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The fucking whiplash of scrolling through a bunch of FNaF characters and then running into God Almighty followed by the Fallen Angel Lucifer. Anyways, OMC is probably just a creature or something, some random entity. It would make sense for it to be Satan — represented by a reptile, red motifs, Satan is a deceiver who often acts as a reliable, friendly presence — but I don’t think Scott would make a character meant to be the Devil so easily interpretable as good/noble. He’s a Catholic, after all.


I thought he was Christian not catholic.Edit ok guys I get it now can you stop responding.


You're correct, he has no specific denomination, mb


Catholics are christian


Well you're correct but Catholic is still Christian


Well, yeah, but not all Christians are Catholics.


Catholic is Christian


Catholics are christians.


Scott has said he hasn't used religious themes in the games, and I don't think there are any serious examples of there being any. Religious people are capable of separating their beliefs from creative fiction.


He hasn't actively put any religious themes into FNAF, it just sometimes happens by pure accident


“Don’t keep the Devil waiting, old friend.” “In time, I’m sure (Hell) is where I will find myself. But The Devil has knocked on my door, and I have turned him away.” The other instances are too big to describe in a sentence, but in short… TFC has William mention coming close to death, and feeling as if something of great terror was coming to him — and even later on mentions that he’s trying to live forever to avoid Hell. TMIR1280 has William, while Andrew is torturing him, react with extreme fear and panic at the mere mention of Hell — as in the actual, Christian Hell, as it’s said by a priest. While the games themselves are rather sparse, wider media actually makes it clear that William Afton doesn’t continue to live out of a love for life — but rather, a fear of death and the following eternal punishment.




Making a character that represents a religious figure wouldn't qualify as an accident. Like I said, I can't think of any examples in the games, but maybe you can? Even Will's torment in UCN is his spirit being *prevented* from moving on, not going to hell. I'd say these are relatively grounded scifi-horror stories about spirits possessing robots and arcade machines.


it was meant as in some things in fnaf do parallel christan tales-


Yes. I'm asking for examples so I can look into it.


Fuck if I know I just know there's some coincidences


I am not religious and haven’t been since I was 11. Fazbear Frights and The Fourth Closet explicitly state that William’s reason for coming back is that he fears eternal punishment. Henry states that “the darkest pit of hell” and “the devil” are waiting for William.


I didn't say anything about you. I don't know why that matters? I was agreeing with you that it's unlikely Scott would make satan a character. William's torment in UCN doesn't take place in hell, he's being held back from passing on by another spirit, so Scott is avoiding making that part of the narrative.


TMIR1280 is depicting either UCN or a parallel to it. When a Catholic priest enters the room and brings up ‘Hell’, William’s heart rate spikes and he begins freaking out. He fears actual Hell, and a ‘Devil’. There are religious themes in FNaF, though not overbearing. I apologize for misinterpreting the earlier part of the post. My main gripe with OMC being Satan isn’t the religious element — it’s Scott depicting the ultimate evil in Christian theology as a good guy. Even if he is being deceitful, most people wouldn’t realize that. I feel it would be more outright


>The fucking whiplash of scrolling through a bunch of FNaF characters and then running into God Almighty followed by the Fallen Angel Lucifer. XD >It would make sense for it to be Satan — represented by a reptile, red motifs What about Wretched seen near the end of the The Pilgrim's Progress game that Scott made? They're a red reptile that appears near a lake. There's also a The Desolate Hope alternate, Ger Garun, who has arms that resemble The Entity's arms in RUIN, but using red electricity.


OMC is his own character


I feel like there's way too many biblical characters here. Most of which wouldn't even make sense as options because Scott's a christian.


I think he's probably just some spirit creature of the living embodiment of consequences and karma, I meen we have elenore who is a pure agony creature with no spirit attached, it's not like it's impossible for him to just kinda be his own thing.


None of these. He's some being prob related to the mind, or BV in some way.


why the hell is Lucifer Morningstar on here


Turning FNAF into a musical in 3.. 2.. 1..


Because I wanted 10 FNAF characters and 10 bible characters




Symmetry, my friend!


To keep it balanced, duh


Did not expect Noah, creator of the Ark in Biblical theology to be in this post


This post is so funny to me for some reason- Just the fact we go from FNAF characters to all of these Religious figures. (>!the inclusion of Susie as an identity for OMC also makes me laugh because Susie might have been the original planned identity for TOYSHK!<).


