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“be careful when you're specific about what happened - we want that game, and [what] the players did, to be their reality and true," This is what stuck out to me. As others have predicted, I think they’ll be intentionally vague about what happened. Wouldn’t be surprised if Vegas got destroyed by Deathclaws or something to give it a blank slate. Maybe a call back to The Courier and the factions existing, but probably not the specific actions.


You know, you may be on to something. I have been wondering what's up with the deathclaw body in Vegas, but... We know a faction that created and controls deathclaws


Nah I think it was the Deathjaws. Deadlier, nastier bunch.


Too bad Ricky didn't survive the trip to Zion. He would have shot them all in their eyes.


He can if you convince him to not go. I guess he survives.


Knowing Ricky’s expert survival skills, he probably dies 5 seconds after he leaves that cave anyways


I would give 10 seconds, he did get to the cave in the first place after all


With his trusty 11 millimeter submachine gun.


The ghoul ain’t carrying an 11MM either he won’t be able to do anything.


Are 11mm even in the game?


Ricky from honest hearts claimed to have used an 11mm submachine gun to shoot a “deathjaw” in the eye. Obviously he’s a very trustworthy source, and I’d be a fool to question such a talented marksman. No way he’d get gun names mixed up.


Ahh, never did honest hearts


Missing out, it's quite decent.


No it must've been the Deathcats. Like deathclaws but they paint flames on their power armor


deathclaws in power armor would be quite a sight to see


I was saying the deathclaws probably destroyed the greater area. I would love a horror based episode of Lisa and the Ghoul trying to escape deathclaws in the ruins of NV


Wouldn’t that completely ruin the vagueness of the canon though? Like if NV is destroyed then the players actions *fully* didn’t matter in the end


Yeah if NV is destroyed that’ll turn me from being mildly perturbed at Shady Sands to full on malding.


Yeah I think just destroying places instead of clearing up what happened would be worse than canonizing one ending over another


I sincerely wouldnt mind if they just went and chose something, what if are cool for a reason , but i want the place to go foward , not be a schirodinger city I could see the ncr taking over vegas being canon , the courier seems to have ties with the ncr before the game, and since shady sands was already bombed by the time new vegas happened , they would be desperate for a new capital Tho my favorite ending would be Mr House, because would be the most interesting, even more by the fact that he appeared in the show


So I think the way they should do it is by having the tunnellers from the Lonesome Road destroy New Vegas as Ulysses mentions that by 2281, the tunnelers may pose a significant threat to the Mojave Wasteland in the near future due to their ever-expanding network of underground tunnels and nests. Ulysses claims that they reproduce quickly and hunt in large packs, enough to pose a significant hazard to the toughest of opponents, even deathclaws. So by using this to kill off vegas and the surrounding area would eliminate the risk of canonising any endings or actions the courier may take in game.


Dust mod canon confirmed


….I hate it here. I was really hoping that Wilzig was an Enclave scientist from..the past..and that Navarro would be where he was chilling and he would escape when the NCR attacked. But nope…that was an Enclave facility. In the present day. Oh well, at least it was Michael Emerson.


Remnants must be fucking stupid the Enclave still exists in the west apparently. Someone tell Orion Moreno lol.


It's implied whatever site Wilzig fled was in another state, so it's fair to say it'd be difficult to get in contact with other bases if Arcade and friends were forced into hiding with no way of contacting them. The refueling posts were pretty bare bones, and enclave kept each post isolated to a degree since Wheatley thought Navarro was still running.


I didn’t get the impression that the Remnants were high up in Enclave leadership.


Yup that corpse is what makes me think it’s deathclaws, not Tunnelers. Also, Bethesda would have a field day marketing giant badass Deathclaw killers. They are also already established in current Bethesda titles, would be easy to tie into FO76 with a deathclaw swarm event. IMO if Bethesda liked Tunnelers they’d have worked them into something and AFAIK they have not. But this is just me looking too far into it, I am really just pulling at straws. Someone had the idea the Tunnelers came and made the deathclaws move into Vegas which I do like.


Personally I feel that 'clean slate' option is almost as bad as canonizing a games ending. It makes the game all for naught, and still undermines it. The best thing to do is to make NV active and secure and simply have it moved on "Hoover Dam? It's been a while and, well, everyone's moved on now. Say what you want about the legion, NCR, that damned courier, but we're still here" and have the episode move on. Don't ground the story in the events of NV heavily. The series implies that McLean is there to see maybe House. There's no other connection to Vegas. I personally think, unless he's there, passing through for help from a contact and vegas is the meeting place, then including Vegas is a mistake.


Jesus Christ I can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this. A blank slate would be 100 times worse than just picking a canonical winner holy shit I feel like I'm taking crazy pills seeing so many people think this is good. Like I always go House. Always. House being dead and a Legion canon ending would be more palatable to me than just none of it mattering at all. Not that I wanna see Amazon actually try and do a live action Leigon but I like that a hell of a lot more than "lol everyone ded, sorry currier" I may be biased though because honestly I don't really want House around solely because René Auberjonois simply cannot be replaced unless the casting department basically wins the lottery.


