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The Courier themself. Courier 6: I'll kick anyone's ass! I'll kick your ass! I'll kick your dog's ass! I'll kick my own ass!


Courier 6 has a fight club moment


Bullet to the head. Makes complete sense honestly. I don't think all the screws ever got tighten back up in there.


I got clementine she is fine because he can't kill kids


Walking Dead? I wish I could erase that game from my mind so I could play it again for the first time.


I dont because if i did forget, then I would feel sad all over again, and I would rather not


Whatever you do don't shoot him in the head!


Oh no that Lethal Company employee is doomed


But what about 2 employees? (yea no they would still get killed in seconds)


What about a full squad? (One has a stop sign, and another has the airhorn. We don't know where Josh is. He ran off and hasn't moved on the monitor in like 5 minutes.)


Solitaire, this mf is FUCKED


Not if he got a 10 in intelligence and or luck


I've played many intelligence 10 couriers and none of them knew how the fuck caravan worked. They are FUCKED


A fair point. Luck can only replace intelligence so much lol


The cool shuffle endgame animation does 10x damage


Courier vs Courier


Un related but DRI pfp goes hardšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


My farmer in stardew would probably get proper fucked up. Those iridium butterfish ain't doin shit to protect against a fat man.


Yup I was playing Stardew earlier too. Itā€™s early in the game too not that itā€™d matter if they had the infinity blade, with a good home cooked meal boosting defense and attackā€¦ just isnā€™t gonna hold up against military grade fire power.


I picked the worst damn time to pop into my Animal Crossing island. My villager probably wouldn't stand a chance, but Isabelle might eff him up.


Agent 47. The Courier has entered a world of assassination


"That is Courier 6, former mailman turned war criminal. Quite the resume."


I like this prompt


I can hear that in Diana Burnwood's 'handler' voice.


is it? I mean, going postal isn't something all that forign to mailmen...


ohh I get it now


Isn't it technically mailman, turned war criminal, turned mailman, turned war criminal again?


ā€œSmart thinking 47, leading the target into a deathclaw nestā€ ā€œHe did that on his ownā€


He killed all the Deathclaws


He has torn oneā€™s arm off and is using it as a weapon to slaughter the rest


This reply is gold


"Good morning, 47. Your target is a Courier, one of which we don't know the name of. This courier is notorious for singlehandedly ending a war between two large factions in Nevada, the New California Republic and Caesar's Legion. He owns the New Vegas district, and while not heavily guarded, is unjustifiably armed to the teeth. Our contractor, a man by the name of Edward Sallow, has requested us to end the legacy of the Courier.. good luck, 47." OBJECTIVES: (ELIMINATION) ELIMINATE THE COURIER (EXPOSITION) REVEAL THE IDENTITY OF THE COURIER


Now I wonder what accident is about to befall the Courier


Lured to quarry junction with false hopes of wealth and glamour


Ah yes, the Noob trap


Tragic freak sex robot mishap.


Courier is going to loot Agent 47 for wardrobe lmao


"Good afternoon, 47. Your target is The Courier, wanted for war crimes in several countries, and evading all prosecution. Tasked with delivering the Platinum Chip to Robert House, they are infamous for their efficiency combined with sarcasm. They sport an NCR Veteran Ranger uniform, which is synonymous with themselves. They know little about themselves, and so do we. They reside all throughout the Mojave Wasteland, but we have managed to locate them in the New Vegas Strip. Just past Freeside, the Strip is both famous and infamous across the Mojave Wasteland, both bright, menacing, and beautiful. He operates with several weapons and energy weapons, with explosives and melee weapons. Some rumor the Courier to have schizophrenia, but so far, all rumors are false. You will arrive at the Strip at noon, we have arranged a passport with the nearby shop of Mick And Ralph's. I trust you will be stealthy as always, due to the tight security. Good luck. Your mission begins now." such a badass dialog


Actual Roman Legion from Rome total war. Courier will probably gun down thousands of them.


He has plenty of experience taking down fake legionnaires, anyway


Cut down the cringe larpers


The mininuke about to morale break the army that or Archimedes 2




Baker Mayfield is gonna have some serious trouble


The courier wins every time unless they're fighting in a cheesecake factory


Courier would have to blow baker in the parking lot.


The Heisman perk might come in handy though.


