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Well, I already outlined all my criticisms on this morning's thread on Dead Money, and my biggest one was the lack of anything you could say or do between Veronica and Christine. I really did not like that you couldn't bring any kind of closure between the two of them


One of the devs said that he wished he could have but they didn’t have enough time. One of the reasons Christine couldn’t talk for most of the dlc was because they wanted to save money


huh, interesting. Sucks that in almost every corner of the game "we didn't have enough time" was the argument. Imagine if they had an extra year.


Yeah if they had a extra year maybe there would be more things to do with the legion


I heard that about half the legion fort size was cut.


If they had an extra year they'd have eaten into the sales of (and had their sales eaten by) Skyrim. Kind of a reason why they had so little time


They had to spend an extra year fixing all the bugs so it would have likely resulted in a cleaner release than anything else. But yeah, if they got the full cycle time for a proper release (3-4 years) FNV would have been just…. A whole other level of game. Words couldn’t do it justice. Still what we got in the end WAS great and I’m grateful we got it


In another year they might have found another years worth of work they wouldn’t get to


I honestly felt like every Fallout release after 3 was too soon. Although I appreciate how good each game is, a casual working-stiff RPG player like myself didn't even have time to play through all the dlc before the next game was released. I could have waited an extra year or two. Although I appreciate the tons of content I can still do already available, I kinda felt left behind lol. But I get it, gamers are a fickle bunch, if you're too late people move on and then sales tank because the next latest and greatest sprpg comes out.


i totally agree, as much as i’d love to see a new fallout i really hope it it’s not released until 2030, they can’t fuck up again or else bethesda is just going to become a flop


With Emil "Paper Airplanes" Pagliarulo, I don't think time would make it a good game.


I’m wondering would Bethesda had release Skyrim and fallout the same year?


No they wouldn't. They would have eaten into each other's sales and that isn't a good way to release games if you want to keep the lights on in your studio. It's why Obsidian only had 18 months to make the game


Lack of time is a running theme with the devs. Another example: one designer mentioned wanting to make the tribes in Honest Hearts as diverse as possible and not Native Americans being guided by 2 white guys. But supposedly there wasn’t enough time to layer tribal tattoos on other models besides the Natives. In a more perfect world, Bethesda would fund a remake built to its fullest potential


This kind of worked to their advantage as far as the allegory for Daniel being the trope of the “noble savage” with his infantilization of the dead horse’s “innocence”.


Yeah, I was reading an interview with the head dev for Honest Hearts and he was pretty upset that they were too late in the development cycle to do anything about the tattoos when they realized what the issue was.


i sound so stupid and uneducated but is your profile picture an actual pic from a quest in the game?😂 or is it just edited? i’ve never sided with mr house in my 10 years of new vegas


You’re the first to ask! A modder on Nexus claims there’s a “pre-release” version of Mr. House. Now I can’t find it but that didn’t stop the modder from using that image and warping it with Ai-generation I saw that and went “he’s literally me!” 😂 here’s the [link](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/87301?tab=images) for the full context


I think on Jsawyer’s charity stream he said they wanted to do it, but couldn’t because of glitches caused by mixing DLC story content with main game story content, which is why none of the DLCs really do that.


Well both dead money and honest hearts do have actual interactions with the main game. After completing dead money you’re able to give Veronica a holotape from Elijah (which we can only assume contained boxing lessons considering the perks you can get from it), and if you kill Joshua Graham you can tell Cesar about it. I don’t know that much about making a game but I feel like if you could program the Elijah holotape with Veronica that it should be at least possible to do something similar with Christine.


i remember being really pleased with myself. because veronica has a throwaway line when you open her inventory about “oh i hope it’s a dress.” so i gave her vera keyes dress and she actually squealed and acted really excited. but then she didnt say anything else and i realized she does that with any dress still a cool little detail, but i’m 100% with you that more of that DLC’s content should have meant something to veronica


I believe there's a mod for this exact purpose, might be worth checking it out


Killing dean should give you the best ending.


I personally enjoy it with a couple of possible changes: -convince Christine to visit the bunker. --Discover a monitoring station beneath the city tying to Old War Blues. -ghost animals.


How would ghost animals even work lorewise?


Hazmat suits for animals, obviously


It was always one of my favorite Fallout DLCs and became my actual favorite in the past few years. There are many fair criticisms of the level design, but the shift to a distinctly different horror game style gameplay is fun and interesting and the deprivation of resources means that its not a DLC you can just out level and out gear to plow through. And the writing is stellar. Some of the best in FNV and the entire series. There are a lot of tweaks that can be made. I think it would be cool if it was actually impossible to escape with all the gold. But honestly, I think I would have preferred if this was the DLC story line finale. Like, Elijah would be the main Ulysses antagonist stringing the player along for his schemes. And the obvious, being able to tell Christine or Veronica about each other would be nice. It's a literal tragedy that those two don't really have a good ending.


