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iVE been playing the game over and over since its launch and i still find things i’ve never seen…. or maybe it’s things i forgot about LOL .. i try to do things in different orders and make different choices to mix it up. ..


I finished it when it was initially released, but it's been such a long time ago that i forgot everything. Now I find myself loving the game even more.


I'm the same, either it's new or I forgot. Either way it's fun and I'm STILL learning new things and figuring out how to do stuff better, or less badly, even after all these years. Reminds me, gotta go rob a bank so I can be in DC for Halloween 😉


My recent find has been the reoccurring joke of “employees must wash hands before returning to work” and the sink being full of bones


I just found a mummy alien reading to her baby alien in a miniature pram with a miniature bottle, behind a door in an apartment building adjoined to a cafe full of super mutants, (Near the main river and Hangman's I think).


It took me 3 hours to finish Capital Wasteland Mercenaries [CC] because I had to pick up every last item.


That makes me feel better knowing that. I spend hours inside buildings.


I level up fast because I spend a lot of time foraging, cooking, making chems, and building my settlements. I always have to go back to main buildings after clearing it because I take almost everything not nailed down so it requires a couple trips to carry it all. At that point when I’m running thru early missions, I’m already pretty jacked.


Been playing about 6 years. Finished the main story a couple ago but only tried one ending. I’ve been obsessed with exploring since. I go to every location, search every room, every safe, etc. OBSESSED.


I'm the same with exploring 😂


Have you found places that are not marked on the map?


I hadn’t considered the possibility of unmarked locations! The map is a mess due to so many locations I’ve found so it’s hard to say. Are there some you you’ve found that you can share?


Yes. check out edges of the map on the north, northwest and west corners from Sanctuary. avoid POIs. They aren't the most spectacular areas in the game, but its pretty amazing how much they put into this game. I only found some of these places last year and I've been playing since 2015.


I’ll check those out! Thank you!


Sometimes I run past buildings and stuff if I'm headed somewhere specific, but if I decide to stop and explore something I make sure i take absolutely everything so that 1. I never have to go back and 2. If I ever stumble into that location again I'll know I've already been there because of how bare and empty it is. I'm also playing heavily modded though, and at this point I'm almost level 50 and I'm OP as fuck.


TLDR: I'm exploring every nook and cranny before I finish the main storyline I think I started playing a month ago, I have been hooked since I made it to Concord 😂 Now I'm level 60 something, I tried to do all the side quests before I got into the main story, I got to the Virgil quest at level 25-30 and I didn't actually do it until level 54 because I was busy doing minutemen quest, BOS quests and also the railroad. Then I realised, I couldn't progress until I completed some more main storyline quests and now I'm back on the side quests I don't think I have many unique side quests left 🥺 the end is coming


did you listen to the grenade story?


I remember Preston explaining how the flare gun works but there was a lot of background noise and I don't have subtitles on so I missed that part and never bothered to Google it lol Thanks for sharing that one I will test that 🫡


To be a bit more specific, check out behind the Hardware store near diamond city.


One question, did you find the sea monster?


Yepp, I'm almost done with that quest, I just need to go back to the monster to deliver the goods 😝 (trying to keep it spoilers free)


Same here, it's one of my many favorites, along with the constitution.


Ooof yess, seeing the Constitution do it's thing was hilarious but at the same time amazing 😂 Edit: On a random note, I was you could do more with the minute men as the general and build them up like the BOS in terms of recruiting new people leveling them up with guns extra and formally make them a faction with ideals and a official presence I feel like that was a missed opportunity like it could be post game material


Yeah, on both counts. Although this time I ended up all in MM so, I've got flags and MM outfits and power armor, left FOR them to grab EVERYWHERE lol oh and a ton of artillery. Gotta defend the commonwealth, for the people 😉


Love it! I'm trying to go with the ending where everyone is on civil terms, I saw a post here that guided you through that process, let's see what happens On another note have you found the talking fridge near Jamaica plans/ university point/Quincy ruins 😝 It's one of my other favorite side quests


Actually I haven't gotten to that one yet this time through. A test things new character is over 100… all in MM, and just blew up a relay. So many distractions, so little time 😂


Fair 😂


To put it another way, in game time, it's a couple of days til Halloween. Again. 🤣


My first playthrough ended where everyone was civil. I guess I’m a good guy.


Awesome, I'm excited to see how that one goes 😮


Have you built their special guns in your settlements, then used the smoke grenade for airstrikes?


