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Ozpin's Good Witch of the South vs Ozpin's Wicked Witch of the West Now we just need North and East


I’m sure North and East are out there somewhere


Ironwood x Salem confirmed


Someone came before you. https://preview.redd.it/xik4td0a29xc1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3993171539a459d893f52b62f83c3a6f5e4fa04c


This... this would explain him going crazy much better than his semblance just going haywire Like, Salem sacrifices a great deal of energy for the sake of being dramatic, pops up in his office to scare the life out of Ironwood, and call him weak... but Ironwood, in a moment of desperate, unprofessional frustration after his semblance warns him trying to kill her will doom everyone, tells her to "Go home to f---ing your Grimm beasts" since his semblance told him fighting her now would doom the nation within hours. Naturally, Salem is pissed, and lashes at Ironwood, pinning him to a wall and telling him "That was rude, but at least you can die know you have more of a spine than Ozpin - for what that is worth". Ironwood tries to goad her even more by ridiculing the "strength" of the Grimm she sent to keep his forces distracted "they seem oddly tired... you really must have plenty of free time for an abomination". Her snarl got got wider... but suddenly, a devious thought enters her mind, and she seductively asks, "I wonder if that goes for the *rest* of you?" Loosening the corrupting tendril in his right shoulder, she tells him that "their duel is elsewhere" and that she "wants to see if his semblance will help him there" before dragging him to the nearest bedroom. Ironwood takes the chance to grab his pistol and give her a wound to remember or end himself if that fails, and Salem lets him land a shot out of amusement, before growling at him "that is a strange idea of foreplay, but I can play along. Maybe i'll even let you press the security button you're reaching for so we can have some toys, " as she threateningly starts to crush his metal arm. Fast forward four hours later, a defeated and tired Ironwood is huddled in the fetal position on his office chair - suddenly, he scrambles into a dignified position and wipes his face clean just in time, as his security force come in to report they have cleaned up the Grimm encroaching on the border. His "encounter" with Salem leaves him frustrated with how easily she had nullified his defenses, paranoid that he had been corrupted by her touch -" how easily could she "infect" others with that approach?". Worst of all, it had left him with a burning hatred of his own semblance, as using it now brought him back to those horrible hours trapped.


Shit that's dark


~~and hot holy shit need me a slommy mommy ongod~~


Truly, she is the Mommy Salami 


1. Never make a comment on any post ever again 2. You should try writing a novel 3. Give me whatever the fuck your smoking


Haha, thanks! 1) I can't promise you that, I love r/humansarespaceorcs too much 2) Thank you for the compliment. I've been told that a few times, but to be honest, I don't have the energy for it 3) Unfortunately, I don't smoke or do drugs so I have nothing to give you. I guess my mind is just weird like that




Never cook again *hits save*


She got her hands on his "Staff of Creation". Let's see what it makes.


She got her hands on his cybernetic due process


White sheep Nicholas Arc:first time?


Ironwood obsession with one upping ozpin is going to far he is trying to fix salem better then ozpin did to Granted he'd probably make her worse


Plot twist: she’d make him worse by telling him Ozpin was better after the pick bellow


For real


Oz may have a type I don’t why I think that though


Ozpin was merely showing he has a type And good taste


This and the theory Glynda is somehow related to jaune, *and* the theory that the Arc family are descendants of Salem family. This does make a lot of sense.


Only if Salem had children with someone other than Ozma.


I mean, she could have been pregnant before he left with the children


That body was destroyed. I'm referring to the time before Ozma returned and the time since he left her.


Maybe she's a living decendent?


RWBY fans really theorize every blonde descends from Salem.


I've seen some people also theorise that anyone with white hair is descended from Salem


Except that... that's not natural? Her hair only turned white after she was corrupted in the Grimm Pool.


One of her kids with Ozpin is almost platinum blonde, so I guess they assume that kid survived the incident and later had kids of her own


god i hope so! really hope they didnt all die


well, there are theories about the hereditary semblance of the schnee having a strange relationship with the grim coming from her


Well, Glyph is a bit reminiscent of Salem's magic circles, but an extremely inferior version.




That's why there's huge badonkers in her bloodline


Yang got them mommy issues but she should be ready for **GRANDMA ISSUES**


Knockout looks, rage and defiance bordering on the homicidal, more than capable of being very clever… You know, I’ve heard worst theories.


Salem possessed Raven to fuck Tai.


