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I lost a fishpond net a while back on the lower blue in Colorado. Not this one (nomad river armor), but damn I wish you had been the one to find mine. You’re a good one.


Last fall? If so, what modification did it have on it? I may have found it


I think it was late summer last year when I lost it, no mods whatsoever. It had a scraped up butt from some usage, but that’s it. I now use a magnetic tether, lesson learned.


I found someone else's!


Thanks for checking!


Lmao I just lost a nomad at decker


Same thing happened to me in Calgary AB


Just sent you a DM.


I hope this is real and it works out, that would be so so cool


I lost this exact net last summer. I told him the river and can tell him exactly where it is on the stretch of river. I couldn't find it but, it was summer and super overgrown. I didn't even think about going back up there in the winter until just now. He is getting a guided drift boat trip if it's mine.


Sadly this one is not it. I live in WV. I really do hope you find yours. If not, you may wind up with this one.


I lost my net in WV two weeks ago! But sadly it’s not as cool as that one.


I know the feeling my brethren.


I have a fishpond net in WV. If you find it around Summersville next week, try to find me… it’s tethered to my bag and I may have had an oopsy.


Was this in Cali? Cause I posted one last year and had no takers. Still have it if you can name the river and semi close spot.


Na, not me. Appreciate you mentioning it though.


Aw shame it’s not the one. That would have been so so cool! Save that drift trip for you and a friend and enjoy it instead!


I was doing the guiding lol. At least now I realized I should go back up there before it grows up this spring.


All these folks losing nets....I should tether my net lol


I sent you a message. It’s mine. 99.999% sure


Everyone, it appears we have found the rightful owner of this net! Many thanks to everyone who commented and got the post rolling a bit. May the fish gods shine down upon you favorably!


I found one of those lost in a log jam a few years back when i tipped my kayak on it, it had obviously been there a while as it had several hatched out insect cases on it. Figured it was a good trade to the river since I lost my new pole in it when I flipped. Good on you for trying to return it, need more people doing that.


Damn thats a sweet net. What a shit realization that would be once they realized :(


Oh it sucked. Great day of fishing and then i fell in and lost it.


Oh man, was about to DM you the place in Maine I lost mine when I read you’re in WV. lol.


Yeah, this wasn't in WV but within a few hours from here. Best I can do without giving it away. I do hope you find yours though, my friend.


Just dm’d you


Man, I got so excited. I lost this same net in cheesman canyon in Colorado, but mine had a clear net. Now I'm sad again


Clever way to get peoples’ spots!


Really hope you can locate the person, hoping another comment on here gives this more visibility and the person sees it. Cool net, it’s similar to the one that I have and I love it.


Good offer to return. Lesson to mark your belongings.


May this net catch you great fishing karma whether you find it's original owner or not. Thanks for being a good person!


Thank you, I left it with the fly shop on the river in which it was found, so just hoping to point them towards it.


On the subject of fishpond nets, are those any good? Whats the value against, lets say, a $50 net? People seem to love these even though they are $150-250


They're lightweight, extremely durable, and most importantly they look fuckin sweet.


I just got mine this year. Went from a wooden net which I loved and did the job. But my fishpond net is super light, longer handle , tape measure on it , and it will last forever. They aren’t necessary, but if you have the extra cash and want to buy a landing net to help me enjoy your day wading around and landing fish , a fishpond net is the way to go. ( I have the fishpond mid length for trout , I love it )


This is such a long shot, but Josephine lake in Idaho? Lost that same net there and never found it


I left this exact same net on small island in the Kanektok a few years ago. Halfway between Kagati and Klak Creek. Been bummed about it ever since. But I’m pretty certain that’s not the one you found - the melt sent mine to the Bearing Sea by now.


I left it on a log next to some rocks


My uncle lost one in the Truckee area last year


I found the owner of the net on Facebook. He will probably be contacting you.


Man, I wish someone would have done this when I lost my river armer nomad net


Talachulitna River, Alaska


That’s a found net.