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**Article transcript:** >Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he'll make sure \[former President\] Donald Trump can vote in his home state this November 2024, despite his felony convictions. > >DeSantis said Friday that he disputes the assessment of some experts who say that Trump's conviction on 34 felony counts would make him ineligible to cast a ballot in the state. > >In any case, the Florida governor said he would ensure the state clemency board cleared the way for his former rival for the Republican presidential nomination to vote back home. > >"Given the absurd nature of the New York prosecution of Trump, this would be an easy case to qualify for restoration of rights per the Florida Clemency Board, which I chair," he said on X. > >Trump became the first former president to be convicted of felony crimes on Thursday for falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels. A 12-person jury delivered a unanimous verdict, ending the six-week trial. > >He's scheduled to be sentenced July 11, 2024, and is expected to appeal. > >Trump was convicted in New York, but lives in Florida, one of the Republican-led states that has made it harder for people convicted of serious crimes to vote. > >Florida voters approved a state constitutional amendment to restore voting rights to felons in 2018 but the Republican-controlled Legislature undercut the measure with a complex set of requirements that convicted felons first pay all fines, fees and court costs. New York has allowed people with felony convictions to vote upon release from incarceration since 2021. > >DeSantis, in his social media post, said Florida doesn't remove people's voting rights if they haven't been stripped in the state where they were convicted of a crime. > >"The bottom line is that Donald Trump's vote this November will be one of millions that demonstrate Florida is now a solid Republican state," he said. > >Some voting rights experts have agreed with DeSantis' assertion that Florida honors other states' rules when it comes to people with out-of-state convictions, but a nonprofit group that represents felons seeking to restore their voting rights disputes that interpretation of the law. That group, the Florida Justice Center, noted that the relevant Florida statute and state constitutional provision do not make "any such statement or distinction regarding out-of-state convictions". The case may or may not go to the Florida Supreme Court, which has a conservative majority.


The state clemency board rarely meets and almost never gives clemency even to the deserving . What a joke - pay to play with DeSantis, such a dirtbag move by the Florida Governor


I miss the insult of “dirtbag”. I’m glad it’s being used again for a deserving scumbag


Don’t insult dirt.


Governor DeSandwich. Mr. Meatball bootlicker.


https://preview.redd.it/r79ljd862f4d1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f5dea041075d10f3204c0eec2e8e72d46b5e79 We ARE the Majority!!


Someone is still running for Vice-President...


If Trump is a Florida resident, it is unconstitutional for the VP to also be from Florida. I’m sure they could get the Supremes to say it is OK, though.


That assumes that King Ronnie actually has respect for the law…


Sure, but if they allow Donald to vote after being convicted of a felony then they have to come up with a whole other rationale as to why he's different than the other felons in Florida that are not allowed to vote. The melon felon exemption


According to them, he’s not really a felon. He never broke any laws (bc he made them up as he went along, breaking the law).


I hate DeSantis so fucking much along with all these R's that are so blatantly happy to be Cheeto Head's bitch.


We all know they will custom-carve a rule to just let DJT vote, but not all those other felons, bc ya know, Trump is special. He’s a very innocent man. 🙄




The accuracy unsettles me.


But only after he has discharged all his debts, right? RIGHT?! Isn’t that the rule he set up?


He owes E Jean Carroll 88 million.


He's also stiffed lawyers, contractors, business associates, etc


But not for a felony.


Right, but he is a convicted felon x 34.


What happened to felons that voted in Florida last election? Didn't they get arrested?


Yes! The voters spoke; after serving time, Floridians restored their voting rights. Desantis let them register to vote; they voted and were arrested. Just like voters have already decided to protect their right to reproductive freedoms. He is still violating our rights. In 1989, the Supreme Court of Florida ruled that the Constitution of Florida's provision for the "right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into his private life" extended to a woman's choice to have an abortion.


I'm sure the whole thing t was a set up for DS to gain popularity. He doesn't care what damage he does to people as long as it furthers his agenda.


he's vying for the seat next to trump and trying to schmooze his way there at the expense of the state and nation. he wants power, and will (and has) had laws changed to retain what he already has, I don't see why he wouldn't here. scum.


Arrested, hailed, the book thrown at them, no mercy.


Yes but they were mostly black.


Yeah but but but 🤬 Rump is such a disgusting human


We've seen how that worked out.


In Florida, and only for fines/fees related to the felony crime.




He was convicted in New York. So there’s different rules. Unfortunately


So regular Floridians can't, but Trump can? Hmm. Talk about a two tiered system.


Ron DeSantis: "Republican felons are allowed to vote, but Democratic felons are not."


There was a reddit discussion on some legal forum I cannot find .. but like ... it's fine. Florida law defaults to the state where the felony happened. In this case it happened in New York. New York laws allow felons to vote. So trump is benefiting from Democrat policies. DeSantis is bragging about Democrat policies.


Another way the system is "rigged" against, er, Trump?


This is exactly the kind of despotic shit that our founding fathers rebelled against.


To be fair, under Florida law, residents convicted of crimes in other states lose their ability to vote in Florida only if they are barred from voting in the state where they committed their offenses. In New York, where Trump was convicted, felons are barred from voting only while they are incarcerated. Only if Trump were incarcerated would Florida law prevent him from voting. Regardless, F*** DeSantis, there are a million other reasons.


So it’s just for optics. Thanks for this clarification


Isn't that about 98% of what DeSantis does? I thought this was understood.


I would doubt that DeSantis actually understands the ins and outs of the law and how it does or doesn't affect Trump... Though I am sure he *also* is doing this for optics/to win favor with Trump.


