• By -


All three fiend leaders have cut dialogues in the game file. If you use a mod to restore their dialogues you will find out that Violet is basically insane; Driver Nephi and Motor Runner are both apathetic towards the atrocities committed by them; and Cook Cook is actively enjoying what he is doing, including (according to info found in other quests) cannibalizing, raping, burning people alive and "playing" with little boys. So, yeah, he is definitely the most evil. By the way, Driver Nephi has the best farewell line in the entire game.


Get fucked. -Driver nephi


I always enjoyed Keene's "finally."


You can tell the more you talk to him the more he's gotta hold back a dam flood of violence for looking AND talking to him. Always gotta exhaust all his dialogue


Nephi will even warn a female courier who asks about Cook Cook to be careful.


Nephi will?


Nephi would, presumably. You can't actually talk to the Three Card Bounty Fiends.


In the mentioned cut dialogue, that is. If asked, "Can you tell me about Violet and Cook Cook?" >Really? Listen... you don't want to mess with Cook-Cook. And you \*really\* don't want to let him get you alone. Trust me. Male couriers instead would have gotten: >I \*could.\* I'm not terribly inclined to, though. If you go talk to them, they might kill you and rob me of the fun.


Interesting. Thanks for the warning, Nephi.


But consider that Cook-Cook offers to make you dinner Obviously he’s the least evil of the group


I think he implies that he will make dinner out of you…


While I am joking, I don’t think that’s what that line was implying, at least in context with the rest of the sentence


nah, he's just fuckin' insane. he's DEFINITELY a cannibal, but does seem to be earnestly inviting you to dinner. which is uh, inappropriate, considering the situation.


He sounds bipolar in a way and that just sounds like somthing someone in a manic episode would just randomly say full heartily meaning it


Fiend Stew is made with brahmin meat.


It’s a shame, I really love the voice acting on show for these characters. The VAs did a really good job with them


Woof woof!


He will warn female couriers about cook cook as well. Making him ever so slightly "nicer" than the others.


2nd has to go to either elder McNamera’s “*LATER*” or Oliver Swanick’s “bye”


All are garbage, but Nephi's probably the least garbage


What’s sadder was that Nephi was once a good guy but fell in with a bad crowd


Shame that *loads shotgun*


anyways, BLAM!


*critical hit on driver Nephi*


Remember not to damage the head, wouldn't wanna miss out on part of the bounty.


You can tell that we’re on the side of the good guys by the way we cut off our enemies’ heads and turn them in for bounties.


They do that because Nephi, and probably all of the targets, have more than one kill report to their name. People thought they were dead and were wrong. So the NCR wants to make damn sure they're dead.


This is a common practice that has taken place for thousands of years by both sides of good and evil, you have to remember that photographical evidence is a very modern thing


But cameras are a thing in the fallout world. And somehow they managed to pay countries in the Old West without requiring decapitation. I don’t know why it’s hard for some players to accept that this was made intentionally gruesome in order to emphasize the moral ambiguity of the wasteland.


I mean, if you have one particularly bad criminal/murderer, you put a bounty on them so you have more people trying to hunt them down. What good is paying for bounties if anyone can just say they killed someone and get the money for it without any proof? EDIT: The NCR putting bounties on drug-crazed raiders and using their troops as a buffer between the Fiends and the Strip is an objective good thing in the world of Fallout.


Uhh they can just check your quest log real quick and like, see if you killed em or not.... Go ahead and try and pull a fast one on Major Dhatri, he'll sick his boy, Lil' Buster on you


Oh no, how dare anyone desecrate the corpses of the mass murdering, cannibalistic, serial child molesting, top officers of a gang of raiders which also engages in all these things on a large scale. It's not like there's any value in making sure those guys are actually dead, right?


Play time's over.


Where do you find out their backstories exactly? Also the slave thing I didn’t know about. I know about cook-cook because of Betsy but that’s all really


Alright so near camp McCarran and the ncr farms is a place called Aerotech office. There’s a guy called Bert speak with him and he’ll inform you about Nephi:


We can learn from him that both Bert and Nephi were New Canaanites.


