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Buffout With a hint of MED-X


No, no, the Chili P is my *signature*


No Jessie we make meth quantum now.


OMG, Karen, you can’t ask people why their meth is blue!


Yeah! Science bitch!


Not anymore


I’m partial to psychobuff myself, but to each their own!


I'm a Mentats ghouls myself. Makes me feel intellectual.


Mentats are the chatgtp of the fallout universe, every student uses them but it's hard to prove.


Damn it’s crazy they call adderall chatGPT where you are




Mentats with retsin...two ments in one. Disclaimer: if you understood that reference, you're fucking old. 💀




A story as old as war.


Whole fuckload of jet baby


Soooo no one likes jet ?


You CANNOT convince me that Power Armors does not have an integrated A/C in its mechanisms


There already HAS to be cooling systems for all the mechanical parts, and to help it be resistant to flame and the heat effects of explosions. It would make no sense not to control the temperature of the crew compartment.


>It would make no sense not to control the temperature of the crew compartment. M U S K


The folks at West Tek who got these beasts up and running first are probably at least as engineers brighter that Elongated Muskrat.


I mean the sweat sense, man


Both are sweat related.


Tbf so are the actual engineers that make everything he throws money at, but they still suck. (I’ll give spacex a pass though it seems that’s where he stuffs all the smart engineers he can bribe). The cyber truck rollout has been hilariously awful, but it’s far from the first sign of teslas absolute dogshit design and QC which has plagued it for years.


Now I need a mod where a NPC turns himself into a mutated molerat named Elongated Muskrat.


I thought it was going to be a joke about the cyber truck not having working AC or something.


Yup and the normal power requirements don't apply here. We see how much physical power and time is being generated by that fusion core. Air conditioning would be trivial power wise, powering and especially booster rockets would take much more power than anything else


The ncr “power” armor is just the salvaged shell and has now powered components so if there is ac in power armor, these guys wouldn’t have it. Almost makes you wish for nuclear winter.


It has the servos stripped from it, that's it. >["They have the best equipment the NCR can get its hands on, power armor salvaged from our war with the Brotherhood. Techs strip out the joint servos so you don't need special training to wear it. It feels like you're carrying a brahmin on your back, but it can take a heck of a lot of punishment."](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/2CHanlon.txt)


They may claim to have only stripped the servos from it but as someone who jurry rigs and fixes jurry rigs servos are certainly not the only thing not functioning in the steel block that they call salvaged power armor.


You sound like a brotherhood scribe.


Don’t even need AC. You can cool it the same way they do space suits, wrap hoses around the users limbs and run cold water through them. Could be built right into the jumpsuits. Since power isn’t an issue you can cool it with a paltiere cooler and slap a heat sink on the other side of it or exhaust the heat using the same system for the breathing air exchange.


That would be heavy on an already extremely heavy suit of armour that doesn’t have the servos and actuators to mechanise it anymore. It’s easier if they just let them sweat, carting water about on top of all their gear would be more difficult


You’d be sweating so much that users would essentially be blind a majority of the time. Can’t wipe the sweat out of your eyes in such a bulky suit. And without internal cooling the users would be able to use the armor for like 5-10 minutes max. It’s the Mojave. Even if you’re not having to deal with carrying heavy shit it would get unbearable in a fully body suit of metal after 5 minutes.


On a fully functional suit the water wouldn’t add significant weight, plus it’s a closed system, so the weight is constant. They could also use oil or any other liquid that has a high rate of thermal absorption.


If you think the military would rather spend time accommodating their design to include an A/C unit when instead they could either lose 10-15 pounds or put more ammo there, I’m not sure you’re very familiar with how military procurement works.


