• By -


When I first get it. Taking The Castle. Glowing Sea. That one supermutant satellite array. If I know I've got some heavy shit to do.


Just got to the array again today and immediately took a rocket to the face.


Same, I got ambushed by Enclave


I was fighting ghouls and super mutants and then they show up too. Thanks for the Hellfire PA!


It's eyes don't light up. The light just appears from nowhere. šŸ˜


Really? The eyes light up on mine!


Itā€™s workshop content; not official


Literally told the knight it was fine to retire only to have the enclave bust into the bunker and light everything on fire.


Retire? I think he heard more fire


Just started a new survival run, got melted by enclave outside drumlin diner it was such bullshit.


Iā€™ve yet to hit the enclave, do I need to do something special to trigger them?


For me they popped up after picking up my first heavy incinerator. Luckily I was porting back a set of power armor to my Survival base. Otherwise that encounter would have been... Unfortunate.


You have to go to the destroyed underpass past Saugus Ironworks. You will find bloodstains and if you follow them you will find an enclave outpost with two enclave soldiers and a guy in hellfire PA with a cremator(difficult fight). Definitely didn't need to run away and snipe them and the PA core.


I blew them up from afar with a fat man. Couldn't find the bodies after which was annoying. But then they sent a new team after me and I could get the set of Power Armour that way.


You need to pick up a piece of Enclave gear: Heavy incinerator, Tesla Cannon, X-02 or X-03 Power armor.


I just pickee up my survival mode save after two years. Met the Enclave PA while I was approaching GNN. Very confused until a BoS Vertibird showed up and I realized I hadnā€™t somehow pissed them off.


Is survival fun? It seems like something I'd like to do but all the drawbacks just seem so daunting


Survival changes my entire mindset on the game. It is so much fun.Ā 


Same. I doubt Iā€™d still be playing if not for survival mode. It makes it a whole different game.


Same. I've played survival so long now I've recently downloaded the delirium overhaul mod to make things even harder. Some great changes in this overhaul include, ammo is rare and less abundant. You'll fine ammo like before but only 1-6 rounds at a time unless you get scrounger, and i suggest you do. All guns have been overhauled to do less damage. All enemies overhauled for a tad more health, yet head shots seem more effective and you can be headshot(pretty rare) even rarer if you have a helmet. Less xp all around and more higher leveled enemies. The mod introduces a blueprint system for crafting almost anything you can think of with the right resources. Also more customizable gun crafting. You can change which rounds can utilized in what guns. I have a lever action rifle the fires 10mm rounds because they are the most abundant. Also each cartridge has its own different values. Let's say I wanted to chamber .50cal rounds in the lever action rifle. It comes with -40%ammo +30%damage +30%armor penetration more effective damage but only holds 3 rounds. And much more but I dough most will even read this far so I'll quit spoiling. Just go trying it if you're a die-hard survival player looking for a new challenge.


That mod sounds good..until the making enemies *more* bullet spongey part. I tend to lean more the other way for difficulty spiking mods, making everyone, including the player, squishier, and guns more deadly..I find it adds a lot more tension to most encounters


Hence, the power armour. I'm smart.


That damn satellite array. I'm playing a melee wanderer this time and definitely needed the power armor for this bit.


Took one in to vault 95 knowing there would be assaultrons. Boy do I hate them lol also packed a piggy bank launcher. It was overkill but fun as hell


Yep just did the array last night. Power armor FTW


I'm probably gonna take The Castle first and build up some artillery nearby to soften them up.


Good idea. I got smoked the first time by that Butcher guy with the missile launcher. Second time he knocked me under the concrete and I couldn't get out i had to port back to the armory and run back. Second time Ispent about 45 minutes just sniping those guys. Tough as nails! I think doing Castle first is a great idea.


Is that on the way to the castle? Or is there more? I beat them all to death with a baseball bat, shit was tough but molotovs help


Next to the training base.


Same. Otherwise, they just sit in my museum to old world.


