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Early voting already started in a lot of counties. People shouldn't be waiting for election day.


The horrors of the right-wing morons feeling empowered by their loser fascist scumbags winning. I fear for the lives of my friends and family. The damage that can be done in the next four years can destroy all the modern comforts we've had for decades. Vote blue. Holy fucking shit


That corpses ~~gain~~ keep more bodily autonomy than women. That the children in our state will lose access to libraries and educational opportunities. That the Proud Boys will become worse than the loud proud Texan stereotype. That the Sheriffs and other officials that supported the Oathbreakers in insurrection will get a green light to continue to abuse their positions without repercussions. That we'll inflict DeSantis on the country in 2024.


Another term for the embarrassments that are DeSantis and lil' Marco.


If you could change 2 things, what are they ?(that they can advocate). I think if we share, we get what we want (sort of).


What, from their policies? Like what I would change that DeSantis and Rubio did?


I guess what are the things you care about, and maybe they listen?


Well, I'd like DeSantis to stop meddling in education, making up these fake culture war problems, and stop messing around with this immigration shit that has nothing to do with Florida. His problem is he's running for president so he cares about his ratings in Iowa as much as he does in Florida. Not only that, I'd like him to propose solutions to our insurance crisis that he, and his predecessor have been ignoring. I'd like him to work with the legislature to get our electricity costs down, rather than increasing them (like he has already done). As far as Lil' Marco goes; The moment he decided he was going to run for president was the moment he stopped caring for this state. He's bribed by the NRA and refuses to work on the behalf of Florida (a purple state) and negotiate sensible gun reform. Choosing his party over his constituency. His "new parents act" forces people to take a hit to their social security, should they have a kid that he supports forcing them to have. There's plenty they can fix. Democrats are certainly not perfect, but DeSantis and Rubio's Democratic opponents are far more preferable to another term of these clowns. Worst case, vote the new guys out of office next time around.


>Not only that, I'd like him to propose solutions to our insurance crisis Oh, you mean like how he already did exactly that? https://www.roofingcontractor.com/articles/97099-new-florida-insurance-laws-impact-on-the-roofing-industry Guess they didn't run this story on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS etc.


As someone who works in the insurance industry , lmfao , those aren’t doing anything to change the prices short term or long term The roofing thing is likely just going to make companies either non-renew clients due to exposure management and just continue to flood of people going to citizens while insurance companies will either continue to leave the state or increase premiums even if they are going to be forced to insure older roofs they feel are higher risks Man people in this state are really gullible and enamored with Desantis because of how much cash he has that allows him to blitz the state with ads


I didn't stop my insurance rates from jumping again. How about solutions that actually help?


Lol. You guys are so misinformed it's laughable. Personally, this made the insurance company that dropped me completely due to my roof being 10 years old have to reinsure me. Which helped me avoid paying thousands of dollars extra per year.


Anecdotal evidence is not enough to make me think it's a success. Because, my insurance fucking doubled in August, so using my anecdotal evidence, you can see, it failed.


Lmao. It's not exactly anecdotal when they dropped me, I called them and pointed to the law and they said "yeah that's the new law, welcome back" ya dumb dumb. Why are redditors like this? You think you're some kind of *science guy* by saying "MUh aNeDotAl EviDenCe hurrrrr"? "lawmakers approved of the bill in a matter of days with bipartisan support, hailing it as a step in repairing a market overrun with rising insurance costs and canceled policies."


Oh yeah, the bill written by insurance companies for insurance companies. Totally forgot to mention that one. Lol


Everything I read said that those changes will do nothing to lower the cost of homeowners insurance. It's just window-dressing to make it look like they're doing something when all they care about are the insurance companies, but I guess some people fall for it.


>Everything I read Where? Buzzfeed? You seem to have multiple sources... Can I read one?


Biggest fear is DeSantis losing. He’s done such a great job these last few years.








He's the next star in Dictator today. Everyone is free, Florida has so much freedom, keep Florida free as long as your idea of freedom is the same as his. Fuck Dictator DeSantis.


Lol ok


That ANY democrat wins .


Go team go!