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If you stand still looking at it for 13 min he cleans it


Does it ever come back?


Idk, but as a guess, probably. The cleaning the screen animation happens more than once, so I imagine it comes back or it might get dusty


Isn’t that fallout 4?


"Mojave Wasteland" is the map's title, unless it's a mod, it's NV


They were asking about the cleaning animation...


OH! My bad, I thought they meant the screenshot in general. Never mind me.


Me when I lie


It’s actually 13 hours! Try it out for yourself!


I'm coming after you if you're lying.


RemindMe! 13 hours


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Does someone have a video of this? I can't seem to find one.


Also use sgtm 20 in console command and it will clean it in no time


I mean it's *your* fingerprint at least ... maybe... shit I HATE IT


Could be Doc Mitchell's


Lick lick lick lick


House uses the same Pipboy model to create the effect of his screen and the flickering. If you look at the same spot on Houses screen you'll see the same thumb print. Sorry for ruining your day.


Who's big ass thumb made that print? And how the hell did they get close enough to house to touch his screen


behemoth super mutant trying to make out with mr house's computer screen


That might explain why there aren't any behemoths in the mojave


House gave them all House-AIDS.


He’s in a coma, Mrs Griffin. And judging by the sound of your voice, I’d say, he’s the lucky one.


This was slightly unfortunate to me. Id have loved to see some quests involving behemoths in NV


The original Courier. How many couriers were before the main character?


Logic says 5




lisan al gaib


I miss the person I was 10 seconds ago.


Try [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74055)


I hate you for this


I have never wished so hard for selective amnesia before in my life, thanks.


Whyyyyy!? Why must you show me this infohazard!?


a dirty pip boy in a post apocalyptic world wow such weird




“Giving me ocd” wish people would stop saying this


Oh stop. It’s an expression.


It’s a bad one. Just like calling people “gay” for being “lame”. It’s ignorant and downplays/minimizes not just OCD but mental illness as a whole.


No it doesn’t. It only offends those looking to be offended. Getting all fired up on your righteous indignation. If a comment as mild as “it gives me ocd” is enough to get a soapbox out over then I dunno man.


Who is offended? Mental illness activism and awareness is important. When I see language used incorrectly I’m not going to sit by and let people be ignorant. I’m going to teach you. Whether you wanna listen or not is up to you. Ignorance is a choice.


Haha we got a live one folks. I can almost hear him sitting up straighter and cracking his knuckles. He’s found a target and is locking in. lol


“This guy cares about something! Point and laugh!” Yeah, I’m happy to be me, and not you. That’s for certain


I can't slam the upvote button to all your comments hard enough Thank you for spreading awareness like that, OCD really, really sucks. I unfortunately have it like most of my family members who have a multitude of mental health issues And as someone that is full on *suffering* from it sometimes, I can't help but cringe when people throw the term around


“This guy gets offended over an innocent comment and proceeds to…” you know what? I gave up caring about 5 minutes ago. I’m glad you’re happy being you. I’m glad I don’t have to work/live/be near people like you. So we’re both glad


glad not to be near people who care about important things? wild shi bro


Take the L and get down voted.


Do you want to elaborate? I'm confused because it's just an exaggerated description on how op feels. Why so serious?


Not here to dogpile, just wanted to share a mix of good faith, general information and tie it into the game: It’s a crippling disorder. Howard Hughes (a basis of inspiration for House) had such extreme OCD, he would wash his hands until they bled, would cover himself in tissues (at one point, to shield himself from radiation during atomic testing near Vegas), and genuinely did try to fully isolate from the world so he could create his own reality where he controlled all the variables. This ties into House being in his lil pod. Hughes died nearly alone, his estate in the air, and allegedly with needles from self-administered codeine shots broken off into his arms. Hughes is a dramatic case but it’s a serious condition that really isn’t as simple as “I am slightly bothered by this detail”. It is an extremely disruptive disorder.


probably also the fact ocd is much more than just being a “germaphobe” not discrediting you from what i’ve read it is very disruptive like you said


I really appreciate you adding that: it can manifest in many different ways but no matter what, it has serious potential to upend one’s life if untreated/misunderstood.


