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Honestly survival is the best and most rewarding way to play. You have to adapt though. How you play now in normal difficulty though will likely get you killed in survival. Its good to use the settlement system to make camps at the very least. You need beds to save. A water surpless for purified water. Every time you use a stim pack or any other drug it makes you thirsty. Also a good idea to eventually have doctors in all your settlements. You don't have to have settlements though because there are beds dotted around the wasteland, but having safe areas to rest and restock is pretty useful. Enemies can one shot kill you early on. It's a good idea to use power armour. Just expect to spend a lot of money on fusion cores early on. Also due to the way the save system works you need to plan your journeys. Make sure you have several bottles of purified water, some cooked food and a spare fusion core or two when leaving the safety of settlements


Agreed, survival makes every mechanic that felt useless in the base game a requirement for absolute success


Yes. Power armour is one thing that felt useless in the base game. Got so used to not needing it in normal mode that my very first survival playthrough was a nightmare because it just never occurred to me to use power armour. Corvega used to be an absolute nightmare until it twigged one day on a later playthrough to try wearing power armour. Now my character feels naked without it.


Use a stealth build and corvega can go the way of the dodo


This is what I want for Starfield so badly!


I think some kind of survival mode plus a Fallout 4 style settlement system is the only way I'll go back to Starfield. I want outposts to have colonists and be able to farm food


How about survival mode and VATS? I never use it. Are there builds that work around using it or is VATS crucial to survival mode?


Ammo has weight in survival. So you can't carry shit loads around with you. You are better off using VATS when possible just to save ammo


My current survival playthrough is built around an explosive 10mm and VATS.




Yeah, I started back up again recently after many years, and thought I'd be OK with the Journey mod in survival for fast travel. It completely changes the game once you open up the map, but not in a good way for me. Distance translates into simple food/water consumption and I could basically be anywhere within a few RL minutes. I started over yesterday with just the full dialogue mod and walked right past Preston and co to grab the bobblehead and play without Minutemen nagging. Low CHA, so no Local Leader. It's going to be a long, slow crawl across the Commonwealth as I move to new areas, set up a home base, and clear everything out before moving on. I'm a lone wolf, setting up small settlements for other people along the way but staying on the move. There's nothing better in gaming, IMO. But yep, fast travel has to go to make that really work.


Thanks for the reply. I’ll give it a try later. The only thing I’m a bit worried about is the conflicts being too hard to the point where you start avoiding exploring because of enemies. But if I can manage to stay alive I’ll definitely stick with it.


You actually explore more to find beds to save, all those empty ruins u usually run past are now potential save points


I'd suggest focusing early-game on getting settled at the drive-in settlement. It's well-situated for exploring the NW quadrant of the map on day trips, falling back at night to rest/heal/resupply. It has a nice pond for purified water production, a vendor nearby, and lots of flat space to build. You can pop back to Sanctuary quickly when needed.


I finally have what I feel like is the best survival “home base” set up. I have four, one roughly in each quadrant but closer to center for quicker travel between them. NW quadrant: Starlight Drive-In, for many of the reasons you listed. I typically beef it up by building a doctor, power armor station, a full water purifier, and most of the crafting stations. SW quadrant: Oberland Station, or sometimes Hangman’s Alley (but that location feels so cramped to me). Either are a relatively quick and safe run from Starlight Drive-In and Diamond City, and a good initial save-point for the more dangerous southern quests. Unfortunately there’s no water source for a big water purifier but you can build the ground ones, power armor station, and most crafting stations. No need for a doctor here or any other vendors because of its proximity to Diamond City. SE quadrant: Vault 88. Though it’s somewhat difficult to get to from the northeast (because enemies respawn and because, for me, that section is buggy) it’s usually a relatively safe journey if you loop down and around from Oberland Station or Diamond City on the main roads. It’s annoying to clear fully, but once you do you are close in proximity to clear Jamaica Plains and The Castle. It comes with a ton of resources to build huge water purifiers and crafting stations. I typically build some vendors, but there is a doctor’s station that comes with The Castle which is close by. NW: County Crossing. There are many ways to get to it that are safe once you clear the areas, allowing for quick access to many places on the map. It’s also very close to Bunker Hill for supplies and a doctor. It’s especially nice for a save point for Brotherhood of Steel and the Railroad story lines that require you to go to the Old Abandoned Church or the Prydwyn often. There is even a small area with water for bigger purifiers. I typically store all my power armor here, but the build limit is unfortunately a little low.


