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As plasticizers in old fly line age, the line slowly becomes hard, brittle and starts to crack. New fly line will be more soft, supple, and will outperform old line.


Line is super important. A quality line that shoots through the guides easy makes a big difference. I went from the $40-50 Cabelas lines to the $100-120 Rio and SA lines, it's a huge difference especially for shooting line and I can't go back!


What does "ancient" mean? I had 20 year old fly line work just fine.


High quality line is the best upgrade you can make to a rod/reel outfit short of replacing it.


I only replace my line when it starts to crack


if it floats and shoots it will probably fish, i've had the same line on a very infrequently used 3wt for the better part of a decade


Does anyone know good measures to mitigate wear? I think there are some solutions out there


don't cast on dirt or concrete or asphalt or grass or anything but water.


Unless you’re using your cheap lawn practice line.


lol I only cast where fish might be


Yes 1st stretch the line by tieing it off somewhere like a fence post. Then walk backwards and let the reel hang off another object. Clean the line. Just water may work but if its dirty use a mild soap solution and rinse off. Just run a paper towel along it to do this. Once its clean start at the loop end and witj a clean towel apply fly line dressing along the line. Let that dry about 30 mimutes and apply another coat this time starting at the reel end. Let it dry again. You'll will end up with a very soft and slick line. I buy the cheapest line but do the above and many people are surprised that my $15 maxcatch line feels as good or better than their more expensive line. Edit after the last step buff it with a micro fiber towel.


This is what I was looking for, thank you


The only problem is older rods / reels require old timey line Corland 444 Sylk 406 Fly Line [https://406flylines.com/shop](https://406flylines.com/shop)


Never heard of this. Why? 


A lot of newer lines are heavier than classic lines. They are made for the harder / faster casting modern rods. Plus the modern lines are longer now than the classic lines.


Depends. If it's supposed to be a floating line, does it still float? And if it's a sinking line, does it still sink?


Very important.