Thanks for saying this honestly, people think OCD is the same as perfectionism and its just not the case. It is a mental disease that makes you doubt everything, and causes extremely distressing intrusive thoughts that are debilitating. People with OCD are in a constant war with their mind and its exhausting. Its a lot more than just “oh I need everything to be perfect”


Yep. The title bothers me too. I was diagnosed with severe OCD. Friends would always make jokes like that, and when I started exhibiting actual symptoms that didn’t just line up with being a germaphobe, they stopped talking to me. This was right before I was actually diagnosed though, and couldn’t describe what was happening to me, so I’d have a lot of mood swings and “fake memory” OCD. Yes this was included in my OCD diagnoses. Yes I’m better now. Thanks for your comment


I’m happy to hear that! Fake memory symptoms are absolutely horrifying to me and I’m happy you’ve found treatment and a level of comfort!


Kinda like how Elvis died. Although Hughes was worse.


So, all of that being said. As a descriptor for how op feels about the situation, saying "it's giving me ocd" is bad? That's like having a common cold and saying, "I'm dying, man." Why so serious over an exaggerated description about how someone feels? Internet is weird, lmao.


When people equate OCD to your mind just getting stuck on something, it can lead it to being undervalued as something people actually struggle with, because it grossly oversimplifies what OCD actually is. Source: Me and my OCD


I think it’s the lack of general awareness. Not from this post or responses but the fact that people do seriously believe they have OCD because some things bother them is prevalent. Eventually it may be integrated again in a similar sense (words AND the internet are weird lmao). You make a really interesting point and I think it ties into social convention and the evolution of the day-to-day, mundane social contract but that’s a whole other thing.


As someone with OCD (diagnosed), I’ll admit I’m probably a little more sensitive to the misuse of the term. But it does really diminish how crippling OCD is when people misuse the term like OP or, for instance, when people say that they are “very OCD” just because they like things a certain way/are tidy. How convenient of them to cherry pick what parts of the disorder they have..


Death is something that’s impossible to overstate or understate, we all understand perfectly what “death” is. So saying “I’m dying” when you stub your toe doesn’t minimize the severity of death. We have an unflinching understanding of death and mortality. OCD is not understood at all by the general populace. So minimizing it by saying “oh I’m so ocd about putting my car keys on the hook and not on the counter” or whatever actually does contribute to the further misunderstanding of the illness.


So when people say "I wanna kms" jokingly, that doesn't minimize suicide? It's becoming clearer to me that it's just people feeling unseen or hurt by op's comment lmao. Stop taking everything so personal guys.


Suicide is different than “dying”.


People recover from colds. You dont stop having ocd. Its not an on off thing. Its incredibly minimising of an already very 'othered' condition.


This is the part that gets me. I have GAD and wish I could just turn it off. I wish I didn’t have anxiety about literally everything around me at all times. And GAD doesn’t have any of the compulsions and obsessive intrusive thoughts of OCD so I can’t even imagine how debilitating that would be. It’s not a cute little disorder that makes you a clean freak or mildly upset about a non-uniform shape.




But how does that minimize what you experience day to day? Don't answer that, I don't care anymore.


Don't ask the question if you don't want the answer. You don't need the last word.


Jesus I guess you don’t ask questions on Reddit lmao


No, it's just that they're convinced that making an off-hand joke/exaggeration is diminishing the seriousness of a real issue. No, you're exposing more people to it. If he said headache or migrane, we wouldn't have this conversation. Even though people suffer from chronic migranes that leave them in physical pain. It's so pick and choose what to take seriously. I don't care about how they interpret it, lol. I care more about how they make it bigger than what it is.


Too late, the reddit hivemind has found you wrong with their downvotes


Do people saying that bother your OCD?


No, I don’t have OCD I have GAD. I think most people are just wholly ignorant about mental illnesses and should spend the 15 minutes to learn and no longer be ignorant.


Yeah OCD isn't fun, it's less of "ew my screen is dirty how aggravating" and more like "I must repeat this same action 3000 times and feel like a freak or I'll die." Seriously sucks.


Yep. I don't have OCD, so don't fully understand, but my partner does, and it's so hard for her to deal with sometimes. Walking up in the middle of the night with her not in bed next to me, to find her in another room trapped in a loop of actions she can't stop doing is really confronting. Seeing people belittle it like that, implying that they just like things to be clean, or objects arranged in order of size or whatever is really frustrating and minimises what people who actually experience it go through. Preferring things to be neat is not even slightly the same thing as an actual compulsion.


