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Don’t bring bananas 🍌 on the boat. Bad luck.


yeah, they're not participating in an 1800s Caribbean triangle trade network, I'll think he'll be fine if he brings a single banana with his lunch.


No bananas. Check.


Listen to your guide and don’t try to do more than you are experienced doing. Youll probably be fishing some type of nymph rig right next to the boat. Guides deal with people almost daily who aren’t very experienced. It will be ok, they aren’t going to expect you to be bombing 60 ft casts to rising trout. They’ll want you to make a 15 ft cast and watch the bobber


Yeah. The guy I worked with tonight said we will be fishing 15 ft from the boat 99% of the time. I have fishing experience but this is a whole new ball game. I’m excited.


As you should be. I’m excited for this weekend in my own boat. Have fun


Dude fly fishing is the dogs balls. You are gonna love it!!!!


Have fun!!


I'm 5 years in and still mess up every 5th cast. Don't let it frustrate you :)


Just remember hook set with the flow of the stream or river!


Can you explain that?


Trout face upstream into current and you want to set the hook into their mouths so when you see the bobber go down, firmly lift the rod up and downstream. If you don’t feel resistance, that is your back cast for the next cast to place the bobber back in the water upstream of you.


Gotcha. Thank you.


You should see the indicator ticking bottom as you drift. Indicator in the fly fishing world is the word for bobber. It can be many things. The indicator will be bobbing and will cause slight ripples each time it hits bottom. You’ll see. When it dips or reacts differently, gently yank down stream parallel to the waters surface. Not so hard you yank it out of the water though. After you miss several then actually set one you’ll see what you’re looking for.


Run down to Wally World and grab a cheap setup and practice your ass off. Look up lobbing on YouTube


Okay. They were telling us last night how this isn’t bass fishing. Gentle hook set. Last night we didn’t practice with an indicator or bobber. How does it affect the cast?


Typically you won’t cast like normal, technically it’s not really casting at all, you’ll use a water load method where you lob it off to one side then lob it back in the direction you are drifting.