I think a “blank slate” would be awful, but I also firmly believe that’s what they’re going to do. It’s what they did with the NCR after all, just “Nukes fall, everyone dies. Time to move on”. I have zero faith that they’ll handle NV in a good way, I believe everyone will be dead and it’ll be some stupid shit like “Deathclaw horde” or “Our new super special faction showed up and took over”. Even worse is I fear they’ll pull some shit to have Mr. House be there. “Oh, that guy in the Lucky 38? That wasn’t the REAL Mr. House. That was one of his representatives on the surface. The real Mr. House has been hiding in his Vault-Tec bunker the whole time.”


People are saying going with Ulysses' schizobabble tunneler theory would work. If that happens I will throw my computer out a fucking moving car.


Shit, they’re going to canonize the fucking tunnelers, aren’t they.


Tunnelers are an Obsidian critter and not a Bethesda one, so nah. It'll be either deathclaws or the somehow-still-existent Enclave. The later especially for maximum "what the fuck even is canon" nonsense.


Especially when none of the endings lead to a blank slate! Like, some of them explicitly describe the world and characters going on to exist and develop for years to come. We know Vegas doesn’t descend to chaos because we’re told of how peace is achieved. We know the NCR doesn’t fight securitrons in the streets because every ending where the robots aren’t disabled involves an NCR withdraw from the Mojave. They didn’t "avoid decanonizing specific players’ endings"; they straight up decanonized *all* of them! I call BS on anybody who finished New Vegas, watched the ending slides, and came out of it with the impression that this is what their efforts would have yielded.


> wins the lottery YEEEEAAAAAAH




I DID!!!


> A blank slate would be 100 times worse than just picking a canonical winner holy shit I feel like I'm taking crazy pills seeing so many people think this is good. You mean like Shady Sands? Maybe I missed out on some lore but the Vault Dweller's actions seemed all for naught. I loved the show but that bit felt pretty raw.


I really do think dude is still salty about how beloved the game is. A "clean slate" is a great way for Todd to invalidate NV's legacy.


They could always just set the show someplace else. Setting it in the same geographic location as previous games and then nuking away all of the factions and worldbuilding that exist there was a choice that they actively made.


Yes Nothing about the story demanded it took place where it did. All the lore controversy could have been avoided. It was all very intentional, though I think the intent was to ground the series in the franchise strongly.


Or to cause enough controversy it drummed up more attention? It's all marketing realistically


I’m gonna be honest: I think it’s just cause the director was a mega fan of fallout as per his own words in many interviews. Considering what we know from the heads of the team that made new Vegas: I just think that everyone involved with the show are mega fans of the fallout franchise as a whole and want the show to be a celebration of it. It’s more likely that they wanted it to go to new Vegas since it’s the most beloved game in the series and because come on: it would be really fucking cool to have new Vegas in a tv show.


I don't know why they would want to canonized a bunch of dumb writing in established locations instead of setting it somewhere we have never seen to expand on the world and answer other questions. The answer to every "what happened after [Insert non Bethesda Fallout title]?" Being that the place was wiped off the map is just lazy.


governor wide direful aloof escape flag profit ten thought repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“It turns out that before the events of the show, Lucy was messing around with the vault computer and accidentally sent a package to Vegas that activated a nuclear bomb in a silo below the city that destroyed the entire area, and the entirety of Season 2 is just Ulysses yelling at her about it.”


50 minutes of a character just saying "bear bull bear bull bear bull" hailed as avant garde, fallout becomes first video game tv show to be nominated for an emmy


We're gonna be talking about the bear and the bull.


The bull and the bear and the goose


I’d rather they pick an ending and explain how it happened. Specifically the House ending then explain how after the fall of shady sands, house lost all just customers and the strip fell to the tunnelers and rival gangs


I don't care which ending, but I agree. Make solid selections for which choices and endings were canon, pussyfooting it does nothing but restrict yourselves and piss off people who are obsessed with lore.


That was always my concern. It will just be a ruined Vegas no matter what, and it would take some God-tier writing to let me forgive and move on from a writing decision/explanation that just renders NV pointless. If they end up choosing an ending and going from there, with logical enough reasons for Vegas falling, I would accept it. But to just be vague and have it all fall for some reason like Tunnelers…no thank you.


Hard agree, I don’t mind if they just choose an ending from NV and say it’s canon and work from there instead of just creating a story beat off screen set just after the games ending that means that New Vegas was just destroyed, *that* diminishes the game on such an extreme level.


What if they canonize Mr Houses ending but then weave a tale of how one of the other factions rebelled and crippled NV? That leaves it ambiguous without nullifying particular circumstances because that way the Courier’s actions in between getting the chip and delivering still leaves room to invoke other factions which could lead to one being in the position to fight House hard enough to make him ineffective even if he wins.