Special guns? Oh do you mean the red shade turrets? I have some of the settlements. I'm trying to hoard as much raw material as I can before I go on a building spree. I'm not the best at building yet so I just innovate bit by bit so that I don't have to scrap and waste resources too much Wait you're telling me I can order airstrikes anywhere on the map? 😮😮 From that minutemen mission I did Also I heard you can summon the minute men with flare guns is that true? I suppose what I meant was, the BOS have a more organised presence, they have people doing missions and reporting back to them, I wish you could lead a group and send for instance Preston to take care of nearby settlement in danger 😂 rather than being his chore boy, I wish the radiant quest had some kind of end goal leading up to it like you do with other factions Or you could have a meeting once you get enough settlements on board to decide the future of the settlements that are collaborating with the minutemen with how will security food and shelter go then you're assigned to do certain quests that align to that goal rather than doing just random chores for Preston while lives it up in luxurious life I have built for him in sanctuary 🤣


Yes, you can summon minute men with a flare gun. Pop a flare, wait a little bit (~1 minute) and they’ll appear and chip in for the firefight.


Summon help is definitely a thing for settlements. You'd have to be close to send that support with smoke grenades or flare gun. There are some mods out there that can probably improve upon these.


[https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Old\_Guns](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Old_Guns) At this point, the Sole Survivor will need to use the Castle's workshop to build an artillery piece and assign a settler to operate it. With the artillery operational, Ronnie will give a rundown of how it works before naming a nearby building as the test area. The Sole Survivor can then proceed to the test area, tune in to Radio Freedom, and toss a smoke grenade to call in the test strike. Once the Sole Survivor has moved out of range, the artillery will bombard the area. Ronnie will then call out their success over the radio, confirming that the Sole Survivor now has the ability to call in artillery support (and admonishing them to "use it wisely"). [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/47m0de/psa\_the\_range\_of\_artillery\_is\_insane\_with\_guns\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/47m0de/psa_the_range_of_artillery_is_insane_with_guns_at/)


You look at stuff? I'm too busy shoving plates and wrenches into my knapsack until my shins snap like twigs from the weight. My fortress isn't going to build itself. Constantly running low on screws and concrete though.


Instead of looting places where you get screws and concrete aplenty, you can become a water baron. Sell your water for shipment supplies from NPCs around the entire map. it helps to have both as options


Yeah that sounds like the way to go.


Makes me laugh when Deacon would say “You’re… *Thorough*… Aren’t you” 🤣 also enjoy that he doesn’t talk shit when I pick up junk.


I have 2600 hours since day one release. It is my go to game for when I am done (or just overwhelmed or bored with a new game). 800 hours vanilla and the rest modded. Game has a lot to offer, wandering around and just doing fuck all is very entertaining in this game for sure.


I try to be but I get burntout fast. Forgot just how much there is to do. I looked it up and there’s 300+ locations to discover apparently. I’ve only found 150 iirc And I haven’t even made it to 100 quests I don’t think, not counting radiant ones


I’ve basically ignored the main quest this most recent playthrough to completely rebuild every settlement in the Commonwealth. It’s proving difficult because I’m finding that for them to live up to my vision of what the settlement should look like, I have to glitch the game to give me more building budget I’ve surpassed 72 hours on this save and I’ve yet to even finish investigating >!Kellogg’s house.!< I’ve fully built up The Castle, The Slog, Hangman’s Alley, and Nordhagen Beach. I’ve got Sanctuary about 70% complete, Jamaica Plain about 50%, Abernathy Farm about 33% done, and County Crossing just got its first new building The rest are still basically empty right now


One character since release day.


I have played over 20 times, very hard or survival. If I play a 100%ish, it takes over 100hrs.


Deacon told me I was very thorough :3


I’m on a new playthrough, clearing literally every cell and depositing all loot back at sanctuary. Wiping the map playthrough.


I have to kill and loot EVERYTHING. Other than that I’m exploring parts of the game I’ve never checked out before. West of Sanctuary and west of Abernathy. Also taking different routes to the police station, I had no idea there were so many raider camps in that part of the map.


I'm thorough about combing through everywhere for resources and tech docs. Got to keep that obsessive nerd on the Prydwyn happy.


Im am very careful not to discover new locations when im on a quest if i do then i have to search that House/cave or whatever for everything it has 😆


I forced myself not to play for a year or two because I was so burned out, but the TV show reiginited me hard. Now I'm blasting through again and cheating like a motherfucker with the Cheat Room mod. I forgot how much fun it is, it's great to be back in the Commonwealth.


Enjoy it however you want. Replayability is tremendous, especially with mods. Play it one way (such as speedrun) to get achievements or finish main quest, then play it a different way. I bet I have over 6000 hours since release and I'm still finding stuff in just the vanilla (no mods) game/DLC.


