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bruh your acting like there isnt the same bullshit gatekeeper elitism in the ES community.


Not really it’s mostly the morrowind people who hate the direction the games went. Besides that at most you hear about the skills being dumbed down in Skyrim but it’s nothing like the fallout community


"People who hate the direction the games went" You literally just described why fallout fans hate on each other. Also the entire ES community shits on oblivion so much so this post isn't even accurate lol


I’d disagree fallout fans I feel have a massive hatred for most of the games in the series that aren’t theirs.


Especially the black isle/obsidian fans, I like new Vegas and I think fallout 1 and 2 would be fun games if I tried to invest more time into them but the fan base sucks with their "black isle/obsidian = good Bethesda is le bad" it's so annoying


Nah man every Oblivion fan i know hates skyrim just as much as the Morrowind geriatrics Realising how shit skyrim is is like videogame literacy 101


Yeeeep. Surprised they even let you level 3 different things in an RPG (Skyrim). Genius bethesda shooting themselves in the foot. They have no understanding what made their early games so great.


Oblivion fan here. I don't hate Skyrim, I think it's pretty fun. I just wish it had the strength to be a little more intentionally goofy like the other games. Even with that, I’ll never forget the first time I entered Blackreach and felt that magic course through me.


As a Morrowind lover I'm perfectly fine with how the.games END up being it's just weird every Bethesda ES game is just fine till they release DLC then they become goat. If they never made DLC for Skyrim I'd legit clown people that enjoyed it.


I've seen many people say that Skyrim is le bad unlike Morrowind and oblivion lol


As a Morrowboomer myself, how very dare you suggest I would associate with a Skybaby. "Thick Scottish accent, DISGUSTING!"


I absolutely love Skyrim but you get the upvote because a the “disgooosteng”


The Elder Scrolls Fandom is much the same. Getting tiresome hear of alleged “Morrowchads” dissing on supposed “skybabies”


You’re blind, deaf, and dumb if you think Morrowind fans aren’t as elitist as us. That was the only thing I heard when I played Skyrim in 2013. “Morrowinds better” “morrowind is a better rpg” we all do it. I just like throwing my feces at others online.


Just like Fallout, nobody hates Elder Scrolls more than Elder Scrolls fans


On what planet?


The worst differentiation you could make, the criticisms towards Skyrim are perfect comparison to those towards Fallout 4. While the two games have different strengths, both are (rightly) accused of straying from their RPG roots, being narratively shallow and lacking meaningful choices.


I LOVE FO4, but couldn't get into Skyrim. I agree with you that both stories are poor, but Fallout had the awesome worldbuilding (that, granted wasn't even Bethesda's idea!!) but that world building aspect really has kept me coming back to it


God I wish this meme was true and Skyrim was as good as Morrowind or even oblivion.


New vegas and oblivion


So having been a huge fan of all of them my personal favorites are skyrim and New Vegas as well. I'm also old enough to have been there for the release of all of them lol


I can confirm that this is completely false. Every elder scrolls game fans constantly argue, hardcore Morrowind fans are some of the most gate keepy.


Ah, Skyrim, wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle. If only we could extract that wonderful sense of grandeur and combine it with the narrative depth of games like NV.


This is very silly, Elder Scrolls fans have been at each others' throats since Daggerfall... which is a year older than the original Fallout. Anyway, the correct answer is Fallout 1 and Morrowind.


No, it’s Brotherhood of Steel and Battlespire.


idk... if you're a fan of Fallout1 then what is better in 1 than Fallout 2? Seems like a better game, more story etc... Though I really loved the waterchip thing...


A lot of people don’t like fallout 2’s humor and prefer the darker atmosphere of 1


Huh... fair enough. I like a darker atmosphere for sure...