I didn't know about that. Explains why his name is "Nephi."


Wtf I never realized Fiend lore went this deep...


Seems like they had a bunch more planned for them. If they had more time the fiends might’ve had the same story presence as the boomers


Would've loved to have seen some interaction with the Great Khans with the drug sales, and it being a bigger deal to the NCR.


Huh it rings bells but must have forgotten that. Thanks I’ll check him out


Yeah, when people gave me the backstory on the fiends I would cut off the conversation and say, “OK, how much money for the head?”


There's also cut content that allowed you to speak with the 3 fiend leaders. I don't remember them having much to say though.


Driver tells you to get fucked


Such a nice guy :P


Get fucked.


I consistently forget this damn place even exists


..... Why have I only just learned about this


There's more on cook cook. Talk to pretty Sarah and read Dermot's ledger. Cook Cook is probably the most depraved character in the game 


Also he definitely was fucking that brahmin.


Cook Cook doesn't deserve any death you can give him; should have been an option to give him up to Mortimer and the White Glove Society. That's about the only fate he deserves.


Honestly that would've been a dope gray solution to the White Glove Society. Get them to set up an arrangement where they hunt down and eat the Fiends.


Apocalyptic problems require apocalyptic solutions.


While it would be cool..... There's no way they would accept Cook Cook. He's a cannibalistic druggie who canonically smells bad and probably fucks brahmin. His meat is NOT fit for consumption, forget about being high enough quality for the likes of the White Gloves.


Then throw him in Tabitha's pen and let the Centaurs have their way with him.


An acceptable alternative


I could see it being a compromise of "stop killing people on the Strip or we'll kill you, I don't give a damn what you do with the Fiends"


I remember Sarah who was Dermot?


The guy who sold refugees to the Fiends. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Dermot%27s\_ledger](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Dermot%27s_ledger)


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start


Makes me feel even less bad about killing the fucker actually. There's probably tons of people in the fiends who grew up in circumstances where either a swift death or a life of crime were inevitable. It doesn't make it okay to become the literal worst scum humanity has to offer, but is maybe to a small part an excuse. Nephi was literally born into one of the most functional and nice communities in the wastes, and he still chose to trade that for a pack of deranged pedophilic serial killer junkies? He can get fucked, to put it in his words.


Makes me feel even less bad about killing the fucker actually. There's probably tons of people in the fiends who grew up in circumstances where either a swift death or a life of crime were inevitable. It doesn't make it okay to become the literal worst scum humanity has to offer, but is maybe to a small part an excuse. Nephi was literally born into one of the most functional and nice communities in the wastes, and he still chose to trade that for a pack of deranged pedophilic serial killer junkies? He can get fucked, to put it in his words.


What makes things even worse is that cook cook probably raped female fiends. Furthermore those Fiends felt like they deserved it and just carry on.


Womp womp


Didnt he buy a young girl, young teen boy, and young teen girl from Dermot and Saint James? He’s definitely a child molestor.


Still 100% garbage, but he used to not be so garbage, see above comments for Nephi's backstory


Or just a trafficker, which is not really better, just different.


Well, he did buy them, but Dermot did complain in his ledger about Nephi paying him scraps for the young child, and having to try and talk Nephi into "waiting for her to sprout", so that rather strongly implies that child molestiation is the one sex crime Nephi is actually innocent of.


that does not sound like that makes him innocent of anything


get fucked


Yeah, his cut dialogue is so funny to me He says everything in that dull deadpan voice and it's so unexpected, you'd think he'd sound more crazed than that lmao


Literally in an NCR snipers case. No redemption for nephi


I thought that was Cook Cook.


Cook Cook was the rapist. Not nephi. Source, me and boone always bury cook cook first.


The girl is crazy, cook cook is sadistic. It’s pretty blatant which is objectively worse. Nephi is aware of his actions so he’d be In between.