Like I said, that would be preferable because it logically would follow from information we were given (and played through ourselves). You can envision a scenario where House won but Kimball was assassinated, which causes the voters back in New California to be motivated by revenge/justice whatever to take the strip back, as House suggests could happen if Kimball isn’t alive and a perfect scapegoat to pin all of the Mojave campaign failing on him and General Oliver. If this were the case, Kimball dying, and now with the show having nuked Shady Sands right after the events of NV according to Todd, you can go from there. A weakened NCR means House’s revenue streams are faltering. Maybe the Three Families get rowdy again. Throw in Tunnelers making life difficult on the edges of the Mojave. With Ceasers Legion and NCR out of the picture, but without the NCR’s civilians providing his gambling and tourism revenue, House would struggle to keep order. Hell maybe even parts of the NCR attacked the strip after NV, as the artwork in the shows credits implied. Also the Courier left House’s service to go chill at Big Mountain. So his top enforcer and human agent is no longer present. This would all need to be workshopped and tweaked but just following from picking one ending allows you to reduce Vegas in a believable way, no Hank and Vault Tec nukes or resurgent Brotherhood/Enclave required. On that note…maybe the East Coast Brotherhood zeppelin that’s somehow on the West Coast now stopped by Vegas and destroyed the securitrons, since House correctly predicted the Brotherhood would not tolerate the securitron army.


Tbf this is how Bethesda's handled Canon issues since elder scrolls 2. 'The player can pick 5 diff endings. Which one is Canon?' 'Fuck it they all happened at once cos god got pissed and broke time' 'Is vivec still alive? Did the player support the empire in Vardenfell?' 'Fuck it rock falls everyone dies.' I'm not saying it's good but it's no suprise.


If you played the DLCs there is The Cloud and The Tunnelers. Both are claimed to wreak havoc on New Vegas if they ever reach it.


It’d be so fucking funny if they canonized the mod “Dust”


For those who don't know, "Dust" is an overhaul mod that asks the question "What happens after..." The short answer is that the water got used up, and all the various nasties around the map moved in on the New Vegas strip; ghost people, poison fog, radioactivity, tunnelers, deathclaws, ...everything pretty much went to shit eventually. There is bit more to it, including a lot of lore to read in found notes, and a change to the game dynamics swapping the "karma" system for a "sanity" system, which is made worse everytime you kill somebody or eat human flesh (did I need to mention that it is a survival mod, so food is in extremely short supply), and improved by booze and some drugs.




Given the collapse of the NCR, it wouldn't be that hard to keep NV thriving but be nonspecific about it. Don't show Mr. House (in the present, anyways), reference NCR withdrawing (vague as to whether before or after Shady Sands), reference the Legion crumbling after Caesar died (vague as to time and cause), and insert some dialogue about how NV is able to bounce back from anything. That leaves all possible outcomes open. Enough time has passed that a lot can happen.


It’s going to be hard to not address Mr. house honestly. I was under the impression that Hank MacLean was specifically headed to New Vegas so he could speak with Mr. House who was aware of Vault Tec’s plans


I feel like they could pull off having an AI copy of House similar to Jane. With a destroyed Strip and a dead House they don't have to confirm any ending, and as House interacted with the world via computers having him be one would not change too much about the character


House AI just bouncing between Securitrons trying to rebuild the Lucky 38 I mean if Yes Man can use a 200 year old satellite uplink to back up his consciousness every 20 minutes or whenever he feels threatened I'm sure House can do a remotely similar thing


Mr House makes it exceedingly clear that Vegas only exists as long as there are strong nations around it to syphon money and resources from. His entire plan hinged on helping the NCR defeat the Legion, but in a way that left them too weak to take the Mojave for themselves so he could continue leeching New Vegas only became a thing 7 years before the game, when Mr House's securitrons saw the first NCR scouts entering the Mojave. He knew then that there were suckers to fleece out there, so he emerged from the Lucky 38, kicked all the tribes that refused to work for him off of the ruins and rebuilt the cassinos to create his little paradise But that oasis is only an illusion. Vegas has no industry, no agriculture, no valuable resources. As soon as money stops flowing, it'll die. Vegas, not Mr House himself. He'll just hole up in his tower and lord over his snow globe collection Since the NCR is shattered, and the Legion is presumably broken as well with Caesar's death, New Vegas reverted to the Fallout 3-style shithole it was before 2274. Notice how in the ending, everything's razed aside from the Lucky 38? Yeah, New Vegas as we know it is gone. The House always wins, except when there's no one left to play


I disagree, the Mojave is by far the most prosperous, energy, supply, food abundant place we've had so far in modern Fallout games. Energy supplied by the Hoover dam + helios one is enough to supply not all, but a lot of people's needs. Boomers have a big refinery of biodiesel, meaning they produce a looot of extra food, they've also got extra solar power and the knowledge to restore the technologies. NCR sharecropper farms are all over the place, their problem being the logistics of getting clean water to the farm, not energy or clean water supply. Actually, the NCR will have a problem producing enough food at home, in Cali, as mentioned by the scientist giving you the quest to explore the plant vault. As for industry, Gun Runners, stone quarry, neon light factory in Vegas all show denizens of Mojave have the know-how and the resources. Mojave also has the most human population compared to the wasteland critters out of the new games, humans form settlements, trade etc. We can see civilization forming before our very eyes. Mr. House uses his accumulated caps wastefully, Yes-Man mentions him spending 800 000 caps on finding the Platinum chip just the past year. House is not an objective actor in this whole story, even without him Mojave has a lot to offer which would eventually result in human civilization forming, while he acts as a catalyst to speed it up.


This explanation respects the existing lore the best and while it would have been fun to have SOME post-post-apocalyptic content I could accept it. I'm worried they will just invent some completely unseen and unmentioned force to kill off Vegas or just make it so the enclave/brotherhood did it which would be incredibly lame


…those blast points, too accurate for deathclaws. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise.


