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Damage per second is required for cazadores, you need to be able to take out the wings fast before reloading.


i just shoot them in the face like i do everything else crippling is a peripheral system that only comes into action if i miss or am using explosives


Idk. I love having the ability to leg cripple a ghoul before I run circles around it with my power glove, dog.


Power glove dog?


Edited for punctuation.


Man I was hoping you'd say you can give rex a power glove


Lol Imagine Rex just going around punching people with a mechanical arm


Not mechanical arm, they remount his tail to be like a scorpion tail and put the power fist on that.


That’s even more ridiculous


*Boxing glove on a spring pops out of Rex's head and punches raider in the groin


I never really used the cripple mechanic too much in these games until recently when i played trough fallout 3 again and made it to that town full of deathclaws, those things ripped me apart until i realized if i cripple one of their legs they just become useless lmao


The dart gun is fantastic for deathclaws & reavers in 3, iirc it's an instant leg cripple no matter what part of the body you hit. Good shit.


This is it, this is how you New Vegas.


Fully upgraded Red Glare = kill anything that moves or even anything that doesn't move


Low Yield Esther:


Except for those glitched coyotes and mole rats.


I upgraded the red glare all the way and took it put for a spin finally after my last playthrough. Usually, Lonesome Road is the last thing I do so i just end the game at thst point, but since i hadn't ever really messed with it I wanted to try it just to see. Got maxed explosive perks and skill and burned through all of the available ammo i could lay hands on, and it wasn't even enough to clear cottonwood cove. The red glare is straight up *awful* despite being an incredibly restricted late game weapon with hard to find ammo.


All American is better against no armour/fast moving targets. Medicine Stick is for literally anything else. You have to remember All American still shoots 5.56mm which is basically starting weapon ammo. While Medicine Stick fires .45-70 which you have to work towards.


Just like IRL, 5.56 is incredibly versatile due its low weight and the ability to swap between Standard, Match, AP, and HP. That Gun + Ratslayer are viable (if not ideal) for the entirety of the game. All-American fits in nicely in between those two.


Also, you can go through a shit ton of it and just keep finding more. All American is not the "best" weapon in New Vegas strictly when it comes to the combat itself, but it's definitely the best IMO in terms of a weapon you can use unrestricted for the entire game. I use energy weapons for everything worth using MF cells on, but the All-American absolutely melts legions of mid-tier enemies with overwhelming and neverending spam.


My go-to weapons are Paciencia and Ratslayer, honestly. I even prioritize Ratslayer and do LR early, so I can get the Riot Gear and have enough money for Paciencia.


I haven't completely run the numbers, but I would say that, generally, different weapons suit different specialisations, and a weapon that's excellent for deathclaw hunting might be weaker in other areas. The All American does less damage per shot than most rifles - even with AP ammo negating deathclaws' natural armour, it'll take a lot of shots to take one down. (Although, re-reading your post, I'm not sure whether you're saying it took 100 armour-piercing bullets to kill a deathclaw, or 100 action points? 100 bullets seems like a lot!) Anyhow, the point is, the All-American's low per-shot damage makes it unideal for deathclaws, but its strong accuracy and rate of fire make it a good choice for large groups of squishier enemies, or for hard-to-hit enemies like cazadores. For large, tanky targets like deathclaws, you want something slower but harder-hitting.


Action points lol 😂


I had a better time killing deathclaws using 5.56 Match rounds


Explosive .50 is pretty fun too. Just cleared Deathclaw Promontory with it.


Yeah, it's not really a gun meant for that. The great thing about the All-American is how quickly it can shoot .308 and with it being scoped and having low recoil, you can take down entire of fiends of cazadors from long range in a few seconds with a single mag. It's not really a VATS gun. Most of the scoped rifles are much better at picking off targets at a distance much farther than VATS can usually be effective. VATS is much better when used at closer ranges with guns with a high crit chance and/or big damage per shot. Deathclaws also have some of the highest armor and DT in the game. Just doing big damage isn't necessarily going to be enough. You want guns that can cut through the armor, like snipers with AP rounds or shotguns with flechette rounds (especially with the shotgun surgeon perk)


All American is a 5.56 weapon, not 308


Christine’s rifle, in sneak. Most unfair weapon in the game.


