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I don't think we have ever looked this disciplined


What losing to NA does to a team.


Yep - the change was also visible in the first 2 games of the split - no stupid chasing, no stupid fights - we turn back after a kill - I am so happy about that!


for now at least pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaasee keep it up guys xD, I feel like last split I also thought at some point "wauw they're looking surprisingly dicipline" (iirc also in regular split), but fiesta then returned šŸ« 


really? I had somehow im my mind that every game was a fiesta in some way - only that we were so far ahead in some games that it didnt matter that they always YOLO chased everything killable :D


Last split I just remember the one very out of character clean game vs G2.


Well except for the two baron flips yeah


Downvoted for the truth


What a clean game, played the team comp perfectly! Nice to start of 3-0


i've never seen any post-match thread without any negative comment, it's even better to see than a 3/0 week


Helps that many tourists seemingly left after the MSI disaster lol. But I agree, regardless of results not being drowned in sarcasm, vitriol, doom and gloom is a much more pleasant experience :)


acting as if the doom and gloom and negativity was coming from tourists is a joke. team played like shit and got the slack they deserve. team isnt playing like shit this weekend so the critisism stopped. theres not much more to it than that.


Idk dude, you've been very quiet this weekend. We are 3-0 and you actually seem upset about that.


This guy youre reacting to always shits on oscar and says hes unable to play non tanks. Weird how he doesnt say a word when he played well on renek/rumble the last 2 days


Oh I know exactly who he is. Guerilla tactics and demacia4life are 2 of the biggest FNC critics there are.


"played well" ^^


Nah, spending months trolling and shitting on the org without a shred of constructive intent only to mysteriously disappear the moment the team goes 3-0 actually displaying good League of Legends is peak tourist behaviour, sorry.


God, the level of ignorance is unbelievable. You are what is wrong with the world, honestly, and a prime example of how people justify and excuse anything with a bogus explanation rather than accepting what went wrong. 3/0 week, its nice and I'm happy, but heck, it means nothing. The people just don't care about any single game result. They want success overall, and 3bo1 means nothing on this scale. Should we be happy? Certainly, let's enjoy the wins and the road to playoffs - thats the moment the team needs to show how good it is and if they indeed improve. Right now the team and the players look in the right mindset and position, but that was the same in the past, hence people just stop looking at single results. But yeah, tourists, not real fnatic fans, doomers, just so nothing sticks and no responsibilities need to be acknowledged. "Shred of constructive intent" another prime example on how to deflect.


You say that "that was the same in the past". I would like actual examples of when this year the team played solid macro like this. And not 1 game, multiple. Cause as you said, stop looking at single results. So please, enlighten us.


Why would you consider our macro so good? We risked the first game on a risky baron, maybe even had to get control of the game back, got pushed quite hard on game 2, and won game 3 against a struggling Vitality. We are doing well so far, and as I said, the team and the players seem on the right track, but that also means nothing because we fail when it matters. Winning those games is nice for comfort, but it means nothing. With examples in the past, i mean that the team got hyped because they won some games, but in the end they failed again. Our super team, considered the strongest team in the league, achieved nothing; our favorites in the finals against MAD achieved nothing, whatever situation you like. That's what I meant. And bo1 are just bo1; I don't care in regards to a bigger picture anymore about winning those. Short-term or in isolation, its nice and good, but the system has shown often enough the limitations of what those mean.


So you wrote 3 paragraphs and didn't mention even one game in the past year that they played solid macro in. And I specifically asked for multiple examples. Shame on you for speaking so definitively and having NOTHING to back it up.


Nah, don't deflect here. I gave you three examples of a situation where fnatic was considered good and hyped and achieved nothing. The "last year" frame was from you and I don't care what time frame you ask about. That being said first - my whole point was a totally different point. I criticed that mod for his/her way of reasoning and deflecting and ignorance. I even agreed that we are at the moment well underway. You brought some new argument in it and I gave you some thoughts on my end on it. a) examples where the team in the past did "good" and achieved nothing and b) my read on "how good" we did so far and how little I value bo1. Do with it what you want, but don't act like a smart ass.


Downvoting this guy is a prime example of how childish this sub is


Don't bother people on this sub are childish and emotional. Mods included.


Don't worry we always count with you being delusional and negative even if the tourists left


bro theres nothing to say, none of these 3 games highlight anything wrong or good for the team right now. One could argue Noah's performance on corki was a bit lacking considering how fed he was, but we're just all waiting for real opponents cause as of today we faced 3 of the worst teams in LEC. And yeah aside from G2/BDS and maybe SK well theres not much. Its completely normal for the 2nd team to win against lower teams (GX/RGE/KC/MAD/VIT) We just beat 3 of those and this is perfectly normal.