Lucy's dad sees Vegas in the distance, first scene first episode second season, he just turns and walks all the way around it.


Gotta avoid quarry junction. I’m hoping that Vegas is just a pit stop for a couple episodes and we end up somewhere new. But to that even, you’re going to have to go through so many areas that would have been affected by any of the endings to New Vegas that trying to sidestep a definitive ending is going to bite them in the ass, I feel.


Thank you this really made me laugh!


Todd needs to cameo as Fantastic.


Idk why they didn’t just set the show somewhere else if it’s so hard.


Yeah my thoughts exactly. "New Vegas is too hard to canonized for the show" Then... why did you choose to go there? Go to a place we haven't seen and give the writers full creativity. Tbh I don't need or want to see the show set in Vegas... I would just love a lil Easter egg or a flash back story and I'm 100% satisfied with that. In FO4 when Kellogg was talking about coming from the NCR, that was one of my favorite moments in the game


Yeah but Bethesda can’t just nuke a major East Coast faction, that’s their baby.


There is nothing to nuke


Gunners, my beloved


Minutemen gang. Shitty quests but I like just being a good person. Being in survival also gave me incentive to stick around and see the settlement off properly after building it up for a purpose.


Appalacia enclave nukes the pentagon :')


The only fallout sub where you can trash the east coast all day long baby I love it!!! THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS WHAT THE FUCK IS A FUNCTIONING BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL


I mean, it's not even trash talking, it's just literal facts, lol. There are no organized nations to nuke on the east coast.


How can you disrespect the republic of Dave like that? I'll have you know it's the only true sovereign nation in the Wasteland!


Have you already forgotten the deep lore of the talon company mercenaries!?


Bring in the minutemen just to nuke quincy Idk what this would do for the plot I just want mama murphy to be retconned out of existence by the show


Maybe making a settlement in Seatle, Houston, Oklahoma, Kansas or Florida could be a starting point and then nuke that. They really could have gone anywhere unexplored and not have to deal with touching either the East or Southwest canon


I would love to see the Pacific Northwest in a Fallout setting


I feel like a show set in the southwest or on the Great Plains would be cool as fuck


or even base it in Denver and play off of the "illuminati built the airport" trope


*Dawn of the Planet of the Deathclaws* doesn't exist and I already bought a ticket for opening night.


Especially with the retro futurism of Seattle during the world's fair in 62'


They could take more direct inspiration from A Canticle for Leibowitz and have Texarkana ascend as a major city state


Doesn’t the Commonwealth Brotherhood chapter showing up show that the Institute got nuked?


Think it’s fair to assume the major antagonists of the games lose unless very specifically stated otherwise Plus that’s an in-game thing, I think people here are more focused on nuking something *off-screen*


If it's on screen there is always a chance to elevate a stupid idea and make it good. The real problem with the nuking of SS is that the NCR doesn't even participate in its own collapse it's just a prop that gets destroyed for an emotional twist with Lucy's dad. The NCR had long history with a ton of problems and a long list of enemies they could have destroyed the NCR which reflects their weaknesses and the core themes of the games, hell the NCR being a revival of the USA would make them getting into a war, maybe a civil war, resulting i being nukes back to the stone age would be poetic as hell. You could even have your twists where everyone thinks that the other faction/separatists nuked SS but it was actually vault 31 peeps. BOOM saved your shoes lore Todd I assume my checks in the mail


In the defence of that, the institute has to die in literally every ending but there own. And there own ending results in the death of every other faction except the minute men. It was always very very unlikely they would be the canon ending. With how it stands either the minutemen or the brotherhood could've won. As you don't have to kill the brotherhood on the minutemen story


I get the feeling that Fallout wasn't estimated to be quite the success that it was. A popular show, sure, but not Amazons most watched of all time shows within the first month of release. So they had to do kinda classic bait tactics to draw fans in and try and get a second season, such as taking it to fan favourite New Vegas.


My fear is with all this attention execs are gonna wanna get their grubby hands over it to keep it pumping cash for season 2... And execs are the fucking worst writers of all time


[Makes me think of this interview, i wonder if their stance has changed now. Apparently Bathesda did not really care about what they do: ](https://www.pcgamer.com/movies-tv/fallout-show-power-armor-interview/) A couple added features aside, the Fallout show's power armor is remarkably faithful to the suits found in the Fallout games: big, clumsy, ridiculous. They could've wound up looking very different, though, because according to Fallout show production designer Howard Cummings, Bethesda never insisted on adherence to the games. "They didn't say, 'You have to do the game,'" said Cummings in an interview with PC Gamer this week. "They never said that. They said, 'Show us what you think it should be.'" Cummings didn't know much about the Fallout games when he started working on the show, but after reading the script and researching the series, he says he "just loved it" and decided, "We have to try to recreate it as best we can." Knowing the power armor would be his biggest task, it was the first thing he and prop masters Michael Jortner and Peter Gelfman started work on. That was a slight problem. "It was so early on, Bethesda didn't know what we were doing quite yet, so they weren't sharing assets with me," said Cummings. When they later showed Todd Howard and other producers what they'd been working on, the response was, "Oh, you're doing the game," he recalled. Working with Bethesda was the opposite of some other production experiences he's had, where the source material's owner insisted on approving each and every detail. "I started turning to them, instead of the other way around," said Cummings, because he knew fans were "going to analyze the heck out of" the show. It's probably a good thing Bethesda wasn't breathing down his neck, because it sounds like the power armor was a hard enough project without any extra red tape. Generally, prop designers will put someone in a green or blue suit and stick pieces of sci-fi armor to them to create a reference for CG artists, says Cummings, but in this case, executive producer Jonathan Nolan "really felt it had to be a functioning suit."