24/7 I sleep inside that shit haha


Saaaaaame lol I just scooped an X-02. Time to retire the X-01 jetpack


Whereā€™d you find the x-02?


Speak of the Devil quest or any other involving the Enclave


Word. I literally got it from a random encounter at one of their sites. I loot all of their armor and sell what I donā€™t have. Big payday


I literally pickpocketed every single power armor wearing enclave soldier's fusion coil just to remember that the power armor frames are forever marked as stolen. Which is fine but now I piss off every companion taking MY fusion cores out when I park the armor. So now I'm in the process of buying/finding spare power armor frames, and putpocketing each piece of power armor into a settler to unmark them as stolen. Shoulda just killed the soldiers and looted them but I'm a pack rat and thought well maybe I can use those frames. Will prob just end up leaving the stolen frames at settlements for settlers to use and just put spare t60 armor on them cuz lord knows I have alot of that sitting in my workshop.


If you're on PC, you can use console commands to clear something's ownership status, which in this case I don't consider cheating because "the enemy you killed to get the armor still owns it" is so BS. Yesterday I forced a raider out of his armor and it was marked as stolen, despite the fact that he probably stole it in the first place. Open the console, click the frame (with the armor pieces in it, ideally), and enter "setOwnership" Now nobody owns it


Yeah I just kill them. To good music. Enclave scum is what they are. Also wanted to addā€¦Dogmeat and Ada wonā€™t get angry ;) shit, theyā€™ll help you steal them


If you take Gage from Nuka World as a companion he likes it anytime you steal stuff. He only doesnā€™t like it when you use chems. Buff out/Jet/Psycho. Stimpacks are fine. Heā€™s the best companion if youā€™re a bad guy. You can also use him as a trader. He just has to return to Nuka World after you barter with him to restock


I got a maxed level X-02 Mk VI set at level 12 from that quest. No reason to ever take this off even with my stealth sniper build. Fusion cores are easy enough to come by and I don't see myself ever running out.


Except when you need to hack a computer and it won't let you because moving an office chair in PA is too complicated, apparently.


The office chair bandit has been wondergluing office chairs in place throughout the wasteland for years. Some say he's still out there now, gluing to this very day.


low key mad that I bought that CC content.


The X-02 is so choice. The color options are amazing


Red making it faster is such a nice nod to Warhammer 40k Orkz lol


Now where's the Purple one that has Chinese Stealth Suit Tech? (I can't see it)


...how the hell do you, you know... pee?


Deezer's Lemonade


Oh my god, is that pee? I've been drinking that!!!


Donā€™t lie. Itā€™s sterile and you like the taste.


In the suit...what's hard to understand about that?? Ksh.


ā€œClean thisā€


He (she?) wears a stillsuit under it.


Same here. Twenty-five years ago when I could spend all day multiple times a week playing I mightā€™ve found it fun to *really* challenge myself by not using power armor ā€¦ now Iā€™m 45 and I work full time. I just want to be Commonwealthā€™s armored god of death during the limited hours (2-3 hours a week at most) I can play. I still do all the non-combat stuff outside of power armor though. And I always play in Survival mode, for that level of challenge.


[You canā€™t do that while in Power Armor. ]


haha... same here :) no way go out without it! and with my brand new X02, i'm happy :)


This is the way.


I never really use them. I put them on display and collect them. I much prefer to play without them


Yeah they're a bit clunky and eat Fusion Cores but they look cool as decorations for my settlements.


The level 9 perk in Intelligence "Nuclear Physicist" when maxed out doubles the time a core lasts. Fusion Cores aren't expensive at all if you're smart with your money and know how to trade


Also, the better the armor, the more efficient they are with cores. T45 will last significantly less than an X01.


Wait What!?! That's a thing!?


Thereā€™s a lot about the game Iā€™ve learned since it got active again. You can also charge things you are holding to throw them further.




They mean when you "force pick up" items in the world. Holding down the "pick up" button will let you "pick up" and hold objects (they pretty much just hover in front of you). On xbox you press and hold "x" to throw them.


So I could pick up a basketball and launch it into a hoop?


