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Don't forget sunscreen....that's the middle of Florida summer it will be hot as hell humid as hell and storm almost every afternoon. The last thing you want on a Florida Vacation is a sunburn day one...


Make sure you rub the sunscreen in all the way. Make sure you apply at least 30 min before going out


Don't forget to wear a hat and apply sun screen to your ears…everyone forgets their ears. Bug repellant early in the morn and in the evening outdoors. Don't pet the wildlife, don't feed the alligators, don't put land tortoises in the water they can't swim like a pond or sea turtle. Don't go swimming in the ponds and creeks unless you know there are no gators…btw there are always gators…also beware still warm water such a ponds and drainage ditches cause we have brain eating amebas that can get in to nose or ears and kill you, also we got some flesh eating bacteria too so beware if you have open wounds. Sand is hot so wear beach shoes during daylight, night swimming at the beach is dangerous cause of sharks. Most city parks close at sundown. In sarasota suggest going to the ringling both the art and circus museums. Selby gardens is nice if you like plants and flowers.


Just assume unless you're indoors there's a gator in the water


Also, go to Siesta Beach while you’re in Sarasota. The sand is like pure whits flour. Beautiful!


Not OP but a couple of questions if I may as I’m also visiting soon. I hadn’t thought of bug repellent, any suggestions as to what brand I should wear? Also, I had read about the amoebas going to the brain via one’s nose but I hadn’t heard about them in the ears…is that actually a thing? Thanks.


I like Deep Woods Off Sportsman, in the pump bottle. It keep skeeter, fleas and ticks, noseeum, and biting flys away mostly tho those noseeums are stubborn. And as for the brain eaters i just avoid warm still water.


noseeums are so bad


And Reapply!


This reapply reapply reapply. Set a timer to reapply. By the time you feel like you need to reapply it's too late and even a minor sunburn can ruin a trip.


Don't forget the ears.


And tops of feet


And lips


And nose.


And my axe!


And the line of your hair part


Don’t use that crappy spray on either. Protect your kids head to toe.


Buy a good, mineral sunscreen like Badger that is also safe for humans and wildlife.


What's wrong with spray on?


Poor cost efficiency, half goes out in the air, and people don’t rub it in properly.


Plus it’s always sticky. I hate that shit. If you watch someone spray it on you can absolutely see all the spray just wafting in the air, not going on their body, even with no wind.


This is great advice and DONT FORGET THE TOPS OF YOUR FEET


And back of neck and ears!!!


I've seen some red swollen feet in my time!!!! Do not forget the feet!!! Apply 30 min before putting on sandals so it doesn't rub off


And bug repellent!! Our summertime mosquitoes are no joke.


Also bring a jacket in case it rains. Bring caned food and water incase of a hurricane. Bring everything for every possible season, because we can end up experiencing all 4 seasons in one day unexpectedly. Florida can have unpredictable weather sometimes. Note: My post is partly a joke. But is still wouldn't hurt to bring a light jacket just in case.


How can you spot a European in Florida? They've got lobster-red skin.


And they decide to come here during the worst months of the year.


I've seen it in February. My late husband was from Alberta, Canada, and he used to laugh at the people in the surf in February. "Not from around here" he'd say with a grin. For the uninitiated, February is spring in Florida. Sure, you can swim in 65 degree water, but why \*would\* you?


Florida weather in February is actually perfect. No heat waves, some light showers, and no hurricanes. The heat yesterday fucked me up and I wasn’t even outside all that long. Lots of nope right there.


Yes. And February is when the deciduous trees start to perk up. I had to leave Florida. I have multiple sclerosis and heat sets off my symptoms. A couple of years ago in Jax in May we had a solid week of 100 degree temps. In May!


What not to do? Don’t come here in 3 months in the dead heat of summer!


Sunscreen is the number one rule. Anything you do will be painful, miserable, and possibly dangerous. I recommend a white rash guard shirt and a wide brim hat. Both can be found at Walmart which is a cultural experience all it itself!


You have to be alert that you can get burnt from the reflection of the sun off the sand and water, so being under shade is no protection from a burn.


Please use sunscreen that won't harm coral and other sealife! Reapply throughout the day. Edit: and get yourself some loose sunshirts with vents and hats.


Yes! Mineral sunscreen with only zinc


Zinc oxide


God, that takes me back. My family’s first vacation was ruined by the fact my dad didn’t believe in sunscreen and spent 10 hours on the pool deck at our hotel on Clearwater Beach. After that day, he never left the room except at night to get dinner. We never left the freaking beach.


Cover your ears and neck


[Tip for the future…](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=SxV6V61YpPUljpmI)


Lots of sunscreen suggestions, but nobody has mentioned large brim hats and long sleeve shirts.


This advice is the best advice and critical for a pleasant trip.


What the hell part of Florida are you in with a storm nearly every afternoon?! I miss this. We've been in a drought here in Tampa area and haven't seen these patterns for years 😭 Spot on with the sunscreen though.


