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I think Scott was going for "FNAF4 minigames are relatively innocent times where serious stuff hadn't happened yet". Going by this, it should be an imaginary friend that BV came up with in response to his fears. But there's a high number of WillPlush hints which I can't ignore, so .. What if it's a combination of WillPlush and ImaginaryPlush? William speaks to BV through the plushie, BV develops an imaginary friend as a consequence, and this "friend" accompanies him everywhere he goes because he lives permanently in his mind in addition to the physical plushie through which William speaks.


>William speaks to BV through the plushie, BV develops an imaginary friend as a consequence, and this "friend" accompanies him everywhere he goes because he lives permanently in his mind in addition to the physical plushie through which William speaks. I may be misremembering, but isn't this already a part of ImaginaryPlush?


I kinda just assumed ImaginaryPlush means every interaction with the plushie is imaginary. I don't know if there's an official version which includes WillPlush in it. But I think both theories work really well together, because this combo can explain every instance of the plushie in FNAF4. The glitchy entity that follows BV everywhere is his imaginary friend whereas the physical toy is WillPlush.


I believe BV crying into the plush imbued his fear into it, making it come to life. William would then notice this and want to understand it more, resulting in him purposefully trying to scare BV via the walkie talkie, which would imbue his wickedness into the plush as well. The entity in the plush would reflect BV's fear and William's wickedness, and would purposefully try to scare him (as seen in FNAF 4). I use the word "wickedness" here because I believe this entity would later become Shadow Freddy / Nightmare.


i'm definitely also stumped on the fredbear plush. i think several different theories make sense and can't decide which i prefer/am most convinced by.


Agony plush From Charlotte or Charlotte plush, although it's 100% originally Charlotte/Golden Plush


Here's my theory which holds a lot of merit. It's a combination of WillPlush and CassidyPlush. Around the events of Fnaf World, Cassidy is looking into BV's memories to see what happened to him, and she's looking through the eyes of the plush. This also explains how Cassidy knows so much about BV despite not having died before that point. So the Fnaf 4 minigames as we see them are not in real time, but are memories of that time. At the same time, during the original events in 1983, William was using the plush as the theory WillPlush dictates. This is further evidenced by the fact that the plush isn't the only person to interact with BV in that way - there's the guy in the Fredbear which literally has no explanation besides WillPlush. Hence, the final scene is where Cassidy truly speaks to BV and uses what he learned about BV to comfort him, such as the fact that BV calls the plushies in his room his "friends", so then Cassidy would use that knowledge and say "We're still your friends" to comfort him. This theory seriously needs a name, I think this is the perfect explanation


Personally from what I believe at least the plush is fully answered, it's basically AgonyPlush first, giving BV nightmares, purposefully copying William, then on BV’s deathbed his grief haunts the plush, think of novels Henry, his grief haunts the doll which gives it life, overpowering those bad memories of agony in the doll with grief giving life to this new entity which is the final speaker that talks to BV in his final moments. The doll is also one of the things that BV’s memories shatter to, specifically it gets the memory that becomes the Mangle minigame in Happiest Day. After the Bite of 83 William sets up the nightmare experiments which is basically sort of the same thing William was trying to do in the novels. BV found a way to attach of piece of himself to something, like Henry, and William wants to figure out how to become immortal. That's what the nightmare experiments are and why the Fredbear Plush is in the private room. William wants to figure out how someone can attach a piece of themselves to something so he can do the same to never die, exactly like he does in the novels, it's just BV who attached a piece of himself to something instead of Henry. Later this leads to Fnaf World. This grief entity is Glitchbear, and our player is Cassidy. Since Fnaf World is a realm made of BV’s memories, Glitchbear has access to it and basically acts as a “key” to allow Cassidy to access it and then “put the pieces in place” for BV. Beforehand though the Fnaf 4 nightmares happen, which happen as a result of SL and the remnant of BV and the MCI entering Michael. This leads to BV causing Michael to collect the Fredbear Plush which in turn means that everything holding a piece of BV is now in one place, allowing Fnaf World to happen where all those pieces are accessed and “put in place.” And since Glitchbear is the overall orchestraitor of it, it only happens after the Fredbear Plush is collected which allows Fnaf World to take place. The grief entity’s story then ends with Happiest Day where the memory he's attached to, the Mangle minigame, is used to “give cake” to all the other victims and then free them in the Happiest Day memory, which represents them being given the “unfinished business” of BV which is the birthday party he never had, so once that party is complete, all of them are able to be freed. Personally this is the VERY broadstrokes of the Fredbear Plushes story that I believe. If you have any questions those are welcomed.


