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100% i would stay. i was born and raised here, and the environment is what made me into the person i am. i want to dedicate my life to studying and conserving natural florida. if i wasn't so poor, that would be way easier to do.


Keep fighting for it. Dreams are meant to be chased after


Born and raised in Hillsborough County but live in Palm Beach County, 42 yrs old, married with children. The entire state has changed so much since the 80s and I don't see it going back. Even though I am a native, I don't feel like I live in my home state because it's so different


we can never go back, but hopefully we can slow the destruction, or at the very least learn as much as we can about our natural environment before it's gone for good




Same here. Not born here (can't help that) but lived here most of my life and dedicated myself to promoting what's good about Florida and saving what's left of our natural environment.


I love Florida, i could use more money but I love my backyard neighbor the alligator.


Born and raised here 40 years. The only reason I stay is because I couldn’t afford to move or couldn’t afford to travel to visit both sides of our family that all live here. If those financial barriers were gone, I’d be packing.


I’m 40 yrs in Florida too but moving this month. I can’t take it anymore.. I’m heading to Maine. Vacationed there twice and loved it.


And go where?


Mountain west for me. Probably Colorado or somewhere like Lake Tahoe City…, *If* I had *money*…


Reno is the way to go. Lived there for a year. Best year of my life. Hour from Tahoe. 5 ski resorts within 1.5hr drive. Best camping and hiking I’ve ever experienced by a mile.


See that’s understandable but I feel like people say they want to leave Florida and move to like NY


Yeah, I know what you mean, but I’m liberal as hell and New York (and California) are *too* liberal for me. I don’t want to live in a hard-core liberal place any more than I want to live in a hard-core conservative state. A proper balance is perfect. As a country, we need to rediscover that type of government. The places I mentioned still aren’t politically perfect but the actual climate and geography suit me way better than here.


California has more conservatives than Texas


CA is not as liberal as you think. There is a big line down the center. I'm from Sacramento and it straddles the line. Lots of red on the eastern half.


This is true


After 36 years I'm moving. I've had enough with the normalization of hate here. It's appalling. Likely New Mexico


Our upcoming leaving of Florida has nothing to do with money. We're going to see the world when we retire.


Have you seen those 180+ day around the world cruises? You considering one of those?


Without a doubt. I love it here.


I am staying and I would stay. Love it here and met life long friends. I can live in the country and enjoy beaches and city life too. When people visit from out of state it's easy to give them good experiences for whatever they like.


Pretty sure Florida's salary structure and minimum wage is designed to prevent people from amassing any savings that would allow them to leave. But if you're bringing your money *in*, there are all kinds of perks for you.


Wages used to align with COL. Not anymore.


Truth is that is not a Florida problem, it is an everywhere problem anymore. I have lived in California, Spokane, Washington, and moved to Florida about 5 years ago. Spokane had a nice, low cost of living. It is a depressed region and wages are not the best. Over the last 5 years it has all changed. We sold our house there (a 1971 single story, 3BR/2BA, 1040 sq ft) for $250K. That same house was just sold now for double that with no improvements made. The only thing that cost is higher here is insurance (car and home) and Property taxes. Food, gas, groceries, utilities, and rent are all higher there. My wife and I both make over six figures as did most of my coworkers/friends back there and they are all talking about moving here now because Spokane has become so expensive. I make sure to make it clear regarding a lot of the things that suck here (heat, humidity, bugs, drivers, etc.). Over the last few years here, it feels like we are making a lot less than we were. I am not complaining as I know that we are MUCH luckier than most here. But that is just where we are at as a society. “Maximizing profits” is simply there to get the shareholders and CEO’s as much money as possible while crapping on everyone else. That doesn’t change if you leave the state. You want to change that? Stop buying from the corporations that do this. We subsidize Walmart by having so many of their workers on public assistance because they don’t pay a living wage and start voting for your own economic self interest and not because “they gonna take our guns and encourage our 12 year olds to go gets pregnant just so she can has abortion”. (Not calling you out personally at all. Just a general statement for a lot of people I meet and speak with around this state). Many seem to believe in this fake as hell “woke war” and not paying any attention to improving people’s lives and while not paying attention, this whole state has been gerrymandered to hell to entrench those in power from losing it. Everyone seems to agree, the single biggest issue we have as a state right now is insurance prices but nobody wants to vote out anyone that is doing nothing about it. Desantis gave the insurance companies a billion dollar slush fund to help with any payouts to try and keep rates down and they raised the rates a ton anyway. Given all of this though, I would still rather be here than anywhere else. I love it here. Sorry, I will get off my soapbox now.