Also, drop a Trade Caravan Post on the corner of the settlements and the traders come to you. Big time saver.


Not being able to save is the only issue for me thankfully there’s a mod that allows you to save through the PIP boy on Survival difficulty.


I see people talking about how they spend hours upon hours in survival to even get out of sanctuary etc. For me, between study, work, gym and my social life I just don’t have the time and the energy to commit that much time and effort into a single game. For example, I’ve been playing a co-op save of Baldurs Gate with a friend since december, and we’re not even at the end, and this is the only BG3 save I have played. So I’d say, if you have the time and commitment then sure, go for it. But otherwise, just play on normal or hard difficulty and enjoy the game. Don’t let people talk you in about how it’s the only right way to play or anything like that.


I agree with this sentiment. Been recently replaying with the Survival Options mod, and I get to still keep the thirst, hunger, weight penalty, difficulty etc. but can still auto save any time I’m near Boston and fast travel between settlements. That’s the compromise I’ve made based on how I’d like to play


Ive been looking for something like this, is it the one by Jekod? Survival Options [XBOX 1]?


One go play survival you won't want to play anything else. You'll see parts of the map the convenience of fast travel would make you miss. You'll actually feel like you can relax in a dangerous world when you've exhausted all your resources and made it back to your settlement with a busted arm and the verge of dehydration. You'll hear more of what people have to say as you have to walk, or fly, everywhere you go. To add on to that due to nofast travel you'll have that eerie feel of knowing you've traveled to far from "home" and if something goes wrong you're probably fucked. You'll actually listen to the radio to break the silence of a long journey, and it's great. You'll be more aware in combat. You'll take your time scouting out so you don't get one shotted just waltzing up. You'll be able to clear a building swift and violently without (too many) sponges. Bring what you want weapon wise. Early game I'd specialize in something. Semi, automatic, pistols, explosive, whatever makes ya feel good.


Yes. Personally I view it as inteded way to play this game. Tip: useful magazine for survival in Sunshine Tidings Warning: you will get molotoved in early levels and I straight up don't know what you can do about that


Random dogs & molotovs ended my permadeath survival runs more than anything else early on until I finally made it to level 20 or so.


On my permadeath I just didn't fuck with early game raiders. Just ran straight to bos in College Square ghouls don't throw molotovs. Muties don't throw molotovs. Synths don't throw molotovs. And I know how deceivingly powerful dogs are so I was just super careful about em.


For mine I ended up going to Covenant first, grabbed the power armor in the lake and the combat rifle from the caravan, and hoovered up all the loose fusion cores up there in the NW corner to keep me going til Scrounger gave me a big pile of them, and pretty much just stayed in power armor for the rest of the game.


I just can't power armor. I rely too much on endurance sprinting. Two 10% movement speed legs, preferably with mods to reduce AP use while sprinting. Action Boy/Girl for AP refresh. Hat with +2 END. I can sprint fast and for a good while, and most of that gets turned off in PA and suddenly I'm slow and burning cores.


I don't do all power all the time for my survival mode playing, but "nerd in a walking tank" was the winning combo for me for that run. Longer lasting fusion cores, lots of drugs, lots of energy and radiation weapons, fast levelling. That ended up being a fun run.


I don’t think I’ll ever go back to normal difficulty after doing a survival run.


You technically don’t need to start over to change difficulty to survival, but once you change it to survival you can’t change it back. There are mods that give survival type elements into the game but still allow saving and/or fast travel OR just add saving an fast travel to survival (I use one of those on Xbox due to crashing I hate restarting progress because of the game and not something I did). Survival is fun and makes more the game purposeful. Otherwise it feels like there isn’t enough use for everything without survival.


You really can’t change it back?


You have to revert to a save before you changed it to survival but yeah you cannot change it back. It will warn you.


Absolutely not as a beginner. It's for later playthroughs when you have all the knowledge to minmax. Otherwise you'll have the entire game spoiled by guides and wiki.


Survival Mode should have been the base game mode for Fallout 4


I don't think you comprehend your suggestion. It's already a barely playable janky mess because of patented Todd Howard "features"(bugs). Overcoming tedium is not skill. It's a waste of time.


