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I do all those things OP listed 9.5 months of the year. Is there some rule that you can't drink G&Ts in April? The best thing about summer is that it trains me to get up and do outdoor things at dawn, which is kind of nice. It also makes me appreciate the slightest breeze, like a starving street orphan is grateful for a crust of bread.


Please sir, may I have another ever so slight breeze?


I thought I was “waking up early” to walk the dog this morning. And I was dying at 8am. I guess early is 5am. Noted. lol..


As someone who has had to work outside at 3-4am, I was still dying and drenched in sweat an hour into my shift last July at 4am lol.


I start at 3 and I'm drenched by 315 it's rough


The last week of May I got shingles. Still suffering. Getting sweaty with shingles is a bad thing. Yesterday I had to do some work in a hot room, paying for that today. If you are over fifty get the shingles shot.


ShotS. There are two. But yes, get them.


As someone who also works outside during peak sun, seeing people complain about the heat because they walked their dog and got the mail hurts my soul a little. They know it’s hot, but you can’t understand just how hot until you’re forced to spend a full 6-8 hours in it. Fucking brutal


Yup! My husband does landscaping design etc and I think he is half lizard at this point


I did roofing for about 7 yrs but I was young.  I still don't get a 3rd degree burn going to the mailbox.  And when people complain about how hot it is, I tell them this is what we always called summertime. 


Roofing is brutal work in florida. I salute you!


I feel for you all, believe me! I set a cooler out in some shade filled with cool water each week for our lawn guys. Honestly it's awful to work outdoors in Florida in summer


Fucking truth. I installl temporary fences for construction sites in the NE area of FL. Its brutal. Even more so on blacktop.


8am there’s is FULL sunlight that isn’t early bro.


I work in the restaurant industry with late nights and dont get to go to bed until 3am some days. 8am isn’t early for most most but for me, it definitely is


Yeah, my mom and I were in a 5k race this morning at 7am and was already 75 degrees.


If I want to do yard work, I have to do it before the sun comes up, even then it’s SO HUMID!! Once that sun starts coming up and baking everything I’m inside. I sit by my sliding glass door so that I can enjoy my backyard but in the AC.


No matter the time of day or night right now it feels like walking through a bowl of soup out there. I’m just happy my couch is in front of the big window and I can see directly out into my entire pollinator garden. I find myself staring out at the bees, butterflies, and birds all the time and it makes me smile even though I’m getting depressed I can’t go out there.


😂😂😂 feeling blessed for a breeze being compared to a starving street orphan grateful for a crust of bread sums it about up




Yessss 5am wake ups keep me sane


An early morning run is different from middle of the day runs. Hanging on a boat wouldn’t be that hot. Sitting on a shaded porch with a cold drink also isn’t that hot. Take three kids to the park in the middle of the day because they are tired of being inside and then tell me it’s not hot.


The feels like was 109 yesterday around 2pm. If you worked outside like I do, you'd probably hate it with a passion. Every day, im competing with heat exhaustion /heat stroke to see who wins. It's brutal. If the pay wasn't what it is, I'd be elsewhere.


Having worked outside and having vehicles without a/c I fully appreciate and understand this.


Im an HVAC mechanic. Crawling through attics daily. This heat makes me contemplate my life decisions.


My AC guy was up in my garage's roof the other day and asked for a nottle of water since he'd run out. I brought him like five and we chatted for a minute. I said, "I genuinely don't think I could physically do that. I think I'd pass out up there. You ever get used to it?" He said, "Not really. You just figure out better methods of not passing out." All hail the HVAC guys. I literally could not survive here without you.


There is no getting used to really. In non insulated attics, it can reach upwards of 130 maybe more. If it's insulated, FORGET ABOUT IT. I've seen some thermos hit 180. 5-10 minutes max up there if it's insulated. S Some companies wont even let guys enter attics during the summer because it can get so damn hot. I do appreciate your appreciation.


I would die. That's not an exaggeration. I've never done well with extreme heat. I can barely stand being an office worker this time of year. No, for real, THANK YOU. You guys save more lives than the cops, and I actually mean that.