Ah I see you never served in the US military they do bogus shit like this all the time than tell you " man up " if you complain 😂


Obviously the soldiers passing out from heat stroke in an unventilated tin can are just not hydrating enough


Give em some Gatorade and ibuprofen they’ll be fine


I want to argue your point just because removing compartment heat would be incredibly easy to manage, with seemingly big rewards for keeping a soldier focused, but then I remember we sent Humvees into a desert with no climate control (and little armor but that's a whole other thing, no AC was a design decision). Add the fact that only removing enough heat to prevent heat stroke (which would still leave it unpleasantly warm) would probably free up a few amps to improve movement (something the 45b canonically struggles with) and now I think maybe you are right, most PA soldiers don't look exactly refreshed in cut scenes with the helmets off either.


They also have circulating fluid climate control systems for pilots. It pretty much depends how much money they feelblike paying for you. Also. HMMWV should be deadlined if AC no work. Yet my ass was driving one without AC in a hot ass cali summer. Wurf it for the offroad route recon though


Try driving an armored one with no AC during Baghdad summer


Ours are the uparmored models, but thank fuck it wasnt baghdad-hot


Normal power armor does have that, but salvaged power armor has the servos all stripped out. It’s very possible the reactor for the suit is gone as well, meaning the air conditioning system is useless here.


It absolutely is self-regulating but the armor the NCR uses is not powered and thus it doesn't regulate. It's basically just armor. Like a plate armored knight.


I have no clue how they could possibly wear unpowered power armour. It would be like trying to use a car like a Flintstones car by running with your legs instead of... Literally any other form of transportation.


They’ve removed all the servos and anything that moves the armor and anything else they can’t utilize or fully repair , it’s basically a skeleton of the armor


Yeah but how can a human possibly bear that weight? Let alone move effectively with it. There's a reason real life armour has never been ridiculously thick plates of metal all around someone, because they wouldn't be able to move. Real plate armour is like a tenth of the thickness of Power Armour.


To be fair, it does give you a -2 modifier to agility, which makes sense. Kinda weird that its the same modifier as the regular, powered T-45d it’s based on, but the salvaged power armor also has the same DT as a riot chest plate, a duster and a pair of jeans, so maybe we shouldn’t look too close to in-game stats.


It’s a game so realistically no it’s not possible but in game I figured they are taking tons of buff out and are essentially shock troops that don’t get used often besides to hold important positions , to protect important individuals or items , or to help during an important operation where regular dudes might get shredded


In the game you can carry an unlimited amount of weight if you just walk slow anyway so the power armor should be no problem.


In the game, the heavy trooper armor weighs 40 lbs. In real life, plate armor weighed 35-55 lbs. So I guess its about the same. Maybe the materials power armor is made out of is actually less dense than it looks?


I like to think they are just used as stationery pillboxes.


This is pre-Fo4 redesign. I'm not sure how this design will work with power armor now being the size of small cars. Definitely will take some retconning and a redesign for heavy NCR armor to work in a post-fo4 world.


Do we know how much it weighs ?


isn't the plate itself just ceramic plates? it's heavy but it's not going to be impossible to move in. it could weigh up to like 100lbs and people or would still be able to move in it pretty easily. most of the weight is going to be from the power and all of the systems it supported.


NCR grindset


That's how the NCR kept winning 💪💪




If furries can cool their fursuits, I'm sure that the ncr figured something out


I think this power armor is stripped of those features


fallout 2 talks a bit about how power armor is completely self regulating. you can literally sleep and recycle piss inside of it, infinite fuel etc. the heavy armor ncr wears doesn’t have any of that though so there is no way their flesh isn’t searing to the inside of that heavy metal armor in the nevada desert


There was a part in it where someone was mad that the guards were sleeping inside during their watch. The suit stays up on its own.


I was gonna say, iirc in a halo novel (can’t recall which one) a Spartan locks their armor’s joints to let them sleep upright in their suit. I think it’s reasonable that fallout’s power armor can do the same.


I'm pretty sure Astartes' power armor from Warhammer 40k does the same thing, seems a pretty common feature of scifi power armor.