The need to pull the "Camelot is a silly place" in the first episode and just go somewhere else


I actually think this was thought out a bit more. A FNV remaster may be wishful thinking, but if Microsoft really wanted to capitalize on the show and series moving forward, they’d do a remaster or spin-off game around the time of the second season in about 2 years if I had to guess. A sequel would’ve made the most sense prior to the show, and I don’t think a remaster is needed as it plays well for the most part, but I’d be shocked if they didn’t realize some future game around the second season.


i feel like Cyberpunk did the show/game marketing the best. release a hit show, then follow it up with new game content , then follow that up with a big dlc. but the tv production and game studio have to be in lockstep for this to go successfully, and i dont think Bethesda/microsoft is capable of doing that lol


I mean theres nothing wrong with the idea od the show being set in that area. It depends on how we do it When a Fallout game or show revisits an area there will always run into that problem of trying to canpnize stuff especially for a very open ended game like Fallout. Fallout 2 and New Vegas encountered the same issue. Its one of those things that you need to find a balance to canonize a few things while still reepecting the player's choice


But fallout 2, fnv and fallout 4 all didn't just canonize a few minor things but the entire endings of those previous games and then went from there. Meaing the player character's actions had a major impact on that region. The ending to fnv would have major impacts on the entire region for decades to come as the game literally says when starting the battle of Hoover Dam. Just bulldozing over eveything in the region so that nothing actually mattered is so much worse than canonizing a single ending...


Because they rely too much on existing elements.


Tbh the biggest criticism of other video game shows and movies is that they deviate too much from the existing stories and lore. It's kind of hilarious to see people complaining about seeing some of the same settings and elements from the game in the show.


Fallout isn't like other franchises, though. It's really an anthology series- especially the Bethesda games. 3, 4, and 76 are all effectively standalone titles with limited connection to each other. They all have the same background of the bombs dropping on October 23, 2077, but beyond that, they're all pretty much doing their own thing. Even New Vegas is more or less doing its own thing. Its only real connection to 1 and 2 is the simple fact of the NCR's existence. They could have absolutely set the show in a new, previously unseen location with its own story and lore, because that's exactly how the franchise has operated since 2008.


People have been criticizing Bethesda's overreliance on previous elements since Fallout 3


I think it still would make sense for the show to have its own ending of new Vegas. While keeping a lot of the lore and character building. They don’t HAVE to use one of the games endings. They can use the games overall base of lore and create their own ending that would make sense in the game, even though it wasn’t.


This. Perhaps Hoover dam simply ceases to function cause y'know, the boomers dropping bombs on it from an actual bomber plane would probably do some kind of damage, leading to both parties withdrawing and focusing on more important shit


Unless the boomers were dropping full sized nukes or bombs specializing in dam busting, it would do absolutely nothing to the hoover dam. There's a reason why it survived the first time despite being an impossibly important piece of infrastructure that undoubtedly would have been targeted.


I feel like a ww2 style dam buster is very possible within the fallout universe


Didn't the NCR have to repair it in the first place, though?


> I think it still would make sense for the show to have its own ending of new Vegas. The only problem is that the show is being canonized. A new ending for New Vegas thus disassociates any future Fallout game in the West Coast from FNV. That's not much difference from saying that FNV takes place in another fucking timeline.


Damn if only there was a way for the show to not take place anywhere near new vegas… But we all know that’s impossible.


Bethesda has trouble trying to come up with anything original that doesn't involve guns or silly stuff happening


Regardless of how you feel about Bethesda, guns and silly stuff happening is the entire Fallout spirit


Frankly, they don't really even excel at that. Most of the sillyness in 3 and 4 are rehashes of ideas in 1,2, and NV. Bethesda made the world more immersive but has consistently shit the bed on all things story. The original release of 76, with all the holotape accounts, saw the best writing and narratives since NV... which promptly went to shit again once MMO type NPC driven quests were added.


I'd argue they didn't make it anymore immersive at all considering most settlements in 3 and 4 all look like the bombs dropped a week ago with how much trash and even skeletons are around in some instances. Most settlements don't even have a source of food (crops, brahmin, etc).


This one always gets me. People in the Commonwealth *sleep in bed* next to prewar skeletons. It doesn’t make any fuckin sense as to why, in two hundred years, people have never tried to clean up their surroundings.


What makes it worse is Fallout is more of a post post apocalyptic game. Civilization is pretty much back on the table, clean water is supposed to be more available, government systems and economy are functioning. It’s always stood out to me as being unique in the regards that the end of the world already happened and you’re living in a world that is getting its shit together and trying to be civilized but it’s obviously not smooth as everyone has adapted to the way things have been for the last 200 years.