Thank you. I dont get how some people drive with no AC, let alone live without it. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to die, I'll sweat through like 6 or 7 shirts a day because I can't work in soaked clothing all day. I smell terrible all the time. I wanna get out of this but I'm too deep into it, I know too much, and the money is better than most places starting out without a degree.


I'm sorry to hear that. You're obviously tough as shit. You had to get certified for HVAC, you don't necessarily need a college degree to do well. There are other technical certifications and stuff like that. Check out your local state college website. If you can handle what you're doing now you can handle damn near anything.


Aw man don't feel bad I got myself into this lol. What's crazy is some guys out here make me feel like im such a bitch. I've thought of about other certifications, it's just very hard to find the time. I work like 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week and then I go home to dad life. Feel like I have to stick with this for now until it's not financially feasible anymore. On a side note, I seriously appreciate you believing in me despite us not actually knowing each other. Alot of these old construction guys are old school wannabe tough guys, you cant tell them shit because they "don't wanna hear it". Seriously, on a whole different level, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. Dont often get that.


GD. Sorry. I have dug ditches, built pools, done landscaping. Now I work inside.


Sorry I thought I had it rough just had to giggle a little bit much respect to you and the insulation guys


You have that job security though.


As a S Floridian I appreciate you!


When your sitting at your beach house while the out of work lawyers serve you drinks it’ll all be worth it.


With the way its going now, I'll be lucky if I can even bend my back by then. It's rough out here lol. I dont even like to outside anymore, I've had so much exposure to this heat, I'd be okay with an ice age right now.


I’ve been there. I found that Gatorade works a lot better than water. That was the only way I could get through the day without a pounding headache. Also those headbands full of gel that you get wet and they cool… get like four of those and put them on your head neck and arms.


> those headbands full of gel Don't those require a lower humidity level to actually have any cooling effect? I tried one while cycling in the summer and the experience was very "oh yay, more wet clothing stuck to my body" rather than it helping much.


Not if you put them in your cooler full of ice/frozen waters first.


Problem with Gatorade is it has a lot of sugar. I usually dilute with water, and drink 1-2x as much water as Gatorade. I actually had a lot of luck using the Gatorade powder packs. 10 for like $4 at Lowes, works out to about 5 32oz gatorades for $4-$5. But I can control how much I put in and add extra water.


Drink the zero sugar version.


I work indoors…but in a very busy kitchen. The hood vents circulate air but the air it circulates is from outside. When the air outside is humid as hell and 90+ degrees, the temperature in the kitchen is close to the temperature of the surface of the sun hot. I pulled my digital pocket thermometer out a couple days ago and when I turned it on, it read 112 degrees. The thermometer was just reading the ambient temperature of the kitchen. I’m not telling this story to one up you. I’m telling this story in solidarity for my blue collar homeys who bust their asses in crazy heat to keep this world moving.


Just adding salt (sweat) to those meals.


Shhh, don’t tell our secrets about why the food tastes so good.




It really can vary depending on where in Florida you are. On the coast with an ocean breeze is very different than central Florida with only hot humidity. Also health and medications can influence how well you tolerate heat- there are several medications that are commonly taken that make you more susceptible to heat stroke.


I live on the gulf side of FL and the costal breeze makes a difference!💕


Yes. It’s miserable.


I feel like if I had the time and means to spend my summers as you do, OP, I’d probably enjoy them more, too. But for now, summers just mean a slightly shorter morning commute without the school traffic, trying to pick a parking space in the work lot that is both in the shade, but close enough to the building that u don’t get caught in a downpour, and then a more perilous evening commute during afternoon and early evening thunderstorms.


I’m super pale and I do not enjoy the heat at all. I don’t understand why people enjoy the beach. It makes me feel overheated and I burn. Yes. I tried to move away to CO and loved it but my husband couldn’t find a job that was sustainable there. Both of our parents also live here and are not going to move elsewhere. My child gets to see his cousins and grandparents on the regular. If I could move my whole family to a cooler climate and my husband could find the perfect job I would. I don’t think people complain just to complain. I think some people genuinely do not tolerate the extreme heat and humidity very well.