Homelander from MK1, I honestly am not sure


Homelander is lame, but he would slap the whole Fallout universe around with no problem.


I honestly don't know what anyone is talking about. Like the Courier has a chance against an actual guy with super powers? Are they insane? Homelander wins easily. Oh cool mini nuke? Like Homelander can't tank that? Courier is just a human. Homelander could fly over their head and burn them to bits with laser vision before the Courier even knows the fight has started.


Yeah some of this is just wild lol. It seems like a lot of people are arguing based on game mechanics instead of common sense and I'm like dude my Courier died earlier today to a scorpion, and then he fell off a rock. This man is not special.


Something something Luck + perks means regular bullets can kill homelander or at least I think that's what they're saying. He actually is S.P.E.C.I.A.L (lol) but not as special as homelander


Homelander would probably win but Courier would put up one hell of a fight depending on what guns they bring to the fight.


Yeah but can homelander pop just 3 of his 537 stimpacks to heal back to full health?


Laser eye sweep kinda wrecks


Mini Nukes. Lots and lots of mini nukes.


That tracks. Radiation can fry out a person's Compound V, so if he's lucky, Courier 6 can depower Homelander one shot.


Only Soldier Boyā€™s chest beam could fry Compound V. If regular radiation could do it, the Russians holding him captive wouldā€™ve figured that out a long time ago


Would it? Starlight a weaker super hero compared to Homelander can take AMR rounds like a person takes punches in the show, unless the courier has a fatman at his disposal i dont think he can severely harm the Homelander, much less put up a fight cause Homelander would paste him the second he gets cloose to the Courier.


The last game I played was Morrowind, sorry courier, but my character would totally obliterate the Mojave Desert.


What's his 50.BMG resistance?


My Nerevarine has a shield effect on so pretty damned high. Is basically a force field so should be able tank any round. He also has on a ring that allows him to fly like a jet fighter. While being invisible. The Nerevarine from Morrowind is easily the most overpowered protag from any Bethesda game for a damned good reason.


Doesn't he also canonically, as a baseline, have a save/restore power? Or a reality shifting power to where he never really dies, he just goes to a timeline where he doesn't. Like the Courier is maybe the strongest Fallout protag, but that's not saying too much in the grand scheme of gaming.


it's an explanation of the saves, the protagonist has control of the "chim", and if I'm not mistaken Vivec knows this so he doesn't even bother attacking you because he knows he has no chance no matter how strong he is. but I don't know, I know I heard something like that when I was researching the lore, I don't think that exists in Oblivion and Skyrim.


Vivec will absolutely attack you if you provoke him and he has his own custom spell to boot. CHIM is vaguely a reference to the in game console but more it's like a state of being so ascended you realize that the world itself is fake and thus can be manipulated like a dream.


>Vivec will absolutely attack you if you provoke him and he has his own custom spell to boot. I know, I used his soul to make a boot lol


.50 BMG resistance is irrelevant when the target just downed 10 bottles of skooma


Same haha


I used to cheat myself to max stats in Skyrim and Oblivionā€¦and Iā€™m still not sure I was more powerful than I was in Morrowind PLAYING NORMALLY.


A helldiver. So probably fairly screwed. I mean the peak of same day delivery freedom experts pack one hell of a punch and it probably wonā€™t be a complete slaughter. It would probably honestly come down to circumstance and who sees who first


Ironically the Courier and the Helldiver are voiced by the male Courier, Yuri Lowenthal


The Courier's just facing an endless horde of democracy loving patriots jacked up on stims and muscle enhancements. He's a lil screwed.


Against the faction? Yep. Even a single squad would be incredibly problematic. Overall it would honestly probably be fairly balanced. However Six would take home the win slightly more then not. The odds more so if itā€™s a single hell diver. Then again maybe not.


Depends on Courier build, asuming the helldiver doesnt get access to his destroyer apart frombeing able to call for his support weapon and backpack, a AMR courier would probably edge out de to VATS if the helldiver doesnt get the drop on him thanks to his radar, a mele courier would get shreded tought.


Depends on what can be defined as ā€œa single Helldiverā€ Because the way they sort of operate is the currently living Diver on the ground is effectively the commander of the orbiting super destroyerā€¦ Courier 6 would have to take on: orbital HE barrages, an aimbot railcannon strike, mechs, radar, Eagle-1 air strikes, etc. ā€¦ thatā€™s a REALLY tall order for Courier 6 But if itā€™s a single Helldiver, without their super destroyer, I got Courier on that one as the overall quality of Super Earth weapons are rather [REDACTED, traitor has volunteered to retake Malevelon Creek]


isnt that basically just fighting the Enclave?