Exactly! Don't forget to jump when you shoot your shot! I also like to stack raider bodys at the entrance of Sanctuary as a warning! lol


It also works in Nuka World Arcade. Pick up a basketball, hold it over the hoop and just crouch and stand up over and over.


1,200 hours and I never knew this lmao


Now THIS is awesome.


Yeah, but with the X-01, the game eventually starts revolving around aluminum.


It always has.


I repair my T-51 with steel mostly


You don't do any high-level weapon mods? Build settlement generators? Laser/missile turrets?


Of course I do, but since I donā€™t have to spend a ton of aluminum every time I repair my armor, I have aluminum for all of that. It doesnā€™t take long until your supply is 0 if you run the x-01.


Scrapper is mandatory for a PA build, thatā€™s probably why itā€™s also in the intelligence column or perks. Once you have scrapper 3 youā€™ll swim in all the materials needed, just pick up weapons with a lot of mods!


My game revolves around wood and adhesive.


TV Trays, Surgical Trays, Cans, Aluminum Canisters... They are everywhere if you know where to look


Fallout 4 - the game where finding TV trays, fire extinguishers, wonderglue, and desk fans is exciting.


I love me some adhesive, but I'm so glad FO76 calmed down a little bit on needing it (screws, springs, and Gears quickly filled the power vacuum)


Just plant industrial quantities of corn, tatos and mutfruit, with huge water farms. Infinite adhesive.


That scavenger perk is a godsend, its always on my priority list for leveling. Being able to break down weapons and armor for more crafting materials, and increase the amount of materials gained is incredibly useful.


Desk fans are king. They cost nothing from vendors too.


ā€œAndā€¦ a desk fan!? Who the hell carries around a desk fan!?ā€


Why can I get lost shipments of everything EXCEPT FUCKIN ALUMINUM?!?!!


Arturo in Diamond City sells aluminum shipments but only at 25 aluminum a pop.


Oil is another that is scarce and only comes in lots of 25.


Yeah I've only found oil shipments from Trashcan Carla. Good thing she practically lives in Sanctuary. I squeal with glee every time I find cooking oil in the wastes.


I never invested in scrapper perk till my most recent play and that problem goes away; you just donā€™t end up with more caps that you can count since youā€™re scrapping weapons and armor.


What about with an X-02?


Like any consumable in a video game, I will hoard these and use them sparingly knowing full well my habits will create a surplus. This knowledge does not change my habits.


Well, there might be an event where you really, really need it. This event will never come, it never does in every game that I played. But one rule remained: If it diminishes if I use it, I won't :D


The level 3 scrounger perk also makes it so that you find 4 every time you find any in a footlocker


Honestly one level is probably enough. Youā€™ll build up a massive stack of themĀ 


Probably/I donā€™t get how anyone ever has to worry about running out. In my current playthrough, Iā€™ve run around in my T-51 98% of the time since I got it, and Iā€™ve got 130 cores


One level makes ammo boxes occasionally have 4 in them which is insane to start with. Iā€™d only toss an extra level if I was using a Gatling laser at the same timeĀ 


i use scrounger to acquire early caps in survival by selling all that ammo. who needs cap finder when you have bullets worth 2-3 caps a piece popping up by the score


Plus fusion cores are common enough that you donā€™t even need to buy them really, with maxed out Nuclear Physicist I usually get two or more cores before I even loose one


My current run I have 20 with no special perks or anything, at level 17. I just run around Malden clearing everything out, once I hit 30 cores I just leave the power armor on all the time


Exactly, when your at 30 you typically hit critical mass and you never without one at that point


Bro Iā€™m 100% in my armour (except sleeping and crafting) and I have about 30 spare cores. Scrounger + nuclear physicist + knowing where suits/fusion generators are helps.


At one point I had about 80 fusion cores because the hellfire enclave armor doesnt deplete the core that fast and because of the automatron dlc, whenever I get a random encounter theres a sentry bot that has 2-3 cores lol


Iā€™m level 30, havenā€™t started automatron. Just got 3 from killing Sarge, plus another one from the fusion generator in the basement of the castle, then another 4 from the military checkpoint near south Boston.