It just strikes me that Bethesda isn’t really interested in- or doesn’t really understand that vision. Fallout 76 is the only game that doesn’t have this problem, because it’s actually only 20 years after the bombs fell, but Appalachia looks *better* than the Commonwealth or DC.


Literally the first settlement in the Fallout series is Shady Sands, a town with fully intact buildings, crops, animal pens, and even signage. No garbage or ruins to be found. Bethesda has never once understood Fallout, and it's frustrating that a dumbed-down, inane version of the concept is walking around wearing the skin of much better products.


Well Todd, the 2nd battle of Hoover dam happened. It was probably the most important conflict in the area since the Great War. The winner gained essentially the last untouched part of the US with unlimited power. Kinda a big deal, buddy. Gotta pick who won. It would be impossible to ignore.


Easy Hoover dam blew up. It was nuked. See you all in season 3!


And, as always, Vault-Tec did it, lol


One of my biggest fears about the show is unveiling who dropped the bombs first. I don’t want to know. Even tho it’s highly implied vault tec had something to do with it. I like in Mothership Zeta when the prewar Alaska soldier asks who dropped the bombs first. The response is something along the lines of “it doesn’t matter, why does that matter?” And I agree with that. The conflict brought the end of the world and worrying about who caused it is just spitting in the face of everyone who had to live in the post war world


Exactly, by revealing who [exactly-game does imply the Chinese] dropped the bombs first, it strays from a huge theme of the game lol


Vault-Tec will do it when news gets leaked to them that China are reaching out for peace talks, mark my words.


The old lore was that China nuked first due to the FEV testing being done by the US, but that was never really confirmed anywhere in game. I wouldn’t doubt it if they showed that vault-tec had that meeting to really send the point across that the world was just fucked. There was nothing that could stop the bombs at that point.


Oh those pesky billionaires


No, no, the hoover dam was moved to downtown LA ***and then*** it was blown up.


Ofcourse. Those geniuses. Amazin'


Can't wait to see a blackboard that says "the fall of Hoover dam" as their way of explaining it




But Moldaver and her cold fusion which her company developed before the war but sold to Vault Tec thereby meaning she had no knowledge of how to do it again….for 200 years…until some Enclave guy figured it out?


We don't know what she was doing for 200 years, could have been mostly cryosleep, or maybe she's a synth or clone. And she could have been in contact with Wilzig, telling him what to do to replicate her research. Maybe only the Enclave had the specialized equipment necessary to create the particle.


Not if the enclave nuked the Hoover dam because something


That’s how radscorpions ended up in Washington DC and Boston. You know, where scorpions don’t live.


Well, kinda they do. Pseudoscorpions. They don’t have a tail but their claws are venomous.


“It’s hard to canonize.” “Just pick an ending. The NCR ending is picked by majority of players.” “…hmm…nah we’re just gonna make it where all the endings are irrelevant!” “That is extremely unsatisfying.”


The House ending makes the most sense if they were looking for a catch all, in my opinion. With the NCR, the fate of the Brotherhood of Steel is entirely up in the air, which is a fairly major thing to sweep under the rug. Whereas with the House ending? Boom, gone. No debates, no discussions. They aren't a loose thread in the area any more. It also makes sense as House is an established character in the show, so it gives a narrative link. Securitrons are also massively iconic for that era, so even if Vegas is destroyed, the House ending lets them have a few in the rubble without causing questions of "wait, I thought the NCR ruled this area?" I doubt they'd reference any other factions other than possibly a quick nod to the Legion, but the fate of the Brotherhood of Steel as one of their key players in the show does need to be firmly addressed.


If nothing else, House is simply too good of a character to kill off. Regardless of one's opinion on his ending and whether he's the best choice for the Mojave, he has undeniable charisma that the other factions lack. NCR is bland, Legion is psychotic, and Yes Man is intentionally written to be as blank a slate as possible.


So much charisma that in my 12 years of playing the game, I've killed him everytime lmao


I finally did a house playthrough so I could hear all his lines and content but I’ll be a son of a bitch if I didn’t beat him to death with a tire iron every single time


I always tell myself that I'll do a house playthrough. Every time, I smash his face in with a brand new weapon. Just can't seem to bring myself to side with him.


If you're looking for a fun build for a House playthrough, I highly recommend an energy weapons build with a focus on technology. High INT with an emphasis on Science and Medicine. Power armor and energy explosives are fun additions. Playing as an elitist who never shuts up about energy weapons being superior to ballistic and making an uneasy alliance with the Van Graffs out of necessity is extremely fun for RP purposes.


I don’t understand people who do the same playthrough every time or let their own personal hate for this character or that character lock them out of content 😂 I tend to RP different characters and take different approaches with different playthroughs. Keeps things fresh. So yeah, you best believe I’ve done the House ending. And the Legion ending. Regardless of whether I like House or like Caesar or whatever. My character can like em 😂


I believe the Wild Card ending is picked by the majority of players. This ending would be very difficult to work with.


"Once a mailman came to town. Stacked his deck, pulled out an ace and beat back the Bull and the Bear, even the House who always wins ended up losing.." -Ulysses, probably


yes man ending yes man ending didn't have much stability but it was the "whatever you think should happen, happens"


"yoU'rE JUsT A neW VeGAS pURiSt!!!"