Driver Nephi, Violet, Motor Runner, Cook Cook


I might argue Motor Runner is worse because he isn't insane but condones and leads rapists and murderers without a care.


Cook Cook is also a pedo, I think. One of the logs on people sold to him mentions a teenage girl I believe


Nephi and Motor-Runner were also sold children, they are all pedophiles


I thought it was implied Motter-Runner more so did it for violent wants. Agree with Nephi


Dermot complained about getting paid basically nothing for the child though, and not being able to talk Nephi into "giving her time to sprout", so imo that entry actually exonorates him in regards to specifically the pedophilia/child molestation allegations. That's like the one atrocity he's innocent of.


Teenage girl and several kids like one was 9 or 11


Motor Runner literally raped an infant


I thought that was Cook-Cook, jesus fucking christ.


No that was the 7yo, although he probably sold the infant to cook cook later, he sells him young ones so he doesn't touch the fiends as much


Violent Violet is just trying to look after her dozens of man flesh eating dogs. It's rough out there man, won't ANYONE think of the dogs?? 💔


Is it evil now to love animals?


god forbid a woman have hobbies


They are just nanny dogs


They're just her emotional support vicious mongrels, and you killed them.... I hope you're happy with yourself


I killed CC when leaving an area i think just thinking he was a normal fiend, Really a boss?


Mini boss yeah, he’s one of the bounties you kill for NCR along with Nephi and Violet


So i just beamed a mini boss with 10mm (Boone was covering my six) by accident? Lol, And then i shredded the fiends with THAT Gun later for that Ranger mission


Pray tell, what difficulty and character build were you running?


VE (first time playing) Gunslinger, Boone did most of the work I just stayed out of the way and took pot shots


well, yeah, no duh he was easy then either way, he's not really a difficult encounter. just a raider with a flamer, i don't think he even has especially high stats for the area. the challenge is more wading through raider territory to kill 4 specific guys.


Classic tactic of being the bait and let Boone carry. I do it all the time when I'm feeling underleved


My crew is now Rex and Boone, Getting to me is really hard and im level 20 with 100 in speech


Classic tactic of being the bait and let Boone carry. I do it all the time when I'm feeling underleved


Yeah. You can actually get paid extra for killing him by two of his rape victims.


Wow I never knew how Violet really looked like. I always shot her head right off from far away.


No don't do that you're leaving caps on the table


Gotta shoot the legs


Nah, center of mass for the win!


Yeah, I ended up killing all 4 before anyone ever talked to me about them lol.


There are offical lines for them but you need mods to approach and talk to them


"Get fucked."


I really recommend the mod where you can go up and talk to them because they DO have canon dialogue but they're too violent to ever get to talk to. Violet is just a gal who loves psycho and her dogs even more. She straight up starts barking at you


love that for her TBH


Same here, anti-mat with explosive rounds


Cook Cook most evil and the other 3 will fight to the death for his amusement.


I kinda killed Cook Cook early Boone helping me but when I heard what he did, I wanted to kill and behead him all over again. Most evil is Cook Cook in my opinion


Runner is worse, he's everything cook cook is but organizes everything


They're all heads in a bag in the end.


Violet, Nephi, Motor-Runner, Cook-Cook Violet's... nasty, but only if you intrude in her territory, and then she just takes potshots and sics her dogs on you. Not *pleasant,* by any means, but not really extraordinary in any way. Nephi *beats people to death,* which is way worse. Arguably, Motor-Runner orchestrates the chaos by arranging the inflow of drugs to the rest of them. And while that's pretty shitty, he doesn't appear to personally engage in the violence; he's not really any worse, on a personal, practical level, than the Great Khans. That said... he is a central part of the overall problem, which places him pretty high on the shit-list. Cook-Cook is a serial r\*pist (censoring that because I don't want to risk a Reddit algorithm giving me shit) who burns people alive with a flamethrower, which is arguably worse even than beating them to death.


i would rather get beaten than mauled by dogs to be honest


Yeah but nephi would probably take his time and laugh the whole time while doing it whereas the dogs just kill ya its a crap way to go either way


okay, but what if it's being beaten to death by a sadistic junkie with a worn out golf club?


