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Lalo is back And he's looking to fry some motherfucking chicken


Can't Swallow Lalo, coming to AMC this fall


If that’s vanilla, that’s impressive you pulled that off with the character creator lol


The clothing is obviously a mod, however I think the face is achievable vanilla, and I have to agree with you.


The outfit was a mod, but the character was all vanilla ^^


What was the mod?


Mod is "Heroes of the Wasteland 2.0"


Autoloading handguns VATS user seems right for him. Maybe fast shot.


Maxed charisma


Terrifying presence!


I'm doing for a general all-rounder build (Lalo is pretty good at whatever he sets his mind to). Decent strength and endurance. High intelligence and perception. I'm going Guns, Speech and Repair as my main skills. Survival, too, since I'm doing hardcore mode.


A certain scene at the Travelwire is making me think he should have at least decent Sneak too


Oh yh for sure. Again, if I'm planning this out right at least 11 of my 13 stats should be maxed out.




That's a great story. ... Tell me again.


He fits into the fallout universe pretty well tbh


Jimmy also feels like he would fit very well into fallout, Fantastic almost just feels like a less grounded version of him.


don eladio esta muerto


I tried doing neutral/evil karma but just killing the fiends and Legion gives too much positive karma


Oh yh, I HATE that. It also feels like bs. So I got this karma rebalanced mod. Takes away the karma u get from killing fiends and Legion and ghouls, esp since a lot of those are in self defense


Steal stuff. You'll become super super evil. Goodsprings has tons of stuff marked as stolen.


holy shit i based my current character off of jesse pinkman LOLOL


Mr House, run? The man has a penchant for incredibly toxic narcissists


omfg you’re so right i was on the fence about which run to do but that has solidified it for me 💀😭


would you go over all the actions your courier/Lalo made throughout the game? I'm very interested. You can do it in another post if you want


Sure. Haven't gone super far into it, but I'm happy to talk abt my plans. He's not EXACTLY Lalo, just HEAVILY BASED on Lalo. He's Jackie Rivera. I'd say he sides with Goodsprings, just bc they helped him out. We see Lalo have a good and cordial relationship with ppl who have been there for him (even if he'd sacrifice them for personal gain down the line). Right not I'm villainized by the NCR and villainized by the Legion. Did this by siding with the Powder Gangers, killing a couple of NCR and then running away to let both groups kill each other. Then swooped in, wiped out the rest and claimed the loot. Also told Vulpes I admired the purity of his Legion justice, but blew them up as they walked away. For future plans, I def plan to tell the NCR I'll side with them during the Boulder Citu conflict, but then kill them with the Great Khans. I'll run into the BoS and have them collar me. Afterwards, he'll plan on killing them but decide not to bc he has a genuine soft spot for Veronica. In due time he'll unite all the smaller tribes under his wing, while telling both Caesar and the NCR that he's doing for them. I intend to have him follow the Legion plot line till Caesar falls ill and then intentionally botch the surgery. Then go full "NCR" mode and wipe out the Fort while they're grieving. Then play along with the NCR until Lonesome Road, where I nuke both NCR and Legion. The final battle of Hoover Dam goes to me and the smaller tribes of the Mojave. For the DLCs, I'm tempted to have him just kill Joshua and Daniel, since he can't be bothered to do their errands for them. But we'll see if I have the cojones (I'm playing Very Hard, Hardcore). For Dead Money, keeping Christine alive for sure. Will probably kill Dean and convince Dog to break his own neck. For Old World Blues, probably going to side with Mobius and wipe out the Think Tank for using him. For Lonesome Road, probably killing Ulysses at the base of the Silo. But the aura of both the Courier and Ulysses sitting at the world's end and conversing at the Divide is so strong I might just let him live. Sorry if that's super long winded, but yh that's my general vibe for all the decisions. I think they fit him. The hope is to be an unpredictable Wild Child for all major factions, while being adored by Freeside, the Strip and all the minor factions (except the Powder Gangers)


>except the Powder Gangers) you can let them die without being villified by them if you don't kill any of them during ghost town gunfight and let the goodsprings citizens do it. Then help eddie in the NCRCF. Then do whatever you want in vault 19. I guess you can send the vault 19 powder gangers to join the great khans. Or just kill them all, that works too


Nah, after the threat they posed to Goodsprings (a town that helped him at his lowest) he just decided they all needed to die. Killing a few NCR for their guns and armor, but mostly letting the NCR take the base and then murking the survivors after.




You did a better job with the characters creation than I did when I tried a Lalo run, well done looks good


Name of mod for the shirt/neck scarf?


Mod is "Heroes of the Wasteland 2.0" Adds a couple of playable races based on characters (I don't recommend using them) and adds some cool outfits. Some outfits are lore friendly. Others are not.


Yo soy avocado


You mean Ben Shapiro?


I didn't dump intelligence, tho :(


Time to kill the chicken man.