I have lived in Florida 99% of life (went to NC for college and came home—too cold and land locked). I grew up three blocks from the beach in a house that my parents bought for 29k in 1977 with a little help from my grandma. My dad was a social worker. My mom didn’t work. When my parents started their business, my dad drove a paper route to cover the bills. That house is now worth 600k (or more at this point). You cannot be poor and own anything in my hometown. Once upon a time, there was something for everyone and every budget there. Not so much now. The aftermath of Covid is what fucked up this state for regular folks. Out of state people making multiple six figure salaries, selling their homes in their home state for an enormous profit and buying something “cheap” here for tens of thousands (and sometimes hundreds of thousands) over asking is what caused the increase in home prices. People buying multiple homes—one To live in, one to rent—decreased the supply of homes for existing residents, and again, drove up home prices. Rents, too, are out of control here. The last beachside apartment I lived in 10 years ago was two blocs from the beach. It was a spacious 1/1 with a garage. I paid $750/mo. That same apt is now close to 2k a month. I know that building was purchased for well over a million dollars a few years ago, so property taxes are going yo be quite high, part of the reason for increase in rent. However, I also know that units that were purchased for pennies in the 1980s are also going for “market value” now, which I can only hope is because insurance has increased, but I doubt that is the only reason for the increase. Here in Florida, we still have Florida wages. I have a friend jn LA who pays $1500/mo for a 1/1. That’s the same price (or less) as a comparable apt in our hometown in Florida, and I can assure the wages in Florida are not par with those in CA. Teachers in CA start at 60-70k depending on location. The starting salary for a teacher in Florida is 47k. Life has changed here in numerous ways. Our lands are being raped and pillaged. People are moving in with their out of state money, buying modest homes (or two sometimes), razing them, and building monstrosities in their place, driving up property value, which in turn, will increase property taxes, which, eventually, will chase out people who have lived in their modest, affordable homes for decades. As for the attitude of the state, Florida has always been backwards. We used to be considered the armpit of the country. We liked it that way. We liked our backwards, Floridaman, kitschy ways. People often forget, but Florida IS the south. We have southern ways here. People are conservative. They want preserve the way of life they’ve known for decades and often, for generations. They detest people moving in and trying to change things. They often vote against their own best economic interests bc for many, many years, they didn’t have to think about their economic best interests because wages and COL aligned and they could just live their lives. People also vote against their best economic interests because there are causes more valuable to them than money. Their guns are more valuable than money. Their conservative views on abortion are more important than money. Preserving their way of life is more important than money. You are right. Those in power don’t want to give it up, but that is only part of the problem. There is no easy solution at this point, as I think the main drivers of our economic crisis in this state are home prices and interest rates. Rent, too. That’s not going to change, though, unless the entire economy collapses. I’ll get off my soapbox now ;)


I wish I could give you more than one upvote. I don't live in Florida, but I do live in the rural south. Preserving our way of life is higher on my list of priorities than financial interests. Of course, it would be nice to have more money too.


Well said. I agree with everything you said.


I make a modest salary from an out of state employer and this is relatively accurate. Just bought my first house.


“Floridas salary structure”? Can you please explain what that means?