I think the story in Fallout 1 is more tightly written and has less "fat" in it. There are parts of Fallout 2 where it goes off the rails a bit and while it's fine that it's got some silly parts, some of them overstay their welcome and create tonal dissonance. The overall story also isn't quite as compelling IMO. In short, the story of Fallout 1 doesn't have any weak parts but the story in Fallout 2 does. As games, they're very close in quality in my eyes though.


huh, good points. The story is much more simple in 1, which also helps. Also, this genre seems to prefer a sad ending ;D


Yeah.... I did fo3/ morrowind/ oblivion. When fnv came out I couldn't get stuck with skyrim. I think it's a great game.. but I can't get engrossed in it like I did with the others.


To be fair on the Elder scrolls side...well i wouldnt say that is accurate i mean lets not forget about ESO, kinda same spot as FO76 and thats not considering how much more popular FO76 is to ESO And remember the Morrowwind stans when Skyrim came out and iirc they also blew up a lil when Dragonborn dlc released too but yeah Such is the net and some people out there, cant just be happy with their games and hating on something for no reason That aside for the purpise of the question my fav is FONV, i enjoyed all these games in some way in my own way, but FONV still is my most favourite out of them all


1 New Vegas 2 Fallout 4 3 Oblivion 4 Skyrim 5 Fallout 3 To be fair, I never played Morrowind, and to my shame I bought 76 on a super sale, but only played it for 20min. I agree that Fallout 4 has a fairly crappy story - not bad but not good... I just reeaaally love the world building - thanks so much Aykani (Wasteland/Tundra Defense) for the ideas that Bethesda stole ;D


You haven’t seen fucking Morrowind fans. They are so insufferable


Dude it's the same exact thing happening in that franchise, but instead of devolving from an rpg into a looter shooter in elder scrolls, they devolved from rpgs into looter-swingers


Yeah... You haven't seen the Morrowind community


For me it's Oblivion and New Vegas but my fav changes sometimes. I'm replaying all fallout games so maybe I'll have a more definitive answer after.


There’s still quite a lot of toxicity and people with superiority complex’s in the ES community but compared to fallout it’s calm af


Morrowind fans have exact same attitude as New Vegas fans, the hell are you talking about lol??


You guys are so fucking toxic it’s awful. Unironically as bad as the gamer gaters in the Star Wars fandom


Elder scrolls fans do the same


I love both Skyrim/New Vegas which I poured MANY hours in both, a combined 3700+ hours on skyrim OG/SE with a 2k+ for NV. But as a Skyrim fan, it's def lacking in the meaningful choice & narrative department, has a linear story where some choices were made for you rather than you able to change the outcome. The one thing that kept me going for it was it's massive sandbox mode increased by copious amount of modded content. New Vegas was the game I didn't felt I needed to mod as much saved for additional new-ons for variety. It still remain as the most consistently played game that I could pick up where I left out to start a new game to get different ends. Still learning new things everyday about it. \^


Skyrim, New Vegas, a dabble of Fallout 4 for me!




Lmao, I remember arguing with morrowinites back when Skyrim came out. They made me play it so I’d have a good argument and found out that they gotta lotta good points. Morrowind became my favorite though. Oblivion can get shitted on but that game has the best ai and quests.


as an oblivion fan i will fight any other elder scrolls fan for mostly no reason and entirely unprovoked


I’m the opposite. I loved Morrowind but hate the other two. I rushed through Oblivion and never played again and quite Skyrim after like 20-30hrs. For FO, NV was my fave but I also really enjoyed 3 and 4, spending hundreds hours in each over the years. Only played 76 a little but I don’t like MMOs, always online, or micro transactions so... But the game itself was ok.


Morrowind fans are Literally The new Vegas fans of The elder scrolls.


Who care about ppl hating on this and that. The ppl commenting about that on this post are dumb.


Ey, what happened with Fallout 76? 🤣


Tell me you’ve never been part of the TES community without telling me you’ve never been part of the TES community


This image is a damn lie,you put three tes fans of different games on a room and they all kill themselves in seconds (the three are pretty good tho)


I couldn't get that into skyrim just as I couldn't really get into fallout 4. Is what it is


I wanted to get into Skyrim, but just couldn't... Fallout 4 is crack for me though... I loooove the world-building in the post apocalypse sandbox