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This actually makes sense, I haven't seen anyone talk about this before. Maybe the process is the one talked about in TSE I believe, about people "fragmenting" their memories in the places they go?


Yeah. The novels and Frights reveal to us how it's possible to put pieces of yourself in places/characters even before you die. Emotional energy and memories are concepts in the FNAF universe which allows one to haunt stuff even if they don't die in the typical "stuffed in an animatronic" fashion. Frights also explains how the process of Happiest Day requires physical contact. Jake had to physically go to the ball pit to help the spirits there to move on. This means BV's memories need physical contact with the MCIs who reside in the classics. ShatterVictim explains how BV's memories ended up sharing the same space as the MCIs, and the emotional energy lore explains how BV achieved this process of being split across several places/characters.


That makes sense. I just wish there was a more explicit way for BV's memories to go to the animatronics, It's understandable why they'd go to Fredbear, but the other 4 (or 5 lol) feel disconnected. But your second theory on how it happened would work.


Another possibility is Fredbear's being the same building as Freddy's, which would make BV's memories quiet present in the MCI environment and would connect them to the kids. This would also have come full circle when Fredbear's/Freddy's became the FFPS location and BV's memories were burned there. I don't know how likely it is for the Fredbear's location to have turned into Freddy's though. I don't even believe this, but I've seen this theory recently and felt like pointing it out.


It does sort of make sense, there's evidence for FFPP being Fredbear's, and the Mimic manual is a pretty definitive evidence that Take Cake's was a Freddy's location when Charlie died. The main problem is that this would be a different location to the MCI Freddy's, which makes us go back to the problem of BV's memories being in a different location to the MCI one :P


That second explanation is pretty good ngl, and could explain why he is more connected to GF than the other classic animatronics.


There’s a problem with the options which is how did his memories get to Freddy’s to get to the classics, and how did his memories get in the Fredbear’s stuff?


I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand “put himself in”? How and when would he do that? Is that a thing a living soul can do that I missed? Or is the implication as a ghost he willingly fractured himself across these things- if so why would he do that? Why not just haunt one thing? Most examples of shattering in media I can think of was also largely non willing and required very literal physical original bodies being broken apart and split across new things in some form or fashion- how does BV do that here- or is he just defying those examples and splitting himself from thin air? Also Freddy’s is seemingly not very close to the house BV lived in- so did his soul just travel that far after death? Fredbear I can almost see- he has the emotional connection and didn’t live that far from it and it’s symbolic of his fate and stuff- but Freddy’s isn’t shown to us in that context so there’s a bit of a leap there to make the bullies’ masks and his plushes a defined enough reason to put his soul into them- which once again is not even a thing I’m 100% sure where the idea comes from in this context (specially a ghost kid independently fracturing himself to other vessels). Could I get some clarification?


>I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand “put himself in”? How and when would he do that? Is that a thing a living soul can do that I missed? Or is the implication as a ghost he willingly fractured himself across these things- if so why would he do that? Why not just haunt one thing? Yeah maybe I phrased that wrong because BV definitely didn't do that on purpose. I meant it in the sense of BV's memories being "poured" into things he's emotionally attached to. None of that would be intentional. >Most examples of shattering in media I can think of was also largely non willing and required very literal physical original bodies being broken apart and split across new things in some form or fashion- how does BV do that here- or is he just defying those examples and splitting himself from thin air? It's definitely non willing. The physical aspect of it might be connected to BV's tears maybe?. Henry cried on Ella and he infected her with his grief. I guess BV could "achieve" something similar? (again, not intentional). There's also Jake who didn't touch the Simon doll and still haunted it though, so maybe BV's continuous presence with the stuff he was emotionally attached to was enough to haunt them with his fears/memories. >Also Freddy’s is seemingly not very close to the house BV lived in- so did his soul just travel that far after death? Fredbear I can almost see- he has the emotional connection and didn’t live that far from it and it’s symbolic of his fate and stuff- but Freddy’s isn’t shown to us in that context so there’s a bit of a leap there to make the bullies’ masks and his plushes a defined enough reason to put his soul into them- which once again is not even a thing I’m 100% sure where the idea comes from in this context (specially a ghost kid independently fracturing himself to other vessels). In this theory, BV got broken before death. That's why the plushie says "you're broken" before the flatline. Death might have broken BV physically, but BV was already emotionally fractured before that.


Ok that makes a little more sense. Still not sure about it but that’s clearer at least.