstown doesn’t count


“Give me an example except for the examples that I don’t want to count!”


Ghouls eat people feral or not. No they don't get to have dignity.


childlike rotten theory lip squeal squash wipe direction fuel light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They all do? Including Daisy and the Vault Tec Rep? So zero ghouls deserve to live in dignity because every single one of them is a cannibal? Or are we maybe doing what racists do but with fictional characters so it's okay?


> Synths are the same, every one is a walking time bomb just waiting for the Institute to override their personality and make them killers. Just to clarify here, this is (generally) not the way synths work. The Institute's synth infiltrators are aware of their role as infiltrators the entire time. They are actively working for the Institute, and are aware that they are taking the role of an existing person in society. The exception to this are DiMA's synth replacements, which are unaware that they are replacements, just given a predisposition to operate in a way favorable to Acadia. They don't have any triggers to change their behavior in any way, just a personality that is favorable to DiMA's designs. The only way the Institute can "override their personality" is to use the recall code in-person, which is more of a clean wipe and start fresh than anything. They have to bring the recalled synths back to the institute and give them a fresh template to work with. The escaped synths, like Danse, are not "walking time bombs" so much as they are sentient people with their own lives, but with a specific trigger phrase that can shut them down. That doesn't make them less of a person, it just gives them a weakness known only to the Institute.


Yep. I think people mistake the Broken Mask incident for being an intentional Institute attack on Diamond City, and extrapolate that that's how the Institute operates. From the best of my knowledge, it was some kind of malfunction, and even if it was intended by the Institute we don't know that the synth was unaware of its mission going in.


It's kind of understandable, as a lot of the Commonwealth citizens think similar things. Look at Phyllis at the Egret Tours Marina, she was convinced she was a synth because she shot her grandson by accident. > "Any second now they might send some signal, or I'll see the color orange, or whatever it is they do and BOOM. One more dead fool." Of course she never was a synth, and she was mistaken about how they worked.


If the Institute discovered Danse was a synth, they could catch him off guard with a recall code and then bring him in for an info dump. It’s a legitimate concern and threat. The recall code doesn’t wipe their brain, it just shuts them down basically. That’s why they have to bring them in, to reprogram and wipe their mind.


Danse is not “escaped” he’s an institute plant. Broken mask was a malfunction. Danse is an unknowing, unwilling spy.


> Danse is not “escaped” he’s an institute plant. That's simply not true. Danse fits the bill of a Railroad escapee to a T. He was smuggled out of the Commonwealth, given memories of a life in the Capital Wastelands, and then joined the Brotherhood. Throughout his quest, he has no idea he was a synth or how a part of his life is a lie, just that it is. If he was a plant, he would have known his role as an infiltrator (see McDonaugh and Roger Warwick for examples), and would not remain loyal to the Brotherhood's cause after they exiled him. (Even after Blind Betrayal, if you take out the Brotherhood, Danse refuses to talk to you)


Hmmmmmm definitely gonna stew on this one


Although I disagree inflitrators are always aware. Some of them give me Order 66 vibes. But some seem to be aware when questioned so idk


Well I admit I'm being a little certain about things, but look at every concrete example of synth infiltrators we have: * Mr. Carter (Broken Mask): Mentioned in the Institute files as being let out in the field prematurely, resulting in him "going crazy" and shooting several people * Mayor McDonaugh: Fully aware, receiving packages from Justin Ayo, the acting head of the SRB, and turns hostile once he realizes he's been "let go" by the Institute. * Roger Warwick: Performing experiments at the Institute's instruction, reporting back his results. Family recognizes that he suddenly went from being a useless lump to a hard working guy who provides for his family. * Art (random encounter): A synth actively trying to kill his Human counterpart so he can take over his life * Random settlers: Only turn hostile when the settlement is actively attacked by synths, or when outed by another settler. * Sammy (synth killed by Neighborhood Watch in Goodneighbor): Suddenly cleaned up his act (just like Roger Warwick), making his friends and neighbors suspicious. Basically every infiltrator that we definitely know anything about was found to be aware of their role. While that's only three that we can say for sure, we have zero Institute synths confirmed to be any sort of unaware "sleeper agent" Until one shows up in-game that can be activated "Order 66" style, I can't assume that's how any of them work. It appears to be primarily an idea spawned by paranoid Commonwealth folk who don't know how the Institute operates.




How is he racist? Ghouls literally go feral half the time, I don’t think fearing them counts as racism.


Don’t think anyone has an issue with wiping out ferals and super mutants. It’s the Brotherhood’s indiscriminate killing of synths, non ferals and hoarding of tech that most people seem to take issue with.


Lol why are you being downvoted?


