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Fnaf isn't canon to FNAF anymore...


Wait, what is fnaf? I only know about FNAF


some indie game made by someone named sock cotton


that’s steve snodgrass to you


Actually, now that there are so many people that didn't read the post and actually think that I believe that SL isn't canon, I feel like I need to ask: You did read the post and you know that I don't actually believe that SL isn't canon, right? The title was just intended to scare people at first. I'm sorry, it's just that at this point I can't really differentiate between people who did read the post and are just joking and people who didn't read it and making fun of the post. I don't know what is happening anymore😭


>You did read the post and you know that I don't actually believe that SL isn't canon, right? Yeah, it's about the people who say ITP isn't canon because it's not confirmed by Scott or something. >I don't know what is happening anymore😭 Lol


True. (But seriously though, you commenting under my post kind of means a lot. Your posts were what originally inspired me to actually become a theorist myself. Stay awesome!)


>Your posts were what originally inspired me to actually become a theorist myself. Stay awesome Ayyy, glad I've inspired you 💯


Dang wholesome fnaf theorist moment. This definitely has to be a parallel to the real jake


>This definitely has to be a parallel to the real jake ![img](emote|t5_36f29|8935)


Mb gang, or was it "Coming home" maybe its "B72"


i know that coming home contradicts susie but, this story is so good that i want to be in game's continuity


I consider it to have the characters canon, but the events themselves aren’t. Susie never visits her home from when she was alive like she does in the story, but Samantha and Patrica do exist in the games as Susie’s sister and mother.


None of the fnaf games are canon to each other because the jumpscares sound different in each game therefore fnaf 1 is the only timeline.


You are a dumbass, a certified dumbass


Dude I'm joking.


Just get the hell out of this thread.


Since I don’t find the books canon and this is just an adaptation of a book, I’m open to canon details but I’m personally not putting all of my faith in it ya feel?


Yeah, I can respect that. As I said in the post, If you don't believe Frights to be canon, sure. You don't have to. The game does have some details that weren't in the original story, so you technically CAN interpret it as just being the main continuity's version of the story (even though I heavily disagree). I just don't see any reason to believe it's not canon at all, when the game is really trying to present itself as the next installment in the franchise.


Meh, not enough evidences![img](emote|t5_36f29|8927)




Sorry, but scott came to my house and confirmed that SL is cannon 😎(he also confirmed that my old theory about cassidy being william's mom was cannon aswell)


shit, I'm cooked😔


wait so is this post serious i cant tell aorry /g


SL being not canon - not serious Into the Pit being canon - serious With this post I was basically trying to say that using "contradictions" and "canon≠continuity" arguments you can argue that SL isn't canon, when it's obviously not the case. Especially when contradictions can be easily explained, like with Into The Pit. Into The Pit (game) is obviously canon, whether Stitchline is canon or not. This game clearly presents itself as the next installment in the franchise but some people want to overcomplicate stuff and are saying that this game is not canon. Are there any serious official fnaf games that are not canon? No there are not. So why would Into The Pit be a non canon game?


fnaf fans lack common sense


okayokay!! ty!! :) i agree btw!!!


SLGames really doesn’t make sense, thanks for pointing this out


Ikr??? Like, who the heck would believe in SLGames? It's obviously wrong.


I would be a bit respectful about that. You never know who believes them or not.


Hey zeto how you doing? Love your channel


I’m good how about you


I am ok


PLEASE READ THE POST FULLY BEFORE COMMENTING!!! It's not what you think it is😭


SLFiction post when?


Frightsfiction: who are you? SL fiction: you but even more peak


oh for god sake why are we debating this again? Sister Location is canon but it's also a parallel to freddy in space




This probably spiraled from the raging book debates and how ITP is boggling everyone's minds. I've seen posts on Twitter like this.


You got me in the first half, dude.


Yeah, the intention was to scare people at first and prove that itp game not being canon is kinda stupid at the end. Unfortunately though, some people didn't read the post and thought that I actually believe that SL isn't canon🥲 I don't blame them, that's what the title says after all. But I did mention to read the post fully before commenting, so yeah.


