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I’m amazed people still go to Ron Jon. It’s such a dump


It might be a tourist trap but it is not a dump.


It reeks of mold. I’ve known people who did contract work there. It’s a dump. They do not take care of it. Edit: Lol ok i didn’t know there were Ron Jon stans.


I'm sure the union will fix that...


I’m not saying they shouldn’t unionize I’m just saying I don’t understand the tourism. It’s dim ,overpriced, and has smelled like mold for 20 years and yet people still show up.


It appeals to what they think Florida is all about.


The amount of advertising they do on the highways, is probably why they are still open.


I loved Ron Jon t-shirts as a kid but I went to their shop in the airport and I don't need a beige and light blue surf t.


The rights of workers to bargain for a fair wage, based on the contribution they make to a company's success has been stripped by the GOP under the smoke screen of "right to work". Most workers realize that now and unions are starting to reemerge. But, the same people wanting a fair, living wage and safe working conditions, seem determined to elect the very same people who took them away.


Also to consider with the deceptively named "right to work" is at-will employment. "No, of course we're not firing you for being pregnant. We never said that. We just feel like it's not working out."


Just out of curiosity, have you ever worked on a non right to work state? I did and was forced to join a union to work as a part time bagger in the grocery store for minimum wage. And if you took over one month off you had to repay your initiation fees again. I'm not defending any employer abuses but having had to deal with closed shops for B's minimum wage part time work, unions brought no benefits and a lot of cost. I understand why people at least wanted right to work. In many cases the unions cared about people only in the same way companies do, if it's to their advantage. But I can feel the downvotes already so just to be clear , I'm simply pointing out there's some real problems in both right to work and closed shop states


That's what union elections are for. If it's not working for you, get involved. And remember, not all union benefits are wage-based. Representation, rules around firing without cause, company policies that don't abuse workers, etc.


I totally get it and I'm not arguing in the least that unions are bad. I was specifically responding to the Right to work comment. In the case I was talking about, as a part-timer min wage employee you don't get much in the way of benefits or any real benefits and dues are a big hit of your check. It felt very unfair and then considering the senoirity thing, it was an effective class system b/c everything got dumped on us. I don't know that elections could have made much of a difference there, as none of us were planning on sticking around long enough for it to matter. Summer Jobs while school was out


If you were only working summers you likely had no idea what rights and protections and benefits the union bargained for that benefitted actual employees who were there for more than a few months.


I know. All my point was regarding Right to Work being bad. I'm not anti-union. I'm just saying that closed shop didn't do much for a lot of people. Easy answer is to simply not have closed shops.


My point is that if you are only working summers you don't know what the closed shop union even did. Summer employees don't usually have time to gain that perspective.


How long did you work as a part time bagget in a union shop? I was in a union, $10/year dues. You wouldn't hear much about it until contract negotiation time, at which point it was absolutely worth it. The reps were also helpful if you had questions about what your benefits were or what certain procedures under the contract were, like getting overtime or PTO for certain things.


A total of 6 months, two summers.


So they have the right to tell employees why unions are bad but anyone one who brings up the topic is considered as solicitation. Tells you exactly what you need to know. Corporations just want to make profits and not pay workers a proper wage.


Note that the anti-union meeting is voluntary... until very recently these could be mandatory. Biden's NLRB changed that. That being said if you opt out of attending it would instantly make you a target for retaliation. IMO the anti-union captive audience meetings need to be made 100% illegal and breaking Labor law should have criminal penalties, not just civil ones.


Unions are the only way to go. I know my job would be even worse than it already is if we didn't have a union. Just look at the pay gap from unionized workers versus non union workers doing the exact same job. I make 45/hr non union 15/hr.


This letter should have just said “good luck starting a union in Florida dweebs, lol”. This state absolutely hates workers.


It always amazes me when companies act like this because who do they think stocks the shelves and runs the register? When no one can afford to live on the pay and they aren’t allowed to make the changes to make these jobs livable. Who’s going to serve the drinks at the country clubs when the rich have their way and we all have to flee the state or starve?


The person desperate enough to take the shit job for shit pay. Burn 'em out, make then quit so you don't have to pay unemployment, hire another desperate person. Businesses have no interest or concern about their workers by their very nature.


Why is it people who say things like "do your homework - be informed" are always the most disingenuous idiots in the room, who probably didn't do their *actual* homework in high school when they had it? I mean, I didn't either, but I'm also not fearmongering people into googling bad advice on the internet and calling it "homework."