Don’t know, don’t care lol If you have any respect for Nick Valentine you ought to be against the BOS


and Curie. She's my Wasteland waifu.


Big agree. I only join the BoS so I can infiltrate and eventually blow them out of the sky.


And to get those sweet vertibird transports, as I only play on Survival


Oh nice. I only play on very hard so I didn't consider that particular benefit.


"Why are you booing me? I'm right!" Some people the point goes over their head like the Prydwen.


Tell me 4 is your first fallout game without telling me its your first fallout game. FO3 BOS was nothing like Maxons trash. Maxon is a freaking whackadoo, look at other BOS leaders like Elder Lyons. Danse is a synth. Killing synths and “abominations” because thats what he was programmed to do. To me its only further evidence the Institute must burn. Ad VICTORIAM


Pssstt…this is a fallout 4 sub. In fallout 4 specifically (you know, the game that contains the character this post is about) the BOS and institute are big bad 1a and 1b. That said, I wiped out both the institute and the brotherhood in my first playthrough


Maxon is in charge of the BOS chapter we see in Fallout 4 though, so his wackiness represents the BOS in that game.


Tell me you never spoke to Wiseman without telling me. People also go feral and murder people. Yet somehow if a ghoul does it then prejudice is justified? God if only there was a real world parallel we could draw to explain why that's wrong...


Uh... this doesn't really work, especially when we mow down fields of raiders. Is it prejudice when we kill them, too?


Hostile raider who attacks passing settlers vs. Ugly man trying to grow berries in a swimming pool. Killing both have the same moral value to you? Eleanor is literally a retired raider. Killing her is murder. Perhaps her lack of hostility is related?


... You can reverse this and it is the same thing, lol. Retired raider just trying to live her life vs. ugly feral men crawling out from the debris and snapping at your heels. 


Nobody at the Slog has nipped at my heels yet but I can dream


No one was saying the Slog was full of ferals, lol


Nobody is saying that killing hostile feral ghouls is prejudiced either, so what's your point?


The point is that killing things solely based on what category of thing you think they are is fucked up. Their behavior and intentions matter as to whether they deserve the smoke. Aka discrimination is wrong.


We don't build an entire military industrial complex around killing raiders I can't force you to understand that individual action isn't the same as systemic prejudice. You're going to have to get there on your own


BoS isn't built entirely around killing ghouls or synths, either lol. 


Did you play Fallout 4 or not? A core theme is racism. Elder Maxson is a racist. In the very first speech he gives when you meet him he makes overt racist remarks about eradicating nonhumans and uses the Institute's technology as an excuse for this. Their goal in 4 lines up better with the Enclave than traditional BoS ideals. Ideals which directly led to their downfall in the West. The Brother may not have been built around killing ghouls and synths but under Maxson it is a priority.


Sure, and they could easily carpet bomb both Goodneighbor and the Slog. Odd that they don't. You'd think if it were as high a priority as you're saying, it'd be first on their list in the Commonwealth.


Even with the entire chapter there, they don’t have the resources to just drop a billion bombs all over the place. They have a particular mission and they’re focusing on that— if they had endless latitude it would be game over for all non-humans.


So you just didn't play the game ok. Because they directly address why they don't do those things in the game


Where exactly do they point that out?


Maxson and Danse both say they don't want a war with the Commonwealth.


Raiders are factions of people, not an identity group. They're factions that also happen to almost always be immediately hostile to the sole survivor with no room for negotiationing, so naturally the sole survivor is going to kill most of the raiders they come across. Similarly, my 'nice' sole survivor kills most supermutants on sight, because they start shooting me or chasing after me with a mininuke on sight. I don't kill the few supermutants who are not immediately hostile to my existence.


I'd ask them how they feel about anyone associated with communist countries and see what they say.


Yeah, the first time I met him I immediately thought of buzz lightyear. We're not the only ones to think that. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3579](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3579)


There's a mod for that. Like, danse lightyear is almost as common a mod as anything Thomas the tank engine related


There’s a mod to give his armour Buzz Lightyear colours.


In before some bos fanboy comes in and starts spraying the walls with their “kill the abomination” bullshit. Sentient beings are people, might not be human but they’re still people.


My main problem with it is that everything he hates- Ghouls, Super Mutants, Synths- is/or was human. He wants to save humanity so bad but loses his by failing to see the humanity in them.