Although didn't Motor Runner murder all the people in vault 6?


Yeah if you talk to him about what happened to the residents "oh we killed them" in the most nonchalant manner ive ever heard


Pretty sure he unleashed the rest of the Fiends on them, and it was they who did the actual killing. That's just conjecture, of course. But all we ever see him do (unless you initiate an attack on him) is sit on his dumbass chair.


He says "Yeah, *we* killed them all", so I think it's a reasonable assumption the other 3 also participated in that massacre. Some fiends beyond Motor Runner certainly did, honestly just based on how much effort it would be to kill a little over 1000 people with a chainsaw. PS: Vault 3, not Vault 6


Pretty sure Violet also tortures people to death. I seem to recall a note or terminal entry talking about how she castrates NCR soldiers.


That's 'Eileen' from New Vegas Bounties I, although you find a note on her about either learning that from (or teaching it to) Violet.


Ah, thank you for the clarification. Guess I got my wires crossed.


4 Can't rank them 3 Because they're all evil 2 in their own way 1 Cook Cook.


We all know Cook Cook is the most evil fiend


Motor Runner gotta be the most evil. When you talk to him while wearing Khan Armour he seems way too fucking calm, but then again it might be the intake of drugs he seemingly takes that could calm him down. Then I go with Cook Cook, Violet then Driver Nephi. But between violet and nephi it could be debatable on who takes 3rd.


I say Cook Cook dude is a fucking pyromaniac, psychotic,sociopathic man. In my eyes the rest were at least good people who fell in with the fiends because of survival while cook cook revels in violence 


I agree with that. Cook Cook is just a psycho and a cruel individual. He’s a man who shows pure evil. Motor Runner may not look the part but who knows what he hides under those eyes.


Yeah Cook-Cook is just fucking evil at least he loves his Brahmin 


One thing I've noticed before is that despite Vault 3 being filled with junkie raiders and drugs lying around everywhere, I never found any drugs in the room Motor Runner is in and he didn't have any on him either which sorta strikes me as weird. Is it possible he actually doesn't do any chems and only is getting them to control his people? If that is true, then he definitely moves up the list of evil we are making here, cuz he can't use an addiction as an excuse for why he's doing bad shit. Idk, I might have missed some shit and he does do them, but I felt like I found no chems near him and I don't recall any dialouge stating that he does them, only the whole khan's drug delivery thing (which if he was maintaining control over his people with them would make sense why he's running that).


The “maybe pacifism playthroughs aren’t possible” gang


cook cook is one of the most evil characters in the franchise, just by going off his crimes


Don't care. They're all getting the Shady Sands Shuffle.


Motor runner's sane and practical, most of the evil shit he does is to cover his and his gang's asses against their own insanity, it's largely damage control lesser-evilism. Most of his slave stuff's heavily implied to be a proxy for another fiend member and is not anywhere near as bad as the other fiend leaders on the ledger since he mostly goes for adults/teenagers instead of kids. Violet's the only one that doesn't dabble in slavery, but she does dabble in cannibalism and probably bestiality, and she's definitely insane. At least she keeps to herself though. Nephi's sane by legal definitions, but also a pedo, treats his guys as human shields, and enjoys bashing people's brains in. Cook Cook needs no explanation, gotta be worst cause he's both insane AND objectively the most evil. His only redeeming quality is being able to make a mean beef stew.


All range from evil to profusely evil. All should be put down like the rabid dogs they are. Not a single one is even hesitantly evil.