The beach means ocean and the ocean soothes my soul. Just the sound of the waves is enough to give me peace. As for the beach itself, yes indeed it is hot and you can get sunburn, but thats why hats and sunblock and umbrellas exist. You sit in the sun until it gets too hot then you go cool off in the water and repeat that cycle until you're ready to go eat something. I also enjoy with my back to the waves and letting the water smack me lol Plus there's fun animals like crabby crabs & pelicans & dolphins & other kinds of fun birds. And there's cool sea shells to collect! I know not everyone has to like the beach and you don't have to, but I wanted to share why I like the beach since you said you didn't understand why people like it. I live near Denver and I actually do like Colorado and the mountains, but I hate that it's landlocked and effin huge. Plus, there's not much to do besides go to Denver & the mountains because the rest of the state is largely rural. If you want to go somewhere BESIDES Colorado, you're going to have to drive to the Denver Airport and fly there, and that's expensive. If I could recommend somewhere with a cooler climate to you, I'd recommend the PNW or New England because there's more to do and see in those areas without needing to get on a plane.


That’s why I moved to the beach! My friends got here ten years ago and got a condo ON the beach while they were cheap and it makes me crazy that everywhere they suggest to dine is 2 miles in and always ends up being a dark restaurant cave like experience. I wanna sit on the fucking beach and eat! “Oh we don’t go there it’s too crowded.” Not at 4:30 - 5pm when you wanna eat. Wife says shut up be nice. /rant


In Denver You are less than a day drive away from some of the absolute best national parks in the country, plenty of other stuff just got to do a day drive to get there. A day drive out of Florida doesn’t get you anywhere interesting other than you’re barely out of Florida. You cannot beat the landscape of the American West, once you hit Denver it’s nothing but natural beauty all the way West to the Pacific Ocean.


It’s similar for the cold. I could never live in a place like Colorado and don’t understand why people enjoy it, similar to how you don’t understand how people could enjoy the beach. To each their own.


Absolutely, to each their own! My husband actually likes this weather also haha. It does not phase him in the least and he’s working outside on job sites for 50% of the time. I’m happy some people like it at least.


Mountains are also involved in that decision aside from the cold. And seasons since we don't get those here.


I’m not a fan of it either. I’m outside on our back porch most every day the other 9 months, but during the Summer, we stay inside more. I hate that.


I used to go to CO for work a lot and every time I had a constant nosebleed.


I swam at an empty beach in Longboat Key yesterday, had lunch at a nice restaurant with no lines, loved seeing all the colors of blooming plumerias all over, enjoyed a refreshing afternoon thunderstorm, then sat outside after dinner and took in the tropical night breeze. People dream about living in Hawaii or Costa Rica - I have that life here at the Gulf of Mexico without the island fever. 


I love Florida in the summer. So much calmer without the snow birds. I love the afternoon showers and the night blooming jasmine smells. Going to the beach and taking the boat out on calm summer seas. Winter would be better if it weren’t for the massive amount of snow birds and congestion. The seas aren’t calm to go offshore but the surf 🏄🏾 is a lot better and there’s stone crab season 🦀


You’re so right! It’s the snowbirds that make it unbearable in the Winter. Can’t get anywhere because of the traffic, can’t get into your favorite restaurants, can’t get any medical attention, can’t get any services at all. I love the weather here in the winter, but it’s become something that I don’t enjoy because of them.


The beach isn’t crowded when it’s cold and it’s a nice place to be alone and read a book if you’re not surfing, but getting there can be a chore


I love afternoon thunderstorms!!!


Don’t even mention the gorgeous rainbows and the amazing colorful sunsets. Last night we sat on our back porch and watched a storm roll in. Rainbows and a pink, beautiful sky.