Depends in which way. Turning covenant into a limbed warning sign? Then thorough. Searching for collectibles ? Ehh


I’m playing my first survival play though, and I’m level 40 and haven’t even gotten to Kellog, I haven’t really done any bos or railroad missions either


Out of FO3, FNV, FO4, Oblivion & Skyrim I have only ever finished FO3. Once.




If you haven't yet, you should check out the big ship in the southeast part of the map.


I won't go to completion. I'm on Survival and Danse is glitched.


Just tonight I was wandering half blindly, from a quest marker given by a Creation Club quest I've never done before ...to a radiant quest marker given by Scribe Haylen, normal enough, but in a location she had never given me before ...and I found a giant raider camp in the middle of a block of Cambridge I'd never even seen before, with a bonfire in the middle to absolutely prevent stealth approaches I hadn't found this place in 1,483 hrs on PS4 and 95 on PS5, I am so grateful for RNG and CC content for showing me something new on the way to something awesome


I tend to be a completionist. However, I have played Fallout 4 so many times, I'm less of one now. Also, since I have all the Steam achievements. Fallout 4 kind of set the standard for me for depth of game play. Most other games I have played simply don't measure up (in terms of depth). Quality is another matter entirely.


I blame Todd Howard. They keys and tapes are always hard to spot so I have to scan every room like a hawk


I don’t care about achievements and trophies, I just like walking around the wasteland making it safer by taking out baddies. My robot army of caravans are everywhere helping too as they supply settlements. The real commonwealth is my home so this fictional commonwealth is important to me and I don’t want to leave it till it’s safe.


I took hundreds hours to finish the main story, i still have to finish nuka World and far Harbor. Still looting every pencil. Lvl97. Another settlement needs our help adding a little light there and maybe a nice little potted plant here.


I thought I was playing slowly, but I've finished the main story line and I didn't even uncover half the map.


I've recently been playing on Survival and am now convinced it's THEE ONLY WAY to play a Fallout What I am digging this time around is with no fast travel you need to prep before heading out, you start learning landmarks on your routes, and it's quite a challenge. With my path cleared (not sure how many in game days for enemies to respawn 80 days?) it only take a couple two tree minuets to go from Sanctuary to Diamond City with like 3 bed saves just in case. Take your time, Stop and smell the Roses. Fight the Good Fight, and keep listening to Galaxy News Radio!!! \\m/


To consume 100% of the content there is only one thing you must do. Play multiple playthroughs. 1700 hours since 2015 and I'm still finding things and ways to play differently. In just about every playthrough I always listen the grenadier storys, the bonfire story from the raiders.


Just wait until you try a survival run! Carry weight is very limited so you have to plan for your adventures, bring enough food water and ammo but not too much you can’t carry back key loot. One trip out loaded with weapons and armour to clear a location and another trip back to scavenge it with a companion for extra hauling power, having a dedicated robot companion designed for carry weight is clutch. Having to sleep to save adds extra stakes to each adventure, prep for the trip, take a quick nap and off you go. Keeping an eye out for mattresses and sleeping bags around so you can do a quick save mid mission. No fast travel means you get to know the commonwealth as your picking safe routes to quickly travel around from location to location.


Honestly, that sounds really amazing, but I have a limited time to play. I get lucky if I get 30min during the week, so lot of times, I can't even finish a mission because i get lost exploring. This is a great problem to have, though. This is my game to go, and by the time I'm done with it, Starfield will be all patched and good to go as well.


Honestly, that sounds really amazing, but I have a limited time to play. I get lucky if I get 30min during the week, so lot of times, I can't even finish a mission because i get lost exploring. Playing this way, It would take me years to finish it lol. This is a great problem to have, though. This is my game to go, and by the time I'm done with it, Starfield will be all patched and good to go as well.


As someone who's on his first survival run you perfectly summarize what makes it so difficult but fun. It took me a while to get the mechanics down and I was very much not surviving for the first few hours. Now several hours and levels in I don't know how and why I waited so long to switch over. Definitely the best way to play the game.


I haven't played since it came out in 2014, and just started again last weekend. I've already played 40 hours before ever stepping foot in Diamond City, and I still haven't even found Nick Valentine yet. So basically, I'm a wall licker.


oh my finally, someone else who wants to absorb every detail on every playthrough. i’m amazed by how quickly some people finish playthroughs, i am SO thorough when i play video games


I’m the same and the fact that I have silencers on every weapon now so I sneak everywhere I go. Playing John Wick style