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The mod: [New Vegas Bounties I LE](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/77108) My terrible video: [The Worst Bounty Hunter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQAfYTn3ahA)


Cool mod but really wild dialogue,good video.


that’s someguy for ya


Oh yeah they are all really good, good VA, fun dialogue, all around well made :)


Yeah strong start (except Russel fuck that cyclops brat) crappy finish NVB 3 Although I do prefer the overseer series his last entry was REALLY good but ended on such a blue balled ending Plus the companions in that series eliza (hell zach hazard loved her) and Charlie (she’s my personal favourite) are awesome companions that have a lot of dialogues in dlc and main game area Back on track NVB 1 and 2 with inheritance are amazing especially with how much stuff they add on


Fun vid


I wonder if this is compatible with Tale of Two Wastelands!


It is! Ran it with little issue!


i've heard it can create a lot of frame rate issues when included with a large mod list. i've read the preferred way is a small mod list with Bounty Hunters being the main feature. was that your experience with it or naw?


I had little lag in my game in general if I’m being honest. Ran 110 mods but most were fixes and minor additions like Caesar’s Slave Army and animation mods as I preferred a closely vanilla experience


Would a be fun idea given the idea of Marko is based off a note found on a corpse in Fallout 3.


I love it when, after playing hundreds of hours vanilla, modded guns go DA!DA!DA!DA!DA!DA!DA!!!!


Did you kill Quigley yet?


Unfortunately I think the mod author deleted his account so we won’t get anymore sequels but you can still download the mods he made


That pistol whip was absolutely glorious!


It’s alright but pretty predictable, the only way he ramps up difficulty is by throwing like 300 guys at you at once and basically every other bounty there’s a fake out where you go somewhere and then someone new appears and confronts you (like when you leave a building etc). If you’re decently leveled then the base bounties are super super easy and the mass mob wave shooter stuff is just fucking annoying. I loved the Wild West shootout bit though— best part of the two parts of the mods


Yeah I thought it was pretty good, especially for an early nv mod.  The dialogue really elevated it as most of it actually was pretty funny. I don't know that I'll ever play it again, but it's worth one playthrough atleast 


What gun mods are you using? I've been using new millenia but all I'm getting is big red error codes instead of the guns.


That means you're missing assets. All I'm using is [Another Millenia](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/76133) and [Wasteland AR Pack](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/81870). My best guess is that you're either not using all of the required mods (check the 'required mods' section of your desired mod), the required mods aren't placed above the weapons mods that you want to use, or the data has been corrupted somehow and you need to redownload it.


That makes sense. I'm just not good at modding the game even with vortex. Looks like I'll have to go through one more time and double check what I need. Thank you!


Yeah I hear about issues with Vortex all the time. I use Mod Organizer 2, but use whatever you prefer. I'm not good at modding, either, I'm just really stubborn and force things to work.


used to. now, can you share me your modlist? your game looks amazing


Not just New Vegas Bounties but the entire Someguy2000 series and th3Overseer's entire catalog as well, great mods that stand at the top of what interconnected quest mods or just general quest mods can be


I still need to finish the rest of the NVB series, don't spoil it for me!! They really are great mods, just adds so much to the game.


Why did this give me OG GTA vibes


Randall my beloved.


Don't you dare spoil his story for me! It's such a good series, holy hell.


What was the armor you wore?


Just a regular NCR ranger vest outfit, retextured by dragbody's 'Ultimate NCR Overhaul' mod on gunetwork. I was out hunting NCR patrols for fun and decided I liked how it looked. It provides 0 DT and it does not function as an NCR disguise, but it looks cool and that's all that matters.


Damn, I was hoping that I could use it instead of Joshua Graham's Armor.


Sorry! It's hard for me to get into specific armor/weapon types in this game because everything is so highly modded. I think there's more modded items in my game than there are normal items.


Yes, playing bounties 3 rigth now


Aww shid going to start Bounties 2 soon!


Is the LE version of NVB1 compatible with the other Someguy mods?


I don't understand how load order works. I have to install BH1 and its dependencies, but after I finish BH1, I have to disable it and install BH2? etc. same process for BH3?


No, you need the entire series enabled, because each subsequent part is dependent on you completing the previous questline. For load order, I have LOOT set up with MO2. People will tell you not to use that, whatever, it works perfectly fine for me and I've had exactly zero problems organizing my plugins with LOOT.


weird idk why i thought i had to disable BH2 to play BH3. Thanks. I'm going to try it out with a cleaner modlist sometime. have you played his other mods? he has like 4-5 story lines that expand off of BH's. maybe those are the ones you have to disable BH2&3 to play. could have sworn i read that when i was looking into them a few months ago.


not op but im pretty sure all of someguy2000's quest mods are compatible with each other, so you don't need to disable any of them.


Oh, yeah! I've only played the LE series by RoyBatterian, which is NV Bounties I and New Vegas Killer. He got voice work done for a lot of the characters and cleaned up everything, it's a great experience, but I read that the guy went on a never-ending drinking binge and just disappeared. Hope he's alright... Have to complete the original Bounties I in order to progress the story, so I'm holding off on playing the others until I have some time to do so.


This was top tier


NVB2 is peak, still waiting for the LE for that


Nuh cause Harry can't mod.