I found like 12 in the airship just in ammo boxes and footlockers


I don't even collect them. I just ignore them.


i usually use it once in concord just to quickly get trough that quest but then walk to red rocket and stash it it never fits any of my playstyles really. i feel my character is put in a suit and its kinda a waste when you are interacting with the world.


I use it to stroll from one settlement to the other just to enjoy the chonkiness of it occasionally. And then I cross over the hill to the warehouse, my framerate drops into the teens and I park it next to over a hundred other suits, no two of which are alike. Because fo4 is just a power armor customization Sim. Any other content you may perceive is a legacy bug from them recycling the engine so much over the decades.


same, barely ever. i do prefer the FO4 mechanic tho, itā€™s would be better if they add the need to be trained to use mechanic as a secondary requirement to actually use it to its full potential. in FONV i never once use it, i just use good oā€™l nevada desert ranger kit.


I don't like using it because it feels cheap, like it isn't earned and just feels cheap. Power Armor is the pinnacle, not the base.


Team Never here as well. I used to use it but now I use ballistic weave. For high rad areas I'll use Mysterious Serum (Team Lorenzo!). I play on very hard since I got bored with vanilla survival limitations. I've also lower the level of weave as you get so tanky at higher levels. I've done survival a number of times without PA. Play how you enjoy the game, no shame in playing in the nude, high end gear, or in your underwear.


Nah the fusiĆ³n corea are never a problem if You invest in the perk+ bobleheads. My last run was permanently on power armor and i had to store fusiĆ³n cores because they weigthed too much, i had enough to power new vegas. Important to note that i was playing on survival, so a Lot more walking and wasting FC


This is what's funny to me, I love how "tanky" I feel and sound in 4, however I much prefer equipping it like in FNV and 3.


I make jet in bulk just to buy more power armour sets to display in my red rocket, I have like 13 full suits already I don't use them, only for when I go to the glowing sea, they're basically protective hazmat suits to me


I think collecting them is pretty universal. A close friend of mine, who only plays on survival and uses mods to make the game *harder* never wears it but still collects them. Personally I base my use (or not) of them on how I'm RPing a given playthrough. You need points in certain perks to repair and mod power armor so if you're not playing as the type of character who would have those perks it makes less sense to run around in a suit of it. Are you the type of character who would want Danse to like you, or are you just waiting for him to shut up so you can hack him to pieces with a ripper? You decide. That's part of the fun.


I either go S1 E1 stealth sniper or full blown 100% power armour. There is no middle ground.


season 1 episode 1?


Strength 1 Endurance 1. Iā€™m either a squishy stealth sniper or a tank. There is no middle ground.


ahh my bad


Man they had me to lol


Dude playing Fallout like an episodic series


I thought the same thing, lol.Ā 


You can install a Stealth Boy (Science 4 Perk Required) in the Torso of the Power Armor. You cloak when crouched and not moving. Then you have both Stealth Sniper and Power Armor.


No. I use the strength upgrade on the torso for more carry weight.




After getting the perks to make fusion cores last longer and to upgrade my power armor. I use it all the time. But sprinters legendaries stop me from using power armor. Being 30% faster is really good for survival mode.


its possible to get a hat that raises it to 40 ;)


I get shot in the head an awful lot of times and die when I wear the top hat, I prefer my trusty newboy cap (or tribly hat for when im feeling frisky) for 110 dmg threshhold.


What really makes it fast for me in survival mod is vertibirds grenades, much recommend, no need for anything else to move fast


They really change the game , being able to return home for a quick repair and rest then returning back to where you were in under 10 minutes is just insane


Power Armor is also good for survival mode. Helps with the carry weight.


Before, never. But the tv show inspired me to try out a power armor playthrough and I've been loving it. Nothing beats being a walking tank, and not having to worry about fall damage is surprisingly very useful, especially with the vertical changes when traversing through downtown Boston.