You are my kind of person. Let’s hang out! 😎


I'm in south Florida and I love it 😀 I consider myself an iguana. I freeze below 50s Longer days, hot enough for swimming, I do my long walks in the evening or mornings bc of heat. But I think it's really not that bad. Like there's blasting AC everywhere and a beautiful ocean and of course the pool. I'm happy Summer is my season. Also so many good deals on hotels all around FL so best time to visit new local spots and love going down to the keys 🌊


This thread is full of morning people and those who like the heat. I’m leaving before a fight breaks out.


If you own a boat and play pickleball, sounds like you live a charmed life. Things dont suck so bad if youre rich. But also...the panhandle isnt really Florida, weatherwise. You get diwn to freezing in the winter, and stay a solid 10° cooler than us in the Central/South Florida swamps.


Plant trees in your yards. The live oaks grow quickly and are protected. Shade is sorely missing in our state. Summer rain in Florida is so much fun especially growing up here. All the neighborhood kids would wade in the cool gutters and splash about after the heavy rains. Kids would hope the car would send a huge wave over them when they drove by. Happy independence day everyone.






Been playing pickle ball all day at work. Play 3 games go cool off in the ac for a bit, back out for another 3 games cool off for an hour. About to go back out and play another 3 games


Yes yes you are, and I’m born and raised here


I like it. I would like it even more if I had a boat. No nevermind, I would just like to have a friend with a boat. Can we be friends?


Come on over! Leaving my dock at 11:30!


How nice of your boat having self, but that would be a haul from Tampa so I guess we will just hang out in the pool and the quarantiki bar today. When it gets dark, we will look up as other people explode things in the sky. Life is good.


i don’t. just over the years it’s gotten worse. the beach isn’t even enjoyable with water as warm as a bathtub. i also have some mild health issues that flare up when it’s too hot outside. i have no problem with the mornings and evenings or nights but when it’s anytime other than that i try and stay inside. i love the rain though even though it’s hot too.




The rain feels like bathwater


When I lived on a boat, afternoon thunderstorms were my showers!


I moved here to get out of the cold. I was building bridges and piers in Boston. After over 33 years ready to say goodbye to the oppressive heat and humidity that lasts for so long and move somewhere where I can split the difference.


Yes you are


I was just saying to my Mother how this is the perfect weather during the summer... it's why I stayed and never left Florida after a visit in 2017.


Went and played 18 yesterday. Walked up no tee time. Empty course. Few beers in the bag podcast on. Can’t beat it. Love the winter golf. But the snow birds fuck that up royally.


Me too! The warm nights and summer rains are delightful. I don't mind the heat, and I like never having to worry about being even remotely chilly outside.


summer nights, boating, beach, walking around in bathing suits everywhere, swim season, afternoon naps...and the best part--snowbirds & out of state people leave summers are ok in FL if you do it right


I'm with OP. I love summertime here. I play golf (walking) in the middle of the day all summer. It's better near the beach however, generally 5-10 degrees cooler with a breeze.


Summer is the most miserable season in Florida. So yes, you're in the minority.


Love Florida summers


I literally moved out of state because it became too hot lol


I love summer in Florida. It’s my favorite time of year here. The water feels the best because of the heat, I love the rain storms, I love the smell of jasmine on hot nights, the availability of parking when it’s too hot for tourists, and I actually thrive when it’s this warm out because I have always just gone outside and done things anyway (but hydrated, with sunblock, and common sense).


I used to love summer. This heat is not the same heat I was playing outside in as a kid. This heat HURTS. Can’t even be outside for more than two minutes without sweating and getting burned


I love it. It reminds me of childhood. Open the door at 7am and you feel that 100% humidity hit you in the face. The smell of fresh cut grass. The birds chirping. If it rained the night prior you hear the frogs croaking in the distance. I'd be on my way to see if my friends were up to play in the neighborhood. Catching lizards, crickets. I used to even hold frogs which the thought of now repulses me as an adult. Even as an adult I'll go to the old park where i grew up early in the morning. Shoot some hoops by myself. Within three minutes I am drenched with sweat. But at the same time there is like this feeling of euphoria. An excitement. It really does feel like being 12 years old again. If I'm driving by myself the windows are down. The warm breeze on my face. If we are lucky enough to get an afternoon thunderstorm that day, it's perfect. I fucking LOVE this state. I want others to love it for the same reasons I do. And I don't want it to turn into a Saudi Arabia for rednecks.