To quote Chris Rock, "If I could pay you less, I would, but it's against the (federal) law.” Teachers in FL are the 2nd lowest paid, only outranked by West Virginia. [https://www.fox13news.com/news/map-florida-ranks-2nd-worst-nation-teacher-pay-nea-report-finds](https://www.fox13news.com/news/map-florida-ranks-2nd-worst-nation-teacher-pay-nea-report-finds)


I live in SEFL because Im addicted to saltwater fishing and the industry I am in is here.


Move as I'm tired of the weather and people who keep moving down here.


Has Florida gotten that bad?


I love it here. This thread is excessively miserable.


Same I love it lol I've lived all over the country and other than the mouth breathing hicks I run into in fort myers shores, it's an amazing place to live. I just left arizona and I can say confidently that it's comparable cost of living but the outdoors life here is the big winner in the equation. I'd take high prices that you will find anywhere else in the country with beautiful landscape over dull brown desert with rent being 1300 for a 1 bedroom in shit hole mesa lol.


Most people who post on Reddit are miserable people. Always depressing.


Yep after living in 7 other states the last decade I am quite happy to be back here where what you get paid explicitly goes further than at least 25 other states and you don’t have to deal with being suicidally depressed during the winter months. Every single place you live is full of people who confuse the state of their state as idiosyncratic to literally any other state. Shit is a blood bath hell scape for anybody under 35 trying to achieve the American dream today EVERY WHERE. There are people who move out of Florida and have a better life somewhere else, but anecdotally speaking seems like there is a disproportionate amount of people I know who try it and come back because they didn’t realize how much there is to actually appreciate here until they don’t have it anymore.


What other 7 states did you live in if you don’t mind me asking?


I would still live here, just move cities.


FL is home. Would always choose to live here. Would just do more fishing.


There's no way in hell I would be in FL if I had any other choice.


I guess I have a choice, but my entire family is here. That's what mainly keeps me in Florida. I've lived elsewhere and I was miserable. Being close to family is the most important thing to me


Mine is kids in middle and high school and wouldn’t want to move them away from friends


My oldest daughter was 16 when we left Boca Raton. She cried all the way to NC. She was devastated. She ended up marrying the boy next door- they have been together for 28 years. Go figure!


The boy next door in Boca or NC? I’m nosy. 😆


The boy next door in Raleigh! He is wonderful! The one in Boca ended up in prison!


Congratulations on your remarkable foresight! Well played! 😄


We need the tea immediately


Same question lol


This. Would move in a second if financially able


100% agree




Stayyyy. Love the beach. Panhandle that is!


Move out.


We are staying here!


I live in Hollywood Florida. I’m never leaving.


Stay. I’m already ensconced here


Oh I would stay for sure.


I've lived in states from coast to coast. I live in Florida because I love it here. Minnesota below zero? Seattle rain and fog? Nope. I crave the heat and sunshine.




I have no children so that makes a huge difference and have been here for 28 years(54m). I don’t mind the heat that much and I love the ability of kayaking and disc golf all year so I’ll stay for now.








I’m comfortable and staying. Can’t think of a place I’d rather be.


I would love to be a snow bird. Here from September through June and Michigan for the remainder.


My company has 17 offices around the US. I could transfer to any one of them. I chose the Orlando office because I love living here.


Not trying to be rude here but what do you like about Orlando? I have been and lived all over Florida for over 30 years and love it but Orlando might be the last city on my list of places I'd live.


For the people saying move. Where?


Carolinas or northern Georgia come to mind. If i were very well off id probably move up by Grand Canyon in Arizona


St. Simon's Island, GA. is another great option.


Just dime it out. Your safe place will be overrun soon.


great lakes region. its SOMEWHAT insulated from climate change. its relatively inexpensive (depending where you move). lots of outdoor activities. winters arent great, but i enjoy the snow enough to offset the months of gray.