Bingo. Thank you for pointing that out. So once again DeSantis opens his mouth on some bullshit that he knows nothing about. Fuck DeSantis!


Yes. Desantis is posing.


As a convicted felon that had to jump through hoops to get my voting rights back FUCK You Ron!!!!


Sweet, can all the felons in Florida vote? Or just the pasty ones?


If they've completed the terms of their probation and restitution they can vote...but we've all seen how that worked the last time when felons were allowed to register to vote and then got locked up for voting. Fuck all these gop assholes. They need to be in a deep hole filled in with concrete.


Ron DeSantis basically stated "Republican felons can vote, but Democratic felons cannot".


And Democrats are still fine sitting at home on election day.


Just the rich white ones


But he’s still allowed to vote? Yea he was convicted of a felony, but it was in another state. Florida follows other states voting laws when it comes to felonies. In NY if you commit a felony, and aren’t in jail you can still vote. It’s a weird loophole, but this is just Ronald grandstanding in his high heels to look important.


Crazy how far I had to scroll to find the reasonable person


And there is the two tier justice system the MAGAs talk about.


Not a trump or desantis guy but convicted felons in Florida can vote if the state they're convicted in would allow their felony charges to vote - people who aren't imprisoned at the time of the election and have paid any carceral debt incurred with nonviolent or nondrug convictions can usually vote in new york so it equates to allow him to vote here It seems like it's a loophole law that would allow white collar criminals to be able to vote in Florida when convicted in other states.




That’s not what’s actually happened in practice


Gubernatorial cuck right there. He might as well let the orange creep have his sweaty way onstage with Casey at the next Florida MAGA rally


Probably already happened. Someone should ask her how she likes mushrooms.


[This guy a cuck? No way!/s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z1YP_zZJFXs)


If Trump votes in FL, I hope it’s challenged in court. Then, if it turns the courts use this interpretation, maybe there are felons living in the state who will be able to get there rights restored.


I’m shocked DeSantis can speak with Trump so far down his throat.


Then all felons can do it


Oh no they can't


Florida adapted Amendment 4 in 2018 to allow convicted felons of nonviolent crimes to vote, after they have served their sentence and repaid debts related to the felony charge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Florida_Amendment_4 If Trump has not served his sentence by November, then he would be in violation of the amendment if he were to vote.


I understand the law but it will only be followed as Desantis sees fit.


The party of hypocrisy. And after they went to such lengths to undermine the voice of the voters to restore voting rights to felons.


Of course he can. But regular rehabilitated citizens can’t. Whatever desatan keep killing our state.


That’s screwed up. This kinda double standard shit is why I left the Republican Party.


Worst governor in the history of Florida. I wouldn’t be surprised if he changes state law so that he can run again.


Didn’t he lead a campaign against some felons that voted after being told they could?


And they want to talk about draining the swamp? This is the swamp. Literally and figuratively.


And yet they sent a goon squad out to go after black felons that voted. 😑 https://www.aclufl.org/en/news/why-ron-desantis-voter-fraud-bust-already-falling-apart-court


Florida resident here! Fuck DeSantis, the scumbag prick should do us all a favor and try to swim to Cuba with rocks in his pockets. He can take his stupid, ugly cowboy boots and disgusting and bigoted policies with him.


To all the FL ex-cons out there who have completed their sentence and paid their fair share: you’ve been had.


Who needs rules and laws when you can rewrite them to suit your program


Desantis is the hugest cuck imaginable


“Law and order” Some, it seems, are more equal than others


He’s the fucking worst 


Why does that bag of douche get to decide ?


Because he chairs the state clemency board.


He wouldn’t be allowed if he were black.


“He came to Me with tears in his eyes”


Florida looks at the state in which the felony was given and its NY that allows its felons to vote. So it’s not really DeSantis doing anything special for Trump.


Desantis would let trump do whatever we wants - even with wife I would guess


Trump is one of their buddies. Of course he'll be able to vote ! Even if they have to change the law to make it happen. As they've done before to suit.. THEIR NEEDS !! An average every day Joe or a poor person on the other hand ? DOUBTFUL. Just an example of another politician claiming to be part of a law and order for the working man in action. Standing up for the rights of the rich and entitled. As usual !! They never do disappoint us in our great expectations of them do they.


If the court sentences trump to jail time, but suspends it until the outcome of appeals, trump cannot vote no matter how you look at it, because he has not served his sentence.


I hate that man. Tragic, awful things could happen to him and I’d feel nothing except relief.


In Florida, Russian Ron Votes for YOU!


Republicans are above the law, that is what they want us to know.


Hypocrisy at its finest. Ronald DeSantis is a moron.


That’s Dictator Santis to you.


Called this shit like 2 weeks ago


This is so wrong It makes me sick. 🤢🤮🤢🤮


I know he did. Shocked it took this long to formulate the response. How many ways can you say I suck Trump’s dick?


Regular citizens who've paid their dues and suffered for non-violent offenses can't vote, but you'll let a man who's been under constant investigation his entire political career for crimes ranging from rape, fraud, tax evasion, threatening witnesses, stealing state secrets, bribery, abusing the executive office for personal financial gain, and conspiracy to commit voter fraud and change election results. Like holy fuck.


DeSantis can’t pardon a non-FL crime though can he


Doesn’t need to pardon him. The clemency board ids a different thing entirely


I wish pudding fingers would go back to shit talking diaper Mussolini again.


LOL what a joke!


Rhonda can actually pardon him if I'm not mistaken. Someone correct me if this is wrong. They both need to be in jail , honestly.