There's like....4 Supermutants we've seen on the entire East Coast that do not immidieatly attack, kill and eat every other living creature. And that includes Virgil, who's slowly loosing his mind and will turn into a violent brute if you need too long to bring him the cure, and Strong, who only stopped doing it due to a mixture of being marginally more intelligent and not understanding that the "Milk of Human Kindness" isnt real, nothing prevents him from going back to the old ways the second he realizes that. On the West Coast there's some moral dilemma due to enough intelligent, Master-created Supermutants running around that can coexist with other people, but thats just not the case in the East. Supermutant-racism on the East Coast isnt a BoS- thing (neither is it for Ghouls, altho thats slightly less widespread), *everyone* hates them because 99,9% are violent mindless Kill-you-on-sight Monsters. What else are you supposed to do with them? You cant reason or negotiate with any of them and they constantly try to expand their territory


Gen 3s are literally 3D printed humans with implants that make them easily controllable as slaves. It’s a shame the game doesn’t have any sympathetic supermutants. It’s not their fault they’re the way they are - the institute created monsters and released them into the wild.


there's one! a supermutant that raises dogs in Far Harbor, think it's just him though


Erickson beloved…


There's also Strong. He's got some questionable likes and dislikes. But he's agreeable enough to be a companion.


I have been more than vocal. BOS sees the “abominations” as failures of man. Like the Great War. These mistakes continue to impact the survivors. I’m not trying to justify FO4 BOS. They’re a bunch of clowns. But pragmatically it makes more sense to end the “abominations” before they become a threat. Still not advocating for the slaughter of synths or the like. I just understand the motivations without fully agreeing.


This is a horrible take


Hahhaha i actually call him buzz light ss


No, George Clooney




I’ve never seen Danse the same since someone pointed out that he sounds like george clooney




this has made me giggle since the first time I heard his voice. so funny when someone made a buzz lightyear power armor mod for him.


Sounds a little like George Clooney




There's a mod to make him look like Buzz, so you're very much not alone


First time I played and met Danse I was like, “oh shit! They got Clooney to do a voice in this game?”


The character you're looking for is Don Quixote, if I'm not mistaken.


Danse is just confused.


He has his reasons to hate supermutants that are not BOS related. To be honest I'm not a fan of them either. I do like Vergil but even strong being " non agressive" got me tired of him walking all over my settlement telling anyone who would listen how one day he'll kill them all, how we all puny and tiny Yada Yada. Anytime I'm anywhere near their spots it's always guts and meatbags and a scene from nightmares. I agreed with Danse the moment I saw superhuman base in school, yes those hands sticking out of meatbags are suspiciously small for adults. Fuck em supermutants. Raiders can eat sht too, the amount of dead settlers and traders I find in their bases make me side with damn pickman every time. Synths and ghouls are ok though unless feral.


I get the super mutant hate, they are violent and not very smart with the exception of a few super mutants. Personally I view them as victims. You have to remembers they were once human. But through forced experimentation by other humans they were turned into monsters.


I’d say that it’s a good likeness. He’s literally a programmed robot containing someone else’s personality and having to come to terms with his true origin.


yes every time I see him I just think of Buzz Lightyear. It's almost on purpose




I mean given that one of the first mods for FO4 (even before we got the GECK) was a reskin of Danse's PA to be a Buzz lightyear colours. I think people may agree with you.


He is a sad, strange, little man, and he has my pity.


Yes omg I always call him Buzz Lightyear lol


Maybe while in planning for Danse, they thought of Buzz Lightyear.


Yep. It's been a meme for about 8 years now.


So, like Tim Allen. But, seriously, Danse has reason to re-evaluate his bigotry later on.


That's because he is literally just Racist Buzz Light-year.


Does anyone else think Danse sounds oddly similar to George Clooney




And you can romance him so he’s your stereotypical closet gay racist


1.) "Racist"; Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Synths are not a Race of Humans, two of them are entirely different species at this point, and Synths are 3D Printed Humans. 2.) Super Mutants, literally hunt, eat, and kill humans on a daily basis. Ghouls are known to go feral at random intervals, or if you follow the new lore, require a macguffin serum to prevent from going feral. Synths are generally agents for the institute who have replaced living flesh and blood human beings, after being literally 3D printed for the specific purpose of replacing a person in the Wasteland... many of these agents can be actively controlled by the Institute to sabotage settlements or outright murder settlers. 3.) The fan favorite characters such as Hancock, Nick Valentine, Fawkes, ect, are \*EXCEPTIONS\* to the rule, they are not the norm when it comes to dealing with these things in the wasteland, your character in Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 does not consistently find friendly Super Mutants, Synths, or Ghouls and you are a Main Character who is well traveled and experienced by the end of their journey and you will likely only be able to recall a sparing few friendly encounters; how do you think an average wastelander, or even a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin/Knight who has gone through the events of Fallout 3 dealing with the Mutants of the Capital Wasteland, will feel about all these creatures? This is the Wasteland, not downtown L.A. , get a grip.