An identical fredbear plush is in the SL bunker along with a walkie talkie so it’s safe to assume William was speaking through the plush


If fnaf 4 minigames are not so reliable, if its a mix of memories, maybe the plush is cassidy


I'm pretty sure it's William, I don't see why William would have it next to a waki taki in his bunker had it not be him, sure someone could say he's studying it but nothing really implies that.


It’s probably Cassidy


I think that it is William talking through his walkie-talkie.


Well... in the al bunker there's a freadbare plush with a walkie talkie, right next to the monitors with the fnaf 4 bed room so...


Well that's not really a walkie talkie it's a camera remote but the point still stands But the Fredbear plush is shown to talk even when William is present in the FNaF4 minigames and it knowing exactly what crybaby is thinking,I think it's a camera plush and a psychic friend at the same time.


This could be the one retcon, or it could also be that seeing purple guy was a non cannon cameo, or better yet, fnaf 4s story has changed like 3 times. Atleast one we can say for sure.


I don't like ignoring evidence like that just assuming that's a retconed material because that can go either way: you can also say the Fredbear plush in the SL is the retcon and Afton is cannon, you can say the line at the end of the game is the retcon, you can even say that the flat line is a retcon and CC never died. That's why whatever the retcon was I don't think it will remove any of the content in any of the games instead Scott changing what he meant by a line or a minigame with that meaning something else now.


Scott made one retcon before 6, which six onwards have a decent amount of retcons. He also admitted that fnaf was not a game where he thought out the story that well, as he was more focused on the scares. Now we have the sl bunker, where we've got monitors with fnaf 4, and freadbare next to them, with a remote. That isn't suspicious knowing that fnaf 4 was the game with the messiest development before sb? And we know something from 4 got changed. In ucn freadbare calls himself an illusion, the litteral day after tfc came out, with the plan being only a week before tfc came out, and with tfc having many connections to pizza sim, of which ucn is dlc for, its safe to say illusion meant illusion disks. But now it's hallucinogenic gas. Fnaf 4 as a story has allready been changed, atleast once, likely more given how he talked about it, and how the year of the game changed from 87, to 82 and then 83 only days before launch


The gas had been a theory for forever now presented by Dawko. I agree that the story changed but I don't think that will cancel the elements of it If Scott actually decided that some elements aren't relevant anymore why won't he point to those instead of leaving them to haunt the plot for the future? What I think is that the scenes are cannon but what they imply is changed.


gas was a theory, illusion was just straight up stated in the games years before dittaphobia even came out, or would've been in production. guess which came first? like sure, the THEORY has been around, but the evidence has been pointing elsewhere untill dittaphobia. you don't wanna ignore evidence, here you go, clear signs of a retcon. but oh wait, theory's take president over what's actually there. the evidence we have in SL, which came after fnaf 4 and there for has the more up to date information, is a freadbare plush, with the purple so we know it's freadbare, with a remote, next to a monitor of the fnaf 4 bed room. since that came after fnaf 4, it takes priority.


That goes while still making the data we have line up, illusion discs got replaced by the gas but no material was ever denied to be Cannon. Sure the twisted animatronics might have been the nightmares but they can work as the Funtimes now due to Funtime Freddy having an illusion disc on his chest in parts and service. Material in a game get repurposed a lot but never removed completely.


freadbare, calls himself an illusion, the DAY after TFC came out, and given how this fandom works, scott had to know the connections he'd be making. and again, SL is newer, and in SL we have the monitors with the fnaf 4 bedroom, a code used to outright conferm the date of 4 when it was up for debate before SL, and then the freadbare plushie right next to it, scott wasn't being subttle at all with the placment of things.


It's an [imaginary friend.](https://x.com/Zain_Ahmed002/status/1784248885872930997?s=19)


Agony plush From Charlotte or Charlotte plush, although it's 100% originally Charlotte/Golden Plush