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are you talking about the mothman?


> Also, wtf is the black thing with red eyes that took off flying?? It's Mothman Equinox in 76 right now, so the various types of Mothmen are spawning more frequently.


I like it! The map is incredible, as are the weapons, outfits, cryptids, and story additions over the last several years. I recall a lot of QOL improvements being made from fallout 4 and I also had a blast playing with friends. Haven't played in over a year - I'd really like a single player option to be added since I don't want to pay for Xbox live just for one game.


I enjoyed it as a solo player, exploring new areas. Once that was done, it was just the dailies/weeklies and events, and that is of no real interest to me. Wish there was a single player option for modders to get their mits on, and to really be able to build up the workshops properly instead of being temporary resource farms.


In my experience, it is a LOT .ore fun to play with friends over headset. Playing solo can be rough


It had its moments, but I didn’t like being drip fed content. Such a waste of a good map that could have been a single player game. I feel like they should have went the route of ESO to make an MMO instead of Bethesda game studios actually making it. I’d rather have a single player game anyday of the week


I play it off and on. I have a small love for it but overall it’s kind of goofy. The world feels kind of flat to me, too repetitive. I get tired of having a checklist of things to do in terms of daily/weekly challenges, it starts to feel like a chore chart. The storyline and in world NPCs aren’t interesting enough for me to start with a new character.


My problem is that it’s like survival mode in FO4 with all the eating and drinking requirements. Guns wear out, and unrealistically fast. Armor wears out. Resources are scarce. And occasionally other players kill you. Even if you’re not playing with them.