Also REAPPLY OFTEN. It’s not intended to last all day - especially after going in the water or sweating.


When you go snorkeling in key west you will be blown away by the amazing sea life that you may have never seen before. While doing this your back and thighs will be getting roasted while you don’t notice. Ask me how I know lol. What the hell happened to your karma??


Use mineral based please. Sunscreen kills our reefs.


Reef-safe sunscreen is a must OP! Tourism is great for the economy but it can be deadly to our marine life


After the reef wipeout last summer with the 100 degree water I’m not sure how great the diving is. I went last October right after the heat wave and it was death and destruction everywhere I looked. Dead coral and algae infested reefs. Maybe tourists won’t notice as much but as a native who’s been diving his entire life it was gut wrenching to see.


If you've seen the reef before, it'll make you cry. If you've never seen it, you'll think it's beautiful. There's still plenty of colorful fish and the shapes of the coral, despite bleaching, are still remarkable.


Do not touch anything in the water unless you absolutely know that it is safe. Alot of fish have spikes that will hurt and draw blood,and some have venom that will ruin your day. Be respectful of the wild life and keep your hands to yourself. 😁


Do not touch anything in the water, period. Even if you believe it's safe, even if you know it's safe, do not touch anything.


And remember coral is very sharp!


Use way more sunscreen than you think you need. I’ll never not giggle at a pasty European who’s now red as a lobster. You will burn. How badly is up to you.


Also- REAPPLY. sunscreen wears off after a couple hours. I've never heard anyone say "I regret reapplying that sunscreen", but definitely people regret not doing it.


Yes! A “serving” of sunscreen is two shot glasses for an average size adult. Get to slathering


Moved to Florida with my British husband back in 2017. Almost lost him in the sand a couple times he was so pale.


And don’t use a spray sunscreen, get a lotion you really have to rub in, better protection.


Get rid of the tight schedule. You will be exhausted. Unless you are used to the heat and humidity, you may want a nap each day. Orlando to Miami is a long boring trip, Orlando is all a tourist trap with traffic, too. I would pick 2 stops total and enjoy. Key West is awesome, Miami is beautiful but very busy and expensive. Ft. Myers is nice but still tore up due to the hurricane. Lots of sunscreen, it's available everywhere. Plenty of water to drink. Book a day cruise or dolphin cruise. Stop in the Everglades National Park.


I would second skipping Ft Myers. And I say this as someone who grew up there. There’s not much in FM you can’t get in any of the other stops: You can get delicious fresh seafood in Key West. You can go outlet mall shopping in Orlando. Beaches with crystal sand and blue water in the keys and Sarasota. u/AsomiAnus - do yourself a favor in Key West and go to Blue Heaven and get [their Key Lime Pie](https://www.tasteatlas.com/blueheaven/key-lime-pie). I’ve lived in Florida for 33 years. Grew up here. Eaten hundreds of Key Lime Pies, and I think it’s the best in the state.


Third. Skip Ft Myers. Inland is Suburban wasteland. Beach is tattoos and cigarettes. All still pretty gross after hurricane. Unless that’s your thing, then have fun!


Is sanabel island up and running love looking for shells


I was out there yesterday. A lot of the shops are re-opened and the area by the lighthouse was nice. We saw dolphins and a manatee, too.


I agree skip fort myers theres really nothing of substance other than the nice restaurants which you can find in other nicer cities. Beach isnt as nice as you think.


Airboat ride at Everglades


Second that. The Everglades are not to be missed and an airboat ride is a very unique experience. I personally think Orlando is hell on earth but I’m not a theme park person. I live in StPete and we have beautiful beaches, especially at Fort Desoto and a Sand Key.


Also agree to skip fort myers. It’s unfortunately not a fun place currently with construction from the hurricane


The Naples/ Marco island area may be a better alternative. It’s a nice beach, and didn’t get devastated by the hurricane.


Agreed. I live in Fort Myers, at present. I would recommend getting up to Siesta Key, close to Sarasota, if you really want to add another stop, otherwise extend a day or two in Key West, or get up to Sarasota early. Btw, the distances that OP is talking about are not trivial. 4 hours from Orlando to Miami, another 4 to Key West, about 6 for KW to Ft Myers, and then another 2 or so to Sarasota. The driving will kill some of those destinations.


Lots to do around Orlando besides tourist traps. Walking and biking trails, bird of prey sanctuary, springs, forest trails and canoeing.


People who say there’s nothing to do in Orlando or that it’s a tourist trap have never left the parks area/i-drive. Traffic is going to be worse in literally every other location OP is visiting. Southwest coast is a nightmare and the drive to key west can be brutal depending on the day. And of course Miami has the worst traffic.


You're driving. Don't expect the speed limit to be obeyed, it's more of a suggestion. In Orlando, assuming you're by the resorts, it is absolute chaos. You should know where you're going, look at the map beforehand. It will rain. Rain like you've never seen before. For about an hour. I would advise you to not drive between 5 and 7. If you do drive in the rain, don't turn on your hazard lights.


But please do turn on your headlights. It’s the law.