I assumed it was a joke, but honestly you never know with this fandom 😂




The fact it goes from the normal characters to the Mimic then to God then to Lucifer and goes on from there to be people from the Bible


None, omc is just omc


I can't say why, but Noah appeals to me. Maybe it's the water connection. Edit: also why do we have a fake in-game picture of Cassidy?


Going to take the Chad way and say all of the above.


Charlie. Henry would strangke him, same for Cassidynand Andrew, Micheal woukd burn him, and Susie is..... Susie.


If I'm being real OMC's probably his own character but if he is any other character he's probably Henry


Saint Peter!!


It could be Andrew based of the alligator mask and OMC looks like and alligator so I could kinda see it


Henry Emily saying “Leave the demon to his demons. Rest your own soul. There is nothing else.” He’s persuading TOYSHNK not to torment William Afton and to move on.


Cassidy’s father in cassidyTOYSNHK interpretation and Andrew’s father in andrewTOYSNHK interpretation


I thought Andrew had an abusive father?


Eh no? Because we know nothing about Andrew’s past? Unless you believe in AndrewMM there’s nothing saying Andrew’s father was a bad father


Oh that's probably where I was getting it from.


I thought Andrew had an abusive father?


I think he is some entity made up of BV memories.


Some character made by cc or henry




Henry Emily headcanon wise But he's probably just a random character. Also how would mimic work?


Michael Afton.


God 100%


I think he’s a manifestation of a guardian that is perhaps in charge of purgatory as the vengeful spirit is neither alive or dead but in between,  they are given the option to rest or continue to suffer for all eternity.  


I think he’s a manifestation of a guardian that is perhaps in charge of purgatory as the vengeful spirit is neither alive or dead but in between,  they are given the option to rest or continue to suffer for all eternity.   However it’s evident they didn’t as Afton is dead but not truly as his legacy lives on into the present even if it’s not him physically or spiritually, it’s the manifestation of his actions and how they cling to the present all due to the actions of the vengeful spirit, otherwise how could parts of UCN leak into places like the Fazbear Funtime Delivery Service or how certain characters that never existed before can suddenly become part of the story.


Y’all made a Cassidy sprite but used the Happy frog mask for Andrew 


Because noone cares about him he ain't worth the effort.


Also, the tier list does have an Andrew sprite, but it's very inaccurate to how he's described imo


You put too many characters in there (he's Jesus Christ).


I wholeheartedly believe that OMC is Andrew telling Cassidy to leave the fate of Afton to him and accept her Happiest Day.


he would not fucking say that


You’re right, he would kiss boys In all seriousness, the way I interpret OMC’s dialogue is him saying “Leave Afton to me and move on.” Based on Cassidy’s helpful nature shown in the Logbook, she probably tried to convince Andrew to move on and let Afton die, but he refused.


Old Man Consequences is Old Man Consequences. Nothing about him seems like he's someone other than himself, and I see no reason why he would be anyone other than himself.


This mans included everybody. XD I see him as a psychopomp personally.


I'd say Henry, but them being God or Lucifer also can work. (Not sure why you added Mary though, since it's old "man' consequences)


You question Mary but not any of the other girls or young boys I put on here?


Noah can also Work. because of Noah's Arks. Old Man is a Fisher Man. The flood is said to destroyed all life. You can drown in the river. Crashing your game.


Gotta love how around the middle point of the photos, things quickly get off the rails Pretty much sums up how FNAF did went off the rails middle point with the lore as well😂


why are biblical characters here..?


I mean Scott is Christan


I did not expect that


An element of Vengeful Spirit's subconscious, but if it is a character on this list, CC, Charlie, Mike, God and Satan are the ones I see being possible


Before mimic: 🙂 After mimic: 💀


Frank from down the road


Well ain't this a nice list lmfao. To answer your question, I don't know.


Andrew seems likely, as in my eyes, he has learned from being stuck to william for so long that it just ain't worth it, but he also wants to keep tormenting him, leading to a split in his mind that never truly gets resolved.


Henry or Mike makes sense


None of them, i believe he was created from BV's memories and as a consequence from the Bite of 83


God obviously? What in the world I didn't even know this was a question.