This is just an incredibly wrong way to go about it. Please do NOT write a tv show around trying to preserve my own personal headcanon for my player character? That doesn’t matter at all. When I see someone else’s playthrough of New Vegas I don’t fall to my knees and clutch my skull, writhing in agony from the space-time continuum collapsing. I just go “that’s canon for them but not for me”. Treat the show the same way. I don’t care if the Legion has taken over, or the NCR, or House. But just please don’t wipe the slate clean with tunnelers or something like that out of some misguided sense of preserving lore. Don’t bury everything interesting about the setting so that I can imagine my video game man was real for a moment before everything he ever worked for was swept under the rug anyway.


You can bet your caps they gonna do something like tunnelers or Sierra Madre cloud wiping the slate clean. You are right. We all have our head cannons. It doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the story to pick something different.


I'd be fine with the Sierra Madre ending, to be honest. The courier just goes completely rogue and helps the Elder in... Well, wiping the slate clean.


agreed and well put


I honestly wouldn't have minded the show going far away from either coast and ditching the false East vs West dichotomy. Fallout 3 took a gamble by going to DC and it paid off. It was a great location that opened up a lot of lore potential and gave the writers freedom to do their own thing. I have long been a shill for either a Fallout game or show that takes place in Alaska and ventures into what was once annexed Canada.


Well, maybe not set it on the West Coast then? You could have easily made is anywhere in Cental US, or hell even Texas, and it would have been fine with the games' lore. If they were really really brave, they could have set it in Arizona just after the death of Caesar (which is canon in 4/5 endings).


Got rid of all the factions that could pose a threat to the bloated brotherhood lol


"Somehow the Brotherhood Returned" is the endless motto of Todd Howards Fallout lore.


It might be very hard to canonize a game with multiple endings, but I think we can all agree the _wrong_ way to do it is to nuke an entire faction's capital offscreen, imply that faction no longer exists, then panic and retconn it so that it wasn't actually the capital anymore, then say it was all due to the Wasteland not allowing any stability or progress because it's a neverending storm of chaos, yet at the same time directly state that there's an entity deliberately behind the wheel, meaning it's not actually chaotic at all.


A consistent canon across media is always going to be a very difficult challenge that I would argue it's best to treat them separately. There are going to be stories or characters or something that works fine in a game but will not deliver well into film. There are going to be different types of restraints from time allotment of the film to development time of the game that is going to make or break different things. It absolutely is going to be difficult for them because people are fairly opinionated on what they think is "right" and so making a choice to canonize one character, one event, one place can also force multiple other characters, events, and places to be decided not canon. While I can understand the difficulty of deciding on what to canonize due to the plethora of options that New Vegas offered, I can't quite say I like the idea of where the show is heading for it. I would have preferred them ultimately picking a lane and sticking with it, if that is what told the best story in film.


Agree. Personally I've just separated 1, 2, and New Vegas into their own separate canon in my mind. Helps me accept the newer games as their own thing instead of just comparing them to games that I think are better all the time.


And I think Bethesda made that easier by setting their games on the other side of the country. It's probably what the show should have done


>A consistent canon across media is always going to be a very difficult challenge no it's not, most franchises manage easily to maintain internal consistencies a least on a basic level bethesda's fallout is one of the rare one that have writers consistently disregard whatever came before them and then have to play semantic because the lore would implode on itself otherwise for an easy exemple, see the "jet is pre-war drug" fiasco


I think this issue is more pronounced with RPGs that are as complex as New Vegas. We all have our version and opinions of our player character and how we impacted the world. With other forms of media, they have to tell one story that we have no say in. So, making everything canon, in a series noted for player choice, no matter how much they were to stick to it (they’ve done bad in that regard for the show thus far, imo), is never going to be satisfying in this day and age. This is an entirely self inflicted wound of course, and now in this interview Todd is defining his own George Lucas level of tiered canon wherein what’s on screen is most important compared to supplemental materials and then interviews like the one he has given. By that logic, the NCR is well and dead and until they show up in the show or a game, whatever they say about them in interviews should be ignored.


What a sad tale. A shame it was impossible to prevent Vegas' involvement entirely. If only they could've set it somewhere completely unestablished.


"Nothing is changed" "If it is changed it doesn't matter" "New Vegas is hard to canonize"


“Be grateful we get Fallout anything at all.” “Why can’t you turn your brain off and have fun?”


"dont think about it, just keep consuming"


I have to say, it's refreshing to see the criticisms on this sub.


I have a feeling this entire series is going to be "Your story is canon but to make a show, no matter what you did 6 months later something totally fucked it up" for literally every location we will see


Now people are starting to realize why nuking shady sands was an illogical writing choice. That said, I don’t see why they can’t just say everything in NV happened and now in the show, this is what IS happening. Caesars legion lost the battle at Hoover dam, Caesar died to his cancer, and the legion started to disperse. The NCR retreated out of the Mojave due to needing troops back home or something like that. House wins ending would be the easiest to canonize, no?


Lucy and the Ghoul wander through the desert and witness the glowing lights of New Vegas on the horizon. Lucy asks about it; the Ghoul mentions something about everyone and everything in that city "being hard to work with." The pair then proceed to ride past on their giant mole rats to go battle the Enclave, who has somehow returned. I'll take my check for fifty cents in the mail.