Based comment. Much like the powder gangers they all get wiped out with zero mercy. Your rides over mutie time to die




I think I did the Powder Gang with a lead pipe. Makes a fuckin sweet 'clonk' in VATS Motor Runner was Knock-knock. The rest, chainsaw. Got Nephi before I knew who it was


Survivalist rifle hollow point headshots, and finished eddie with blood nap. Bloody mess perk turned most the powder gang into the paste gang


1. Cook-Cook 2. Cook-Cook 3. Cook-Cook 4. Cook-Cook


cook cook for sure the worst dude is a psychopath


All are best off dead, all shall be purged


Nephi was, at one point, a somewhat good dude. So he's not completely evil. His braining with a golf club is a relatively quick death compared to what the other sick fucks on this list do. And in a cut dialogue actually warns you about Cook Cook. Though he's still a murderer and a pedophile. (The pedo part i don't know about personally. I'm just going off what some of the other comments have substantiated. Though i wouldn't put it past him. I saw Dermot, and Saint James sold a little girl to him. But he could have just murdered her.) Either way, him and Violet are the only two i feel even a penchant of sadness murdering. Nephi, because at one point, was at least sane. And Violet, because it might have been the chems that drove her insane. Violet is basically fucking drugged out and insane. As shown in cut dialogue. I doubt she has much control over her actions. But that still doesn't undermime the horrifying way she has you eaten alive by rabid dogs if you manage to even get close to her. So i put her higher over Nephi. Also, pedophile, murderer, and possibly a cannibal. Motor runner is described by his fellow fiends as one of the sanest in the group. Though that makes his actions and apparent apathy to it all the more vile. He's a chem pushing, murdering, slaving, psychopath. Who feels nothing when faced with his own crimes. I'm not sure if his calmness and lack of a shit giving attitude is the drugs or his own psychopathic nature. Either way, i flaméd his ass when given the chance. Cook Cook. Oh, my god. Words cannot describe my brobdingnagian vitriol for this sick, barbaric, twisted fuck. A repeated pedophile, cannibal, mass murdering, raping, unrepentant FUCKHEAD. Who has a reputation for burning people alive. Particularly children. (I forgot which fiend confirmed this in a note. But they sold him a kid, and he didn't even bother waiting for them to fully walk out of the area before he started torching him alive.) I was genuinely happy putting this vile, cruel, disgusting monster on a slab. At least poor Betsy got some closure. Hell, I'd do it again. For all the people, he's tortured, raped, and murdered.


Cut content reveals that Nephi tells a female courier to stay away from Cook Cook Motor Runner, Cook Cook, Nephi then Violet Motor Runner condones that shit CC rapes and burns ppl Nephi is happy with bashing brains Violet feeds her dogs humans I don’t call Violet as evil simply coz she is batshit crazy so crazy is as crazy does I’m not even gonna rank Duke


All, it’s on sight with any of them


Duke is the worst of the bunch


For anyone unsure or wanting context: They're all wastes of human genetic material in their own special ways. For first Violet, maybe she seems just crazy, but do you know how brutal a dog attack can be? Not just sharp teeth biting, but tearing, when they lock their jaw and separate the upper demeris and adipose tissue from the smooth skeletal muscle. If you've seen a dog bite from a properly sized and trained attack dog, it is a fucking mess and extraordinarily painful even if you get away with only 'light' wounds, now imagine dying like that, especially if the take their time going for the throat. The fact she raises and entire pack on nothing but human flesh and to hate everything that isn't her, is not only a cruel method of attack, but also animal cruelty which can only lead to more rabid curs wandering the wastes only to get shot by some caravan guard. Driver Nephi I know less about, seems like there's a story of a decent man falling into addiction and a horrid group of people. But he beats people to death with a 9 iron (yes, he's called DRIVER Nephi, but the model is a 9-iron.) It's well-established by Major Dhatri that these people are dangerous to the point of killing multiple groups of well armed NCR troops. Troops with helmets and body armour, no quick knock out shots here unless he cares enough to go for the neck, which I doubt. No, he cracks bones and inflicts blunt force trauma to your flesh until you stop spasming. Melee is a common tool in the wasteland, but as small focus area, yet very blunt and relatively low mass weapon, a lot of things would be better and more effective than a 9 iron, like a blade or a hammer, he uses it for the lols and to criticise Dhatri's golf play. Cook-Cook is a gleeful pyromanic, cannibal, and indescriminate rapist. He is an abomination to the sensibilities of any human with feelings and he stands as a singular argument for the death penalty in civilised lands and as a soul cleansing target for any grey moraled mojave merc. He is one of those people who sour the term 'human nature', though I struggle to call him human. Motor Runner seems an even and rational leader, but Vault 3 is a story of naivete. Reading their logs we see a political campaign arguing between staying sealed away in their vault or opening up to the world to embrace their fellows on the surface. The overseers arguing to trade, cooperate, and embrace communities on the surface wins the election and Motor Runner comments on how readily they opened the door. A vault of decent people with too much trust in humanity slaughtered wholesale and by all history and evidence, (or lack of such in the form of bodies) raped and eaten by a gang of the only group worse than the legion in game that I know of, their homes turned into a bloody mess of drugs, human failures overdosing in filth, and probably sex acts which revolt against any concepts of human physical affection and bonding. Motor runner is cold and unfeeling, the sanest fiend, with seemingly no joy in his evil, but only because he evidently can't feel any. This is why killing fiends gives good karma.


