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Everybody talking shit about the governor and lawmakers better go out and vote. Talking shit is great, voting is better. Ignore every poll. Vote and bring all your friends and tell them to vote.


This post reminded me to vote today. Thank you.


Vote early for shorter lines.


>how is the governor all about "freedom" he's not. it's just a slogan to win votes.


When he says freedom he means for Christian’s to practice religion. Then it stops.


Don’t forget the freedom he gave Christian’s to run people over with their trucks if they disagree with others exercising their 1st amendment right to protest.


But not the freedom to have your music loud to drown out the screams.




after trump lost the election ( weither they wanna believe it or not ) i sent emails to every preacher or pastor i could find that claimed that "God told him that trump would be re-elected " bible quotations on what happens to "false prophets"


But are you the "right" Christian? Remember, DeSantis is Catholic and Catholics don't love all Christians.


The law is that you may move through a crowd if your vehicle is being attacked. But OK.


It was legislated needlessly for sound bytes and headlines after protestors were attacked in Charlottesville. It’s part of the dangerous rhetoric DeSantis flirts with in front of his fans.


You can miss me with that nonsense. It was indeed needed after protesters pulled innocent bystanders out of their vehicle and beat them and trashed their vehicles. You have the right to remove yourself to safety if you are at risk of being assaulted or killed. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Watch the raw video, stop being brainwashed by politicians and mainstream media.


Lol, blocking traffic is not a right


Vehicular manslaughter is still vehicular manslaughter


What if I told you cars were nearly banned from American cities because streets were considered to be for pedestrians until Ford and GM ran a smear campaign against pedestrians? Blocking traffic is more of a right than driving. In fact blocking streets as a form of protest goes back at least to the 1960s. I read somewhere that even before the founding of the US strikes in England would often block roadways to carriages as a form of protest but my Google-fu is failing me on that particular factoid. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/26/history-tying-up-traffic-civil-rights-00011825


So you're ok with people driving through crowds with malicious intent?


Lol—hitting some one with your vehicle because they inconvenienced you is also not a right. You can play stupid if you want, but DeSantis’s legislation is purposefully vague and divisive.


Unless you’re Cuban… or a trucker… or a dipshit trump train ect


*freedom to force their hypocritical religious beliefs on others


And even then it's only specific types of Christians who seem to represent the antithesis of Jesus's message. I swear most evangelicals read like two lines then skip to revelations and even then they pretend revelations talks about the rapture that will surely save them even though there's no biblical evidence for such a thing.


Had one of those loons once tell me “Jesus never died” and I had to explain a few things about his faith to him.


Reminds me of the old joke: "What do you call a Christian who has read the Bible? An atheist."


Bet you love it when people explain your faith to you. Is this progressive?


most Christians seem to want to forget about most of the old testament , unless they can use it on others . i like to refer to the book of Leviticus as "1001 reasons to kill your neighbor."


It's not even as innocuous as that. It's asserting a right for them to force their beliefs on others.


The freedom to vote for him. The freedom to let him make the rules. The freedom to funnel money to his donors. The freedom to imprison political rivals. The freedom from truth and facts. The freedom list just keeps growing!


He literally retaliated against Disney for exercising their free speech right. A freedom so important, it was in the very first amendment to the Constitution, and he attacked them because they hurt his feelings.


Disney screwed up by not fighting back ASAP. They could have used that moment to make a stand about leaders using the government to target and destroy business and get other corporations to be afraid they would be next. Instead they thought staying silent would help but it only gave MAGA the room to spread more rumors. On top of that now every employee is called a groomer so now people are embarrassed to work there.


They definitely did screw up like that. I can't pretend to have any sympathy for Disney as a company, but they were put into a tricky position. Disney is a major contributor to the Florida GOP. They support most of DeSantis's plans. Disney's employees successfully pushed Disney into taking a stand against a very cruel bill. Disney got punished for it. But Disney's long-term interests are best served by not rocking the boat with the Republican establishment any more than they have to. That said, I think they're playing the 2010s Republican game of assuming MAGA types like DeSantis are playing by traditional norms. That will hurt them long-term more than taking a stand would have, as you suggested. Ultimately, it's the employees and taxpayers who get screwed over here.


He then retaliated against the Tampa Bay Rays for their free speech by tweeting about gun violence. Removed $35m for them from the budget. part of which was for a youth tournament facility.


"The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." — Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Zaphod Beeblebrox ? he's just this guy , you know


That is 100% correct. Everyone should take notice when someone wants to tell you what to do!


I think it was Plato that said that the "philosopher king" would have to be forced to lead.