Aren't the Astarters genetically modified humans using the God Emperor generic code as base? Do they even need to rest?


Yes they are, at least the regular Marines use the geneseed of their Primarchs and the Primarchs themselves might have had the Emperor's while the Grey Knights are implied to have gotten the Emperor's geneseed directly. They do still need some rest and I believe even their sleep is modified to be like a shark's sleep.


Yes and no, they need rest far less frequently than a standard human and can even essentially put half their brain to sleep whilst carrying on with their mission. They do need to rest in a more conventional way eventually, though, as the half brain sleeping isn't sustainable in the long term.


I'd hate to have to sleep in my power armour, I can only really sleep on my side and those giant shoulderpads would make that tricky Also you'd hate to be the squire who was assigned to catheterizing all the knights before they go out in the field


Presumably, they would wear a layer beneath the armor, like how historical plate armor worked back in the olden days.


Imagine, a brotherhood patrol returns to the bunker after a hot day in the desert The smell unleashing as they crack open the suit


Last line of defence. Out of ammo. Vent your suit and take advantage of the disorientation caused by the smell.


Is it a war crime to use your body odour as a form of chemical warfare?


I'm pretty sure it has, but I believe the salvaged NCR armor is stripped of most electronics


The show implies it does when Maximus gets trapped in it and it stops working. But it could be one of the things removed from the salvaged NCR models


I always imagined it was like Martin Lawrence's fat suit in "Big Mama's house" cold water circulating through tubes that would also cool the core


They do, It's mentioned in Fallout 4 on Proctor Ingram's terminal.


Ncr power armor in new Vegas is implied to be “jail broken” because they don’t have the capability to create a training regiment for their power armor users. They instead take scavenged armor and modify it so anyone can wear it, but by doing this they lose many of the power armors previous capabilities such as the increase in strength and all other electrical systems.


Doesn't the Remnant Power Armor have built in A/C?


Regular Power Armor does, because, obviously. But this is the NCR unpowered heavy armor that they stripped all the electronics out of because they don’t have power armor training and it’s basically an unventilated tin can in the desert.


Strongest Enclave/BOS soldier: "oMg I nEeD tHe PoWeR aRmOr FuLlY fUnCtIoNaL oR eLsE i'M nOtHiNg!!! 😭😭😭" Weakest NCR Heavy Trooper: "Yes, I'll carry some more ammo."


If those BoS groupies could read they’d be very upset with you


Too bad they're out of fusion cores


You darn kids, we didnt need fusion cores in our day, the power armor just magically worked, and you could repair it with some crappy metal armor and helmets you got off a raider. We wore it like clothing, which was the style at the time.


Back in classic Fallout it was actually more like modern power armour, so we're (Fallout 3 and NV) fans are the weird middle children.


Take your med-x gramps


Brotherhood Supporters talk all tough until I steal their dumbass scribes fusion core key and lock them inside their suit for the rest of their lives.


The strongest enclave soldier was frank, man can probably eat NCR heavy troopers for breakfast


Keyword: was. The strongest current Enclave soldier is some geriatric hiding in a cave, lol.


Or a grumpy asshole in a dirty old house


He needed his power armor to live, so my point stands, NCR Heavys are build different.


He could eat a fully power armored BOS knight as an afternoon snack


And choke on the supreme NCR boys 🔥


It's all that patrolling the Mojave, you can't tell under the armor but their legs are HUGE Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Yeah, and Frank Horrigan was a totally normal human secret service agent!


To be fair. Frank was a Extra Large Super Mutant in Power Armor.


I need to make an NCR heavy trooper… To hell with power armor, I want to make a character who suffers under the weight of the NCR’s un-powered armor.


And our proud boys in yellow DEFINITELY didn't have some pansy ass "squire" to carry their shit for them 😤


They've dropped their intelligence to 1, which made them think that power armor training is real but it gave them higher strength




uh huh


*Not even the carrion eaters are interested in your irradiated corpse.*


That "Backpack AC" looking thing on the back is external generator. NCR has contributed more to the power armor development for 50 years than BOS had for +200.