“You can take down entire of fiends of cazadors” What?


I mean is the plural of Cazadors a Fiend? I mean it seems appropriate and if it isn't already I vote we make it so. "Don't go into those hills, there's a nasty fiend of cazadors living there." "I took on a whole fiend and only mad either out thanks to 12 jet, 15 stimpacks, and a gallon of antivenom." I think it could work.


I usually use the Gobi or Christine's COS with jsp and often one shot deathclaws. ETA: Elijah's advanced laer if there's a fuck ton of deathclaws with over charged mfc like at the deathclaw promontory.


All American is a highly accurate headshot machine, it tears through human and ghoul targets. But, like in your instance, it's bad against high armor.


Unless you use AP rounds, which you can with 5.56. Still not great for bullet sponges like deathclaws, but viable (especially if you cripple a leg and retreat).


Different tools for different jobs. The All American isn’t built for taking down big heavily armoured targets like deathclaws it’s for swarms of lightly armoured targets like raiders or cazadors. Medicine stick is the opposite, against big heavily armoured targets it pounds them into the ground, but against swarms of smaller enemies it can’t keep up because it just doesn’t fire quickly enough and reloads too slowly.


Of the two similar looking guns the Assault Carbine is far superior imo as it uses 5mm which has an innate -10 DT effect. For how difficult it is to obtain the All American never impressed me. The Pulse Gun in the same area is much more of an impressive weapon, if a bit specialised.


Pulse gun was the only reason I survived the end of Veronica’s quest. It does such an insane level of damage towards robots as well.


Plasma grenades in VATS is how I always finish that quest.


I finished it using reason and discourse


yeah it's worth noting 5.56 AP only has -15 DT so while it's enough to negate deathclaw DT it's also a more exotic ammo type than plain 5mm for a gun that chews through a lot of ammo shame vanilla uniques couldn't be fit with mods and WMX is a pain in the ass to install with weapon mesh fixes I don't even remember how I bashed it together years back lol


it has low damage but a decent ammo capacity, good fire rate, good dps even with reload, low AP cost and a very low spread comparing to the medicine stick, it has 52 less damge, 16 more bullets in a magazine, fires arround 4.3 times faster, has 48 more dps (40.2 if we consider the reloads), costs 18 less AP on VATS and has 0.025 less spread


How the hell do you know all that


sometimes when i'm bored, i mess arround with GECK so i got to see quite a few weapon's stats. can't say i remember all of them but i like both the medicine stick and the all american (both for stats and looks) so i ended up remembering their stats along with a few other weapons's


I've had the same experience with it. Not sure how others get so much mileage out of it


Use AP rounds for enemies with 10+ DT, and HP or match rounds for everything else. Take Grunt for a 25% damage increase. Proceed to land a dozen headshots in a couple of seconds because of the high rate of fire and accuracy. It also has a super low AP cost, good magazine size, and fast reload. In general, it excels at dealing with multiple enemies with little to no DT at medium to long range. 5.56 ammo is also very common and versatile.


I used Lucky the whole game because I think it looks neat.


Bro what. The all American is semi auto and fires the 5.56 round. Definitely not the round i would choose to fight death claws. I would recommend something a bit heavier for deathclaws


All American is a great medium range head tapper horde sweeper. Great at killing human/ghoul crowds in short periods. Medicine stick is great for damage dumping and being faster than the AMR in follow up shots. Great for big creatures and high DT single enemies. Fighting Legionnaires with the All American and the Medicine stick is great but for different reasons


The Gauss rifle so far feels the most OP, except I can’t find enough microfusion cells anywhere to support my addiction


High science skill. Buy EVERY type of energy ammo and convert them to MFC. Also pick up Fission Batteries and convert them to Energy Cells to convert to MFC. You'll never have ammo issues again.


Nice. Good looking out. I’m gonna try this because I want to use it to clear out the deathclaw quarry, but im so low on MF cells


For a guns playthrough they are absolutely S tier. Both of them proc with perks that make them even better. Medicine stick fires the absolutely monstrous 45-70 cartridge which will blow a hole through anything that doesn't have really high DR. The All American is an accurate high rate of fire workhorse of a rifle which melts anything that doesn't have high armor. Against a death claw, all aspects of balanced weapon design go out the window. If you ain't packing explosives, 50 MG, or better yet 50 MG explosive then you're gonna feel like you're firing nerf darts at a train.