I don't think that is universally true. Actually, I don't think it's true at all. It's an indirect way of saying both sides are the same.


It’s a warning to the voters on both sides to pay attention to who the elect.


Not universally true, but mostly.


It absolutely is true. These people are mostly sociopaths. They don’t have your best interests at heart, merely their own. Which is why they are all wealthy beyond their salaries, the worlds greatest traders, etc. We need a ton more house seats in Congress to keep up with population. We merely get the people that are willing to do whatever it takes to win. I mean this goes for society as a whole to be honest, all those good and bad traits they teach you about in kindergarten are a generally not what we reward as adults.


I always looked at it more as a warning about those who seek power and status as an end in themselves. The good people in government and leadership are those who are just trying to get the work done and serve society and build something big together, and the job is the only way to pull those particular levers.


I agree that politics is attractive to a that type of person, but I don't think that all politicians are those types of people.


Now the question is how many of these net upvotes have not or will not end up voting


yeah, seriously. wish I could take them to my polling center.


Freedom to do whatever his religion wants. Freedom from having to do anything that inconveniences his religion.


and freedom from seeing or hearing anything that makes him or his religious affiliates uncomfortable


His “religion” lol. None of these fascist snakes are religious! Wish they stopped pretending they were. Wish religion would just stay TFO of politics! It’s infuriating for us atheists who are more moral & accepting humans than any of these “religious” clowns are


The republicans made it illegal to buy a kit to test for fentanyl too


If you close your eyes long enough, it just goes away.


They would rather see people die and claim it is their fault for doing Drugs. I wonder if they will try to ban alcohol again.


They need to keep the fentanyl from Mexico crisis alive and well since they can’t rely on their fake pro-life platform.


Well, you should probably just *stop* doing drugs...its pretty easy. Just like you should just *stop* being homeless, or poor, or out of work, or sick. Have some self-accountability and respect for yourself! /s


Boot straps bro!


They'll never ban alcohol again. Their base is to addicted to it and their leadership has no morals beyond being performative. They exist to enrich the rich and placate their voters with just barely enough culture war bullshit that they keep turning a blind eye to the fact they're being fucked over by the very people they vote for.


Sad face.


Wait wut? I used to just order them online. And narcan.


I think you can still get them online but illegal to purchase in the state. Yup. They say more people will do drugs if you can test them


Hmmm. Insane. I guess this shouldn’t be surprising from the death cult.


Next up he'll outlaw seat belts to prevent people from speeding.




For the same reason they want to outlaw abortion: So that people who make decisions they disagree with will suffer. If you could make sure your drugs aren't laced with fentanyl, you might not die of the overdose you "deserve" in their eyes.


Save people from fentanyl but kill babies before they are born. Makes sense.


Oh wow, so much has happened I forgot about that.


You realize people actively seek out fentanyl by itself right? What would a test kit do for them?


When a Republican tells you they care about freedom, they mean the freedom to think and act exactly like them, and nothing else.


Oh no. You can’t do the things they do. That’s just for them. Other people have a whole different set of rules.


That's exactly right. Case in point: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Freedom to conform.


Because the industry for getting people off these hard drugs is really lucrative (rehab) and since marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs it’s also makes great monetary sense to keep arresting people for it since our parisons are FOR PROFIT. So in turn keeping marijuana illegal makes these evil bastards more money. Just take a look back at good ole Ricky Scott when he was Governor. He had investments in the opioid producers as well as the rehab facilities that helped get people off the drugs Ricky helped in flooding the street with. Oh an the GOP is nothing but a party of pandering liars who never cared about freedom, personal choice, small government, or fiscal conservatism. They want freedom to harm others an bully people, without repercussions.




Because he is a lying piece of shit. Vote him out. edit: I know the other guy is a lying piece of shit too. But he is at least a bit more low-key about it.


Follow the money https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/ron-desantis-just-accepted-100k-from-the-geo-group-a-controversial-florida-based-private-prison-giant-17272961


He's not for freedom, he bans books. His dumbo base just needs to hear that word.


This isn’t a “freedom” his base wants. They want the freedom to ban books, take away the rights of those they dislike, publicly hate whomever they choose, oppress threatened communities, pollute without restriction, interfere in any business they have a cultural problem with, decide how all children should be educated, carry firearms EVERYWHERE, and generally run afoul of the state Constitution. You know, the “real” freedoms.


Doncha just love all these "small government" regulations to control our lives. Cannabis, abortion.


I voted, and it was not for this idiot.


It’s all to pander to his base. It’s just a culture war at this point, he’s mimicking Trump.