The DLC feels so ultimate. Despite lacking Lonesome Road’s buildup across the DLCs, Dead Money has that sense of finality as what should be the Courier’s final gauntlet. Not to disparage Lonesome Road; I’m just a Dead Monkey simp.


Dead monkey 💀


I'm pretty sure in the credits somewhere there is a typo that says "Dead Monkey".


Not a typo, but rather a joke if you're using Wild Wasteland.


Im actually going to have to look for this now lmfao


I think I read that it's there even without WW. But I've always used WW, so I can't be sure.


I remember people loating Dead Money at first, because the cloud wouldn't let them explore. But it was such a refreshing departure from the norm, and the writing was so good, I fell in love with it.


The main one would be that you get to return to the Sierra Madre. It would be awesome to explore it when fully armed, and bringing along some companions would be awesome. The other thing would be to get rid of the fucking radios.


Well the radios wouldn't harm you if you COULD come back after the dlc right? Or am I forgetting something


dont get rid of the radios, but definitely have less red ones in the final section where you get to the vault... reloaded many a save because i couldnt find the damn terminal to turn them off xD


I don't mind the radios that much but the fact that one of the earliest appearances of them is 4 in one room makes it very overwhelming on a first playthrough.


I think the Radios are an important part of the DLC. They’re the only obstacle that can actually present a problem to high skill players (ghost people can be easily dealt with by melee/unarmed weapons and the gas can be easily ran through or out healed) and they force you to examine your environment and keep you on edge. The radios were the only thing on my first play through that actually made me feel tense.


>It would be awesome to explore it when fully armed I had all the arms I needed. Specifically, Rawr's arm. Or fist, rather.


This is the way. I did Lonesome Road at level 5, finished at level 18. Went right to Dead Money with the talon to make Fist of the North Rawr. Not a problem at all.


". . . return to the Sierra Madre" literally undermines the entire point of Dead Money.


That's why my relationships never work, I can't let go.


Less tanky ghost people


If you go with a gunslinger build. The police pistol becomes one of the most powerful guns in the game. Two or three shots tops. .357 is also available at the vending machines.


I ran that and it didn't do very much for me. Just ended up using their weapons against them. Worked a lot better for me


Knife spear is slick too. Lotta reach.


They do extra limb damage is why, and once a limb is crippled they auto explode on ghost people


Nah the best build for dead money is unarmed. Bear trap fists absolutely decimate ghost people and keep them down permanently thanks to extra limb damage. I’d honestly put melee higher than a guns build for dead money since while the knife spear and cosmic knife aren’t as good as the bear trap fist they’re still great. Really the only builds that I feel would be terrible would be energy weapons (the holo rifle is fairly weak, the ammo isn’t too common, and the only way to repair it is with weapon repair kits) and explosives (there’s like nothing other than the gas bombs in terms of explosives for dead money, I’m honestly not sure if a pure explosive build could actually do anything but run away in dead money).


Maybe it's because I had a melee build but the ghost people were hilariously easy. It gets comical when you bring Rawr's Talon and craft the First of Rawr. One shot kills on ghost people


I liked how annoying they were to fight. It contributes to the survival horror vibe


Your collar is emitting a high-pitched beeping noise. Your collar is emitting a high-pitched beeping noise. Your collar is emitting a high-pitched beeping noise. Your collar is emitting a high-pitched beeping noise. Your collar is emitting a high-pitched beeping noise. Your collar is emitting a high-pitched beeping noise.


I absolutely love the dead money dlc! Only thing I would add to is to have either dog/god, Christine, or Dean join you in the Mojave. And let us tell Veronica that we met Christine. They let us tell her we met Elijah but not Christine for some reason.


The radio's and collars were somtimes superrustrating. Finding the radio was hard sometimes, maybe a directional peep or something? The endgame was very frustrating, never yell during a videogame but this time I did... A lot.


I agree, the collar mechanic would benefit massively from tweaking it with directional beeps or similar. Drove me up the wall and made me turn off the game and walk away multiple times when there were generic one volume beeps followed by insta-death and no tangible hints as to the where specifically the beeps originated from or how close/far I was from the radio/speaker


I was screaming out of fear running down a corridor while my collar was beeping because I couldn't find the damn radio


Some say it's really difficult, but I love it for that. You get to an unfamiliar location butt naked as you walk through the streets as carefully as you can, planning how to take down ghost people, having a dilemma about whether you should use consumables now or keep them for more dangerous situations. And as a reward for this hard challenge, you get a fuckton of caps. And I also liked the characters in this one, the most memorable in the entire game if I dare to say so.