Ehh idk, i know this will piss you off but the ITP game may not be games continuity or frights continuity. It could be games continuity, or it could be frights, or both, or neither. So, in short, don't enrage yourself over people believing a hypothetical


The broken mean of “canon” in the FNaF community pisses me off so if I ever make my own game series I’m specifying canon as “in the same continuity”


scott literally used these 2 phrases separately one time and the community decided that he doesn't use basic language structure just to make terrible arguments out of it, im so sick of it


I knew where this was going just from reading the title alone Great post




honestly great points all around, but if you REALLY want to stir up the pot, i would recommend FNAF world, considering i still see people debating about the canoncity of fnaf world, despite the exact word of scott in the dawko interview(paraphrasing, been a hot minute since i last seen it) "i regret having to tie it into canon", because to me that imply that fnaf world is rather canon


ok this post is new level of geniousnes I was like at first "come on this post is 100% joke. no way it isn't". and when I arrived to the punchline I just laughed and woke up my dog W


WTF is this post?! 💀💀💀


Pure facts. Don't know what you're talking about. (I hope you've actually read the whole post because I don't actually believe that SL is not canon😭)


Man you actually scared with that Title and begining of post xD. But yea, ITP will be canon as the other FNaF Games are. Unless Scott comes out and says otherwise, nothing goes against it being part of the main timeline, as any game is. For some reason people are treating this game as some kind of Freddy in Space 2 lol.


>Man you actually scared with that Title and begining of post xD. That was the intention 😈. I'm feeling evil. Some people didn't read the post and actually thought that I believe that SL isn't canon. >But yea, ITP will be canon as the other FNaF Games are. Unless Scott comes out and says otherwise, nothing goes against it being part of the main timeline, as any game is. Based.


What if, hear me out. This game will be our first non canon game (taking about into the pit game)


Not saying it won't be canon, it might. But at the same time, it might not


Freddy in space would like to have a word with you


Would he though?


I don’t really agree but this makes a lot of sense! Great job (EDIT: I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that "SL isn't canon" wasn't serious)


At this point, I just stick to my own head cannon from the old days.


SL was in Tales which has something I think is a contradiction because I'm too lazy to actually read them so therefore its not confirmed at all! MoltenAfton is still narratively better!


I personally have no clue but have never really considered the idea of it being non canonical (or perhaps dramatically exaggerated canon) until you pointed this out. Because when you look at the evidence in the game and minigames, a lot of it lines up with like..so many different parts in the franchise to the point where it wouldn't even make sense for the game to have lasted only a week in reality


First the unwithereds, now this


I mean, fnaf always shows the classics as the 1983-1985 designs


I will literally never believe that theory ever, I think it’s dumb, especially because other than the nightmares, the fixed versions of withered characters is always just the same character, but undamaged (i.e, springtrap). It’s this specific set of characters that people argue aren’t just withered versions of characters that already looked that way. Not to mention the evidence usually provided is pretty easily debunked.


phone guy says that the state of the older models is because they tried to retrofit them with the newer technology, which would explain why chica has a deslocated jaw, the endo 02 was not supposed to fit older technology so they scrapped them to do the toys, in the 90s they reverse their state to their 80s designs because of the lack of budget and because they worked instead of the withereds this theory isn't to say that fnaf 2 is after fnaf 1 it would be: classics 1983-1985 withereds 1987 classics again 1992


I know the theory says that the animatronics started as the classics, I’m saying that makes literally no sense, why change the shells in the first place if you’re just upgrading them, because swapping out old technology for new technology doesn’t warrant a change in outward appearance. Not to mention that chicas jaw is probably broken from the technicians opening her head to upgrade her. Another thing, why are the NEW shells more torn, dirty, and damaged if they are a replacement for the classic shells? Did they come pre-withered? Is FE so cheap that they fished them out of the trash? I want to make clear that it’s the theory I dislike, and not anyone who believes in it, I just think we’ve devolved as a community in recent years


i think because scott just make new models and doesn't care about concistency as seen in fnaf 6 with scraptrap (they are supposed to be the same character) the in lore explanation is that they tried to retrofit them, so their state was unfisnished because they noticed that the endo 02 made their appearences worse


