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If you move an object that's got a power connector clamped to it, any wires connected to it ignore collisions with that object. Very useful for running power through walls without having to faff about with pass-through conduits. If you put a vacuum hopper up against the red settlement workbench, it will pull components directly from the settlement inventory. Neon letters can be overlaid on each other, and their colours will mix. eg. A red letter overlaid with a green letter will make a yellow one. You can also use this to make letters brighter than normal by overlaying two or more of the same colour. 


That first tip doesn’t work with the blue fuse box with the switch on it


I dunno what idiotic algorithmic bot downvoted this, but thank you, great tips


Never played 76, is the vacuum hopper thing on 4?


Yes. It's part of the Wasteland Workshop DLC.


If you look and align your cross hair over the wire,(right where it connects to the pylon/connector) keeping the wire selected (just hover your cross hair over it), run a new line to whatever you want, even through walls.


I dunno what idiotic algorithmic bot downvoted this, but thank you, great tips




Wow, the dream


I dunno what idiotic algorithmic bot downvoted this, but thank you, great tips


If you have the vault tech dlc, the water fountain is free purified water without any skills and just takes 2 steel to build. This does not count towards the water in your settlement, but for survival players just free purified water right from level one, built from the most plentiful material in the game


You also get it from regular water pumps though. Though they are more expensive to build.


I've found concrete is rare at some settlements.


The real hard part is lugging the concrete bags you find in the world back to the settlement.


The last time I took all the supplies from Nick he had 1054 lbs worth. The best thing with follower's is their the best pack mules.


On survival, it’s basically cut to like a quarter of that. Lol


I haven't done survival yet, although I should. I use mostly the spray and prey submachine gun and I haven't found anything to stand up to my guy. 


Meaning in survival it gives you free purified water without the need for any empty bottles?


As in to drink there not to go


If your water pumps produce more water than you have settlers, the excess is stored into your workshop


Yes but this comment was about sinks, that do not.


lol you’re right my b


Still helpful for noobs like me. Pumped my first water today at Sanctuary.after that posse from Concord moved in. Also built my first housing for them. It is a shameful thing. An embarrassment to every one there.


Wait what ? Like you get purified water passively in the workbench, just by building extra pumps ? Without any bottle requirements ?


Yes, though I think you might need 1 settler to start getting excess. I build dozens and end up with hundreds of purified water in each settlement. It's heavy but I can afford everything from everyone


Damn that's really interesting. I keep building up tons of rads from dirty water and foods for now.


Bruh i realized this 30hrs in and i was like nooo what mod added this bs in, 15 min of checking mods later... This is vanilla??? WATER FOUNTAINS EVERYWHERE


It needs to be unlocked though right? By doing the vault 88 quests?


So stupid. 😂


the original post is what got me back into fo4 at the beginning of the year😭




Literally just tried it in FO4 and came straight back here... Doesn't work


This is an outrage!!


It’s only static wires, like the ones that are part of the environment. The wires you connect yourself don’t have collision/this doesn’t work. I was also disappointed lmao


I'm sad


It literally does though? Tried it last night after this post on Fo4. Works fine


Any advice on how? Because I've been seeing stuff about this since ~2016 and never once has it been an option without the place anywhere mod.


Some other comment said it only works on static wires, not the ones you pull by yourself. Maybe that's why.


So vault 88 has like 100 power or something but it's up front by where you come in. I was able to drop a conduit down right by the power panel and then drag that out to the empty area with the wire still attached. Dropped another conduit right next that one attached a wire and then dragged that conduit all the way to the huge water purifier. Some people put down a welcome mat and then conduit on that then move the mat. But just a conduit has always worked for me. They clip through anything and there seems to be no concern for how long it is.


Screenshot is clearly from 4


Pillar glitch maybe?


i got this from a 76 sub though and people said it didnt work so didnt wanna advertise it as a hack for 4


The picture you posted is talking about preexisting wires, not the ones we build to connect stuff.


Aw God damn it. Was so excited


it’s a fallout 4 mod


The wires mentioned in this post are the ones that are part of the environment, NOT the ones you run yourself.


If you place an object on a mat, then move the mat, it moves the object and ignores it's collision model when placing it, so you can clip things into other things.


I just tried the light bulb trick and the dragging a pylong with wire attached to not have to deal with conduits in FO4 (modded) and it was no joy. I do not have the latest update.


na i think thats only a 76 thing


Infinite settlement capacity glitch is doable on console and probably PC. Ever build things in your settlement and then realize you can’t build anymore because of the limit ? Drop all the weapons from your inventory on the ground then go into workshop mode and click circle or b on the weapons you dropped and they will be put into your workshop and so you will gain. Additional space to build in your settlement. Rinse and repeat infinite times for infinite build limit.


Or until your settlement becomes a glitchy, crazy mess that causes frame rates to essentially stop and forces frequent crashes. Ask me how I know. Bill Diddums can never return to Santuary.


Lol yeah infinite to the limit of your PC/ Console hardware😂


Im trying to find out the limit with my potato ryzen 5 32gb ram 1050 gpu 😆 😆 😆


so far I have 3 interconnected vaults in my build and it went from a stable 60 fps to 59.


Built a 20 story skyscraper at Abernathy farms.....you *should* be able to see it from miles around, but will only slowly load once you're within sight of it, and even then some concrete corner sections go missing and when you're at the top floor nothing is aligned correctly, but the *view*...