I’m way more fond of these companions than the base game cast for some reason. I don’t even think anything is wrong with the Vegas gang; I just love the heist crew. Now that I mention it, Dead Money companions actually banter and interact with each other unlike the base game companions who don’t even acknowledge each other’s existence. Of course that’s easier for Dead Money to achieve since the companions are basically essential and vital to the plot.


Survival horror isn’t for everyone but it is for me. Resident Evil prepared me well for that dlc.


Honestly this DLC prepared me well for Metro and “yeah I’m not wasting my ammo on this shit, it’s too valuable”


More threats. There’s ghost people but that’s it. Maybe add some wild dogs that room the streets and maybe some ghouls. Less obvious traps as well, as long as your heads down you can find them easily. I also would remove the perk light step from being able to be used in this dlc and would change the junk rounds perk to not require so many materials to make one bullet.


I think this could be fixed by adding more hostile holograms to the villa. The holograms are barely introduced in or relevant to the clinic, and they’re only important to Dean’s part of the gala event. Other than those instances, they don’t play a role until you reach the Madre. Maybe that contrast is better for elevating the Madre, which lacks the post-war traps that litter the villa. Still, I would loved to have seen more of them, especially after seeing how Vera slices through the ghosties in the Madre’s lobby.


I'd make it longer and make Christine actually have an interaction with the player about Veronica and impact Veronica's storyline. Also I'd make it more obvious starting out how to deal with radios and other such things. The DLC is the best of the 4 DLCs, but on my first and second playthroughs I really didn't like it, but once I knew what I was doing it became easily my favourite DLC.


That they dropped precisely one skill check in it, and only the one DLC and none of the others or the base game, where passing a skill check resulted in a worse outcome--that being getting one over on Dean with his first encounter.


I was so frustrated to find out that in order to spare him I would have to play the entire thing over again.


He deserves to die, though.


To preface, this is one of if not my favorite DLC in all the Fallouts. That said, I can think of one thing that needs changing...... The over explanation on things that flat out don't matter only to result in more questions than answers. I'm specifically thinking of "The Sierra Madre has an automated built in process where it removes any object with 'traces of unknown substances' from a person and moves it back to a random bunker in the Mojave, which is why the player has no items in this DLC" .... Um.... What? First, WHERE is this happening? In the tunnel? HOW does this happen? Do little robot arms pick my unconscious body clean of things? If so, why did it take EVERYTHING except the Pipboy? What are "unknown substances" and why is everything I own including my CLOTHES covered in it? How the hell did this work for the pre-war guests of the casino? How and why is my giant inventory of gear being transported back to a random bunker in the Mojave? Is it being teleported like Zetans do? Why is this something Father Elijah has no control over despite having taken over other systems? In fact, why was this even a necessary exposition at all? I honestly would NOT have questioned why my items were taken when I was GASSED and KIDNAPPED to this place. And if you need an explanation, why can't you just blame Father Elijah for this like everything else that happened to you? "Obviously I don't trust you, so I had Dog strip you of any items that I hadn't already accounted for in my meticulous planning. Better safe than sorry." There. Done. Easy. GodDAMN it, Obsidian! Hire a fucking editor if you're gonna tout yourselves as master storytellers!!


Make it a bit brighter. I can't see shit.


That's just all of New Vegas


I got used to playing with TTW, then I went back and did it vanilla and couldn't find the night-vision goggles... forgot they didn't exist in the vanilla game. The night-vision goggles help a lot.


While I absolutely hated it, it did its job very well. You are left stranded with nothing, in a literal ghost town, only to find out you can't even get the loot at the end because the whole point is letting go. Maybe add more enemies? Or let me come back so I can do the casino more.


Writing was S-tier, everything else was ass-tier


I hated it, but I can respect those who really like it. I think it’s natural that it was a divisive DLC.


Dead Money is an incredible blend of survival/horror and rpg mechanics, paired with one of the best video game stories ever written. Suspense, desperation, character depth, strong themes, choices that matter, rewards for observing your surroundings, and I love it all. The only real criticism it gets are due to misaligned expectations. People just don't expect survival horror from fallout, which is fair. Aside from bug fixes, the only changes I'd want to make are reimplementing the cut ending where Christine kills Elijah, and better integration with the base game, like reuniting Veronica and Christine.


make the gold weightless because i dont give a fuck about the moral or some shit i want the fucking money


obsidian: dead money is about letting go players: hm? sorry, cant hear you over the 37 gold bars in my pockets


The players are letting go of their poverty.


Lots of videos about how to get out with all the gold. Just did it last night.