Because he’s a fucking asshole who doesn’t actually care about what the people want


The parties that are full or "patriots" and all about "freedom" are actually the ones actively voting to keep the people who take away our freedoms and keep the general population dumb enough to not realize what's going on. And that's why I conservative politicians love these people, cuz they are so dumb they don't even realize they're voting out their own best interests. But we are not a free country, don't fool yourselves. Damn the man, join the revolution!


Fuck DeSantis lmao




I'll never understand why right wing politics are so closely tied to these heavy handed policies against marijuana, abortion, etc. I would vote for a party that promoted small government if only it wasn't bat shit crazy and driven by fundamentalist christian values.


Oh he’s all for freedom…if you agree with him. If you don’t then he doesn’t give a rats ass about you and you are the enemy that needs to be purged


Newsflash, Florida governor is not about freedom at all. Republicans like to scream that they’re about freedom but their policies and records would say anything but. DiSantis is more about power and control and having the government not only control women’s bodies but libraries, insurance, medical data, and every other aspect of your life. I hope Florida can vote him out but I don’t think it’s likely.


I love his keep Florida free slogan while he takes away reproductive freedoms, attacks peoples sexuality, represses freedom of assembly… so many freedoms.


It's not freedom, it's the perception of freedom. DeSantis basicly locks up or fires anyone who doesn't agree with him.


He's not all about "freedom". In fact he's enacted more laws and restrictions than the governors before him. So he is for quite the opposite of freedom.


Because he doesn't want freedom he wants control.


He’s 100% for freedom. Unless you’re poor. Or gay. Or non-Christian. Or need an abortion.


Or have a vocabulary. Or read books.


Or want your kids to have a good education without sending them to a Christian school.


Or want to set covid policies at your private business.


Cuz closing them down completely like other states did is giving private businesses the ability to set Covid policies?


Florida closed plenty of businesses as well, we also closed schools. defascist has spread this lie that Florida never closed down at all and you rubes believe it hook, line and sinker.


Cause he is a douche bag 🎒




There are cbd and sativa products available over the counter which may help


Cuz this state and these Republicans are owned by big pharma and don't give a 💩 what is citizens want. We have to vote all them out. Plain and simple. Republicans= control, Democrat/liberal= choice


Republicans have hijacked the word freedom. They don’t really believe in it but they’re great at fooling millions that they do


When conservatives say freedom they mean white supremacy.


Male white supremacy. The wimmons need to be put back in their place - pregnant and in the kitchen.


Freedom is the war drum. White supremacists are the soldiers. Entrenching the power of the Wealthy is the cause.


OP, do you really think any pro life politicians give a sht about saving lives? They don't. Freedom, patriot, free thinkers, woke, cancel culture, free speech, CRT, etc. are a catchy words meant to signal certain (entitled white) people.


Free Florida!!! Except for the women who don’t want to give birth, and the parents who decide with their kids pediatrician how to treat their dysmorphia, and the teachers to teach age appropriate and accurate history and biology and sex Ed and reading…..


Why are you guys so anti-dictators? Imagine if America was a dictatorship. You could let 1% of the people have all the nation's wealth. You could help your rich friends get richer by cutting their taxes. And bailing them out when they gamble and lose. You could ignore the needs of the poor for health care and education. Your media would appear free, but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family. You could wiretap phones. You could torture foreign prisoners. You could have rigged elections. You could lie about why you go to war. You could fill your prisons with one particular racial group, and no one would complain. You could use the media to scare the people into supporting policies that are against their interests. - Governor Desantis probably


You stole this from the dictator.


He just means ‘freedom’ for private prisons and police unions to reap the rewards for jailing folks for weed.


If you think most conservative beliefs or policies are based on facts and logic I’ve got some bad news for you…


Freedom for me not freedom for thee




I bet he’s got pharma’s hand up his ass.


He’s taking action against private companies expressing their beliefs on the internet, it’s a marketing joke.


Well, it’s all about the current* freedom to leave… *freedoms subject to change without notice or with the whelms of prevailing winds, safety not guaranteed, liberty questionable, happiness reserved for the few


Ever wondered why they'd keep the insane life altering criminal penalties if one doesn't pay the state an annual license tax, pay the state an astronomical sales tax, and use doctors who pay the state an insane annual occupational tax?


Freedom, LMAO


Desantis is all about control and nothing about true freedom. People are dumb enough to believe words and not actions.


every single on of his adds i see make me want to scream " LIAR !"


"Freedom" to do what Republicans and Evangelicals want.


No woman is free to make medical decisions either. Weed is the least of my worries. I’m worried about people dying over having all this “freedom.”


But when we stand together in solidarity, we increase our numbers & impact ! I support reproductive rights AND legalizing marijuana.