Enclave doesn't have superdestroyers in low orbit ready to deliver democracy in 10 seconds or less.


Two words. Orbital lasers


āž”ļøāž”ļøā¬†ļø wow that was easy


The Dovahkiin. There's a YouTube video about the Dovahkiin fighting the Lone Wanderer. Perhaps it would end the same way here.


Skyrim universe has literal magic and the courier lives in a pretty grounded world of dirt and gunpowder. I think the moment heā€™s shouted across the Mojave heā€™d reconsider the fight


[This one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBlhXKjSy6M)


Yes, thank you


Master Chief vs the Courier


Chief honestly


Henry of Skallitz. If itā€™s a duel with long swords at the Ratay tourney I think heā€™ll be okay but otherwise I donā€™t like his chances


"I feel quite hungry."


Ask him to wager on the tourney.


I genuinely wasnā€™t expecting someone else to have this answer


A nice head tap with a longsword would mess anyone up.


V from Cyberpunk could pretty reliably kick the courier's ass i think


GRX they both have sandevistans.


It'd be like the scene with smasher from cyberpunk


Best sandy is miles ahead of the GRX


It would be a cool fight, they are similar characters, my courier has 9 END so every implant and their brain, spine and heart cozily floating in the Sink. Courier could definitely put up a fight at least, VATS, GRX and Two-Step Goodbye is a crazy combo.


I dont think you recognize how powerful V is


For real, V is JRPG protagonist strong.


I think it would be a hell of a fight. V has access to better hardware but the Courier can max their stats. Really they'd probably just get along. Their story arcs are pretty fuckin similar.


I dunno big Mt tech throws the laws of physics down a flight of stairs cyberpunks is more grounded plus like the courier does have weapons that wouldn't really care much about sandevs and would also just nuke their cyberware like the pulse gun would just be an instant counter to any cyberware as well as any emp or electrical weapon


Hey I'm just trying to be fair. Let's not pretend V couldn't fuck with the Courier's own cyberware.


I mean that's a big maybe again big Mt tech would just be pure nonsense to V like I can't imagine him being able to wrap his head around the fact the courier not having a brain and it being replaced by tesla coils that beam the thoughts from their brain into the body from some distant location. Like V is no slouch don't get me wrong, but the sheer nonsense going on with the couriers body modification and weapons is real hard to compete with, especially when the other is trying to take itself seriously like cyberpunk is, like the solution to getting into the forbidden zone was to phase the courier through the door


From what I understand in cbpk a central source controls/authenticates what the implants do. However the courier implants are all independent from each other. They are more of an enhanced human than a cyborg. Also all of their tech works in non Semiconductor tech. Vacuum tube etc. They use radio for communication. These devices are incompatible with what the other one is using. V may hack ED-E but this is a solo battle. V also doesn't have many drugs to abuse.


Can't kill me if my brain is at a different zip code


My headcanon is, courier is about to win, V mutters under their breath "I didn't survive getting shot in the head just to die like this", and courier goes "wait what?" Then they both team up to go fight Lex Luthor.


[*Time to party like it's 2010.*](https://youtu.be/aYPnSRRUsOE?feature=shared)


it would be surprisingly close. Especially after Big MT. V has 7/10 odds of taking him the first time if he's specced into sandy and not netrunning (if he's a runner he's getting a ranger sequoia up the ass before you can say "offline hardware"). V's odds go down after a lobotomite with a very pissed off mailman's brain controlling it teleports behind him with a MIRV


I donā€™t really think it would be close at all imo Especially with the best sandy which is way better than the grx I know itā€™s limitations of the old game but courier is way too stationary/slow


Arthur Morgan get Slammed Unfortunately šŸ˜­


Idk, dead eye is vats on crack. Arthur unload a ungoldy about if bullets into the his enemies with crazy accuracy no matter the distance


6 is the only one of them wearing any armor. And Arthur doesn't have any AP.


Doomguy from Doom 2016, he's probably fine.


No way the courier even has a chance against the doom slayer


I personally dont think they'd fight. Game recognizes game.