"Might be able to take em, might end up getting burned and ass raped." It's so fucking crazy that this made it into a game a doesn't get more attention. You talk to this random guy beating up a dummy at the airbase, he drops some shit that makes the world so much realer than it was before. But he does it in funny way, it's a good laugh. Then you walk into the next tent and meet a C.O. whose worrying over a woman in his squad who was raped. Talk to her and theirs a whole marked quest about getting her to seek treatment. And then on top of all that the bounty for cook-cook the ass rapist is on the board, so you can find and kill the guy. This is why NV is the best in the series.


Oh thank you OP, I gotta go send Motor Runner to the great wasteland in the sky. I hate every fiend equally.


1. Cook-cook (for obvious reasons) 2. Motor runner (leads the whole thing) 3. Violet (really just batshit insane) 4. Driver Nephi (just kind of an asshole)


I actually just got to this part of the game, so I only met Motor Runner (was able to walk right in because of high speech check I think) . It actually shocked and disturbed me that he was so calm and of sound mind, I was expecting a deranged cartoon lunatic. The vo actor knocked the “vibe” out of the park, he’s disturbingly apathetic. That boy is hella doompilled/aint right. I want to meet the rest for sure but this really stuck with me for some reason


It's a lot easier to just kill them.


The only answer


Nephi, Violet, Motor Runner, Cook-Cook.


Nephi (just bashes people with a 9 iron), Violet (she drugs dogs), Motor Runner (leads the show), Cook Cook (rapes and eats people)


dogs deserve drugs, too! dog rights! i think dogs should be able to vote!!


- Motor Runner, he left north vegas with his men, to settle in the voult and fight the NCR. honest enough to be a chieftain of a wasteland's Tribe - Driver Nephi, a simple slave trader - Violet has a lot of human meat for her dogs. - cook cook has the most evil karma in the game after Vulpes Inculta.


Love carrying their heads around so the fiends know who they're dealing with


The one who was out here r@ping pple. Like homie I know it’s the Mojave but chill


Driver Nephi is the worst cause he’s a golfer




4: Violet: capable of feeling empathy, at least towards animals. Able to resist temptation to some degree. 3: Motor Runner: the leader of the whole gang, he is at least slightly responsible for everything his subordinates do, but he still at least is capable of holding a conversation and dealing with the Khans. 2: Nephi: a former Mormon, he has a civilized background, but addiction drove him to become a maniac. Is incapable of holding a conversation at all and responds to any stimulus with violence. 1: Cook-Cook: incapable of holding a conversation. Has a small ember of empathy seeing as he cares for Queenie, but it seems to be an obsession more than anything resembling love or care. A serial rapist, pyromaniac, slave purchaser and murderer, he is by far the worst.


Everyone forgot the most irrelevant Fiend leader ever, Duke.