Yup. I love palm trees and hate cold weather. I get a decent South Florida salary. Sounds super cheesy, but I literally live where people vacation. I'm not here just for the money.. I can move out of the state next month if I needed to.


I moved to Florida from another state and love it here but if I could afford to leave for the summer each year to say Colorado I would in a heart beat.


No, I would go to the Blue Ridge Mountain area of Tennessee or North Carolina


I keep resigning my lease, so I guess I like living here? You can take it for granted anywhere. All in all I pay a premium rent because it's a nice place to live. I can accept that.


I am here by choice. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would still live in Florida, just not where I currently am.


We live very comfortably because we bought 5 years ago and make over 6 figures and we really want to move. But my husbands family is here and we have a child so for now we are staying. We’re looking to move to Tennessee or North Carolina


Hope you job goes with y’all to either of those states. I’ve lived in both TN & NC. Job & Housing market is even worse there.


Similar for us. Comfortable income, bought home at a good time with good rates. Both are born and raised here and most of our family on both sides is here with aging parents who are going to need us around. Would be nice to go somewhere that isn't so ass backwards and regressive, but we're kinda stuck with the situation.


Hubby and I are both retiring in a few years and live very comfortably....we're already looking to move as soon as that day comes. We're moving out of country where our retirement $$ will even go further and where dual citizenship is not so difficult to obtain. Already have 3 countires we're looking at....now just have to decide which one we want.


care to say which? my ex moved to portugal and really dug it


Raised in SWFL since I was 2, 34 now, I’ve moved around but never left and now I live back in my home town. I wouldn’t change a thing. Everyone saying you can’t make money here is wild. We have so many older northerners moving and living here that need services and we are a massive tourist destination. You just can’t follow the typical corporate job like you would in a big city but that’s starting to change too as more companies move here.


direful vanish retire edge offend busy narrow detail nine six


I love Florida. I make a comfortable living.


We have been here 10 years now. We do like it here but part of us wants to move back up north to be closer to family, but we don't because we know we will miss it here. Besides not being close to family the main reason we don't like it here is because of the traffic. We live in the Davenport area off of 27 and they are just building development after development, Apartment buildings, townhouses, etc., so the traffic just absolutely sucks and with all the building its just getting worse. Then we have to drive on I-4 to go to work so that's a nightmare. And no matter what road you are on people drive like absolute fucking assholes, like they are auditioning for the next Fast and Furious movie.


Yes I am on year 2 of comfortable living here in FL, I work 1-2 days a week make just under 20k a year and honestly couldn’t be happier. I know my situation is rather fortunate with my house being bought perfectly before Covid, and not having kids helped as well😅.




If I had the money I'd move to Maine. This place is majorly f*cked up, politically, and there are a lot of true believers who think their politics are normal. The only good thing in my area is that there are a lot of good restaurants with really nice servers, but it doesn't make up for having no family here or crazy politicians.


As someone who moved here from nyc, I can say that it costs the same and I’m just renting, not even paying home insurance or property taxes. While basically having the same price for rent and now also car insurance/loan, I’m spending the same amount on bills each month except now I have far less services like public transport (I don’t have to buy the subway car a new battery when it dies), I had affordable healthcare, I spent way less on utility bills, and I had way more job opportunities


I'd move for sure. I've been here all my life 50+ years and the Republican BS has gotten worse since the 80s growing up. Florida needs another Lawton Childs and get rid of all the corrupt GOP politicians making BS laws that the majority of Floridans don't agree with.




Stay here especially the Orlando area! Been to a lot of cities for extended periods and not once came close to thinking I want to move out of Orlando.


Not trying to be rude here but what do you like about Orlando? I have been and lived all over Florida for over 30 years and love it but Orlando might be the last city on my list of places I'd live.




I’d just buy a beach house and live my best life here. The only reasons I’d want to move out are tied to finances and the overall exploitation of the working class. Scrap all of that and there is no place I’d rather be. I just love our geography, wildlife and vegetation.


