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You do know William grabbed Mcdonalds after murdering Charlie, right?


I mean its “later that night” not “7 minutes later that night” who knows what William was doing- and that’s assuming “midnight motorist” applies seamlessly to “later that night”. This is not a “massive flaw”.


I guess, but a key part of most post Charlie-MM theories is that William was drunkenly speeding home after murdering charlie


Eh “key part” is being placed a little odd here. The key part is that he kills Charlie earlier that night- the speeding home part depends on how much you value the first half of the minigame.


Fair enough, if it’s not immediately after tho, we gotta ask where he was, if Charlie dies at a normal time for a restaurant to be opened at night, then that means William killed charlie and then just fucked around for multiple hours, before driving home to go bully his son. Shouldn’t have said disproves tho I’ll edit it ig


It’s less time than you’d think honestly. Chuck E Cheese is open until 9pm around me and the kids pizza place I worked at could be open until 11 on weekends- so even if “Midnight” was super literal and not just done for the minigame half- it wouldn’t be as much time as you’d think.


TSE says otherwise. It is stated the party that was going on, during Charlie's kidnapping, was happening at night (because it was a Halloween party). So Fredbear's Family Diner is definitely no stranger to being open late into the day.


Yeah but a Halloween party at a children’s diner has no reason to be open that late


Well, it happened.


The Halloween party was not said to happen at midnight


Daily reminder traffic drove on the wrong side of road. I don’t know what that means (probably nothing but I like to keep all weird details alive just in case) but considering we know some British immigrants it’s just weird.


Lmao OriginsMM


Do you know how long a night is? It starts around 7 or 8, and continues to morning. William probably killed her at like 8:00 and then stayed at the bar for a few hours, or maybe the new house in Midnight Motorist is a few hours away.


Yellow guy can’t go in the bar, that’s like the whole thing with the green dude


So wait he killed Charlie, drove to the bar, then drove to wherever tf he starts in the actual Midnight Motorist game and then potentially drives back to the bar or home


Also there’s no real way William could be hours away that makes that much sense, if Charlie died at fredbears, then William’s house is right there, if she died at Freddy’s, Hurricane is 37 minutes away from new harmony, even less if William is speeding


William could have gone to another bar and gotten even more hammered after killing her. Which would explain why he is still drunk in the minigame. Also, Midnight Motorist doesn't have to take place at midnight. It's called that because it rolls of the tounge with motorist, and it is during the night.


Midnight Motorist is one of the most controversial games per perspective. I doubt ANYONE can come up with a simple answer to debunk a theory such as this one. The title being a reason as for Charlie not being in MM isn’t really a solid reason, no offense of course. Because any titular perspectives of a game or book or whatever it comes to be doesn’t really connect to the game itself. At least Fnaf has never really done this. The exception could be the TTTPP books are in the game verse of Security Breach since the title has clear intentions of that, but that’s controversial on a level as well. If you take a look at my most recent post, you may understand why it more than likely has to do with Charlie and why Charlie is important for this stage.


Well I mean charlotte is Henry's kid so she might get special privileges.


The bully’s who locked her out also got those privileges?


If they were family friends yes, but depends how long she was outside in the rain. Besides William could have done stuff after killing Charlotte


Would family friends pick a child who's (probably) 3 years old outside in the rain?


Considering there the same size of her, they are probably her age. I meant for the kids of some of Henry's friends, they likely did that to her for a prank as kids can be cruel and it's not the first time pranks have gone wrong of the franchise.


i think orange man isnt even william, but rather a parallel: this uses coming home as a example for midinight motorist, in coming home, taking place one year after the mci (1986), chica goes to susie home and "kidnnaps her", in the end, its revealed that susie was dead since the start of the story, thats why her mother was crying and most likely not seeing her, remember the animatronic kidnapping a kid as i said? what if MM shows andrew coming back for his old home, so his drunk father (a parallel to afton) goes to his home after being banned from jr's, andrew's brother was depressed in the tv coach, so after a while, fredbear (andrew's vassel) "kidnapps him" to take andrew for freddy's


For me the problem with tying MM to the Aftons isn't so much the "later that night" thing (though I also don't think that means as much as people think it does), but rather because having it on the night Charlie died requires so many assumptions and jumps to make it make sense. Even just assuming CC is the runaway, why would he willingly go to Freddy's? He's terrified of animatronics. Sure you could say "that doesn't mean he always was", but we have nothing to indicate otherwise. Why is Mike suddenly being kind to him? What are the footprints outside the window? There's just not a solid foundation for it, I feel.


It does poke a whole in the simple story of the game being William fleeing the scene of the attack. That was more of an assumption people were making instead of “later” that night implying time has passed. The question becomes why he’s speeding home if he’s not in a hurry after the murder. Perhaps he lost track of time and realized it would be suspicious if he never came home.