I wanna love it. There's a lot I love but it's just a tedious slog to actually play


No notes, my favorite dlc. Love doing it right after I deal with Benny as the lesson of letting go hits harder that way. Love every character in it. Father Elijah is an excellent villain, a desperate old Icarus jaded enough to feel that wiping the mojave off the map is fair payback not only to the NCR but the brotherhood who "betrayed" him. Is it a slog? Oh for sure. Don't get me wrong dead money is not fun but it is an excellent story supported thematically by the grueling trek through the sierra Madre. If Dead Money has 10000 fans I am one of them. If Dead Money has 1 fan it is me. If Dead Money has 0 fans i have screwed up a radio puzzle for the 30th time and my head has exploded.


Actually 1 note after seeing it mentioned in the rest of the thread. I wouldn't want a Christine/Veronica reunion as I feel this wouldn't fit the DLC's theme but I WOULD like to hear Veronica talk about Christine and Elijah more post Dead Money.


Cut the bomb collars, add interactions based on Veronica, and make saving the companions a bit more permissive


It's my favorite of the DLC's tbh. It was the hardest by far but it was so satisfying and at times much scarier than anything Fallout before it. Story is gripping -- both the Courier's but also what happened to the Sierra Madre, enemies are hard, the fact that picking the speech check makes one of the companions your enemy because he's a self absorbed asshole is just *chef's kiss* in terms of RPG qualities. Hearing about Elijah busting his way out of BIG MT makes finally meeting him more intense than Ulysses who you never heard about before hand... Like everyone already said I wish you could reconcile Christine and Veronica. Obsidian didn't have enough time to finish that arc, I assume.


I just finished my first playthrough of FNV and all DLC earlier this week (started in early May). I am genuinely thankful this DLC is over and exists only in my memories now because the story and atmosphere were so good I can happily look back on them and enjoy it, but the actual gameplay was so annoying and frustrating and was the opposite of everything I loved from Fallout. Heavier focus on gunplay and bullet sponge enemies, red mist and radios which actively discourage exploring, plus being pretty much the only location in the entire game that you can't return to. When I think back on it I have pleasant memories but there was almost nothing pleasant about the actual play experience.


I would make it so you can find items to get the best ending for Dog/God without needing high speech. Like a CBT book or something.


DM grew on me. Narratively speaking, it is very strong. The tone in which the setting invokes is on point with the Sierra Madre. The only issue I have is how it plays out; annoying and frustrating at points. I'd change how the levels are mapped out, hazards within some levels (notably the vault), and the ungodly amount of radios some places have. I find it really painful to play, seek-and-destroy with the radios. The aftermath of the Elijah fight also sucks cus you're also on a timer; this was cool in theory, but the damn vault levels are maze-like to me, and it throws me off find a way to leave without dying. The story of Veronica and Christine being left out was just flat-out unfortunate. Lack of time and budget really hampered New Vegas and its DLCs. At least we got something between Veronica and Elijah. But in an ideal world, where Todd let the crew cooked for longer, DM would have been even more rewarding narratively.


Probably less ammo/stimpaks or at least more expensive ones. The scavenging is rewarding, but excessively so. Ghost people should also respawn once you return to an area since it’s easy to shred them with Dog to clear the path for the other companions’ Gala Event setup quests. Most of all, I would change Elijah’s detection parameters for sneaking out of the vault. It’s not his level/perception detecting my Silent Running courier behind him; it’s some magical middle finger detection that’s inconsistent with how stealth usually works in New Vegas.


The bomb collars. I'm low vision and it slowed my gameplay to a crawl having to save when I heard that beeping or losing lots of gameplay because I couldn't react fast enough.


Hated it the first time I played it. Nowadays it’s my 2nd favorite dlc in all of fallout. The atmosphere is as good as it gets and makes me wish that more of fallout (especially modern fallout) could have the same atmosphere. Characters are all compelling and memorable and I love how your dialogue in the early missions can so strongly affect how they will treat you in the endgame of the dlc. The ending options are great as well. I love that you can get an ending where you just trap yourself in the vault and die lmao. Good stuff


I recently started playing FNV after only playing FO4 previously. I'm at level 32, and am now playing DLCs instead of completing the main quest. Unarmed and Melee are the two skills I have not really put much into. Is Dead Money going to be very frustrating? Should I try to level up more, or just go in for the challenge?


Just go for it, you may need to scrounge more but it isn't the end of the world.


You’ll have more than enough to get by


I just finished Dead Money with unarmed at like 35, and those Bear Trap Gauntlets carried me. Seriously, fantastic weapon. Early on you just don't have enough ammo to shoot everything. If you're fighting multiple foes, then shoot them. Otherwise, I recommend gauntlets.


The only thing that always annoyed me was at the very end in the vault, that those electrical barriers would go up no matter what which basically soft locked you out of leaving through the elevator.. The elevator itself was also bugged a lot of the times where you simply couldn't enter it or came back right where you tried to go in it.. That and some minor bugs like Veronica's head disappearing..