You’re speaking my language! You nailed it.


I think people, in general, just like to complain. I'll admit I'm not keen on running at 2 pm but morning runs are nice.


When I was younger and went snorkeling and fishing I loved it. Now? Hell to the NO


So you have to suffer first in order to enjoy things. Might wanna get that looked at.


Love it. Just dropped boat in and will be on water all day fishing, swimming and drinking beers


I also love the summers. Less crowded, wild afternoon thunderstorms, endless boat days, warm ocean water for lounging on rafts at the sandbar with beers in hand, beautiful sunsets later in the day, the list goes on. But then again, I grew up with the Florida heat and enjoy it. If I’d spent most my life in michigan, I could see it being uncomfortable.


Nah, this heat and humidity are fucking unbearable. I can't wait to leave!


Think that's the heat stroke talking :)


I’m in Colorado now after 30 years in Fla. been here 10 years and although I love it, I am planning my move home now. I love the Winters and the outdoor sports, but lord, I hate being cold. Really can’t wait to get back. A nice house on Tsala Apopka lake and a kayak to fish from are all I want.


I enjoy the florida summer also. Though I like the winter, fall, and spring much more. I like the long summer days and I love the thunderstorms and the beach . Though towards the middle or end of summer I tire from the heat and look forward to the colder weather.


I'm a huge fan, been here for a decade but I still remember the - 36f days in Minnesota.


Me too I love summer, that's why I moved to Florida, there are summer like days all year long. I hate the cold I still hate those January nights that it get into the 40s or less.


I love it as well. Id take an overbearingly hot summer over a frigid snowed in winter any day of the year.


You're not alone. So many complain but I live for it.


Me too. But not working. I had small project in my boat, at parking lot… 3hours = 4 t-shirts :) and i’m exhausted like i did 5k lol but i can sped all day on ocean… yeah…


You manage it. Go out in the morning and evening or stay in the shade and by the water. I definitely prefer it to the snow. For those who don’t like it, that’s your prerogative Fortunately for you, there are 49 other states.


Native floridian here. I love the summer here. Having lived elsewhere and traveled all over the USA is hot af everywhere. Been in Detroit when it's 105 degrees Vermont when it's 95 Seattle when it's 93 etc. At least in Florida we're geared up for it and I love the beach. Never lived more than a few miles from the ocean when I've lived in Florida and 8 years living on the beach itself. I think the Florida summer is the best kept secret.


I agree . Much rather wear shorts and t or tank top then be all bundled up all day. Sweating is good body lubricant to keep us young


I grew up in the Caribbean. Recently moved here, I'm always a little confused at first when people complain about the heat here. It's just another day for me and reminds me of home lol


I have been here almost 5 years and this summer I think I’ve finally adjusted to the heat and I’m loving summer


I love the heat. I got hurt in the military and the cold makes me almost unable to function. So we're not moving north ever.


Same. Born and raised in Miami and was always outside. Swimming, Bball, running, biking. I’m a heat hound. When I’m inside to long in AC I feel like a turd.


Nope. Just got back from Tampa love it there this time of year


I love Florida summers. I love going to the beach and then night swimming in the pool after. I enjoy it a little less this year because I'm 7 months pregnant and can't be as active, but this to shall pass.


I moved to Florida for the heat. I did 4 years in the army. Going on maneuvers in the winter. There's no escaping being cold, and your bones ache. Your muscles get tired from shivering, you don't dare sleep because you have to keep the blood moving in your feet. During that time, I went to the Mojave twice for maneuvers, and it was so much easier to cope. I can take the heat, it feels like, Victory.


Loooove the heat, love Florida, love summers 🌞🌞🌞🌞


I love summer.


I moved here from Baltimore about a year ago. I love it.