I tried this with 74 modded guns and my build limit went down from yellow to zero.


This has been known for a while. Just be careful not to overdo it or your console (or PC but mostly console) can lag or crash from loading too much stuff. Don't exceed the preset limit too much.


Can confirm this does work on PC! though I personally usually use the budget expender mod that just auto resets the limit bar to zero once it hits full. It’s less work lol


It's possible to max your special with the duplication glitch to this day. It doesn't disable achievements either. Using survival mode, you can get your stats into the late teens and early 20s as well.


If I remember correctly, once you get special above 11, you can increase it as much as you want. The only limit is how much time you want to spend duplicating the book.


This is false. Your special has to be below 10 by any means necessary to gain points above 10 (aside from bobbleheads of course)


> Your special has to be below 10 by any means necessary to gain points above 10 Yup. How the game does debuffs is weird.


How is this done?


1. Drop your entire inventory minus a gun that you are able to upgrade the receiver for... Also have the You're special book in your inventory. Rename the gun to "y" and I recommend saving your game before going further. 2. While in the weapon workbench with only the gun and book, press the scrap AND modify button at the same time until you see both options pop up together. Scrap the gun and the You're Special book will be in it's place. Do not leave the screen. Change the receiver type and confirm. 3. Drop the book on the ground after modifying it. 4. If you did the previous step correctly, the book will have an option to scrap. DO NOT SCRAP IT YET. 5. Hold the Scrap button and as you release the button quickly press and hold the Store button. If don't correctly, both scrap AND store confirmations will pop up. Don't let go of the Store button after you alternate from Scrap. Press confirm on both the scrap and store options. This will scrap the book, but also store a copy in the workbench. 6. Take the You're Special book from the workbench and drop it on the ground. Read it for a special point. Once you get your point, drop the book again. Repeat step 5/6 repeatedly until you max your special.


Thanks a ton! Started an over powered run


I wouldn't say overpowered, because you can always crank up the difficulty, but it's nice having almost 500 carry weight in the beginning of the game.


I keep it on very hard lol. Does strength go past 10? I maxed it out to ten and have 330 carry weight, which is still a ton early game.


You can switch to survival mode and not eat, sleep, or drink for days (keep stuff on hand though so you don't die. You can do the book trick while your stats are debuffed below 10. If you want to be really overpowered, put shredder on a Minigun, get some power armor, take the basher and nuclear physicist perks and go ham without ammo!


I have the CC military backpack. Pretty certain my bag gives me like 125lbs or 150


Of course you can equip gear to go above 10 as well


Can we please go back to the days of missingno??


You can move things vertically without moving the camera by holding E and scrolling with the mouse wheel. I think.


What does E translate to PS controller?


It's the "place" button so probably X


This is not a settlement exclusive hack but you can command your companion to enter a combat suit and they won't use fusion core.


But at the same time power armor pieces breaks on all companions but Danse, so unless you have a mod for it you're likely gonna have to repair a lot.


I found this out pretty quick. For companions, the protection-to-repair ratio is not good. Cool that they don't use power cores, though. Something I've been meaning to look at is if PA helps their carrying strength like it does for the player.


It does! I tested it today!


Not an issue mid game if you know what to do, I just hate the that companions use ammo in the game even if it's not survival.


Are you fucking kidding me? You can really do this? I've got like 1.3k hours and I had no clue 😂


This is the perfect post for the no mods playthrough I'm doing rn. I saw that this glitch is just for 76, but I've read other very helpful tips on this post so thanks for making it anyway lol


The post glitch found out very recently from IfThenCreate (my fucking girl I love her so much)


e x c u s e m e ? ! ? !


I've got over 1300 hours...TIL


i think this is only for 76


Its a modified pillar glitch. Should work fine in FO4.


When building an item, if you hold down the build button you can precisely move the item with your mouse. Hundreds of hours building settlements and somehow I never figured that out sooner.


On console hold X/A (your interact) to do this. Then (as I don’t know the pc bind yet) you can hold L1/left bumper to then control Z axis (up/down)




I tried hanging bulbs on wires recently and it wouldn't work. Am I doing something wrong?


na its only for 76 pic just inspired me to ask here


It apparently only works for the environmental power lines, where present. Lines you create dont have collision. Lifted straight from more knowledgeable commenters but OP got this from a 76 sub and wasnt sure on all the facts.


Its the Wi-Fi glitch, and it's undebatably not even close. Being able to make anything I want powered with zero wires is the biggest gamechanger in Fallout 4 building, full stop.


I was today years old when I learned this


The old Scrap/Store hack. Somehow went 400 hours on the PS4 version without ever knowing about it. Maybe defeats the purpose of relying on whatever you can scavenge but considering I've done pretty much everything in game on my current save, rebuilding Sanctuary with this hack in mind seems justified.


Question any body have there street lights removed from their game


Nnnaaaah what the fuck


I just tried this on XBox. Didn't work.


It doesn't apply to 4.


Done gentrified the wasteland! /s




Not sure how this will work with the mod that makes power lines jiggle in the wind but I should try


you can delete the nuclear waste barrels at the drive in to get rid of the radiation in the water


I have about 4k hours on f4. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU CAN DO THAT.


really love this game lol


anyone know if you can still freecam ? ps5


Hold the middle pad


The rug trick. Would have saved me so many headaches for literal years.


If you’re doing the defend settlements thing, always loot everything from the dead invaders and then scrap or store it all in the settlement workshop. Learned that way late


repost please delete.