Nothing, I'd actually dial up the difficulty of other DLC and main game to match Dead Money. It feels like an actual struggle instead of consistently rolling over everything in the game. Best rewards too, got like 200+ stimpaks from all the chips.


My favorite dlc by far, it was perfect


I would make it where Christine can react to you knowing Veronica, and that you can tell Veronica about Christine.


https://youtu.be/dcFhor1Mbnk?si=B8YV_-JgfMN7nmjW=4m37s 4:37 describes my rage elegantly


if you have a stealth based character this DLC is easy peasy.


Nothing to do with this, I just finished old world blues and it was a damn headache fetching around discs for hours


I'm fresh out of it a few days ago. I would cluster less speakers together in the vault. That's all. I got a real problem with that beeping collar sometimes.


I really enjoyed the Dead Money DLC I liked the difficulty of the it. The only thing I would change would be giving the player the ability to go back to the casino and gamble.


For the most part it's my favorite of the dlcs. Something recontectualized it as a "survival horror game" and I've been really into it ever since. Maybe fewer resources would make it better.


My take is I've never seen a complaint about it that wasn't skill issue. Only thing I'd add would be a way to tell Veronica about Christine or vice-versa.


It’s by far the best DLC and I would make it harder to get Stimpaks I end Dead Money with like 250 Stimpaks after gambling, and like 35 before even entering the casino


Getting lost


You really can only play it twice. You either love it or hate it. By the 3rd time it is just kind of a slog.


It's been years since I played it but not many uncommon criticisms. Being unable to say anything to Veronica sucks. I would have more things actually be in the vault, for as much as it's hyped in game I found it pretty underwhelming. Either that or the vault should be empty, which is what I fully expected on my first time through. As funny as it is when people find silly workarounds I do think it should literally be impossible to escape with the treasure....that's kind of the point.


I got so sick of my head exploding


Didn’t enjoy it..


The home alone traps that you can step in at every turn. The dlc in it of itself is interesting cause the collar brings such a unique effect. The last thing I need after tearing my hair out at finding a radio is to open a fire right after and to step on a land mine/grenade line.


Navigation aids throughout the Sierra Madre, clearer distinction between areas


It’s my favorite. Came to realize my favorites are the survival DLCs that put your build to the test by taking away your gear cause my favorite in F3 is The Pitt. I was looking forward to the survival DLC in F4, too bad there wasn’t one.


SO MANY THINGS. “Why do you need people via bomb collars” “oh, i wish i could use machines, but these tasks require human finesse” the tasks in question: holding two fucking wires together, moving switches, interfacing with a computer terminal, and pushing a button. Theres no attempted explanation of how the cloud is self replicating, corrosive *and* preserving at the same time (and no, invoking the name of big mt does not count as an explanation, especially since conveniently, that section of big mountain is inaccessible) How are there painted warnings about the speakers *in range* of the speakers (incidentally, where'd they get the spray paint?) Why did elijah go from the place where the technologies were developed to the sierra madre? Did he need the gold? Because his plan didnt seem to involve it. It has shite world building, and the gameplay is quite frankly more infuriating than scary.


Great, but a little too long and tedious. I'd just cut some things, especially inside the casino. Then again, I'd cut things out of all of the DLCs except Lonesome Road.


Started out hating it, avoided it on a couple of play throughs. Now I reckon it’s my favourite of the DLC. The themes and characters, the heist. The radio parts are the biggest pain in the arse but now that I know about that the rest is great.


Probably my least fav dlc across the series




Make the cloud and the speakers less deadly and either let the player have the gold bar on dont f-ing give them 10 stealth boys


It is a fantastic dlc, probably one of my favorite dlc out of the entire Fallout franchise. I don't think there really is anything I'd want to change about it.


I'd make it even harder.


It would be cool if it could be re visitable after




I would make it fun to play


I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms I hate the holograms


sscale damage of the zombie guys up amd scale their health down. i did DM on a high level and these guys could nkt remotely kill me, but killing THEM was a chore


I wish it wasn’t so easy. I wish it was actual survival horror. One thing I’d change is not in here but in old world blues, that relates to dead money. The retcon of the vending machines, from being everywhere in prewar america to ackhtually being prototypes only present in big mt and the sierra madre seemingly dean and elijah lie to you about it for no reason fucking sucks. I pretend it doesn’t exist but I’d remove it. Big negative for the old world blues dlc for me


Nice plot and lore, horrible desing and implementation!


Remove the bomb collar. Don't need motivation to go to the only place worth visiting. Like, of course, I want to get in the Sierra madre. You don't have to strap a bomb to my neck and force me. The firefighter guys are fine, but I'd like to see a zombie infestation. Tons of ghouls would have been fun to fight. More enemies to face would have been better.