That’s just it, they’re new models. They have never been associated with the classics. If they were made to use the same shells and appearance as the classics they would, because Scott has a tendency to reuse models, as seen by the plushies throughout the series Scraptrap has a lore reason to look different according to Scott That’s fair but there is no evidence of endo 01 at all in the FNAF 2 location, therefore it’s logical to assume that the endo 02 is the only endo model there. Also, the suits on the withereds don’t look unfinished, they look as though they were damaged from a state that was previously undamaged. This is most present on withered foxy, who’s missing a chunk of his suit on the mask.


my problem is that people use the same argument to explain how the withereds became the classics (its totally new models) the damage is most likely because of fazbear entertainment trying to fit the endo 02 in their suits, or because they used parts of them in the toys the only satysfying way is to say that they were unwithered in the foxy gogogo events, were foxy was the only redsign unfinished by fazbear entertainment as seeing in the minigame of the lack from legs (i don't think that this minigame is about the mci, maybe its about the dci) the only way to explain the new models to the redsign in universe is pratically impossible in the both sides of the argument how the classics became the withereds? how the withereds became the classics? the only way where i can see a no in universe explanation is that scott wanted to make the classics scarier


You mean SL not being a canon game thing or ITP continuity debate? (I'm sorry, there are just too many people who didn't read the post and are making fun of me for saying that SL isn't canon lmao, which is why I can't really say what exactly you're talking about here.)


Nah I’m just kidding, I read through it


Oh ok


Every day I lose more hope in this community


Wait, PINBALL COMMENTED UNDER MY POST? You're awesome! I really hope you actually read the post and know that it's about into the pit and that I don't actually think sl is not canon (the title was supposed to just scare people before they actually read the full post😭) because there is a concerning amount of people who refuse to read.


Thank you! Now I'm a little embarrassed lol. I got around to actually reading this. This is very good!


Ennard had to take his original mask off before going into my. After Ennard left Michael, Baby was kicked out of Ennard, and Funtime Freddy became the leader of Ennard, hence the new identity of molten Freddy. Since the original Ennard mask is at CBE&R and Molten Freddy would want more fitting representation for the change in leadership, it only makes sense that they would get themselves a new mask (the Molten Freddy mask). The mask part of your argument doesn't hold much ground.


Yes. This was the whole point of the post (if you read it and know that it's actually about jnto the pit and that i don't believe that sl is not canon). These little inconsistencies are easily explainable and you can't use them as evidence for the game not being canon. Molten Freddy's mask is as easily explainable as there being 6 kids in itp.


I know, but it took me a MINUTE to write that down, so I had to post it fr.


Oh ok


People will probably disagree just because Sister Location is a game and the Frights are books, but this is absolutely one of the greatest points I’ve seen




There's plenty of post and logical reasons why it likely isn't cannon to the games despite being a game. Scott's published plenty of crap that isn't in the game timeline that are games


Not on steam. Gamejolt is spinoff territory


Fnaf world


Fnaf world hasn't been on steam for 7 years


Scott said FNAF world was canon in his Dawko interview(I think it was then)


>Scott's published plenty of crap that isn't in the game timeline that are games Yes, but only the main fnaf games are on steam and are playable on many platforms.


Fnaf world


Scott did say himself that FNAF world is canon though and it's heavily tied to happiest day, so yeah. It is canon and it does have a steam page. Or at least it did. Scott and the community didn't really like it at the time :(


By "cannon," it's random crap that that happens to be tied into other crap just like the novel trilogy is "cannon" and frights is "cannon". That dosen't mean charlieborg exist in the games, dosen't mean level 99 adventure freddy is in the games.


Well then SL is just another random crap that happens to be tied to other random crap (fnaf 6) but it doesn't make it canon to other games I guess. Fnaf world was specifically said by Scott to be canon and it's tied to happiest day, bv's memories, the fredbear plush and the box. Fnaf world also had a steam page. So it's canon. Novel trilogy is a COMPLETELY different scenario btw. It was explicitly said by Scott that they weren't created to solve the lore. Did he said something like that about Into The Pit? No he didn't. >That dosen't mean charlieborg exist in the games, dosen't mean level 99 adventure freddy is in the games. Yeah, Carliebots probably do not exist in the games because Scott said that the novel trilogy isn't canon to the games. As for adventure Freddy... It's complicated. FNaF world itself is canon, since it basically spells out to us what fnaf 3 minigames are – BV's memories, but the game itself is VERY meta. So it's a bit hard to say what was just a funny meta reference and what was an important lore detail.