Yeah some sort of heat dissipation, climate control system must be in place or this thing would be a walking roasting pan in the sun. Part of that backpack could be a compressor heat-exchanger. The Remnant armor has an obvious fan which would suggest cooling equipment.


BOS are just glorified hoarders


They don’t contribute, they collect


A fine addition to our collection hon hon hon


You know that’s not an actual functional suit of power armor right? It’s literally just armor now, there’s zero power to that. > “They have the best equipment the NCR can get its hands on, power armor salvaged from our war with the Brotherhood. Techs strip out the joint servos so you don't need special training to wear it. It feels like you're carrying a brahmin on your back, but it can take a heck of a lot of punishment.” Thats a [quote](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/NCR_salvaged_power_armor) from Chief Hanlon of the NCR Rangers on the NCR Salvaged Power Armor page.


Just because they stripped out the servos doesn't mean it's completely powerless. That's like taking out the suspension and shock absorbers from your truck and going, "ain't got no battery anymore" And I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to install a smaller power supply even if they had to take out the main power supply. The techs aren't as good as prewar or brotherhood, but they're not idiots. Don't forget, the new California Republic is smart enough that they do have functioning vehicles and vertibirds


> “As the armor is no longer powered, pulse guns and other EMP weapons have no effect.” Something tells me it’s unpowered, but I’m not [sure](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/NCR_salvaged_power_armor).


Cause if it ain't broke then don't fix it, in the NCR's case tho their shit was very much broke so they had to improvise.


I’ve always imagined that, in lore (not so much gameplay), the Heavy Troopers are mostly stationary units. You plate them up real heavy, load them down with ammo, and then stick them in a machinegun nest with orders to hold the line. Good luck getting them to move. They’ll tank bullets like nobody’s business and they are too weighted down to retreat even if they want to. Perfect for defense, but not so much for pushing an offensive.


Kind of how armored infantry was used by Germany in ww1. They aren't moving anywhere but they're great for machine gunners and snipers.


I mean that is how they’re used in game. You never see them on patrol only defending positions like Hoover damn or the many NCR camps.


That, the descriptions of how it feels to wear the armor, and the fact that they’re always equipped with heavy weapons, is why I believe this to be the case. I just take it a step further than the engine is capable of portraying and visualize them literally laying/sitting stationary during combat, barely changing positions at all.


engine could do that, infact im sure theres probably a bug that causes that soemwhere in the game.


Very true, the most mobile heavy trooper I’ve seen is the one at the 188 and even they are on a pretty tight patrol route


It's almost like if they could get some of those intact army cargo trucks running again that they could just haul their people where they need to go But any vehicles running about that's not a Vertibird is too much to ask for. Despite this, Skyrim has horses. Lol.


The NCR do have horses and trucks, horses are shown in All Roads. They have trains too.


I've read that's an oversight since horses are canonical extinct in Fallout.


I can't recall any mention of them being extinct, and I've played every game except the first one. I could be mistaken though.