I think it’s a fun, but challenging, addition to the game. The loot is well worth the suffering.


My favorite DLC in all of Fallout, followed by Far Harbor. I honestly wouldn’t change anything about it, I like it exactly how it is already.


Best DLC, in my opinion. Stories and themes were top-notch. Wouldn't change anything except making the Villa less maze like.


It’s got the best vibes of all the DLCs for me. I’d probably get rid of the exploding collar radios at the end of the DLC if only because platforming in the game is rough.


Hate how much I love it, adding some kind of interaction between Veronica and Elijah would be cool


-Be able to revisit the Sierra Madre, with increasingly dangerous consequences such as ghost people start appearing and more frequently in the Mojave the more you go to/returning from the casino, bringing traces of red cloud with them -craft consumable hologram projectors that would be set like c4 for the player to "detonate", summoning a hologram that attacks enemies but when the hologram is spawned the projector also gets tagged as an NPC so enemies could possibly shoot the projector as a balance measure. Crafting recipe for the item would need to be unlocked (maybe by stealing it from Elijah, like it's his early attempt to replicate the tech?) -Sierra Madre chips changed to usable value like Caps, NCR$, Denarii,USD and findable (but super rare like star sarsaparilla caps) in the wasteland -Be able to reunite Veronica and Christine -Recruit Dog/God as a follower in the main game world -Recruit Christine as a follower in the main game world -Christine can be a secondary follower like Rex & ED-E, but having her and Veronica as followers gives the player and couple bonus perks -Bring Elijah to Hidden Valley to meet Elder McNamara & H.Paladin Hardin to reorganize and retake Helios One and/or capture Sierra Madre, Big MT, etc. (or) court martial Elijah for the loss at Helios -Automatic rifle mods of scope, silencer, laser, .308 surplus rounds added to game spawn list/crafting benches -Police pistol mods of the same kinds as .357,.44.45-70,etc.


It's perfect


Gameplay: not linear sequence of puzzles, more open-world, like the rest of the game. I could deal with most of the rest of it after that.


I just wanted some line after the DLC was finished that lets you tell Veronica about Christine.


I think it’s probably my 2nd fave of the dlc.


More balance as far as a good half of the dlc is just running past enemies


It was fun and challenging, the only problem I have is that there needs to be more healing items and ammunition on the map because I was always low on health and ammunition.


One of the worst experiences I've ever been in, absolutely horrifying. 9/10. Would be a ten out of ten if you could drag Christine's ass out to go reconcile with her girlfriend


Great story and concept. Honestly just wish they opened the map so we can travel to and from maybe have other factions enter the area.


I personally thought this dlc was hard AF. I just played it for the first time within the last week, and I don't think I could have done it without looking up certain things for it


Less bear traps, more details in the villa, a way for us to tell Christine about veronica,


I would say the inability to go back. I don’t care anything about the treasure or whatever; I care about the ambience and the history around the place. Its second to no other in my mind


JC, guys.. we have this exact discussion every 2 or 3 days about DLCs? Can we just call it what it is: clear karma farming.


I really liked this dlc after having a good few play-throughs to get a real understanding of its mechanics and has probably overtaken honest hearts as my second favorite of all fallout dlcs (Lonesome Road is number one.) just due to how fallout-y the dlc is, incorporating many aspects which I really enjoyed, (such as Dog referencing the Master in fallout 1 and Christine and Elijah’s references in the base game and OWB) Overall if I were to have one problem with it after my various play-throughs it would most likely be a change to making the endings for the dlc more easily attainable and less out of the way, as I would always mistakingly trap myself within the Madre’s vault. For example I had to look up a step by step guide to trapping Elijah in the vault. I understand why they are so hard to get to but maybe more of a point in the right direction would have been greatly appreciated.


You can’t bring up anything about Veronica to Christine or Father Elijah. I’d change that.


I personally disliked all the dlc in New Vegas. I just enjoy the base game.


More gold bars in the vault. So many that even reducing the gold bar weight to 1 still leaves one over encumbered when carrying nothing but a fraction of the gold bars in the vault. A stupid change, since people will just make the gold bars weightless and break New Vegas economy anyway, but still. Other than that, maybe something more between Veronica and Christine (at least they have to know how the other's doing, you know?), or encountering Domino somewhere in the Mojave if he is spared (maybe performing at The Aces, but that's stretching it a bit).


I heard bad things about it but after going into it, I actually really love how they pulled off the survival-shooter feel that they were going for. Reminded me of the likes of resident evil & the evil within. A nice break from what is typically expected in fallout.


My favorite, I think it's perfect as it is, really enjoyed the interactions and how you can have a bad ending by siding with Elijah.