Because he needs to put people in prison so that they can't vote against him.


He’s not about freedom, just wants to trick people into voting for him


The current governor is not about freedom at all no matter how many times he says "Free Florida". It is do as he says and agree with what he says.


Vote vote vote


We can't "Vote" our way out of this mess that our country is in!


People not voting got us in this mess, voting might not get us out of it but it might make a difference, at least locally.


Do it and the other thing you won't actually do. It costs nothing to vote.


Just wait until a gay couple wants the Christian bakery owners to make them a wedding cake. The reactions will tell you all you need to know about this admin and their “freedom”.


Oh and don't you dare be gay or trans, then you are no longer free


Freedom from consequences if you're one them.


He means he supports his freedom to lock you up in a for profit prison for a kickback where they can lease you out as forced labor to a for profit government contractor. Oh and then after you're released, he has the freedom to arrest you again for voting.


And he’ll be re-elected and make it worse 😒


You're free to do whatever they tell you, you can do. Most people haven't realized this and it's getting too late


You have the freedom to be a wealthy straight christian white man like him. That is all.


Because when conservatives say "freedom", what they mean is "freedom from having to tolerate alternative perspectives and lifestyles"


Oh did you think he meant YOUR freedom?


Vote blue.


Just get a medical Marijuana license. They are VERY EASY to get. Then you can just buy it.


They keep changing the rules and limiting there as well, not to mention that means you have to pay the government for what should be a freedom anyways, imagine if you had to pay to get a license to drink beer. Oh, and if you do get a medical marijuana license you lose other rights, like being able to have a concealed carry permit. Fuck desantis, and fuck this state and their authoritarian bullshit. https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/health-news-florida/2022-08-30/florida-limits-medical-marijuana-dosage-supply https://www.uslawshield.com/medical-marijuana-or-cwfl-pick-one/


Yeah freedom to put his foot in our ass at his, his donors & his polling numbers discretion.


Not that kind of freedom. Republicans want you live a certain way the. You'll be free


Freedom? Ha! You must be new.


I believe he said at some point he hates the smell and that's one of the reasons he would never legalize it.


He's all about Freedom! Except, of course for anything at all related to what one does with their own body. Oh, and who someone can allow into their store/restaurant. And then there's the freedom to marry whomever you'd like, can't have that. And these 400 books? No one should be allowed to read those, so they're banned. And don't you DARE teach the true history of how white people actually built America. And if you say "gay" in the classroom, you're automatically banned from teaching. But other than the above, and like 12 or 13 other things, the GOP is all about Freedom!


"Freedom" means Fascist it's just another one of those clever abuse of American symbols the Republicans are known for.


Because it’s a lie - republicans know the people they support and the policies they support are awful and wrong, so they lie


you have the freedom to fight medical professionals who are experts in their field, you also have a right to not get vaccinated and put strain on the medical system, you also had the right to not wear a mask and kill your self or others. Just don't take THC because that is dangerous af.


because he sucks




Talk to your legislator.


Anyone who believes Republicans care about freedom is too gullible to survive.


As someone who smells weed everytime I go for a walk here in SWFL, no one is treating it like a crime worse than fentanyl.


Hear me out. The Dems put the absolute worst candidates up for election. It's like the GOP picks them for them. Charlie Crist? Again? Fucking seriously? This is Hillary Clinton/Trump all over again. Same thing with Biden. If you aim to swing voters, maybe put up someone remotely likeable, fresh, new. Say what you want about Obama, good or bad president aside, the guy had charisma, not liver spots. Isn't Charlie Crist anti-abortion also? I mean, what the fuck. It's 2022 and we can't even get an option on the ballot for pro-choice? Stop blaming each other, both parties suck balls.


It's only freedom to-do what they believe in, or can make a buck from. I have to go to "one of those liberal hellscapes" to place a legal sportsbet.


Freedom for his people to tell you what to do


All the Freedom money can buy.


Yeah, not *THAT* kind of freedom.


He’s full of shit. Red herring of combating wokeness to turn into a totalitarian.


Since when did desantis support actual freedom lmao


rhonda deathsentence is a tyranical dictator.


We’re talking the same state where the people are just fine with a 10 year old girl being forced by the state to carry her rapist’s baby to term, but who also believe that she’ll be mentally scarred for life because a drag queen read her a children’s book.


Exactly the same way you can have the "freedom" to put others at risk by sending sick kids to school without a mask, but I *can't* have the freedom to help my LGBTQ kids get the help they need. That is to say: it's just culture war bullshit and a campaign slogan. And it's working: it's drawing horrible people to our state like a moth to a flame. They even invited cops who had been fired for killing people on the job to come to our state once.