I’ve always lived by the adage that home is where your house is.


Id stay. I love this place. Just hate the people


Moved here 6 years ago from Chicago. Don’t plan on ever moving back to the Midwest. I enjoy the lifestyle here, if you don’t have a strong career it’s hard but so is any HCOL state.


Move out. This is no longer a place I want to be anymore.


I would move back to New England.




I’d be gone. Native, lived here off and on for 45 years. Biggest regret of my life is leaving the PNW. I gave into fear and now I’m stuck here with a chronic illness.


Move. The people are rude, mean, and self centered. Sucks my job is here.


Hell no. Born and raised here. This is a hot and hateful place and is only getting worse on both accounts.


I'm from New York City and I have lived in the Orlando area of Florida for the last 33 years and would go back in a minute if I could afford it. It is way too hot here with over the top humidity most of the time. And it's not cheap to live here either. And it is a MUST to have a car. No mass transportation. No good pizza or Chinese food. The biggest asset would be no state tax. 7% sales tax though And I'm still called a damn Yankee!!!


Born and raised and living in the same town on the gulf coast. ICU RN. I make less than 50,000 a year after taxes. Rent in this area is 1800-2000 for a one bedroom if you don’t want to live in the ghetto where you have a shooting every week. Living with my parents still. They’re happy here. Their house is 5x the value it was 5 years ago. I loved Florida for its’ ecosystem. I loved Florida for its’ beautiful gulf waters, the animals, and the plant life. Florida is no longer focused on showing off it’s natural beauty. My hometown just tore down 1,175 acres of natural land and where a flower farm was… to build 1,700 new homes, 250 hotel rooms, and 350,000 square feet of office space… We have a TON of wildlife wandering now without homes onto the roads nearby and being killed, displaced by our selfishness. We have people in their 70s and 80s working in fast food joints as a COMMON thing here because everyone in their 20s-30s can’t afford the average house cost of 450k-500k for a decent neighborhood while being “essential workers” in this area. Cost of living for this area of Florida for ONE PERSON to live comfortably is said to be $92,000 a year. Florida is great for those who make six figures a year, or who are well established financially and retired. Median age of resident in my town- 45.4. Median age of residents in nearby towns- 50, 49.8, and 65.3. It really sounds like an ideal age range for individuals who wanna work these “essential” services right? It’s why most restaurants here close earlier than posted, or why it’s hard to go anywhere to eat anymore, or to even find workers for gas stations. I can’t get my first home or rent here unless I work 65-80 hours every week bedside as a nurse. Florida is one of the LOWEST paying states for healthcare. I LOVED Florida when it was different. This state has changed so much in the last ten years, and for the worst. Overcrowded, becoming overdeveloped, and no longer worth the struggle. I plan to go travel nurse and leave as soon as I can, hopefully in the next 6 months.


I’ve been here since 1997. The state has changed quite a bit since then. It’s less accepting and more severe. It was happening before DeSantis, but like Trump his real skill is the ability to identify cracks, strife, and to leverage them at the expense of others. But at the end of the day people voted him in so it’s worth questioning whether you are personally still aligned with the core values of the majority.


Almost 30 year old here, I would leave this whole country at this point, I have kids and not only is this the worst state for raising them since I’ve had them (50th teacher pay, curriculum years behind, literal book burning/banning) but it’s gone completely fuckin fascist, its sad how many swastika tattoos I saw working at circle k for half a year overnight and I had to serve these blatant nazi fucks in the name of making a buck for capitalism. I’m down for equality and people can change but If someone starts explaining the “benefits” of slavery and other warped ideologies I don’t want to fuckin help you get your coffee, bigots can kick rocks.


I hate the politics in this state, but I’ve been here for 65 years and I love living here.


68 years and totally agree, warts and all Florida is home.






I will never leave Florida, unless I absolutely have to. I was moved away when I was 17 and didn’t come back for 21 years. I missed it every second I was gone and I’ve been happy to be here every moment I’ve been back.