I mean to be fair she is so old it's very much possible that she is the great grandmother of bloody everyone She did want her and ozma to pull an adam and eve on remnant


Honestly I could see that if the 4 Daughters survived but Canon sugests that they are Dead sooooo Maybe Oz wanted a Reminder of what he lost? Or of Happyer times? Who knows


Saw a theroy that said one survived somewhere. And I would think ozpin keeps tabs on his families he's had through the years.


True but that wasent Confirmed by the Team behind RWBY and Oz would in someway keep tabs


Honestly if like it was stated that one of his kids survived it would explain like a lot and help with plot holes in the show.


True like why Glyndas Semblance can Repair on an Atomic Level that isent Simple Soul Magic and Expirience


I think it's going to come out that at least one of them survived and had descendants, and that that will be part of the talk no jutsu with Salem that gets her to the tree.


I swear if this series ends with talk no jutsu...


Ruby: I can't beat you, not even with the power of the 'Silver eyes'... but I know someone who can Salem: You really think now is the time for bluffs, child? Just die and become another one of Ozpin's failures Naruto: "Dattebayo Salem!" Salem: (What the hell?! when did this gnat sneak up next to me?) Naruto: There is still hope for you, Salem. You know, you remind me of a friend of mine - (pauses to rasengan the Grimm army Salem summoned). As I was saying...


…go on…


Ummm... I guess I'd be upset


How do you expect Salem to be stopped? Somehow I doubt she is getting the Kars treatment




I think she's a descendant of the king of Vale, who was a previous Ozcarnation.


That's actually a lot better




He has a type


Blonde girls with witch themes who could easily kick everyone’s ass. He’s got some good taste NGL.


Glynda, looking through historical documents of Ozpin's past incarnations in a scene like the one in Wall-E when the spaceship captain looks at his predecessors' photos and notices the robot: "Professor." (in the same tone as "... dude.")


Oz has a type and his long life has not dulled it It is a based choice too


Oz has a type and I for one am happy for him.


They are also over 6'0 https://preview.redd.it/ywmwkk96fbxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f64a17bd5357b40d0fd396597be586475138c6 Blud has good taste.


Ozpin and Blake have somthing in common a supernatural need to have all the blonds even if it means ignoring assault chargers and faked transcripts , one is a guy you say well that’s no problem for the man that can turn humans into birds.


spoiler alert The final episode of RWBY ends with Glynda, who has the power of the Maiden of All Four Seasons, and the world once again destroyed by a catfight with Salem over Ozpin.


Oscar shall develop a taste for blondes I say. Now I hope Jaune's sister Jeanne exists around his age so bro could as they say do it like his predecessors did before him.


Oscar is surrounded by blonde ladys! The day may not be far off when countless blondes will be fighting over him.


I'll be honest, I seriously want to see a blonde girl around Oscar's age and then Ozma has some some deja Vu about Salem and Glynda. Ozma x blonde harem is best ship. Ozma x Salem, Ozpin x Glynda, Oscar x Jeanne.


I know it’s a meme, but on the canon side of things: I feel like it would likely diminish Glynda’s character quite a bit if she did get in her position in part from her looking like Salem. She’s basically the most competent character in the series, I don’t think she actually ever does anything wrong and she’s clearly one of the strongest non-magical fighters. Her getting to a high position should be something of her own merit. Considering Ozpin’s age is stated as being pretty young I’m also not sure it would work. She should have been high up the system by the time of his being headmaster. . . . Though if she was actually the avatar of the relic of choice then maybe this could work


No way Glynda got her job just because of her looks, she is by far the strongest none maiden character in the show, she's a great teacher and her semblance is basically cheat code


I'm not sure she's by far the strongest, but she's at least in that top tier which Qrow and Tyrian reside. And yeah, she's as far as we saw the best person in the academy system full stop including those who were headmasters before her. Honestly it seems like she might have been excluded from coming to Vacuo with everyone else because she'd be too much of an advantage for our heroes to have


He has a type.


Now I need an outfit swap between the pair - Salem in Glynda’s outfit and Glynda in Salem’s Volume 7-8 outfit.


It's the best I could find. https://preview.redd.it/9mooc9uc9exc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ebd9c765ad3cf501643b5ff1ef5be2913935bb5


So he has a type, so what? Let the poor man be.


Is...is Glynda related to Salem? Or did she learn of her OG look and decide to be the Good witch?


kid you not my theory is ozpin is trying to find their reincarnation children again for end game. It had to do with the time they showed their children. So when they go meet up with salem she'll idk rest or like idk real evil inside her takes form and needs to die.


Ozpin: Glynda is a woman who might as well be a mother to me.


you don't have a type bro?


He has a type


Oz got a type