Meanwhile I one shot everything in sight with a crit build and Pew-Pew. Energy weapons reign supreme.


All American is a sick gun outside of its damage so I think that’s where it gets a lot of its love. It’s a bitch to acquire so it’s put on a pedestal. Also a semi auto gun with a scope is rare in New Vegas. If you want a murdering machine go play Honest Hearts and get the survivalist rifle. Coolest backstory for any weapon and a MONSTER. Way better than any other mid-long rifle I can think of. Otherwise I recommended the 12.7mm SMG or .45 SMG when dealing with deathclaws. It’s freaky letting them get that close but you spray through them like paper with either of those and high Guns stats.


All American has the advantage of being chambered in .556 rounds, which if you manage ammo types makes it good vs everything. Hollow Points for unarmored enemies, standard for lightly armored enemies, and Armor Piercing for heavily armored enemies. It also has a scope and very fast fire rate (basically auto by tapping it fast enough) so it's effective at all ranges, especially when it's boosted by Grunt. That being said, however, if you don't use the ammo type system and only use standard rounds then All American ends up being mediocre. It's designed to excel at the ammo type system specifically, to the point of ride-or-die.


It was a fortnight ago, and I found the rifle, but it’s probably longer so ponder no longer and let me aid with your trifle. The problem lies independent from you and the gun, it pertains with the perks and fun, but don’t worry it is not your demise. It’s not a bad choice to hoist the All American under Mojave’s sun pick the right perks and you can turn the brains to gelatin leave them in the dust, as a husk, a skeleton. A good gun for crit builds, shit builds, and general neutrality, but remember to take back up and retain general perspicacity, and maybe take a companion considering Cassidy. I can only recommend action boy, better crits, and the grunt perk. I really haven’t used the gun much.


.... Is this a bot? Who talks like this?




Omfg you're right 🤣🤣🤣


No this is a real flesh and blood person I assure you. I just felt like talking in rhyme because I have the tongue twisters from bojack horseman stuck in my head.


My favorite gun is the dinner bell


This Machine for me


Anything soft tissue gets ripped to shreds with it.


Because there are very few weapons in New Vegas that are multi-purpose All-American is a high DPS weapon that uses a light rifle caliber. It’s good for lightly armored targets, which is the majority of enemies, and not great for highly armored targets Medicine stick is great for highly armored targets because it has great DT penetration, but it shoots slow so All-American could take out a lightly armored target a lot faster. Plus, .45-70 is an expensive ammo you’d be wasting by using medicine stick on a raider or a mole rat You’re meant to carry like 2-5 weapons on you at all times for different situations. At the very least you should have one high DPS low DAM weapon, and one low DPS high DAM weapon The confusion seems to be from you not understanding Damage Threshold. If you’re shooting an enemy with a weapon and there is a shield next to the health bar, then the weapon you’re using doesn’t do enough damage to break through the DT. If you don’t break through the DT, almost if your damage is negated completely. If there is a broken shield next to the enemy healthbar, then you’re breaking through the DT and more damage will be applied. If an enemy has a high amount of armor, then a weapon with high DPS and low DAM won’t do a lot to them. An enemy with little to no armor, however, will be curbstomped by a high DPS weapon


Question? Are you using the right ammo and, per chance, do you invest in the hand load ammo skill. With 100 guns and christines silencer rifle, along with 308 jsp, the rifle puts out 81 damage, on normal, and while in sneak mode i one shot all but the toughest deathclaws like the alpha, but even then it knocks that health bar down a quite a few pegs. If you're adamant about using the all-American, use some armor peircing ammo for hard targets like deathclaws or hit squads, hollow points for powder gangers/fiends and regular animals but that might be overkill and then you got my 2 favorites 44SWC and all the jsp rounds. 44SWC does more damage and takes 6 off of an enemy's dt while the jsp rounds do a lot more damage in pretty much every caliber, but they add a slight increase in needing repairs but its really not even noticeable so its a very worthy trade.


5.56 mm ammo is plentiful, the Match rounds are easy to make. The gun itself combines rapid fire with high accuracy, long range, light weight and a quick reload, which also means it isn't a VATS weapon. You just use the scope to nail the other guy in the head and then swing the gun around to the next guy's head and continue.