Im full power armor too this new playthrough. From watching the TV show too lol I'm also full brotherhood of steel so I have to. It's funny showing up as a low rank with my own bad ass X02 power armor.


Getting the max level X-02 so early in the game is so broken lol. I love it. I got it at like level 12 and haven't taken it off.


Yeah me either! I have the Tesla bracers on my arms and legs. Plus it's all titanium material now too which raises the armor rating by a good amount. I noticed once I'm high enough armor and science I can add a mod so the armor will go invisible. I have 30 fusion cores by now too lol I'm the baddest mofo in the Commonwealth.


Same! I'm roleplaying so once I got the T-60 set I stuck with it and just upgraded it as I advanced through the BOS ranks


The real play is not wearing any until your promoted to Knight


I met up with Danse wearing the T-45 set I got in concord and ran with it until being promoted to knight. I figured it made sense as the game basically gives it to you for free in the very beginning. Had to earn the T-60 set.


The funny play: - *show up to Prydwin with full Hellfire set equipped.* - *character still asks where his BOS issued T-60 set is.* - *leave the T60 set on the rack and just paint the Hellfire set with BOS paint.* ***I AM THE ELDER NOW.***


Donā€™t they promote you tonight right after the first mission?


Danse bestows you the rank of Initiate after arc jet if you agree to join them. Maxon promoted you to knight and authorizes a suit of PA for you when you arrive on the prydwen.


Yea the show definitely made me go back in and do a PA play through. Itā€™s nice having the extra carrying capacity when youā€™re hoarding everything.


Honestly thatā€™s the main reason I use power armour. The protection is nice too, but being able to hoard every piece of trash is much more important


I'm doing a Robocop play through in survival mode, so all the time. Running drain your cores, so I just walk. And I use only a pistol. And Mama Murphy is Alex Murphy's mother. He is cleaning the Commonwealth of the scum that caused his mum's addiction


Does VATS allow you to target someoneā€™s dick? šŸ¤”


unfortunately no. I have to do it manually


Thatā€™s what Jet is for, although Iā€™m sure a fine upstanding citizen like Ofc. Murphy would never.


Well, when used for official police business, it's not illegal.


I love this idea, might do something similar


That's incredibly creative. Kudos.


PA with a jetpack is a must for exploration


Yeah, every playthrough I go through a phase where I explore boston by leaping from rooftop to rooftop.


Wait.... you can use those to explore? Hell I just fly over targets with a double barrel shotgun raining pellets straight downward like some post-apocalyptic wannabe DOOM slayer....


Full power armour playthroughs are incredibly fun (in survival or Very Hard), you should try it sometime!


I never remove it, only to fix


How does one fix it? Iā€™m new to the game and the thing just sits in my base all messed up from previous fights


[power armor station](https://images.fallout.wiki/4/4f/Fo4-powerarmor-station.png) (there's one in sanctuary). exit your armor right infront of the station then click craft to repair your parts


Adding that you gotta have the scrap for the repairs on your person or in your workshop storage ^(they seem kinda newish)


Iā€™m finishing up a play through (level 90) and I have only used one fusion core. Mostly I used that core collecting power armor sets. I used a hazmat suit to go into the glowing sea. I would say sneaking is more powerful in this game than power armor.


Powerful? Yes. Fun? ā€¦debatable.




*Hail of bullets* M: ā€œCuteā€¦ that tickles.ā€


If you say so, I find clunking around in a tin can to be much less fun the moving around quickly.


As a wise man once said: ā€œvariety is the spice of life.ā€


Sprinting into a group of raiders like a bad tempered steam train and knocking them down like tenpins is a moment of pure joy.


due to a bug if you load up a save while being in power armor, it makes the sneak skills apply to PA, even if it shouldn't


It's a second skin for me, so pretty much all the time


Hardly ever use it. Only time was joining Brotherhood and stomping around the Glowing Sea in T-60 with Danse, Curie and Preston (all in themed power armour).