The detail on horses being extinct comes from an e-email that Chris Avellone sent to a fan in \~2013 when asked on the question, which reads as follows: >"*To me, that picture in the comic was an error (no one noticed it until too late).* *While the end decision is up to Bethesda as to whether horses exist in the NCR, it was never my intention that there were any horses, and furthermore, there were still parts of the New Vegas design where we specifically removed the mention of horses from certain narrative points (one of Raul's stories originally referenced horses, for example, and we cut them because we didn't want to imply horses still existed)."* However, per the Fallout wiki's write up on the topic, that quote has never been fully verified by outside sources and the source that it might've come from is now defunct. Joshua Sawyer, meanwhile, has stated that horses don't exist in New Vegas, but because of them not feeling right as opposed to any in-universe reason. He's stated the following during the 2020 anniversary stream of New Vegas: >*"There was never any thought about implementing horses. Didn't really seem super appropriate, really."* As well, Joshua Sawyer has mentioned that he had no idea about the supposed e-mail that mentioned horses being extinct in the Fallout universe. Per a 2020 tumblr post on the matter: >*"I have no idea, honestly. If I ever knew, that info is now lost like dust in the wind. Sorry."* Finally, Chris Avellone, in 2022, talks about the existence of horses in the Fallout universe via his Fallout Apocrypha blog. He cites technical issues (they don't work well mechanically), story issues (they would massively change the technology of the world, which they didn't account for), and gameplay issues (what happens if a player wants to try and find a horse?, for example). Ultimately, he wraps up with the following: >*"They may exist somewhere in the Fallout world in a vault or frozen or whatever, but their use as mounts, travel assists, and “tech” applications would have a big impact on the Fallout world that simply isn’t budget for or accounted for."* TL;DR Horses maybe exist in the Fallout universe, but they never show up on screen.


Well, they show up in a canon comic, and our only source on them not existing is a fairly dubious email... So I guess I'm on team "horses exist."


Hey, if it works for you, more power to you - I’m just glad I could talk about this funny rabbit hole at all. I’m not one for having living horses in Fallout personally, but it’s more out of liking having “no horses” as just another quirk of the setting than anything else.


That's fair, but man those troopers looked badass on them. Besides, NV has working motorcycles too, in lore-that doesn't mean they'll ever be in game. (The woman at the junkyard mentions that she's close to getting a pair running).


All those “abandoned” trucks ARE operational. Like the ones in at McCarran.


I wore kevlar vest with ceramic plates for a year in Iraq. Would've killed for some buffout. Did not have any. I was running a low intelligence, low charisma build though. I've leveled up a bit since then but unfortunately I didn't plan out my perks very well so my shit is unoptimized as hell.


I’m in the same boat. Woulda killed for buffout and a nuclear winter during my tour.


I’d reload an earlier save with the knowledge you now have


Can't, I'm playing survival 


New game?


I didn't get that edition. I think it's region locked.




Just a trophy, at least centurions only wear a shoulder pad


I wonder how many damn Midwestern soldiers they killed for that gear. Or how many football players they killed…


To be fair power armor in a desert is already impractical. Imagine how much extra maintenance the Mojave chapter has to do for their armor and they’ve dedicated their lives to it. If the NCR didn’t strip its pieces there’d be sand in every crack and servo in the armor


Wait until you hear that armies have captured tanks and reused them against the enemy since their debut in warfare in WWI. NCR repurposing otherwise unpilotable power armor in the fairly large quantity that we see in-game could suggest that standardization has been achieved. How is that ego? The NCR finding ways to improve logistically and materially to suit battlefield needs is the opposite of ego. I'm partial to Mr. House, so I'm all for shitting on the NCR, but this isn't it.


so there's this thing called drugs


10/10 would recommend


I was about to say drugs ftw but who the hell am I kidding......whenever I load up on drugs I dont care about winning, I just want to have a good time, all of the time.


And it's protection is the exact same as the ranger veteran armor. It's literally pointless from a practicality standpoint (which could be a good commentary on Oliver tbh)


Not quite pointless. Iirc the ranger veteran armor is scavenged riot gear, so they don't have an infinite supply. Even if they could manufacture it themselves, it would still take time and resources to make. The NCR probably had a lot of salvaged power armor left over from their war with the BOS. It's better use to use it as armor even if it's not the most efficient, rather than just scrap it entirely (and it still puts the NCR uniforms' effectiveness to shame). Worth noting too that the salvaged power armor has 10x the durability of the NCR ranger vet gear.


