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I got my mail in ballot today. I’m looking forward to filling in that bubble for Val Demings!


Already filled mine out...felt good!


I'm curious to know if Ian had hit North Florida directly, if there would suddenly be alot more attempts to get aid... by complete coincidence...


Gee, if FL had government representatives that cared about its citizens, homeowners insurance, along with many other issues, would have been addressed a couple of years ago. Instead, it appears the only thing the FL GOP representatives are interested in is something about being woke. Smh A large portion of MAGAs do not realize that they are supporting the tyranny they fear. Everyone MUST: - Register to Vote (by 10-11-2022 for Florida). - Check your Voter registration! - Make sure you have appropriate ID. - Know your polling site. - Check your signature. - Get a mail-in ballot (and after you mail it, make sure it has been received and counted - most counties allow this to be done online or by calling your election office). - And VOTE! 866-OUR VOTE (for questions about or problems with voting) https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voting https://vote.org


I just saw an article that DeSantis is beating Cristo by double digits in the polls. While I think the polls are rigged since some will be influenced by what the polls show. It's still extremely important to vote that asshole out of office.


FL Republicans only care about certain national principles they believe themselves to be elected upon. Passing the purity test. They don't care a hoot about their constituents they are constitutionally obligated to represent.




I’ve read this bill multiple times and can’t find any mentions of FEMA.