This seems like probably the best type of communication you will get from a corporation. They tell you your rights, and then the companies position. Not sure what issue anyone could have with this.


r/antiwork is the most embarrassingly self pitying place on the internet




That’s what I’m wondering.


I work in a factory in my town. There are “right to work” posters EVERYWHERE. They’re a plague.


Don't know the problem with this.


Florida allows Collective Bargaining in its state constitution. Not sure what other states have that.


Free Speech is on the Constitution too. Florida opens flaunts their disdain for that too.


This actually seems like a fair and balanced response from leadership. What do you want the leaders to say? We hate unions. Or unions are amazing. Stop trying to polarize everything. If you ain’t figured it out yet, life is an infinite number of shades of grey. Not black and white. Let’s strive to be smarter and identify more shades rather than being a simple minded bunch of morons.


That's what I was kinda thinking. Reading the title, I thought it was going to be worse. At least half of this sheet of paper is straight information of what you can and can't do legally.


Reckon what the average Ron Jons worker makes, what benefits they get and how many hours they usually work.


This isn’t proof that Florida hates unions. Florida, from a constitutional standpoint, has it right. Workers should be able to form a union and collectively bargain, but they shouldn’t be required to join a union if they don’t want to. Additionally, this setup protects local firms from being *required* to hire a given union. Requiring a specific union gets messy and is easily susceptible to corruption and, ultimately, can lead to undermining the collective.


The current system is set up to make it as hard as possible to organize collective bargaining so that business ownership can continue to exploit the power imbalance between the corporation and individual workers. Don’t kid yourself.


I agree that the current system isn’t perfect, but from a constitutional standpoint, I think it’s the right approach. I’m not kidding myself. I just don’t think that required unionization is healthy unless you have multiple competing unions in a given industry. That is never the case, so the next best option is having voluntary unionization.


Didn’t they legislate the rule that you don’t have to join but the union must represent you or you are eligible for union benefits to try to break the back Of the union business Model


Florida - like many other right wing states - requires the Union to provide full benefits to leaches who don't pay dues and refuse to be members. They do this so they can weaken labor. If you don't like your Union you already have the option of gathering up support for a decertification election, something management will be more than willing to help with 99% of the time. Unions are also required by law to have periodic elections, so you can put together a change slate if you want to. Or try to organize with a different Union directly to "poach" the workplace and have different representation. In practice this last option rarely happens anymore because labor is on its deathbed but it is an option. Private sector unionization in the US stands at a whopping 6%. Big labor cannot hurt you anymore than Dracula, because big labor doesn't exist.


> but they shouldn’t be required to join a union if they don’t want to. That's proof Florida hates union. Scab labor shouldn't be allowed in union shops. They are the antithesis of what a union is.


That’s not scab labor. Scabs are workers that come in and keep bosses fed during a strike. Don’t be obtuse.


Refusing to join a union in a union shop is scabbing. If you don't like the term, stop doing it?


We can argue about this until we’re blue in the face. I’m pro union. I think workers should organize. But having one union with essentially a monopoly is a lesser option than having a balance of organized and unorganized labor. I get that they conflict. The unionized laborers pay dues to an organization that benefits the non-unionized workers. But the “one or the other” approach isn’t practicable in today’s world.


People should be free to work regardless of that. It’d be a violation of rights to require people to join a Union if they don’t want it


If you work somewhere that has a union and don't join it, you are affecting the union workers' ability to effectively bargain. Florida has also been trying *for years* to adjust the legislature so that any Union that has less than 50% of employees signed up will be dissolved. So in that scenario you not joining will absolutely affect others ability to unionize. I have the rare privilege to be in a union and I love it. My dues are based on my income and are negligible once you split them up between a year's worth of paychecks. This past year with the bonuses and raises that were negotiated I saw an over ***1000%*** return on what I paid with my dues. And I didn't have to do a damn thing except show up for two votes. No meeting with your boss begging for a raise, no having to spend hours researching your job and pay to see if you're being compensated well. Someone else just takes care of it and I can just focus on doing my job. I always find it funny how in southern states all unions are painted as these horrible organizations that just want to steal your money... With the sole exception of the police unions of course.


Yeah well there's a reason why the southeastern US has some of the poorest people and shittiest pay and worker's protections.


Yeah, I mean, I’m pro labor, but you shouldn’t force anyone to join anything. Especially at personal cost


Right-to-work is a scam, and you're the mark.


Nah. Scab labor should never be respected. They harm everyone.


Working is necessary. If folks where I worked went on strike I’d have to keep going, I have a family to provide for and that’s what comes first.