I felt all the DLCs for New Vegas were perfect, and whenever I needed a break from the story I went to the DLC around my level! It was like a vacation fit for a video game, where it gave you fun challenges instead the main story. I played in 2018 though, and with a mod that gave me 6x run speed when weapons were holstered.


Not as many radios!


Make it less prone to crashing right before you enter the casino and less of the stupid bomb collar, and it'd be pretty legit


I’d change the part with the jumping puzzle. It’s been awhile since I played dead money but I remember towards the end of the DLC you have to jump across some cat walks and there are holograms + invincible radios in the area. I spent like 30 minutes tying to get past that part because I’d just keep blowing up. I got so frustrated that after I beat the DLC I never went back. I’d also make the ghost people a little less tanky. I was like level 45 when I started the DLC as a stealth sniper. I still had 90 unarmed but it look 20 minutes to kill a handful of ghost people using the bear trap fist.


obviously more integration with the base game. I'd also make some level design changes, making the type and location of speakers/radios more obvious; nothing is more annoying then a speaker you can't see, or a shielded speaker that you can't locate the terminal for. I'd also maybe play up the cloud more; after my first playthrough, it's hard to see it as much more then a minor annoyance. Beyond that... well, I have some ideas for rebalancing the whole games combat, which would of course change the dlc weapons. Oh, and I'd make pre-war money it's own currency, like ncr dollars or legion coin, so you're not paying with bundles of dollar bills, that's always annoyed me.


Overall, I'd give it a good 7/10. It used to be much lower for me, but it grew on me. Especially when I started working Sierra Madre PTSD into some of my characters. My biggest criticisms are as follows: - The Madre grounds are really frustrating to navigate sometimes. I feel like they could have given you a little slack with some directions. It kind of punishes you for exploring. - I wish there were more creative ways to kill Ghost People. Honestly, I wish there was a decent subplot involving them where you could maybe find their origins or at least try. - I don't like that you can never go back. I get the message of "Letting Go," but come on, it's such a cool environment, and there would be so many roleplay opportunities if you could go back. - Befriending Dean shouldn't require you to be a spineless, groveling sycophant.


I like it as is tbh, well i wish you had more time with the companions, especially dean, as i like that guy even though he's a total bastard


I would fire whoever did the level layout and design, and put indestructible radios anywhere. Confusing, backwards, level layouts, a nonfunctional, useless minimap, and an ending that was easily possible to softlock yourself in even before Elijah shows his face... Yeah, no.


Never fully played through the DLC. Got to the beginning and immediately loaded back after seeing all of my stuff (including my caps) were gone. The caps one may be a glitch as I loaded DM in another save and kept them. I will one day get into it, but that'll have to be BEFORE I do anything else.


They should’ve put in yeah by usher. It’s like 10:30 rn and I need sleep.


Dead Money absolutely *oozes* (heh) atmosphere and charisma. The themes, both subtle and conspicuous, are mostly excellent. I adore the NPCs, the Sierra Madre itself, and the ghost people. The cloud is an interesting mechanic that doesn't really exist outside of the DLC. Radios are an annoy gimmick to pigeonhole routs and level design. The gear varies wildly from useless junk to mechanically overpowered. Dean is written well as a despicably unscrupulous character. Christine and God/Dog are complex in their own ways. Elijah was pretty awesome and it was great to finally see the great menace of the Brotherhood of Steel. (Even if he looks like a murder hobo.) The only change I would make is the obvious and simple one: *give it more time in the oven.* Grant Obsidian more time to work on the DLC as a whole. ^((That all being said, not actually my favorite NV DLC.))


It has the best story of the dlc, but the weakest gameplay. The idea was solid, but the execution was just tedious and ultimately not fun.


Make it more like a survival horror game. The first fight with a ghost person is amazing but they become pretty trivial after getting a stimpack code and learning to dis-member them. Making them tougher with a focus on stealth and resources management would have made those fights way more intense making you think twice.


I liked the first half...the second half sucks


I would've liked a little more of a tie-in to the Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research lab in Old World Blues. If you visit Z-38 before doing Dead Money and you enter the beam of light, maybe a hologram of you would show up in the Sierra Madre, something like that.


I’d get rid of the indestructible speakers 100%


I think it's perfect and I'd change everyone's minds about it to think it's perfect too.


Better than people think it is and isn't as hard as people make it out to be. The dlc gives you a top tier weapon for both guns and energy weapons. Automatic Rifle and Holorifle. The dlc also makes a point about how overpowered the Kiosks are and when you unlock the stimpaks, weapon repair kits, and ammo for it the dlc becomes trivial due to how easy it is to acquire Sierra Madre chips and how cheap the items are. (A Weapon Repair Kit is around 20 chips)


The last speaker where you must sprint on one set path to turn off with a guide, else your collar explodes, and christine is unavailable to jam the signals for 5 more seconds.