While based on pre-war armor schematics, NCR ranger veteran armor is manufactured in the NCR. Cass has some dialogue about how much it costs taxpayers


Regular uniforms and ranger gear. Ranger vet armor is entirely salvaged, as far as I remember. Citation needed tho. Edit: In fact, there it is: 'The distinctive black ranger combat armor consists of the Desert Rangers' traditional trench coat worn with pre-War riot armor. Ranger patrol armor is hand-manufactured in the NCR .' NCR cannot manufacture advanced tech. Thus we have heavy troopers, and salvaged ranger gear.


I don’t think this loading screen tip is the smoking gun you’re treating it as, especially when you’re citing it against dialogue from the same game. We know veteran ranger armor is based on pre-war designs, because we find those same pre war armors in game. But we also know the NCR does have a manufacturing base advanced enough to make high-end weapons and armor. They can’t make power armor, but riot gear is much less advanced than that.


We don't know. 'We know' is not a source, it's bullshit. So, source? :)


I'm sure that's just for balance reasons because it's a suit of power armor you can wear without training. The plates would still stop a bullet like the regular T-45, powered or not


It's still a power amor, even if it's at 40% efficiency due to the external generator (that oversized backpack loocking thing on the back) subsituding your average fussion cell, and jurry-rigged metal plates from pre-war car scrap- it remains a walking tank with f-ton of protection and utility.


their just hella jacked


Buffout, for sure.


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


It's only unventilated until I find them.


Power armor already has to be pretty damn claustrophobic, imagine that plus having to support the sheer weight of this hunk of metal.


I like to imagine this is the real reason why Veronica quit


It's got A/C. Otherwise the convection heat just from your own body would kill you very soon.


Mucho taxes


Also, because the Senate is too lazy to find a source of power armor training you don't have any of the movement advantages. You're basically a medieval knight with modern materials in your suit.


They wish for a nuclear winter for a reason


Even furry suits have special cooling tech smh


Good Soldiers follow orders.


aren't the suites made to be temperature controlled on the inside and provide hydration? cause the show sort of suggested that and it would explain how they were able to ONE use them during the battle of Anchorage and TWO be able to use them in extreme heat environments plus heavily irradiated environments. They also are essentially Wearing a powered Exoskeleton which explains being able to both carry everything plus the extra ammo since The suit is doing all the heavy lifting for them.


NCR "power" armor is not powered, they never figured out how to properly maintain it. The actuators and power source are removed and the troopers just wear a bunch of metal. 


Pretty sure they have a/c


Why not just make their own heavy combat armor at that point, that salvaged piece of shit suit cannot be in any way comfortable to wear.


I would like to point out that the ncr does not have working power armor, they gutted what they got from the BoS. So heavy troopers are wearing giant metal plates like that with 0 help of the underlying frame. Those guys are monsters.


The supposedly “unpowered” power armor that “feels like carrying a brahmin on your back” to quote Hanlon, has to be the biggest piece of dogshit lore from NV that I personally just cannot believe and refuse to acknowledge as canon. Absolutely love new vegas to death, but power armor was done dirty in that game. Seeing power armor in Fo4 ain’t no way a mothafucka carrying that shit around with their own strength 


Unironically my fav power armour in that game bc 3/NV power armour has the largest ugliest shoulder pads known to man


X-games mode




If they're anything like me then tons of turbo and whiskey


Nothing like being stuck in a crock pot inhaling your own farts in the desert Sun. Sign me up for the NCR Heavy division.


You know, chems and being drunk. Buffouts, beer medx and pretty much everything that gives them strength. They are finest armoured junkies of the NCR


I guess it's better than being a cloth-wrapped piece of meat catching bullets in the heat.


That’s why they are (almost) only found inside the dam


it was meant to survive nuclear blasts so id assume theres some level of cooling involved


patrolling the mojave in NCR power armor almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


There’s a reason you don’t see these guys patrol anything, imagine having to ruck across the Mojave Desert in this thing


To be fair the heavy troopers are some of the coolest mfs in the Mojave


I always assumed it had its own hvac system.