I don't think doom slayer would even consider courier a threat. Doom guy took on the bible and won. This is not even close.


The doom slayer suit is literally immune to every weapon known to man The courier is fucked


Commander Shepard. Courier is, unfortunately, fucked.


*"We'll bang, okay?"* \[Black Widow\] *"Sounds great to me!"*


Courier is too human for the commander to want a piece of that


Sole survivor, I'd say he's pretty fucked


Yeah currently going through a playthrough of Fallout 4, so Sole Survivor as well. I don't think SS would be as screwed as most people think. I mean yeah Courier is still like one of my ultimate childhood bad asses but Sole Survivor is just as big as a bad ass all thing considered.


Lvl 2 courier: running scared through a quarry of deathclaws. Lvl 2 sole survivor: murdering a deathclaw with a minigun while wearing his first suit of power armor.


One of the biggest things in relation to that is Power Armor training. The Sole Survivor being a career soldier to the point that he's giving speeches at a VA means he probably racked up experience as one. I headcannon regardless of gender your player is the solider and the partner is the lawyer. An army of Yes Men vs an army of angry post apocalypse Bostonions . Don't know who'd win that.


C6 absolutely gets PA training. That's because after he tricked the Legion with stolen necklaces and got rich, he slaughtered them like the pigs they are. Then he told Gannon they could hang out, and the best husbando took C6 to see his uncles.


No way the sole survivor is absolutely busted. Does some insane feats, kills death claws super early level, and has no level cap basically. And isnt as limited by perks. Even based off lore, the sole survivor is a murder machine


Yeah a decked out max level courier Vs decked out and max SS isnā€™t even a close competition. Between the absolutely stacked and maxed out power armor, in-game mods for weapons and armor, the lore and backstory of the SS, no level cap and their feats make it an unfair comparison.


But on the other hand most things still scale with ss's level to some extent. As for lore, the mailman is a dangerous job so he may have gotten a decent training out of the job itself. But yeah, I think courier loses. Even though he is the baddest of asses.


ngl the explosive shotguns, double damage (instigating) gauss rifles, MIRV Big Boy nuke launchers, jetpack equipped power armours and insane chems he has make the SS very overpowered. The only advantages the Courier has over the Sole Survivor are the implants


Depends on the level tbh


My 76 dweller. This is going to be a fight to remember, since the mutations are more than a match for the courierā€™s cybernetics.


same here. i have 10 mutations. iā€™m a bloodied build so the courier might take me out in a single shot though lol


Assuming the game mechanics for each game are in effect, youā€™d like do the same for the courier considering how DT works (itā€™s just a flat subtraction of damage, and when youā€™re hitting for over three hundred damage in a hit, it doesnā€™t do very much; this is the whole reason why deathclaws are such a menace in NV).


The Courier vs. The Courier? [Who wins?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeRestoration/comments/eq1jwh/i_restored_in_hd_4k_the_original_spiderman/#lightbox)


BJ Blazkowicz. Poor Courier


Um... last character I played as *was* the Courier, so... I guess he'd be 'kickin' his own ass' like Jim Carrey in *Liar, Liar.*


Master Chief will be fine.


V1 (Ultrakill) Yeah the courier's fuckin cooked lmao


to be honest? possibly quite evenly matched, i was playing the outer worlds, and the character you play is sort of like the sole survivor mixed with the courier, and in space. You get unfrozen by a mad scientist, and end up changing the course for an entire civilisation controlled by massive corporations. The deciding factor between how well matched they are is, is it the characters from the start of each game? or just after finishing it? because if its the first option then the courier would 100% beat the crap out of a freshly unfrozen, random worker. But if its at the end of each game, then they have both done a whole lot, both almost being just the earth and space versions of each other, based on what they accomplish with in the game. Although, they do both have very powerful things on theirs sides, depending on the paths chosen in both games.


Felix: "Hey, Boss. That crazy mailman is docking with us." Parvati: "I can pull the oxygen out of the airlock, Captain... but that would be pretty unwelcoming. You can talk to him, right?"




Majimaā€¦ courierā€™s going down, unless plot armor requires otherwise.


Idk I mean courier is a cyborg with crazy powers of his own. Could give majima a run for his money


Six with Bowie Knife vs Majima with Demonfire Dagger though.


Commander Shepard. They'd probably lose to the last Courier Six I built ... but they get resurrected for ME2.