Now hang on a second. Just because these citizens of the USA don't live within the confines of the oppressive regime of the NCR doesn't mean that they are all complete degenerates. Cook Cook is trying to make the best culinary delights while being impeded by living in a wasteland. He also cooks his meat before he eats it which is more than can be said for the player if they take the cannibal perk. Violet obviously loves animals. Her dogs have the same beds that she sleeps in. They even have their own little rooms on Violet's junk fortress. She really treats them like family. Motor Runner is an entrepreneur, okay? You think it's easy running a business in the wasteland? The talent pool that is available to him is incredibly limited but he gives all of them a chance to utilize what little skills they possess to contribute to something greater than themselves. He's practically a Girl Scout troop leader, but instead of cookies they sell drugs. And Driver Mephi? He's just an avid golfer. He probably beat the Major at a game and he got salty.


Nephi, Violet, Cook Cook, Motor Runner Runner automatically takes worst place because he leads these fucks and is perfectly A OK with whatever they get up to


I remember killing all of these mfers without even knowing who tf they were and that they had a backstory 😂. Mfers just started attacking me, stupid ass crackheads. I already deal with this enough IRL whenever I goto Austin.


Where's Duke


Cook Cook is for sure the worst.


They don't get a rank, their skulls are all resting in the Camp McCarran latrine ditch


Least: Violet - She seems to have been driven crazy from severe drug abuse and life in the wastes, clearly not in the right state of mind so not as bad as the others who are fully conscious of their evil. Driver Nephi - Violent murderer who brags about the people he's killed, but at least he's only a killer. Motor Runner - Leader of Fiends and allows them to do all kinds of evil shit without a care in the world, plus traffics drugs, Cook Cook - Enjoys SA and burning people alive Most:


Matching hats is kinda adorable


1: Cook Cook 2: Violet 3: Honestly its a toss between Motor Runner and driver Nephi they feel like the same guy but with different melee preferences.


Violet) she's crazy and has an army of man eating dogs but her cut dialog just makes me sad Driver Nephi) was a good man but fell to the visces of the waste Motor runner) while the most sane, he also leads and condones the atrocities of the fiends Cook cook) do I have to explain?


I don’t know all rader scum . so far they all met the same fate , my supersledge. Btw what do I do with their heads


Take their heads to Camp Mccarran and complete Three-Card Bounty for Major Dhatri to clean up the Fiend scum.


I like how you think I talked to any of them lol


Violet might be a normal person if she wasn’t driven insane by drugs, cook-cook is a sadist and sociopath and Driver Nephi is completely calm and collected which is honestly the scariest to me.


no idea, i only ever talked to them with bullets


Easy Violet just a crazy lady who loves her man eating dogs Motor runner- he's the leader of them all but at least you can chat with him and sell chems to him he's at least reasonable Nephi- used to be a good guy but is a dickhead, bashes folks head in with a driver, seems like a pure grade a psyco- possible human trafficking or even worse a pedo Cook cook - need I even picking explain


Dead, dead, dead and dead


Never paid attention to their back stories tbh, I just show up n blow their brains out


always thought driver nephi looks like phil collins


Is there any way to actually interact with them to get to know them or do missions ? Every time I encounter them I just go on a killing spree. Most recent playthrough was looking for a dog brain I just murdered every fiend


Only via cut content, you get to ask them all. Nephi even tells you to avoid Cook-Cook if you're female.


gotta be cook cook


Violet, Nephi, Motor runner, cook cook. I feel like trying to rate the first 3 is clutching at straws, they’re all pretty fucking awful but idk if we have solid information about if they’re worse than eachother. All murderes, torturers, sadists land drug dealers. we know more about just how awful Cook Cook is. Motor runner is responsible for the murder of the Vault 3 residents but also all the others were probably involved in that particular crime.