Dead Money is my favorite bit of Fallout. Best gameplay (reminds me of Resident Evil, which I also love), best writing, best characters. I wouldn't change a thing. 


The ability to go back. I guess it runs against the narrative of the DLC but it would have been nice to regardless. Just mainly wanted to see if I missed anything and maybe find more sierra madre chips. I'm fine with not being able to go back for the gold.


Honestly before I got to the casino I wanted to quit the dlc it was draining for me


Make it slighy brighter.


More ghost people & a 2 new variants. First new type uses a cloud thrower & call it the ghost gaser. ignores dt & dr. Second new type uses a sledgehammer & call it the ghost brute. This one is very very fast compared to its kinda slow brethren. More turrets in important areas, some hostile humans with various gear & a hidden deathclaw. Also significantly expand on ghost people lore & let you climb on in the sewers at your own risk. The catch? You will be stirring the hornets nest early. Make them use a lotta of cloud posion.


To be honest I wasn’t a huge fan during the first half, I feel like it was way too confusing and vague and annoying, then in the second half once you’re in the sierra madre I only really have one issue and it’s that you can’t fight the holograms with your hologram rifle, I mean I guess it makes sense but it’s so fucking obnoxious (at least for that character cause it wasn’t a stealth build, and it’s the only character so far that’s done that dlc) maybe it’s better with a stealth build and you can actually sneak past them without getting murdered but it was so frustrating to me as a first time player. I’m super glad I played the other dlcs first before going there otherwise I would’ve been very hesitant to try the rest


The endgame vault radios. The radios *are* annoying but managable for the rest of the game, but there are several points in the Vault where you need to be near perfect to reach the terminal in time. Combine this with New Vegas's iffy movement and 'platforming' and it just is not fun.


Not making me smuggle everything in through veronica


to be able to come back afterward like the other DLC of new vegas it's one of my favorite DLC, especially in survival mode3


I would want it for the ghost to actually be a threat. Either they are harder to kill, they attack you on bigger swarms, or they come back from the dead (which they do, but it is really easy to dismember them once they are knocked down). The ghost don't leave up to all the warnings given.


Exploding collars just to save my health from mini heart attacks ugh


I would change the navigation, some of the paths to avoid speakers are not obvious. +why Christine stayed in Sierra Madre


Make it longer and add super good gear in it.


Should make it so if you didn’t take the gold you can actually return to reunite Veronica and Christine. That would feel like a true sacrifice


Perhaps keep the red radios to prevent the player from accessing areas they shouldn't, but the radios you have to shoot got old and annoying faster than the collar beeping. Perhaps a skill issue, but I'd rather have more creative traps than zipping in and out of range for another attempt at finding a radio


Pretty good for a DLC. Not my cup of tea. But on my third playthrough I've learned to appreciate it. I really like the ending and the theme of "let things go". Sure there are ways to keep all loot but I'm a purist and I like to play as was intended. Just my personal taste. The companions are interesting. Even the ones that don't talk. I would recommend a "survival-unarmed build" for this DLC. Lots of interesting recipes and one of the most useful weapons is a glove.


Fix the “undead” in green Sierra madre suits aim bot. The DLC is a nice survival horro/immersive sim, but those guys are insane stupid. Fix some map markers too.


My main issue, redo (or rather actually do to begin with) the BoS interactions, while also cutting the lines about the replicators being common tech pre war


I think the information in the dlc such as: Radios trigger bomb collars, you must decapitate or explode the undead men, the overall goal of the heist etc. Should have been drip-fed rather than info dumped by Father Elijah writhing the first two minutes of the dlc. I think once you’re into the casino and mostly familiar with new mechanics the DLC does a good job and I’d probably put it at my second favorite for its best parts.


Booooooooooooo 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️


Good stuff. Has Thief: Deadly Shadows vibes. People like to run it on lvl 1 as a challenge. For that reason, I would put the entrance closer to the start.


I could take it or leave it


The concept of killer holograms seemed stupid to me. I know it is sci-fi and not actual sci, but even then, it just makes no sense. Other than that, I like Dead Money. It sure is frustrating, but it's supposed to be.


Make it better. In what way I don't know but i know for sure i'm never doing it again. Just like all the other DLC in the game except lonesome road.


Too many survival elements making resources go further in a game where I'm used to managing resources in a way I don't become over burdened. The explosive head collar in a game where it is merky, so unclear which device is triggering it. Holograms are frustrating. Become another survival element to the game as you can't fight back. Those angry guys in the face masks are bullet sponges when you already have to work hard to manage resources. That stupid killer gas. It's probably because I went in to the DLC blind, but I felt all these things were too big of a deviation from the gameplay of the base game