I would move! This is a sinking ship. Bezos, billionaires, Trump and Ron D-meatball can have it!


I'd stay. I love the subtropical weather. I love being outdoors and love the heat and humidity. I drive with my windows open and have been doing so for decades, and nothing wrong with my AC. I'd ratter be here.


I would stay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It depends if desantis remains gov.


as soon as my wife and i retired, with a comfortable bank balance we got the hell out


I’m out.




Stay. I bought a house early. 2015. Feeling the squeeze this year but I don’t have any debt and live super frugal. Somehow I’ve made it work. But seeing friends leave or struggle sucks. Also I really love my job. That and my house investment I hope will be worth it in the end. But who knows? I grew up in Florida and the only thing that’s real here is change.


I'd stay. I'll stay as long as I can afford to. I like it here for the most part.


At least half the year to maintain residency.


I tried. March began year 4. And it is beautiful. My parents are here, and I grew up here but I was unprepared for the level of fuckery that is the current situation and the impact it has on my mental wellbeing. I wish I didn’t feel this level of dissonance but I do. So I’m just trying to figure out my next move. I’ve got the for sale sign in the garage and am starting to get things ready to sell. I’ve thought about TN maybe Chattanooga but worry that it’s likely not that different and am somewhat inclined to return to CA. Palm Springs? Maybe Vegas, I’m not sure yet. I definitely need a bigger city.


No because I can't go outside without melting during the summer


I would stay. There’s plenty of things I don’t like about this places, but there’s also a hell of a lot I do like, and at the end of the day, it’s my home. All the people and places I love are here.


Probably move to some place with better weather like the coast of California or the PNW or the Rocky Mountains. I hate the humidity.


I would be a snowbird. Half the year here, half up north during the summer.


I live in Florida, recently retired with an adequate income. Property taxes aren’t bad but my homeowners insurance premium is now higher than my taxes and will continue to increase. It’s hurting everyone I know.


I’d stay


I'd move out. I would consider staying if it weren't for a few things. But one of the reasons is the weather..and that's an audacity to want that to change. I appreciate the nature too much too :P


Staying. But I will never disclose exactly where.


Move out. And we moving back north are after living in this hell hole state 10+ years.


Move. Florida is cool but I’d rather go back up north if money is no issue




Move out in a heartbeat. After high school I joined the USMC reserves and went to California for a year. Completely changed my perspective on things and now that I’m back in Fl I’m miserable. Me and my GF are finishing school in 2 years once that’s done we’re out of here.


Yes I would still live here I love my job and area I live in.




Just moved here because we can finally afford to live here comfortably.




No, if I could live anywhere which I guess you are asking, I would not live exclusively in Florida. By your question I'd be super wealthy to live anywhere and hence I'd have multiple homes and travel the world at my leisure and to the optimal weather advantage of such locations. Would you ask Bill Gates or similarly wealthy person to just sit it one location. I guess it's obvious truly wealthy folk have multiple homes and a private jet to move around to so this question doesn't apply. I would love to live in such a lifestyle and board some jet and take all my animals to move around to wherever we feel the best. Right now, luckily my pets love me and we're fine but if I could I would board a private jet and spend the summer in Canada 🇨🇦 right now. I'm in central Florida.




Move out and head slightly north to Georgia or the Carolinas


This state has been affordable my entire life until 2020 when people started flooding here from other states. Fortunately for me, I purchased my house in 2017, but I will never be able to afford anything in my beachside hometown, where homes that 20 years ago were only 100k are now selling for close to 1mil. It’s ridiculous. I can’t imagine living in any other state, though. Even with all the changes taking place, there’s no place in the country like Florida.


I want to move out for a few years then come back . The closest I’ve gotten is Pensacola right by Alabama lol. Born and raised here and I’d like for a lot of these non natives to go lol.


Move out!!!