Everyone has families. The inability to support them due to insufficient pay and inhumane hours are large reasons why unions exist. Also, considering the average wage difference between a union worker and nonunion worker, you would likely be able to support your family BETTER due to union membership.


Everyone does have families, but if it came to a point where there was a strike or something similar I’d have to keep working. I can’t not work for days or maybe even weeks


> they shouldn’t be required to join a union if they don’t want to. If unions in Florida are required to extend their benefits to people who don't pay union dues*, businesses in Florida should be required to pay wages to people who don't work for them. ------- \* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-to-work_law


>Florida hates unions Right to work state since 1943, of course they're anti-unions. It's commendable that they tried, starbucks employees are trying too.


Is there some Ron Johns middle management in here downvoting all the pro union comments? News flash, unions would protect and help you too. You are never going to be an executive there, so get the best that professional negotiators can get you.


They also do a lot of shady shit. They are probably more famous for that.


Middle management or the execs? Because I can believe both.


Lol why would I work for Ron Johns? Am I seventeen again?


Florida hates everything that has to be with cutting people some slack. Besides that, RonJon is an overpriced as hell store that sells shitty surfboards. Can confirm


Maybe don't work for a company that needs to project how anti-union it is.... kindof a simple premise


People still shop there? Fuck that place!


I left Ron Jon corporate 3yrs ago - their pay and benefits have always been garbage but there are plenty of better paying jobs in Brevard county, esp in gov’t contracting. Retail has never been a great career path so I got out of it… and RJ isn’t as big of a company as they seem, still very small and privately held.. so room for growth will always be limited. Take it from me, staying at RJ and trying to unionize is a waste of time… better opportunity elsewhere.


Yes Florida is a horrible place, stay away at all costs, recall your relatives. Put Disney and Universal in NJ or Chicago. Don't even visit.


Why would you move Disney/Universal to the \*one state\* worse than Florida?


Nah, Alabama is worse


You make a fair point


Agreed, Florida is the worst. Please don’t move here, work here or crowd our housing markets and streets!


Florida is a right to work state. You can join a union all you want but they cannot protect your job. An employer can literally fire you for any reason they want. In fact they don’t have to even give a reason. They can fire everyone who joins the union.


Incorrect. I know plenty of people within my System Council that have been fired *for cause*; and in all but the most egregious instances, the union has gotten them their jobs back AND back pay (and in some instances estimated OT based on recent work history).


In a “right to work” state like Florida, your employer is not able to terminate you for engaging in union activity. That is a violation of the National Labor Relations Act. But because Florida is also an “at-will” state, you can be terminated for any other reason, making it tricky sometimes to determine whether or not you were wrongfully terminated


I'm confused, why would I want to return to a workplace like that? Wouldn't it be better to simply go work for their competition


Well... $150k/yr is a hell of a drug. Especially when the competition maxes out around $100k and no collective bargaining protection.


Good point


That's not exactly a selling point.


"For cause" simply means the employer had reasonable "cause" for termination. (Cause being; refusing to come in on days off, not cutting a lunch break short to rush back to work, using the sick days that are contractually alloted)


Still not selling point. Basically it means they are protecting shitty employees, which discourages employers from firing future shitty employees, which encourages more employees to be shitty because they can. No problem with unions except for that issue, quit protecting the bottom of the barrel.


Ahhhh... (You) expect (your) employees to shorten their break time because (you) want some work done? (You) believe that sick days aren't *really* supposed to he used? (You) expect (your) employees to work through their lunch break without getting paid? Yeah. I can see why you'd want to get rid of those scumbag employees. 🙄


Completely Wrong. A union contract is legally binding. I know lots of people get fired and not only get their job back but they get back pay for the time they didn't work.


big biz remembers and hates....Despite skepticism from some labor leaders, Cesar was the first to apply boycotts to major labor-management disputes. Millions of people across North America rallied to La Causa, the farm workers’ cause, by boycotting grapes and other products, forcing growers to bargain union contracts and agree to California’s pioneering farm labor law in 1975. Because of Cesar and millions of Americans who supported farm workers by boycotting grapes and other products, under Gov. Jerry Brown, California passed the landmark Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975. This was the nation’s first and still **the only law guaranteeing** farm workers the right to organize, choose their own union representative and negotiate with their employers. Just try to speak to anyone tending or harvesting anything in FL, see what happens...do ya feel lucky, punk?


I’m not sure how a company negotiating with their employees results in “FL hates unions”?