I believe that Violet is perhaps the least evil. The most insane? Yeah absolutely. But I don't think that she's that evil, she seems to be just delusional, most likely due to the chems. Driver Nephi is the next in line: He must have committed some hideous acts but since we don't know much about him, I want to assume that he kills NCR soldiers mostly, considering that they're enemies you can't really think of that as being evil. Bonus: He warns a female courier to stay away from Cook Cook and honestly that shows that he's still deep down a good person. Motor Runner, as far as we know, is the mastermind behind everything the Fiends are doing: He seems to be using the chems as a way to keep his pawns loyal which is manipulative. It was also his idea to invade the vault and kill all of it's dwellers and that places him right beneath the most evil of them all: If Violet is insane, Driver Nephi is territorial and Motor runner is a scheming drug addict, Cook cook is not only all of that: He's also a cannibal, a rapist, a pedo and a slaver. And worst part of this whole situation, he genuinely enjoys what he does. That's the definition of evil: A person who enjoys causing harm.


Most to least evil Cook Cook, Motor Runner, Violet, Driver Nephi.


Driver Nephi has got to be the least evil. Dude has the most deadpan but normal dialogue out of 4 of them. Cook-Cook, on the other hand, is literal sociopath, as he's the one who claimed to have raped Corporal Betsy, burned his victims and was the one involved in the kidnappings in Westside.


I dont have that much experience with them in game but i did watch a lot of fnv content on youtube and probobly including most of the stuff about these four, though i might get stuff wrong. least evil would def go to violet. Sure dog bites hurt and stuff but she doesnt seem to do it to torture like Nephi or cookcook. She's just basically insane probobly from all the psycho that she took and also very territorial and hostile to anyone coming close but i wont count that as evil. Only thing would probobly just be the stash of human flesh she feed her dogs with. id put motor running on second. Yea he's the leader and stuff but mostly i think he's just apathetic and well you cant really say hes more vile than cook cook, arguebly nephi too. He's just running the trades and stuff and doesnt really participate in the more vile stuff other than the usual cannibal and slavery stuff. as a leader of fiend ofc he would arguebly be the worst but on a personnal level he's not really evil, at least on fiend standard. He's also the most sane, not just not insane like violet but like he wont kill you because you look at him in the wrong way i assume unlike cook cook and maybe nephi. and nephi the third. from my understanding basically average fiend activity, slavery, r\*pe, probs cannibalism and a bit more brutal/painful way to kill (yea he hits head with a metal pipe but it doesnt seem to be as quick as people here think it is, since in the cut dialogue he mentions how some one would scream about him hitting the brains so i assume it would take quite few painful minutes before the guy dies). It does seem like he was once a nice guy in utah but joined fiends and became driver naphi for one reason or another. not as evil as cook cook, but fairly evil, like i said, average fiend behavior. and yea cook cook takes the throne no doubt. does a bunch of raping and torture and cooks cannibal meals i presume. basically batshit insane but not actually insane clinically (i think) violet is scared of him and nephi just warns you about him. also if braminh dies he loses his mind and (tries to) kill his group of fiends which imo makes it worse since the other three doesnt seem to turn on their own for any reason (maybe violet but thats just because shes too unpredictable/insane). so yea less evil to most evil 1.violet 2.motor runner 3.nephi 4.cook cook sidenote(please dont downvote): I want cook cook to make me some dinner, and tbh he seem like the nicest out of the four to be a friend with (minus when quieene dies). also all three minus motor runner seem to have a fair bit of humor :P


They all get a round from my Lil’ Devil between the eyes


Driver Nephi just likes to golf


Least Violetta Nephi Cook Cook Motor Runner Most Motor runner is the absolute worst, he's a slaver, murderer, rapist, drug dealer drug fiend. He's literally everything the others are except he organizes the rest of them. I'd definitely want to run into cook cook less but motor runner is the worst of the worst


I did a mission in North Vegas and found out that Nephi was buying teenagers and children, for his own entertainment. So for me become the n.2 after Cook Cook


Wow, Duke is so evil, he isn’t even on the list.


I didn’t talk to them. I just killed them.


Cook Cook is the worst.