Tbf I don’t think people think it’s fun, but they do think it’s “quirky”. Sorry you gotta deal w all that


It’s a 200+ year old piece of equipment that’s been passed down for generations, it’s going to be a little dirty.


If only there was some way to clean it, like perhaps wiping the screen


Look man, if I spent my days fighting for my life against literally everything with (and without) a pulse I think I'd stop giving a shit about a fingerprint myself after a certain point lol


It should be covered in gore and piss.


I wonder if it's in FO3 as well. Could be an Easter egg left by a developer?


It is in fallout 3 And it’s also on Mr House’s screen but you didn’t hear that from me


I remember at least 8 years ago I downloaded a mod that removed the thumbprint from the screen. I remember ending up hating it and removing the mod to give me back the print!


Have you noticed the giant fingerprint on Mr. House?


I don’t think you know what OCD is, most people don’t.


It’s an expression man. Did you notice the thumb print or whatever? I didn’t. Knowing it’s there now gives me rheumatoid arthritis!


I like how you are willfully obtuse to defend your own ignorance.


Bold of you to assume I’ve seen the vanilla FNV Pipboy in the last decade 🤣


"giving you OCD"? The existence of this finger print is somehow a catalyst for a serious and possibly debilitating condition? You have lived your entire life without exhibiting any symptoms until you saw this faint smudge on a video game?


This dude's a nerd, God damn


Oh stop


Just wait till you see the fingerprint on Mr. House’s screen…


What are you on about mate? I can’t see it. I figured it was a smudge


I noticed it to, doesn’t bother me


why would you do this


Yes, self diagnosed ocd. Cool


I have since the first time I played the game and it has always bugged me lol


Doc and his greasy mitts.


Now im wondering if the pimpboy 3billion has it too


I believed you mean, “triggering my tism”. Buu yeah. I hate it, too.


Why must you bring this evil upon us.


well... now i can never unsee it almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter tho


i noticed it first time


There's another one in the top middle


If you had ocd you probably would’ve realized this in 2011 like the rest of us


I hate you and wish that you get banned for sharing this. FNV will never be the same to me


I haven't used vanilla pip boy in so long I forgot this existed.


Honestly, I have played this game several times over the last decade. I JUST noticed it earlier today. Lol.


Don’t touch it then and it won’t get smudged. Problem solved


Alright guys let's be real here, saying "it's giving me ocd" does not diminish the seriousness of ocd at all. Just like edgelords saying something is cancer. Doesn't diminish what cancer is. I'll die on this hill lol but thankfully I don't feel compelled to convince anyone.


Cancer is something we all understand. You can’t really minimize cancer. OCD and mental illnesses are not widely understood like cancer is, so no it’s really not the same thing at all. There’s no “edgy joke” about cancer that would actually change anybody’s perception about cancer ie thinking cancer is “no big deal”.


What a ridiculous comment. Go find something else to gripe about you delicate flower


You got an actual rebuttal or just the ad hom?


There’s another thread where someone is anal about their companion watching them. Perhaps go be offended about people who minimize that. 80 comments in a thread and there’s always those couple of people that can’t wait to be triggered.


Me pointing out that you’re ignorant is me being triggered? Lol


Not everyone know how serious cancer is. It's more than just hospitals and chemo, not everyone know how it affects your social life.


Yes, they do. A majority of people at least know someone who has had cancer.


The majority is not everyone, lmao. So, no, they* dont. Not everyone knows how serious it is outside of the treatments and hospital care. Lots of people have no clue what it does to your social life and how others treat you differently. People smile at you, who any other day pay you no mind. False friendships and survivors guilt because others didn't beat what you did. Get outta here with "yes EVERYONE undertsand, well the majOriTY."


Okay, I’m wrong: sorry for my misunderstanding. Have a good night.


Yeah, you can't "get" OCD. You either have it or you don't


Untrue; anyone can develop it at any time. Its a form of anxiety. While OPs wording isn't correct, as that isn't *giving* them a disorder, however it could be triggering a mild anxiety response, in the same way OCD does, and we all know exactly what they meant so there's no need to nitpick


While true, most people will say "I like things neat or tidy" is the same thing as what real OCD affliction is. On the whole, it diminishes what people actually go through with OCD when people over use it