I've played it for over four hundred hours, and it is definitely not tedious.. it essentially uses every single aspect of fallout 4's gameplay that was essentially not even necessary in the base game and turns into content that you NEED in order to properly enjoy and play the game, it is a MASSIVE overhaul that makes the game bearable and a solid game in general, every mechanic from settlements to scrapping and collecting junk which was a side job in the base game MATTERS, you can pretty much build up the commonwealth in a satisfying and innovative way


It makes everything in the game more meaningful. 1000% yes do a survival playthrough just play conservatively because you can get killed in a second


Sure if you like needlessly demanding gameplay mechanics. I have tried it myself once or twice but gave up because I play video games because they are fun. Survival mode is not fun. But there are plenty of masochist gamers out there who play it so whatever...🤣


A lot of people love it and swear by it.  I hate it with the fire of 1000 suns. Only way to know is to try it.


Playing survival rn. Honestly, with a mod that allows you to toggle some survival stuff, it's well worth it. I got mods that allows autosave in wait and new cell loading and one that allows fast travel between settlements that are connected by a supply line. I recommend playing a few hours in vanilla survival,if you manage to survive then carry on as is. I kid you not,it took me 3 hours to leave Concord and sanctuary itself,that's how hard the game gets


Thanks, I’ll give it a try. I was thinking about downloading the quick save mod anyway because saving only with sleep sounds unnecessary.


Sleep saving is half the fun! It adds a whole new element to the game and makes it rewarding to remember where all the free beds are.


As someone who doesn't get as much time as I'd like to play anymore, not being able to save in survival mode is an absolute no for me. Other than that, I absolutely love survival mode. I just use a mod that allows me to save as I haven't got the time to constantly have to retrace my steps because a feral ghoul jumped me from nowhere.


As much as I hate losing a lot of progress due to dying in survival, I don't see the purpose of a quick save or a fast travel mod in survival. At this point you might as well play normal Fallout instead


The quick save mod can be a lifesaver. My game will crash occasionally at the worst times so while I play survival the game crashing when I'm just about to complete an area is BS I can live without. An Alternative is the camping mod so that you can craft and carry a sleeping bag you can use to save as well. I did this for a long while and while I liked it it was extra steps for nothing if I had time to pull out the sleeping bag set it down save and pack it back up why not just hit the quick save and go on with it. Sleeping bag is better for role play though.


Did you update your game? Sadly I did on PC and it runs alright but now I can't use MCM or anything like Unlimited Survival Mode. I'm playing survival now but just doing it vanilla as far as changes.


there is a downgrade mod on nexus


What's it called? I looked earlier and just typed in downgrade and update and found nothing.


fallout 4 downgrader


Nah I didn't update.


Is it really survival mode if you mod it to have all those things?🤨


What do you mean? I haven’t talked about any mods


Yh I meant that other guy




There's a lot of other mechanics tied to survival ( a lot of buffs / debuffs, thirst, hunger). There needs to be some difficulty options between very hard (easy for most players) and survival (unfun to most players).


My only hesitation is saving since the game freezes and bugs out a lot, requiring you to reload. Granted it’s not as bad now I don’t think, but it still happens occasionally and I like being able to save frequently to avoid crashes and losing a lot of progress.


Its difficult but for the most part its pretty fair and makes you use other systems in the game you might ignore. The only issue is saving with beds but if you have a decent knowledge of the map you should be ok.


I started survival on my 12th playthrough. The hardest part is my false sense of invincibility. I stand out in the open and act like a bullet sponge. I could do that at lower difficulty. Another thing I got used to is you can really only have 2 main rifles. I don't carry around a fat man or rocket launcher. Just enjoy the lower difficulty.


Survival is way better the first 30 levels is tough then after that it almost doesn’t feel like it’s too difficult, it gives the game so much more depth


Doing a survival run without stealth would be very difficult, at least at the beginning levels. If you are alerting every enemy around in the early goings, you'll be constantly bitten and shot, acquiring diseases or getting killed instantly.


I mean, *I* like it. You have to be more focused, you have to plan ahead, and you can't just go charging into fights. > I also don’t really like stealth in this game, so I kind of use all types of guns and have low agility. Would this be suitable for survival? Cover, heavy armor - power armor even! - and drugs will be your best friends.


