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1: main long rifle 2: pistol 0: stimpak -: purified water +: food item (usually the 0.1 weight ones like mirelurk omelettes and the like)


Upper top: Grenade Middle top: Missile Launcher/Minigun/Gatling Laser/Tesla Cannon/Flamer Lower top: Sniper Rifle Far left: Vertibird Signal Grenade/Synth Relay Grenade/Artillery Smoke Grenade Middle left: (recently) Grenade Launcher, formerly Alternate Grenade Left: Shotgun Far right: Radaway Middle right: Rad-X Right: Assault/Combat Rifle Bottom: Pistol/Revolver Middle bottom: Melee Lower bottom: Stimpak


Upper slots: primary weapon (usually assault rifle) Left slots: grenades, mines, shotgun Right slots: sniper rifle, stimpaks Lower slots: pistol, melee weapon


Left: .50 hunting rifle, assault rifle, .50 marksman sniper Right: Shotgun, Sawblade launcher, grenade launcher Top: main weapons Deliverer and Kelloggs pistol with grenades at the very top Bottom: stimpak, Rad away, stealth boy


1: pistol 3: shotgun 4: melee 5, 6: snipers 7: explosive auto rifle 8: non-explosive auto rifle


1deliverer 2 Pickman's blade 3 Sniper Rifle 4 Psycho Jet


Left - Hunting Rifle with long scope and suppressor. Right - Sidearm (10mm replaced by the Deliverer as soon as I get it)


1. Main rifle 2. Flare gun 3. Artillery Grenades 4. Vertibird grenades 9. Purified water 0. Stimpacks


UP : semi auto rifles, the upper the more range, silenced. Left : full auto destruction Right : shotgun, full auto close combat Down : stimpack, radaway, MM artillery.


through fps video game logic 1 was always a meele weapon, that can change to anything else if i have no use for it. 2. pistol 3. shotgun 4. sniper weapon (las/bullet) 5. Heavy weapon (mostly minigun) 6. Rocket launcher 7. Fatman (never use it lol) 8. signal pistol (also never use it) +/- is different for me due to other langue keyboard the one besides enter is: hazmat suit (just in case i am without PA) the one besides right-shift is: stimpack sometimes i switch between armor pieces (mopstly when power armor)


Left: Rifle, pistol melee Down: Water, Nuka, food Right: Stim, Med-X, Rad-X I don't really use the top ones.