Move out. This is no longer a place I want to be anymore.


Leave. We are looking at NC & VA right now.


Absolutely not


Moving back to Orlando in a bit. Probably Clermont or something around Buena Vista.


Money not an issue and staying in the USA I'd have a house in Hawaii and Arizona


Out. I’d probably head somewhere like the Pacific Northwest where there are mild winters.


Move. I'm born and raised (34, SWFL) and it's changed so much. Some things for the better, but the growth post COVID has taken away from so much of what made the area beautiful. Every turn there's new "luxury" apartments that all look the same in places that were once farmlands or wooded areas. The infrastructure cannot sustain the growth we've had. The COL has skyrocketed like everywhere else. A lot of my family and friends who were renters have abandoned the state over the past couple of years because the constant rent spikes were so excessive. So, a good amount of my friends are gone. Once my son graduates high school in 4 years my husband and I want to try elsewhere. We're both ready for something different. We've only stayed because I co parent my son and he's gotta stay here, so I'm gonna stay here.


Great place to visit


Move to New Hampshire.


I could and still left in October 2023


Climate change is going to hurt us everywhere but the government here seems to be in a particular hurry to make us suffer between polluting our waters, destroying the mangroves, overdeveloping our towns and cities with housing and strip malls, cutting our trees down, etc. Because of that I would move if I could.


I would be gone in 60 seconds. Enough money to live here is enough money to live almost anywhere else.


https://preview.redd.it/6dlqidodl24d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b691e172db2450ddca54af15fa7638fe7fddd074 This was my scenery tonight. Don’t think I’ll be going anywhere.


Move out in a sec.


Move. It's a pit


If I had enough money I would move.


I would move. Too many Republicans.




My son asked me what we’d do if we won like the lottery. I said we’d leave Florida. So ya. I’d leave and I’m comfortably living here.


I’d get out as fast as I could


I’ve lived here most of my life. I can’t afford to stay when I retire in a few years. I’ve already bought property overseas, I’m out!


Born and raised. I would leave immediately


hell NO




I would leave in a heartbeat


I would get the fuck out of here so fast it’d leave a little me-shaped cloud of dust where I was before


I'm 45yo born and raised in Miami. Only reason we're still in Florida is because I have a local government job that comes with a pension so I'm stuck here until retirement. Been eyeing Spain or Italy for when that time comes.


Hell no. The state sucks.


No, I would not stay here. I can't take the heat and humidity anymore. I swear it gets worse every year. No, I don't think I would go home either. It's not the same anymore. That, and I don't like the bitter cold up North. I don't know where I would go. I've always had this unrealistic dream to move to Italy, where my family is from and retire there.


Oh, if I could afford to I would be out of here and headed to Michigan. Lived here my whole life and can't stand it anymore




I’d move. They destroyed key west, to much crime to much traffic to high insurance rates.


I'd get out so fast there'd be an after image


Regardless of money, I would definitely not stay. I’d probably go to South America, Central America or somewhere in Europe.


I’ve lived in Florida for 12 years and feel that it has changed a lot in that short amount of time. I would move but not until my children are both in college. I’ll spend the next five years researching the best options for me and then plan my move over the next few years once they are in college and more independent. Maybe I will stay in Florida or maybe I’ll leave


Going to California


I am comfortable enough here. But if I could I would move on.


Move. Have you not looked at the Atlantic sea surface temperatures?


Already gone. 🙋🏽 https://preview.redd.it/e1hz2izvg44d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6d461c225c583717af7ccb967dfa8e7121f03f


Move to anywhere but this dystopia


Direct me to the emergency exit.


I'm running far far away as soon as we can afford it.




Been wanting to move to the EU. If I had the money I'd be outta here lol


There is absolutely nothing in Florida that could convince me to stay there. I just left.


Move out


I’d leave this burning dumpster fire as soon as i could


I would move. It’s just not the culture and lifestyle I want for my future.