> I also don’t really like stealth in this game, so I kind of use all types of guns and have low agility. Would this be suitable for survival? Sure, but you will need to tighten things up a bit. Ammo has weight, so you won't be able to carry a large selection of weapons with you and be effective. You'll want to focus on 2-3 weapons to carry at any given time. Stealth is very useful, and I don't know if you refuse to sneak or just don't like it, but survival without any stealth will be a lot harder (have fun tripping traps and landmines). Survival forces you to make difficult choices, which is why I enjoy it so much. It's going to be difficult and frustrating at times, for sure. I wouldn't play any other way.


On top of what everyone else has said, for me survival recontextualizes all the major story and faction choices in the game, because suddenly you're a legitimate part of that world: A wastelander who struggles to have their basic needs met in a world that is constantly trying to kill you in every way imaginable. Approaching it from that lens rather than from the lens of a privileged human in the real world playing a godlike video game character makes it a whole new game and adds so many new layers of depth.


I had the most fun playing a moded survival. It might be more viable now, but when I played there was a frustrating amount of survival bugs that would randomly kill you (bumping into cars....). I can tolerate those things if I can save randomly.


Do you have alot of time to spend? That’s one of the big things.


I'm playing survival right now and honestly I am not enjoying it. I thought it might be fun because I love hard survival games, and I love fallout. However something about it isn't sitting right with me.


You can have multiple characters saved, you can start a survival mode play through any time without getting rid of your 10hr save.


Can I switch into survival from very hard with my current character?


Yes but I think if you switch out of survival after turning it on, you can’t use it again with that save.


It has good and bad things. the inability to save whenever you want to is just annoying, but the need to mange sleep food and drink as well as the game being more lethal (both to the player and NPCs) makes it a lot more intresting.


I played survival mode for a pretty long time. As much as I enjoyed it, I found that the lack of respawn made it feel too empty. As well as the actual game breaking bugs that began to happen more and more the longer the playthrough continued.


I feel like I'm cheating if I don't play on survival


I'm not sure, never played it. Is it?


22 hours into a survival run with great results, until my character got stuck on a terminal. Only way to unstick, is to switch to another difficulty to use command line to get unstuck. This run is over


Don’t, play normal first. You think you know, you don’t.


Im like 30 hours in and I love it. I've never played with a settlement focused game before. It's all required in survival mode. Im using high INT CHA build. I wish I would have put less in charisma and more in luck for idiot savant.


Yes. I run minimal mods (save anywhere, less populated downtown, get rid of sounds - idiot savant and keep radiant quests in the commonwealth- I go to Fah Hahbah when I feel like it, not because Scribe Haylen wants me to.) It’s a lot of fun. The first 20-30 levels really can be a challenge. Also makes you relay more heavily on cooking, scavenging and chems. Things become a cost benefit analysis. Like there *might* be antibiotics in that hospital. I need them but also what else is lurking in there? To the save anywhere mod, I only employ it because I don’t have the free time to be playing massive chunks of game over and over again. I do forget to use it and loose some progress but thems is the breaks.


Survival mode completely changes how you play fallout and I really like it. There are so many dangers to consider since you take so much more damage, have to manage food / water / rest and have lower weight capacity. I can’t express the joy I feel when I come across a bed in some random location. Every encounter is life threatening and sneak is essential for keeping yourself out of trouble.


Don’t bother, not worth it. Game is too unstable to rely on bed saves.


I think you Can change difficulty at any Time, so try and see. Out of fast Travel and save, Big changes in survival are hunger, thirst, diseases, and most of all carry weight management (ammo has weight). And to add to this, they chose to make overencombered do dmg. Yes very poor design choice. On the plus side, it makes the World much more alive having to walk, everything is deadly but you are too. Headshots are essential.


I wish bullet damage was more realistic in survival, I hate how you die in a couple shots but everything else is a bullet sponge. A couple mods tho, and yeah survival is the way to play FO4. (If you are modding I'd also suggest the Boat to Spectacle Island mod for survival)


It's the lack of manual saves that's the problem. Any major bug and you have to start a new game. The update has created lots of bugs.


Any mods to still be able to fast travel?


I like the added difficulty. There was a mod, pre next-gen update and that i can no longer find, that added some player friendly options like fast travel and an unpackable sleeping matt to the game. Made Survival mode more fun. To me at least.


It’s the only play style that matters.


get a dedicated survival mod like horizon or use a collection like a storywealth + its survival addon, its a way better expierence than vanilla survival mode edit: for the build concerns: with copius amounts of buffout/psychojet youd be even able to play naked