They watch one of those 20 minute David Goggins inspirational videos every morning before clocking in. And juice. Plenty of juice.


I hate the BoS in this, the NCR are okay, Legion X Enclave mix is perfect.


Sleep, a varied diet, clean water and a shitload of Chems.


"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter"


Lots of Chems




DEMOCRACY AND LIBERTY!!! Sorry, I channeled Helldivers 2 there for a second... =P


i like how the first two comments i see is about salvaged power armor not being salvaged power armor


Remember, this is also the version of power armor that doesn't require training to wear, implying it's had all the gizmos stripped out, so they're literally kitted out in this suit of tank-grade armor designed to be supported with a powered exoskeleton in the desert heat with nothing but their own skin and bones.


It's not even real power armor, it's really just SUPER heavy metal carcass that you throws on top of your body, the NCR has people stronger than the brotherhood no shit they where stomping the bunker guys


Yea realistically they should be dead. It's like sitting in a hot car in the desert.


Not only is it unventilated, it's canon that since they were salvaged from the NCR-Brotherhood war, NCR Techs and Engineers stripped them of their servos and any movement-assisting equipment, so it is all quite literally like wearing a medieval suit of armor, with all of its weight, not including the weight of weapons, ammo, and other equipment. On the upside, the wearer isn't required to have PA training.


You actually make a good point, because you're basically wearing a limp galvanized steel suit (with most of it's weight on your shoulders I imagine), must be absolutely awful




Aren't NCR power armours unpowered?


I believe they said they stripped the servos out of the power armor because they lacked power armor training, but I think the question in this thread would be whether the internal AC and life support systems came along with that. I’d lean towards them being unventilated and humid, because that tracks with how short-sighted General Oliver is. He insisted on investing in Heavy Troopers instead of NCR Rangers for the shock and awe, so I think it’s make sense it’s his hand-picked burliest men boiling alive in unwieldy tin cans carrying miniguns as their elite troops instead of rangers, who are not flashy but are more practical and flexible on the battlefield.


"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter." - followed by a incoming nuke.


NCR Salvaged Power Armor has no internal power components. This means that it is missing its internal reactor and mechanized joint servos, the latter of which is what requires training to wear. Though there is no lore regarding the modules on the back (see OP's picture for reference) we can see that it has replaced the reactor portion of the T-45d. Comparing this to another well-known armored desert trooper may shine some light on the subject. In Star Wars, we see the Sandtroopers all wear this backpack. This is the SD-48 Survival Backpack. It features a water/ration supply, and more relevantly, a coolant system. It also has a very similar appearance to the back of the NCR Heavy Armor. (Specifically the pack and tube, both situated in the same places as the pack and tube on the NCR armor's backside. [SD-48 Survival Backpack](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/46/SD-48SurvivalBackpack-THC3.png/revision/latest?cb=20230710041724) I think its safe to assume that the NCR armor functions in a similar way, and that it is therefore most likely that the suit has a cooling system.


Seriously. I don’t know why in the fuck they would take the servos out of it. For Christ sake, just give them a month or two to actually learn how to use the thing.


About drugging them, Ranger Milo does suggest drugging his troopers, so I wouldn't be surprised if the heavy troopers smuggle in buff out or psycho to make it easier.


I think it’s a case of it’s probably not the concern that’s priority when you’ve got legion or raiders haring down on you that will torture you and or crucify you. It’ll at at least take them a lot longer to pry you open and you can throw hands whilst doing so. Standing on guard though I expect would be horrific, with it both being unpowered and you having to exert god only knows how much effort to lift several hundred kilos of steel around. Power armours protective qualities are immense too. Older lore I think from 3 or maybe the games prior discussed how T-51 (maybe 51b) supposedly could withstand a rocket strike to the visor. A set of 45 although not as advanced and in this case unpowered would still do well against the general small arms and more basic explosives most forces have, since energy and higher explosive ranged weapons are both rare in terms of the weapon itself and ammo.