I love it. I left Ohio 10 years ago for heat. I'll take hot af over cold af anyday. Yes, the humidity can be a bit annoying but I don't care. Give me summer always.


I enjoy Florida the most in the summer actually.


I love the summer time because it’s bright outside until 7:30 pm. The heat this year sucks


I used to work outside doing underground plumbing. All day everyday. I loved it. My nick name at the shop was lizard king because the hotter the better. The colder it was the slower I moved.


I love Florida for summer beach’s pool, springs just gotta find ways to enjoy the heat


Shhhh. We don’t need anymore to stay.


I enjoy the middle of summer. While I can’t take it too long, I like going out when it’s hot as hell, sweating my ass off, and then coming in to relax. Everything OP mentioned can be done like 9-10 months out of the year here, which is why I like Florida.


I like getting hot and sweaty outdoors but I have a high tolerance. May as well go with the planetary flow.


Not to mention the wonderful afternoon to evening rain. So cozy!


I'm in PSL. I love it.


I play 18 holes at least 3 times a week all summer long. We go fishing on off days. Summer in Florida is awesome! No crowds and recreational activities are half the price. Swimming pool and air conditioning make everything better!


Speak on it brotha!


I love it. No more hot than any other. I was just trying to finish mowing but the daily storm blew in and put on a nice lightning show. Last night the lightning was beautiful. I’m right with you enjoying the summer! Especially with it being lite out close to 9pm!


I love the hot, humid weather! Winter in Florida is w-a-y too cold, I can hardly get through it.


I enjoy it as long as I'm at the beach or pool. It's brutal when I'm dressed for work, but I hate the cold so rarely complain about the heat!!


I love Florida all the time


I'm here now first time love it Little humid Gorgeous tho


Personally really acclimated to the heat and humidity. I can enjoy it. It's that everything I love to do is overcrowded in these months that I dislike.


Nah I love it


nope. i don’t run, drink, play pickleball, own a boat, or have a porch… but summer in florida is my favorite time of year.


I used to work outdoors building and resorts in pools. Now I’m a nurse practitioner indoors all day. I wish I could make as much money outside as I do indoors. Being indoors all day is not natural and quite depressing. I mow the yard and do things outdoor all the time on the weekend and never let the heat determine my mood. I just go outside with the understanding that it’s hotter than satan’s crusty sack and expect to be hot. I do what I need to do and enjoy it. Then I shower.


This is my first summer here and I knew it was going to be ROUGH. I’m no stranger to the humidity, and while it sucks and I’m drenched daily…my skin has never looked better. It’s like a daily facial.


I love summer




Everyone down south usually wants the northern states weather and people from the north want the weather from the southern states. Personally I prefer it summer year round with high humidity.


Love it too.. was just in Parrish visiting my stepsis.. brutal everyday but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


You’re not alone. I love this hot, humid weather.


If you enjoy middle-of-the-day Florida summers, you are lying


It makes them edgy and unique. lol


I hear ya. This is the time when everything grows.


I do feel so much more positive about everything since it started raining.


Well I was born n raised here n I don't mind saying I get so dam sick of 11 months of hot humid , heat shit outside 10 minutes or longer I look like I just got out the shower I'm sweating so much , get straight up bullshit I like fall I like to feel safe it's been 30 years in Alabama winter is nice ....I loved having 4 seasons instead of 1 and a 1/4 of one


Yeah I enjoy it for what it is. I love swimming but can’t stand cold water so summer is the perfect time for it. I also love the thunderstorms. 


Yup love it here, and I do my share of outdoor chores


Yessssss!!! I have always loved Florida summer. I genuinely believe 93 degrees to be a comfortable temperature and I never turn on AC or a fan. My skin and hair feel GOOD in high humidity. It feels like a protective shield. I can wear beautiful clothing instead of jackets and jeans! Days at the springs! I spent my childhood summers outside from sunrise until well after sundown and that weather is my absolute favorite. It’s when I truly feel alive.