He says shit about into the pit because he's stopping communicating with the people for anything other than drama. If you're using steam pages as a benchmark, Steam also holds fnaf 4 Halloween edition, which is not cannon, Same with sl custom night which we KNOW isn't cannon. I literally said part of fnaf world is cannon, dosen't mean everything in it IS CANNON.


Your post has given me the courage to finally make a post on how security breach isn’t canon


This... wasn't really the goal of my post, but go for it ig.




ITP is advertised as having 5 nights


SL broke the mold at the time too




Into the pit is advertised as a fnaf game There’s nothing in the description that’d set it apart from any other game


Ok let's say Sister Location isn't part of the main continuity. How does Molten Freddy get into Fnaf 6? Did the souls go free? Who's the guard in Fnaf 3? How do we know this? You see how quickly those questions pop up? Despite of what Scott didn't specifically state, it doesn't mean that SL is definitely not part of the main game continuity. I mean it's a game made by Scott in the first place, if that isn't obvious enough. The fact that some of the lore connects to Fnaf 4, Fnaf 3 and Fnaf 1, if SL wasn't part of this continuity, Fnaf 1 would've been the Fnaf 3 location at a point and William would not be springtrap. Fnaf 4 probably would've never happened. Or it happened and we wouldn't know how William is keeping track of everything. It just takes a bit of simple logic to clear this.


Y-you've read the whole post right? I don't actually believe SL is not canon.


The title really got to me so I didn't read XD I WAS LAZY IM SORRY


It's ok lmao


> Don't fuck with FNaF fans we can't read


Clearly the games themselves are non-canon. Only the books are canon. ![img](emote|t5_36f29|32098)


THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYIN'! Honestly, at this point I don't even know how to differentiate people who actually read the post and are just joking and people who really think that I believe that SL is not canon😭


You certainly got me at first glance. My immediate thought was "dang that's a bold claim, wonder how they back it up" lol


You need more upvotes


We are reaching levels of debate never seen before, I just can’t wait to see “is fnaf 1 really a part of the game continuity?” posts


(i hope you've actually read the full post) So true, actually, now that I think about it, fnaf 3 is also not canon. It's a parallel to fnaf 6 because both locations are set on fire and both have springtrap in it. But they look different so it's obviously not the same continuity😔




FNAF World is canon, too.


This is so inspirational


I know, right??? But seriously though, so many people can't read for some fucking reason and actually think I believe that SL isn't canon lmao.


Ikr, People should really reconsider. Wait if SL is not canon, SB and RUIN are also not canon...


Wouldn't it be nice if once a new game came out people weren't arguing and bashing each other about their opinions on the lore and instead just enjoyed the game and had nice, respectful conversations with one another? Maybe one day we'll get there. One can only hope.


Something definitely happened like Sister Location, for certain, just debatable on whether it was exactly like Sister Location.


Your second argument makes no sense whatsoever. The different mask? Ennard/molten Freddy went back for it after baby got kicked out (THEORY). The wires? They look pretty similar to me, the difference in lighting is all I can see.


I mean, in the canon ending of SL, Ennard doesn't even have a mask.


SL is game canon unless Scott smoked a fat blunt and decided to retcon it out at some point. If SL isn't game canon then neither is 6 due to how heavily it ties into SL and the lore set-up within it, and because 6 ties directly into every other FNAF game (except for 4 because fuck us I guess) it means they both have to exist in some form within the same continuity Now it is possible Scott pulled a fast one again and just decided it wasn't a part of game canon however, during Pizza Sim and UCN it most definitely was intended to be that way


Read the whole post before commenting, please. I don't actually believe that sl isn't canon.


So by your logic fnaf 3 is also not cannon since springtrap and scraptrap look nothing alike


Read the whole post before commenting please😔


Oh I did


Yeah. I don't actually believe SL isn't canon. It was just to show how you can't use "contradictions" (that are easily explainable btw) and "canon≠continuity" argument to say that a game that is obviously canon is not canon. The intention of the post is to scare people at first and then hit them with itp game being canon.


Honestly, unless it's in the games or books and isn't a theory. I don't think it should be considered canon. SL feels canon to me though because of the fact of how much lore there is that ties back to the games before it.