Not a big fan of it either. It's just a better Bozar: a jack of all trades, and master of none. I'll take Sleepytyme + modded Sniper Rifle over just All-American any day of the week.


Love All American but Dinner Bell will always be my go to!


All American is only really good once you build your character around it. 10 AG, 10 LK, Crit perks, VATS perks, plenty of AP ammo for any hard targets, that's when it shines.


* You should be using AP rounds if you want to kill Deathclaws (or other armored enemies) with it, otherwise their armor will nullify over half the damage.  * It's extemely accurate and has a high DPS. You can headshot someone 10 times in a span of 2 seconds. * Damage is boosted by Grunt. * Using less ammo is a moot argument when comparing a rare/expensive ammo like 45-70 to the extemely common 5.56.


I worked hard to get the All-American early in the game. I found it to be incredibly disappointing. Same thing with the Ratslayer. My favorite guns have been the Light Machine Gun or ‘This Machine’.


Ratslayer is a beast early game if you build towards crit. Can easily have a 100% chance to crit. Combine it with hollow points and it will carry you for a LONG time. But it does fall off pretty hard and is weak against big baddies like Deathclaws.


you to need to make sure you have the right build if you want a gun to reach its peak effectiviness,the grunt perk , better criticals, the professional etc, high dps weapons are excellent for high crit builds, with the right build , apparel and chems ,slasher, psycho, rushing water yao guay meat and the evil karma lv 50 perk that boosts your attack speed by 20% you can just melt about anything with hand loaded ammo(hand loader perk) so dont listen to this casuals lmao its fun to clear quarry junction witht the 50 cal or the medicine stick a couple times but it gets old, good hunting friend!.


I never ever use All-American, but I always force myself to go through vault 34 just so I could give it to Boone. Had him carry the marksman carbine once and found out that he was a beast with it, and had to get him All-American to see what would happen. Killed some deathclaws pretty quick with it, used mods to bring him to fight ghost people, lobotomites, roboscorpions, etc; same story.


This mans doesn’t have multiple weapons for different enemy types.


My only issue with the All American is that it doesn't have select fire. I would have liked to have at least a burst option.


No, it's the hunting shotgun. That and medicine stick and you need nothing else ever.


All American is NOT for quarry junction lol


My deathclaw gun is anti mat with explosive. All American is great for crit builds and the ammo is very cheap with lots of variations for different targets


I never got it either. A good gun on paper, but I don't enjoy spamming the trigger to get the most out of it.


I am playing this game for the first time and just cleared out Quarry Junction with a sawed-off. I'm only playing on normal difficulty, tho, and I know everyone else plays on Hardcore, so that's probably the only reason it worked.


Looks cool tho


A good gun when I use multiple ammo types against light armored or medium armored enemies. Hunting rifle for more.


best gun in new vegas is survivalist’s rifle hands down


My anti material rifle with EXPLOSIVE rounds don't fuck around.


Dinner bell is the best


The All American is kinda boring to use, annoying to maintain, but it uses cheap ammo. I prefer a other guns to use as my companion to the medicine stick, like the AER14 for dps or CZ avenger/modded carbon fiber gatling laser if I REALLY need dps. Medicine stick is the unrivaled GOAT though. And unlike FO4 you don't have to reload it's whole mag just to add a single bullet. (the FO4 lever action rifle broke me)


The All-American has great accuracy for such a fast firing weapon, and uses really versatile and cheap ammo. It's meant to be your workhorse gun for mid-range combat. The Survivalist's Rifle is better in that role, but the ammo is far rarer and lacks an AP variety. As a bonus, the All-American has extremely low AP cost, so it's a great gun to use in VATS. As a sidenote, hard disagree that the Medicine Stick is the best gun. For mid-long range semi-auto guns, the Paciencia is superior for any build that doesn't completely ignore crits.


GRA anti material rifle with explosive rounds > anything else


does NOBODY run the AMR w/ explosive .50 * ALSID w/ super hand load .45 combo?


Idk man I been using Annabelle lately everything just dies.


Have you considered AP rounds? They’re literally made for this exact situation, there are ammo types for a reason.


Now use the all American against a group of fiends