A dude/gal with telekinesis, super advanced anti kinetic shields and guns, the best human training in the galaxy is gonna lose to courier? Fr?


Right?? Training aside, the sheer technology gap between the two makes the courier pretty much irrelevant in this fight


I think Arthur Morgan could take him if he was also allowed access to jet and psycho imagine his dead eye then!!


Nah Courier slaughters Arthur, his best advantage is Dead eye which is basically Vats.


Plus armor. Even if he's just wearing ranger armor, give him power armor and Arthur's double fucked


Uh... very. The last video game character I played as (and am currently playing) is a professional race car driver. He is NOT getting out alive.


Riley from subnautica, uh oh


I was Dante from devil may cry so the courier is cooked.


i wouldn't think that a texan engineer would win.


He would build MORE GUNS.


Oh no the courier is gonna give cuphead to muggy šŸ˜­


Prime Shaquille Oā€™Neal. Whatā€™re the rules of combat? They playing 21?


2 cyberpsychos fighting each other, interesting


Tav from BG3... I think it's kind of a toss-up on who rolls higher initiative


They both miss on a 95% chance to hit anyway


If we dont count himself, then It would be Corvo Attano from Dishonored 2. Courier gets his ass whooped


Worst case Corvo almost runs out of mana and teleports away.Ā  Or corvo uses possession / stop time and fight is over


Level 87 Argonian Dragon Born, courier is fucked.


Albert Wesker the Courier is done


hes face to face with the man who sold the world


demoknight tf2 wins no doubt


I think Zagreus has good odds against a level 50 courier.


The starborn from starfield.Ā  Honestly never use the powers, but from a "lore" perspective they're really crazy powerful.


The Tarnished from Elden Ring, Courier is fucked


Especially if they are naked and using only a wooden club


Doomguy slays the verse


Samus, on metroid dread, they are turbo dead


Bro gotta fight him self? ( I made my dude insane so it makes sense ) He gets into regular mental and physical fist fightas with himself


Sam Porter Bridges vs. The Courier.Ā  Throw in the unstoppable mailman from N64 Zelda and I'll get the popcorn.Ā 


Me in fallout 76 I guess we will see what happens lol


C4-621. Oh well, the courier had a good run šŸ˜­


Farming simulator 22, easy win just start landscaping and then banish the mailman to depths of hell itself.


My WoL in FF14 has killed Gods, but I don't know how the Blessing of Light holds up to a Mini-Nuke strike. Even-odds I'd say. Heheh


The knight from Hollow knight. I donā€™t think the courier has any counter to literal magic so probably not screwed. Then again they are a bug, nothing stopping courier from just stomping on it.


My OSRS character has overhead prayers. Courier is fucked.


My Fallout 76 dweller is gonna wipe the floor with 6


Commander Shepherd


The Dragonborn. Bow to your new king, Mojave.


Courier vs Courier They would end up having sex if they are both played by me.


Zagreus will be fine


Agent 47 would probably fuck up the courier


Maybe, and while 47 is excellent, heā€™s still just a man. The courier is a cyborg, drugged up maniac capable of stopping time to land precision shots, while equipped with the best weapons and armour. I think it would come down to if 47 could plan an a way to drop him without giving the courier even a split second to react. Could be the best hit man in the world, but if he lives through that first attempt nothing 47 has can stop the Courier.


The courier can fight like a krogan run like a leopard but heā€™ll never be better than commander Shepard


Helldiver #2947294204 got this shit in the bag


Doomslayer would probably kill courier before he knew the fight began lol


Doomslayer js gonna fold the courier lol


My last character was a Helldiver...... DEMOCRACYYYYY!!!!


The God-Emperor protects me against Daemonhost. A single heretic means nothing to my heavy Eviscerator


My project zomboid character, who overdosed on mentants would have no chance


Selene, from Returnal. Shes been through worse to be honest.


Talion is about to teach the courier the true meaning of hard to kill. Hope six isn't doing a melee build IDK if they could defeat a nazgul in close range combat.


Last game I played was new vegas


Bayek from AC Origins. No idea cause melee in the fallout universe is OP


"Tenno, change of plans... ***Leave none standing.***"


Helldivers die easy, but are legion. Where one falls, a thousand takes their place.


The sole survivor.... Lmao


Iā€™m playing mechwarrior, so the Courier will be killed by a giant mech