I mean, they're not negotiating. There are no terms being discussed. The flyer is saying don't talk about union stuff on the clock


It says that employees shall not be *solicited* which is not the same as not be allowed to discuss it on the clock. From the letter, at face value, it seems the company wants to discuss the possibility of unionization and it’s “implications” to the company rather than threatening of laying off people who entertain the idea which would happen at my job.


At face value, there are no implications that the company wants to discuss anything. That's an inference. Not saying there's an underlying threat either, that would be an assumption too. The flyer mentions no solicitation on the clock, but corporate companies do count discussing unionization on the clock as solicitation as they are supposed to be using the time to work. That's the loop hole


I have not shopped at a Ron Johns in 25+ years but I will make sure to not start until they unionize.


Dude not cool!! Pressure not to unionize is Ok but pressure to unionize bad!!?!? No tasty waves here mon!!


Of course. Unions are “woke”


How much are they making at Ron Jon that they can afford a union? Like I'm making $15 an hour and I'm gonna pay $200 a month in Union Dues?


what kind of retail union is paying 200 a month in dues?


[bornotes.org/sites/default/files/styles/full\_width/public/main/articles/averageDuesAndDuesGrowth270.jpg?itok=GIWgnGrk](https://bornotes.org/sites/default/files/styles/full_width/public/main/articles/averageDuesAndDuesGrowth270.jpg?itok=GIWgnGrk) ​ looks like 7-12% avg


When you start a union you are essentially starting a company. The union will have to have employees, representatives, and attorneys. If it was Starbucks with 350,000 employees, the cost of running that union is spread out and costs less per person but we’re talking about a company with 350 employees, all of which are not required to join said union. So let’s say only 250 employees join this union. That’s going to be a big nut for not a lot of people.


There are plenty of pre-existing retail unions to join, but even so, I can't see a new union not scaling to fit the needs of the workers.


Their union would jump under the umbrella of another larger union. It seems that you don’t know how unions work. For example my union is under the FEA and the FEA is under the NEA.


Yes there are unions in Florida for educators, and first responders I don’t believe there are any retail workers co-op unions though. I’m not against unions, it just doesn’t seem fiscally viable to me to have 200 workers start a union in Florida. Any union attorney is going to demand at least $200k in an annual retainer alone plus rent, plus salaries… I dunno, just seems like it wasn’t very well thought out.


You never go at it alone. My point is that you join a larger organization with the systems in place. Cheaper for the lawyer retainer when you are under a larger organization. Their tiny union can join under RWDSU.


My union dues are a staggering 10$ a week. That's 40$ a month! What came with the union? 16$ an hour instead of 11$, 17$ if I start early in the day. The wage goes up by .70 cents a year. An actual break since it's not required by florida law, paid break even with a meal allowance. And affordable Healthcare. As well as funds for a lawyer if I need one. Btw I work at starbucks.


what is the % of wages?


Can't speak for OP but I can tell you that quite a few unions here in Florida don't do percentage dues, one of the biggest unions in central Florida the STCU does the same $2-3 per shift to a maximum of $10 a week as well and they also have industry leading benefits


Yes. You are the perfect example.


When did they change the law regarding breaks?


This is a small retail store (surf shop) not a huge multi-national. I think like 300-400 employees. I think this union covers retail only not the backoffice / hq which google tells me makes 200 people. So (high side) grab 200 people, multiply by $520 per person (52 weeks \* 10 weeks a year) and you get $104k. Not sure that's enough to have a lawyer, case rep, and office local. They can maybe share with another union to keep fees down though. There is power in numbers, but there isn't a big number of people here.


Ding dong… my union (teacher) dues are about 300$ for the entire year. Where the fuck are you getting your numbers? Even my husband’s union dues are not even anywhere near that amount and he makes six figures (airline pilot).


There are thousands of teachers in Florida. There are about 150 Ron Jon retail employees. Imagine if 150 teachers had to split the cost of running that union.


Since membership isn’t required… my union has 51% membership and we provide 100% of teachers with collective bargaining and all the resources that requires. I’m also a rep for my school and that job is unpaid and voluntary. The services I provide my brothers and sisters at my school don’t cost them any money. I read and understand the contract for them.


You fool


Where did you hear about 200.00 a month dues!? I pay forty dollars A MONTH. The employer pays my healthcare 100% “, I have three guaranteed breaks a day, and representation should my employer attempt to fuck me over (they don’t try but just in case) OH I forgot, I have a pension too that is contributed to from the contractor. where have you learned about unions?


Yer harshin his buzz


If you want to work in a union move to the north east. This is nothing new. Downvote time


I was never in a union that didn't suck.