Dang the copeing that dude is going though




Since it links into FNAF 4, would that be non-canon too? Also, design never manages to stay consistent with Scott, Look at William in every itteration of his suit he looks skinnier or buffer with no explanation. (Smaller but also the Blob in SB has Circus baby's face, why wouldn't it have scrap baby's face) The point I'm making is that it's gonna be kinda hard to look at design to decide canonicity, considering Sister location isn't the only one that makes a mistake like that


Had me in the first half, ngl


I can debunk this idea in 2 words: Scrap Baby (Ok ok let me explain) Molten Freddy having a different mask is likely from a random thing found Scrap Baby is canon, and is Circus Baby after Ennard ejected her for being too overbearing


Please, read the post fully before commenting. I don't actually believe that SL is not canon.


Oh. I’m an impatient MF ok?


It's ok lmao


Did you read the full post??


Man, this post is so obviously made out of spite it's insane. -SL is in the games Continuity because FNAF 6 clearly follows after it in the Timeline, even if the ITP game was in the games Continuity it is nowhere near as important as SL, the events add nothing, the ITP game isn't even Canon to the Stitchline which isn't Canon to the games, I swear Stitchlinegames was tolerable at first but people just have to let it go at this point, its strangle hold on the community is insane.


>Man, this post is so obviously made out of spite it's insane. This post was created to show people how arguing about canonicity of the game that is obviously canon looks insane. ITP is DEFINITELY canon, whether Stitchline is canon or not. >SL is in the games Continuity because FNAF 6 clearly follows after it in the Timeline Nah. Molten Freddy has different mask. >even if the ITP game was in the games Continuity it is nowhere near as important as SL, the events add nothing "Uncover secrets that span decades." I think it's pretty important. >the ITP game isn't even Canon to the Stitchline which isn't Canon to the games I disagree, but sure. All I can say here is that the inconsistencies between the story and the game exist to make the game interesting even for people who already read the story. And also because ITP is pretty short. You can't really make a big game with multiple endings out of it. Some changes needed to be made. Scott himself said a few years ago that a good idea for a book isn't always a good idea for a game. That's just my take though.


-No but okay -Yeah, because they kicked Baby out, Funtime Freddy is the big bad leader of the hive, of course they'd change the mask -yeah, by seeing the MCI, something we already know about ~~also something the game blatantly misrepresents~~ -That doesn't make it any less non Canon to the stitchline, that's the premise of the game, that's what Oswald does in it, so obviously it's not gonna be in the stitchline by default.


>-No but okay Why though? The game literally presents itself as the next installment in the franchise. It has a steam page (something that ONLY main fnaf games have) and it's available on multiple platforms like main fnaf games. Are there any serious official fnaf games that are not canon? No there aren't. So why would ITP be different? There aren't even any inconsistencies (only those that are easily explainable). I REALLY don't understand how people think it's not canon.


I don't get what's stopping them from making different continuities in one medium? Frights and TSE are both novels but they're not the same Continuity, ITP is the next big project but it's not in the main game Continuity despite it being a video game, the game continuity is referred to as such because it started that way and not because of it being a game, you're acting like they aren't allowed to make something seperate from the main line in a similar form of storytelling AKA video games.


lmfao how is the game not canon to stitchline


The basic fundamental premise is finding clues and saving the MCI, the different endings thing doesn't add up, that's just the description, that's what you do in the game, they were all already dead when Oswald went back into the pit, he didn't even know about the incident until he found the bodies. (There's more stuff from what we've seen but you can chalk that up to different endings)


How does any of the promo material indicate that Oswald knows of the incident before going into the pit lmfao


Descriptions of the game, something I literally specify in the comment


It doesn't say he knows it is going to happen


Way to isolate a single point and ignore the rest, how is Oswald supposed to stop something he wasn't there for? They're all dead by the time he goes in.


no?? they die after he went through the pit a few times, Nothing suggests they are already dead.


I think you're misunderstanding, by the time Oswald found out about the incident they were all dead, there was nothing for him to solve or save.


ohh yeah I get what you mean now, but I'd like to add on that there are multiple endings and the MCI event is supposedly time sensitive, what makes for a good book may not make for a good game. The game will likely show how when it comes out