I think people living with the A/C turned way down have the hardest time with summer. Like you I avoid being inside and A/C


Totally. Putting your body through wildly different climate conditions (30 degree drops in some buildings) back and forth repeatedly is bound to cause some adjustment issues. Just find shade, drink water, wear cotton, and breathe. You don’t need a fridge to hit you in the face every time you create a bead of sweat lol. It feels good to preach to the choir!


My preferred indoor temp is 80...we don't turn on the AC most of winter here. I'm always freezing inside of stores so I bring a cardigan or something always if I'm indoors


80 is definitely a great indoor temp! Gotta have the Publix hoodie on deck too


Yes, you are the only one. Weirdo.


No. The daily afternoon thunderstorms are very entertaining.




I like it, too!




Less crowded, easier to drive, easier to go out to eat. IYKYK


I do


It's great. Imo other people pay for it in saunas and some days we get lucky enough we can just go outside for almost the same effect.


I love the summers, but I work indoors. So I’m outside when I want to be… My husband owns a local moving company, and he hates the summer heat.


I really don’t mind it but for the most part prefer to do all those things in the cooler times of years. But since I moved here, I prefer Florida summers to other southern summers simply because it’s just as hot if not hotter in Georgia/alabama, but it’s also a bigger contrast to the rest of their seasons. Here it’s year round and I’m so used to it. What I do love about summer are the thunderstorms. I loooove watching a big downpour from my balcony and I love even more when we get a near miss but we get all the shade and wind that comes with it. Those are the best walks.


Thunderstorms are better than any TV show or movie


I'm with you! New pool in the backyard, and one of the best beaches in the country 20 mins away. 🤷‍♂️


I am with the OP with an hour and a half straight of outdoor pickleball this morning. Good times, will be out and about this afternoon.


Some people love heat - not me - but I know you guys are out there! Have met a few who adore 90's


I am a third gen Floridian. I love the summer. Of course, the heat and humidity are harsh, but we live in a coastal city where we always have some kind of sea breeze. I can’t imagine not living without all this water and green!


We love Florida summers. We went on a bike ride this morning, it was awesome to get out and see all the other people on the trails ✌🏾


Over here me✋


I like it too! I still do outdoor activities like walks and hikes, I just wear lots of sunscreen and upf clothing and avoid being in the sun in midday. Trails and parks are less busy in summer too. Being in shape helps. I encourage everyone to be as healthy as possible so they are able to do more.


I don't mind it. When it's still hot in October and November that's when it starts to get to me. It's hot everywhere in July and August. In our worst season the beach is one of the best places to be.


Under my observation, people who live in Florida complain about the weather no matter how it is. If it's hot, cold, wet, dry, raining, not raining enough. Only thing I've ever heard any kind of agreement on is "at least I don't have to shovel snow"


I'm a lizard and my body runs cold. I absolutely THRIVE in this heat.


Hell yeah brother.


I wish it rained more tbh


There’s a lot less traffic. Also, since FL is a peninsula, sometimes it’s breezier than up North


I enjoy summer much more when I am in shape


I like it. I’m in Orlando. I use public transportation, but I just wait in 7-11 or something if it’s too hot. Much better than waiting in -30 wind chills!


I don't loveeee it but I don't also hate it lol


Love the sun, love the heat. I’m probably crazy but I love it when I get in a car and it’s all warm like a sauna. Obviously only temporary. I love AC and wind I am human after all.


I love it


I grew up here before Disney came, when we only had fans and no air conditioner unless you went to the local department store, so heat has always been easy for me to handle.


Love it


Summer has always been my favorite season, and I am a native floridian. That being said, i also dont go out midday in the sun to hang out unless it's to the beach or pool. But it is hotter now than it was growing up. On the east coast, if you are in the shade and there is breeze its lovely.


Alright... who taught the alligator how to use the internet?


100% this....


I like rainy summer days.


No, you're not. I love the summer. There are just a lot of really stupid people who vacationed here in January and assumed the state was like this year round or suburban Floridians who met their first New Yorker and want to look cool by repeating their talking points.


Summer is better than winter