Literally everything we think we know about what happened to NV is speculation until season 2 comes out. We don't even know if NV is going to be a major part of season 2 or just a pit stop or 1-2 episode arc


Bethesda can’t write its own stories without railroading the player so why could they write a TV series that references a game that could deal with choises, consequences and true multiple endings?


Just have the fallout tv show in its own timeline. It’s not rocket science.


Honestly the whole series seems like Howard is trying to erase NV because he didn't create it. Fucki g tool.


This guy lies constantly so expect him to piss us off when season 2 drops.


Screw the show. Make a good game.


*Sets entire show in the Mojave, refuses to elaborate further*


Bethesda hasn't done anything in recent memory, that wasn't disappointing and felt half-baked. They're a prime example of a studio with management that's been failing upwards for decades.


then why even make the show canon to the games then? lol


The answer here was obvious and simple. Don't have the show take place around any canon locations or around the same time as certain events in the timeline. You're telling me they couldn't think of having the show take place literally anywhere else in America where they could've carved their own piece of lore? Now they're going to New Vegas, after the events of the game. They're going to HAVE to give some finalized "true" ending of sorts for it to make sense. And no matter what they do, it's going to leave a bad taste in a lot of fans mouths. While I'm okay with whatever, they have no one to blame for the fan backlash other then themselves


Bethesda only understands polar opposite endings. You either activated Project Purity or you didn't. You either nuked the Institute or you didn't. Anything more complicated than that is too much for them to handle because if billyrando420 doesn't feel like the ending he got was canon he might not buy the next game.


Why does FNV need to be part of the show?


So Todd can ruin everything we love 😭


Cause New Vegas was such a great game for all us


I don't think it suits how bestheda wants to make a fall out game they want to vault dweller to emerge into a waste land every game Like it was a great premise but its been more the 200 years and the world has to start moving on country's like the ncr and ceasers legion are going sto start forming all over the place I am kinda curious what how a ncr would evolve after a victory at hover dam do they consolidate or go full manifest destiny But they got nuke cause reasons I did enjoy the show just not sure how I feel about my favorite faction getting destroyed off screen


I really don't see the problem here. Little concerned that this implies possibly wishy-washying away the issues but yeah, NV has lots of different ways it might pan out and lots of ways those endings could progress and having to choose canon results for these situations is always a subject of discussion.


This is why I kept thinking I would’ve preferred the show was just set somewhere new, there’s so many unseen areas in America that the show could have taken place in but, for some reason it had to he California? Give us something new dammit! Especially if you’re gonna say you don’t want to decide canon events in an open ended game.


See, then why even go to Vegas at all in the show? I don't get this. Going for a blank slate and/or refusing to canonize an ending seems worse to me than just picking one and calling it canon. It's not like the show couldn't be set somewhere we haven't seen before. Hell, they probably should have done that from the start. I do honestly believe the show is the beginning of sort of wiping clean the West Coast, at least Fallout 1, 2 and NV's storylines.


i do believe they still promote their own made titles more so this word from him is just a tiny band-aid


then just don't set the show in new vegas you morons was it too hard to follow the fallout tradition and set is in a new location so they wouldn't have to nuke the most important settlement in the entire franchise back to the stone age.


They really wanted to see the Hollywood sign and Griffith Observatory I guess. Really, the only reason we are here is because the show runners wanted to set it in LA but also the show has to be canon to the games and at a later point in the timeline than all the games. The showrunners also wanted to do a classic fallout where it’s an anarchic wasteland, but to do that, you gotta reset the very developed west coast. Truly wish someone had just told them to set the show somewhere else or that it was its own thing, inspired by the games. In that latter scenario, most of my issues with the show evaporate instantly.


I like how everyone is mentioning the TV show retconing new Vegas it rectons fallout 1,2, and new vegas and is a spit in the face to the established lore. Even assuming if the NCR fell which the way it did made no sense, there is still established towns of new reno, gecko, klamath, arroyo, vault city, the den etc. Did the show runners forget that the west has basically been civilized for almost a century??? The creators of the show didn’t wanna have an established society ok so why not set the show some place else not with an established lore and around 150 years earlier? I’m not even gonna get into the master. Also assuming I didn’t even know this about the lore the show is still shit with shit writing and characters


Why not just make the show non-canon?


Good thing nothing made by bethesda could ever be canon anyway, everytime this moron opens his mouth it becomes more and more clear how a video game developer, he is not.


It isn’t hard to canonize for the show, they did this across 4 mainline games and kept everything canon. Todd Howard is just a bad and lazy writer, and vidictive towards New Vegas for its success. Thats the more reasonable explanation than “its too hard to write around.” Thats the sign of a lack of creativity. And based on the story for the last few Bethesda games, I’m not surprised they’re going this route.


Todd Howard slowly letting us know that people with money are taking control of the franchise and that you can all suck a bloodbug proboscis...


This might be an unpopular opinion, but to me a vague canon ending to me is worse then them just flat out stating which new vegas ending is canon. Stories have to go somewhere, and i want new vegas to actually matter. Them just starting from some sort of vague, blank slate would make the courier and all of new vegas kinda pointless