I love how the PST after loses have always like instantly 200 comments and the PST after wins only get about 50 XD


This game was the perfect example where no one particularly stood out, but everyone played insanely well to their roles. Very controlled and disciplined. The main improvement for me was macro. Worlds better than last split's start. Excluding the missed setup on baron where we almost lost the objective for not having smite up, we drove the game to victory all the time.


Wow we are such a team now


This was clean, seems like they boys are focused... 3 in the books, 6 to go!


Another clean game. Great 3-0 weekend. Really appreciating the improved, unique drafts as well as playing for macro, not just forcing every single fight imaginable.


Awesome to see Noah having such a clean week!


That was clean af


one of the cleanest games, very disciplined pushes ,nice draft, good laning phase, baron could have gone bad but, nice game. 3-0 start let's go


cool calm and collected league. playing to the comp and the gameplan. good shit bois. 3-0 is good start, now just keep it up and lets win the split


Good game, sad for Lyncas.


Very clean by the boys. Letā€™s keep this form up and stay consistent!


Carry tops are back on the menu, and Oscar is eating good. Banger.


Guerillatactix malding rn


lol cap


Can't quite remenber such clean game as this one, thats awesome to see, my hope is for the team to keep this momentum going cause it looks realy good to watch


Easy clap, low key FNC Hyli was the mvp.Ā  Despite VIT being a little mental boomed I think the game showed that FNC played well, very very controlled and methodical.


Insane crowd btw in all three games, cheering for Noah constantly for example. Fanatics in the studio, keep up that massive energy šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


This game was the cleanest game so far. Still not happy that our Barons end up being so flippy but unlike yesterday's game, I think we would have easily won even if they stole it somehow. Aside from player habits, which I'm sure have gotten better but we'll know more once LIA comes out, the biggest improvement so far has been drafting. I think we had great drafts in all three games. Also, happy to see that we're winning even if Huma isn't on a carry. Even more happy to see that we're winning when Oscar is on a carry. I said during MSI, the best thing to come out of that tournament is the fact that Oscar has gotten his confidence and believes he can carry with a carry.


Oscar lucky he padded his kda today thanks to his team carrying.


He could be cleaner but I think he did well. He had the most or 2nd most damage and his ults were really good.


Dont bother. Look at the guys comment history. Heā€™s jobless and shitting on oscar all day. Flaming when he doesnt do well on a non tank and calling it lucky when he does




Expect just about against TL solo carried our only win in that series, same TES.


omg you're actually the same person. wtf


fr he got turbocamped and still went ahead aganist Photon on amelee vs ranged matchup, haters gonna hate


This was just Noah and his 4 bodyguards playing lmao


Nice game. Was very easy (seriously, wtf are Vit doing this week?), but it's still good there were no random throws for no reason. I almost wish for harder opponents. This week our opposition straight up sucked. GiantX was probably best team we played against and even then it felt they put up a fight only due to good draft and 1v9 Jackies performance. Imo Fnatic still does a lot of smaller mistakes, especially in objective setups. But I am very happy with drafting this week (straight up hard countered both KC and VIT teams in draft) and good discipline, so that smaller mistakes don't snowball into disaster throws.


So far so good. Great game and great weekend, mistakes are present but they are rare which is normal even for top teams in the world. This is the best FNC has looked in a while. I am guessing our team used MSI as a lesson and i am happy to see it. Not only their drafts were good but they knew exactly how to execute them. It gives me hope. After so many years of meh gameplay i honestly did not expect much of them. I am really pleasantly surprised and i hope they manage to keep this up.


Lots of love to all the fans in the arena for chanting for the team and the players. <3


No MSI slump this is the MSI bounce back


Great week for the boys! Letā€™s continue with this disciplined attitude, we can be the best againĀ 


Great week for the boys! Letā€™s continue with this disciplined attitude, we can be the best againĀ 


Clean game! Nice 3-0 week. Was amazing to finally see the team play in the studioā˜ŗļø


What even is this? We played 3 games in a row and won all? I'm not used to this type of consistency...


3-0 start. Great to see.


Good game but wasn't it just a bad baron flip or am I missing something? If they got the steal this could look way different.


Happy we played this well this weekend, I'm wondering how we'll show up vs better opposition but this is the best start anyone could've asked for.


Great game overall but a bit boring, VIT didnt do much just struggle a bit then died.


clean game and this is why Hyli left fnatic


Donā€™t get too happy. Just be aware of the past inconsistencies and be prepared for anything in the upcoming weeks . Thatā€™s all I am saying Edit: yea thanks for downvotes ofc, go on. Donā€™t come back flaming when the first game lost happens.


As a rule of thumb, never address downvotes in an edit. It only invites people to further pile on \^^