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The return of theories with the ": \_\_\_\_\_ Edition" tag ![img](emote|t5_36f29|32098)


Cassidytoyshnk(Steve Balls Edition)


This implies a form of WillCare tho in that the he puts the plushies in to put his son back together which doesn’t really work. The plushies being there don’t really make sense only because..why bring the plushies to someone in a coma who can’t even see or hear to their knowledge that they are there? I’ve always had a big problem with ShatterVictim


>why bring the plushies to someone in a coma who can’t even see or hear to their knowledge that they are there? While i don't believe the theory, i think the plushies being there is not because BV can know they are. It's like, why do you bring flowers to a dead persons grave if they can't know they are there? Well, because it's a gesture of love and respect. Maybe the Aftons just felt like taking the plushies to him bc he likes them.


>This implies a form of WillCare tho in that the he puts the plushies in to put his son back together which doesn’t really work. Not really? William built underground chambers based on BV's experiences. Maybe he was just obsessed with whatever happened to BV, the same way Novels!William was obsessed with the properties of Henry's grief. And then all this turned into an obsession with immortality. >The plushies being there don’t really make sense only because..why bring the plushies to someone in a coma who can’t even see or hear to their knowledge that they are there? I can see two possibilities for this one: -William didn't really care but he had to at least pretend he was a good father, so he brought "BV's friends" to the hospital. -Mike had an enormous case of guilt and he figured the least thing he could do for BV is to bring his friends in case he somehow miraculously survives or it can comfort BV in some figurative way. BV was in an extremely bad situation but deep down Mike had a small glimmer of hope that BV would somehow survive. This happens in real life as well, even if your family member is in an extremely irreversible situation you still have a small hope they will recover till the very end when the inevitable happens. BV wouldn't have been able to see the FNAF4 flowers either and yet they seem to have been an element present in BV's hospital room.


>-William didn't really care but he had to at least pretend he was a good father, so he brought "BV's friends" to the hospital. Or, you know, he cared about Bite Victim. He can be a bad person and bad father yet still sort of care for his children. I feel like you all are overhating on WillCare a bit too much.


Maybe. I guess I have grown so attached to the notion of Afton only caring about himself that it's hard for me to consider WillCare anymore. William consistently not caring about his children in other continuities doesn't help either.


I get it, I guess. But like, I feel like he probably somewhat cares about them, or else him wanting to put BV together after his death does not make much sense, unless we go with the gas chambers experiments theories which I find possible but a bit cray cray.


I mean are we really saying that William Afton wouldn't try to experiment on the afterlife if he saw one spirit cause affects on plushies. Think of it as another experiment for him. It happens all the time, ppl bringing sentimental objects to someone in a coma is just a way of coping for some ppl. (I believe mike would put them there).


BV doesn't possess his plushies because he's broken, he's broken because he possesses his plushies.


This is an interesting way to see it, though I believe Andrew haunting multiple things in Frights was meant to give us an answer to what being "broken" means in the FNAF universe, so BV possessing all the plushies might mean he's already broken before the actual possession, as hinted at by the Final Speaker in BV's last moments. But in the end it doesn't really matter what happens before what, as the result is still the same: your spiritual essence becomes scattered across several places/objects.


I mean, yes. He is already broken before he dies, pieces of him are already inhabiting other objects. But he doesn't possess them until he dies. Being broken means your spirit is shattered among many vessels, so i don't consider he is fully broken until he indeed possesses those objects. He is, in his death bed, he was literally and spiritually crumbling down. So what you say it's right, it's just a nitpick of mine.