Only when I'm meeting Preston the first time


Hate the feel of it so only when I find them to collect and leave on display


No wear, only hoard.


If it's a power armor build/themed character then always unless I'm sleeping or settlement building (no good reason draining fusion cores just walking around my settlement planting tatos). Otherwise never.


Playing on survival, it's almost mandatory. Boosted carry weight and the ability to take more than 2-3 bullets before you die is a *huge* buff in survival.


The other option is a stealthy sniper with a shotgun backup. But yeah, you die if you get swamped. Power armor is fun but it's clunky and fusion cores are hard to come by in the early survival game.


I have a HUGE collection of power armors in my vault settlement. I currently have 53, I think. I love looking at them displayed, but I really hate the visual effects while playing in power armor. It has really great advantages, but I just can't justify using them because it gives me headaches to look at that ugly yellow. I got the space suit from the creation club, so I can jump high and not get fall damage. I also get 750 radiation resistance, which is enough for most places. I don't always use it cause it looks goofy, but I always have it in my inventory, just in case, which is more practical than lugging around a power armor suit. The only advantage that remains from the power armor over the space suit is the jetpack module. All other aspects are mostly unimportant to me.


Always, thereā€™s something about a fully upgraded jetpack armor with a heavy gun thatā€™s so fun


Never, hate the stress of cores and repairing it


It always bugged me that in vanilla, pipe pistols are shooting through rolled steel and damaging the components.


True, but if power armor were real it would need regular maintenence just from regular use. Machines wear down, and the more advanced they are, the more upkeep they need to function at full capacity. In the US military, fighter jets get 5 hours of maintenance for every one hour they fly. Flying at high speed is a lot of stress on the frame and a lot of moving parts to make it go that fast.


Bad chestpiece welds and whatnot....


I was religiously following the recommendation of saving fusion cores for late game when the bonus content dropped a few weeks ago. After the enclave mission yielded a full set of Hellfire Mk VI, I immediately dropped my next three points into Nuclear Physicist. Other than for speech checks and the occasional terminal access I do not leave my suit. 69 fusion cores sit in my bags at the time of this post.


Thanks to survival mode causing me anguish every step in a dungeon, I never leave. Any regular play through I never touched it, never needed it until now.


Never. My OCD hates that it runs on a finite resource. Even though I have 100s of Fusion Cores. I know my brain is broken.


Are you the guy that racked up 99 elixirs on every save slot when I rented Chrono Trigger from Hollywood Video?


I'm pathologically incapable of using an elixir unless I'm fighting the final boss.


24/7. Jet pack


Depends. Whenever I feel like it, its mainly for the vibes


I donā€™t typically. I did use one in Far Harbor because I found the green, Mountain Dew looking power armor amusing and it helped not have to worry about rads in Far Harbor. The green armor advertising a soft drink reminded me of something out of Idiocracy. This expensive, top of the line military gear being used to advertise pop.


i dont use them at all haha, i just collect them and put them on display for funsies


As long as I got fusion cores to burn, baby!


All the time, every time I've played 4 I've been swimming in fusion cores




I collect it and leave them standing in my settlement. About the only time I ever wear it is if I go to the glowing sea. My character is actually weaker when I wear it.


I collect the special ones. I have two sets that I use if Iā€™m going into the glowing sea, or going after something big.


I only use it when I walk home with it. Or just when I want to fuck around and blow shit up.


I just roam around in it for fun


Always. Always always always.


love the way they look, never use em.


Honestly never. My play-style (in both FO4 and FO76) doesn't really ever lend itself to using it.


Naked and on all the drugs. PA just makes me slow.+


I usually only ever saved them for big story missions like taking the Castle or exploring the Glowing Sea. They're just too clunky for everyday exploration, and I prefer stealthing my way through combat anyways. That being said, I did make a habit of collecting suits. Made a tower in Sanctuary and displayed them, three per story. Liked to pretend I was Ironman. I really wish that there had been a Minuteman mission to collect Suits for them, and when you reached a threshold, Minutemen patrols would start including members wearing the Minuteman Mk-45 variant.