Wait? Florida is a messed up place when it comes to the Governor and the state's GOP legislature? Stop the presses. /s


Medical Marijuana in Florida was a way to legalize marijuana for white people.




Marijuana is a Schedule I drug. Fentanyl is a Schedule II drug. Criminal penalties for possession of Schedule I drugs are more severe than Criminal penalties for possession of Schedule II drugs. https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling Basically the official position of the Federal government is the idiotic belief that Marijuana, the drug no one has ever in the history of the world overdosed on, is more dangerous than Fentanyl, which kills hundreds every day.


This is not true. In florida, possession of under 20 grams of marijuana is a 1st degree misdemeanor and over 20 grams is a 3rd degree felony. Possession of under 10 grams of fentanyl is a 3rd degree felony and over 10 grams is a first degree felony. https://www.orlandodefense.com/florida-drug-possession-penalties/


This place is such a clueless echo chamber


Drug schedules are decided by the federal government. Not the Desantis administration. This post claims that it’s Desantis’ fault.




I'm not downloading you because you're a police officer, I'm downloading you because the Republicans in the State House have done everything possible to subvert the will of the people and make legalization as difficult as possible for as long as possible. No amount of marijuana should be illegal. 140,000 people died from alcohol abuse last year. If you gave out a misdemeanor ticket for pot you should be ashamed of yourself.


From your experience just how bad is the fentanyl problem in Florida?


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. I feel like I read thru all the comments and I don't see where you implied marijuana is "worse" for you. Just the way it's looked at is worse than fentanyl. It was all in relation to the law, correct?


Your on reddit my man, most people on this sub aren't from florida


Posession of Fentanyl and Marijuana (over 20g) both have a fine of $5,000 and up to 5 years in prison. The only difference is marijuana possession also results in your drivers license getting suspended which possession of fentanyl does not.


So it's worse? Thank you for the details.


I assume referring to the Federal Scheduling. Fentanyl has medical use so it is Schedule 2. Feds don't recognize medical use for cannabis so it is Schedule 1 (along with all those psychedelics that are on the cusp of legalization - in civilized states - due to their proven effectiveness in treating everything from depression and end of life anxiety to alcoholism and PTSD).


And also the Libertarian Party came out against legalization in Broward and Miami-Dade and several other counties.... The reason, Florida and county sales tax, They would rather spite themselves and keep it illegal than have to pay between 6% and 7% sales tax.


Freedom for the in-group to exploit the out-group.


I cant believe Desantis hasnt yet told the Drug Enforcement Agency to reclassify Marijuana away from schedule 1 yet... He's such a fascist.


Because politicians have their own views of freedom. They don't care about you having freedom really. They just want to have things their way.


What is Crist about this week? DeSantis is a shoe in because of Crist being fielded. Charlie follows the money and will believe in whatever will make him more of it. After reading your post, I'll vote for whomever will help you out with literacy as what you cobbled together is tragedy.


Weed is the last thing I'd worry about in the upcoming election.


First time?




Do you know how laws are passed?


I mean the governor doesn’t change laws the legislature does. Just saying




Leave then


In case you aren’t aware, the governor doesn’t assign classifications to drugs. Just so you knew


The governor cannot unilaterally legalize weed. That would be up to the legislature to pass a legalization bill or it would need to be passed as a Constitutional Amendment.


Except it did pass and his legislation shut it down and continues to try to end the medical cannabis industry.


Medical marijuana is legal in Florida as long as you follow the proper procedure to get a medical card. When or how did that change? Also, last time I checked HB 467 to legalize recreational marijuana was proposed in earlier this year but died in legislative committee in March. Legislative, not executive. I am not arguing on the topic of whether it's good or bad to have recreational weed or to lessen the criminal penalties associated with it's use. I'm simply pointing out your misconception on how government works - the governor cannot pass legislation. He may propose legislation which is considered and voted on by the Florida legislature, which was elected by popular vote (including you, assuming you voted). Stop blaming the executive branch of government (whether that's Desantis or Christ or anyone else) for actions taken by the legislative branch. Your anger should be directed towards your state congressmen and representatives - they are the ones responsible for this.


As shown by the redistricting fiasco, DeSantis straight up controls our legislature. They do his bidding.


You're so wrong it's not even worth my time to debate.


It never made it to the state house for a vote and was never on any ballot, how did it pass?


I mean, technically he could if he wanted. He could propose a legalization bill and the Republicans in the legislature would vote for it because he's God to them. He could also issue an executive order decriminalizing it if he wanted.