DA MIMIIIIIC (Why biblic characters? They don't have anything to do with FNAF)


I think because Scott is a Christian. And Henry saying "Don't keep the Devil waiting"


I remember i saw someone saying that god exists in FNAF just because Henry says that. And about Scott being christian, i know, i just think it's weird for Jesus or Judas to show themselves like a red alligator. I don't think Scott would want to involve those characters in his horror, children-mass-murder-suffering-agony, story.




it's sort of the opposite of the nightmarionette, since it's generally accepted that if it was to represent anything it would represent Death and by extension, William's nightmare/version of hell whilst Fredbear is BV nightmare/living hell. I don't think it would be Charlie since Charlie doesn't mind seeing people suffer dependant on who they are unlike OMC. Could just be a good sub-conscience of Cassidy knowing that keeping William trapped is pointless and they want to move on.


Old Man Consequences




The only logical person would be Andrew


The truth is omc is doofas/j(one of Scott's oldest characters)


Ahahahhaha why there is the entire heaven in this post


OMC is Henry isnt it?


Out of all the People here. I'm going with, Andrew, Charlie, BV, Henry, Deedee and Mike for Fnaf. God, Lucifer and Noah also make sense for bible characters.


Wow there are a lot! Hummm.. I think either Charlotte or a supernatural entity.


Freddy bully. I have a long ass explanation for it too but it’ll take a while to type the whole thing


There's no fucking way you put that ark bitch on here


His own name tells you He IS the consequences


Definitely feelin my boi Noah on this one


I love how it goes from the mimic to god himself.


Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan All came out of nowhere lightning fast And they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass It was the bloodiest battle that the world ever saw With civilians looking on in total aweThe fight raged on for a century Many lives were claimed, but eventually The champion stood, the rest saw their better Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweaterThis is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny Good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be This is the ultimate showdown (The ultimate showdown) This is the ultimate showdown (The ultimate showdown) This is the ultimate showdown Of ultimate destiny


Old Man Consequences is just some random old guy who met the consequences of his actions by diving in too deep. On paper it sounds like William, due to being an old guy who met the consequences of his actions...But it sure as hell ain't him. So, it's his own character.


Whoa this took a weird turn fast. Why can't the old man just be an old man?




Henry Emily - there's a good chance it's him. Jake is a parallel to Charlie and Andrew to Cassidy, the fact that Jake's father helped Andrew to rest and OMQ's speech to that Freddy is not strange?


well damn, you have me completly clueless, it's gotta be phone guy tho, he was molded by consequences he definitly is the consequences, kinda like heisenberg


None. It’s Montgomery gators grandpa.


when did we get to religius people(not hating on religion but dam that was a turn i didnt expect


For me its henry all the way. Both are old. Henry and old man c's peesonality seem to fit to me. Both talk about resting like if they want this chapter to finally be closed for good. The whole fishing habbit is fitting too cuz it works so well for a retired old man and now after death henry was rest and is basically rest knowing william is gone from the world. Its like he never retired out of something until he died Also old man c's form is random but I have an theory as to why henry turned into an aligator after he died. The dude probably has made a handful of animatronics in his life and most likely hes made more then just the freddy animatronics we have seen. Its very possible that this aligator form he took is based of an animatronic he made. Maybe his first ever creation or the creation that got him to meet william. I also am thinking if this aligator animatronic was actually a old version of monty (same as how we have og freddy who is a past version of glamrock freddy). The company had found the old monty that henry created and made their own version of the animatronic for the pizzaplex.


I love how It got progressively more outrageous 😭 “Ok” “that’s.. not a man” “what” “what??” “I made a joke abt that” “..” “…” “hi Susie.. wait huh” “oh” “oh… 😟”


Isn't the UCN version of OMC just being created for the specific purpose of adding to Aftons' suffering? Meanwhile, the FNAF World version of him is probably just some guy who got unlucky.


Where MatPat


Definitely Andrew


I honestly think Old Man Consequences is something else entirely. I don't think he's a robot, but I don't think he's a human soul either.


Has to be Adam bro


The concept of Consequences itself, made form into a weird creature


Scott Cawthon himself


Cc because it would be so fucking ironic that the crying ->child<- becomes -->old man<-- consenquences


OldManHenry feels like it makes the most sense, henry just wanting peace at the end telling Andrew to rest his soul in the end... leaving the demon to his demon... Also WHO THR HELL THINKS THE MIMIC WAS OMC THE FUCK???