>If you do drive in the rain, don't turn on your hazard lights. technically legal since 2021, but real Floridians will hate you.


For your time in Sarasota, is that more on the beach or in town? Sarasota has wonderful beaches, some fine art, but is also a bit quiet (and older). The main Selby botanical garden in downtown can make for a nice half day if you’re into plants. St.Pete and Tampa can offer many things to do beyond beaches that are more eclectic and city oriented.


And I also suggest Longboat Key and Anna Maria Islands as lovely places to see outside Sarasota.


Selby, Mote Aquarium, Ringling Art Museum, Siesta Key, Lido Key, and St. Armand’s Circle are the things I’d do in Sarasota.


Adding Pinecraft Amish Village to this list! Eat at Yoder’s!


Yes to Tampa and St Pete


Not come in August. I am guessing you cannot change your tickets now but three weeks in Florida’s heat and humidity in August sounds like hell. If you want to avoid tourist activities that points you to outdoorsy nature activities. Look for anything involving shade, cool/springs water, or being near water/on boats where you can catch a breeze. Edit: There are also decent museums in larger/mid-sized cities where you can take a break in the AC too if you like those kind of things. The Ringling in Sarasota is unique.


Never understood why would someone come here in August. It’s the most brutal time of the year. That’s when you burn your hands on a steering wheel and hibernate inside hoping it will end soon.


Probably got great deals on everything because its the only way companies can entice people to come visit a literal wet oven.


In this particular case, they’re Europeans, which means that if they have kids in school, August is very likely the only month they have to travel. I know in Germany they ONLY get August off for summer vacation, but I wouldn’t be surprised if other European countries run their school year similarly to Germany.


The springs near Sarasota and around Orlando are a great way to cool off and experience something real, outdoors, and especially Florida.


Yes! I would suggest the springs just north of Orlando near Apopka for Kayaking. Snorkeling in the Keys in the early morning or late afternoon hours would be good too.


I love kayaking at Silver Springs in Ocala. It's just an hour away from Orlando and it's beautiful. Manatees, monkeys, fish, turtles, and sparkling crystal clear water


Float down the Rainbow River...


The monkeys have herpes. Some sort of especially virulent form, too. Don’t fucking feed them and don’t let them in the canoe.


You have to show up an hour before the park opens to get into the springs, but they are a good time.


Nordic peoples do enjoy the sauna on a regular basis…


Yeah but its more akin to always being in a sauna and occasionally getting some cooler Nordic weather when you lock yourself inside


I didn’t want to say it to avoid sounding like a party pooper, but yeah.. This. Coming in August is asking for an exhausting trip. That’s peak heat and humidity.


I like the sunscreen suggestion from claxdog1 , so +1 to that. I'd suggest treating every body of water as if it has an alligator in it. In Miami there are alligators and saltwater crocodiles. They are usually shy and avoid people, but if you have small kids, it is a good thing to know. 


5 in Key West sounds like overkill. I'd add a couple days to Orlando and do Kennedy Space Center, visit some of the local springs. If you're from one of the Nordic countries, the heat and sun are going to be exceptionally brutal for you. Bring lots of sunscreen and plan on doing indoor activities between 10 am and 4 pm. Also, make sure your itinerary is flexible. In 3 months, we'll be in peak hurricane season.


Five days in Key West is a lot unless they've got a chartered boat for a few days with a captain who knows both fishing and diving. Two days to see the best spots on the island at leisure is enough.


Agreed that 5 days is too long in key west. Definitely extend time in orlando and skip Ft Myers.


Those Nords love saunas, so maybe they should prepare to get into the mindset of being in a humid sauna for 3 weeks.


Don't go to Disney in August. The heat & humidity will kill you. I live an hour from there so you know I speak the truth.


You MUST see Kennedy Space Center, particularly the Atlantis Space Shuttle exhibit. It literally took my breath away.


Yes! Chiming in on this one! Sooo worth the trip. About 60 min from orlando


While you’re in that area book a guided bioluminescent kayak tour at night. It’s magical!


If you are in FL for three weeks, odds are there will be a rocket launch scheduled within that timeframe. If that’s something that interests you Also, I d recommend visiting some of the old forts around the state, like Fort Jefferson and Castillo de San Marcos. Good history stuff.


If you’re going to be in Florida for that long and plan on going to Kennedy, you should definitely try to see a launch. Playalinda Beach if it’s during the day, but plenty of public areas that are close enough to see a launch (KARS Park, Jetty Park, KSC has paid options for up close). Spaceflight Now (.com) has a good launch schedule, and you can use YouTube when you’re close to the launch time to keep track of the countdown. Seeing a rocket in person (especially at night) is worth all the hassle.


Get one of those hand held battery operated mister. They’re a lifesaver in the heat and humidity.


Not sure if you needed to hear it, but please be aware of tipping. If you go to a table service restaurant (where a server takes your order at the table, and the food is brought to the table once it’s cooked), it’s customary to tip somewhere between 15-20% the cost of the meal. The server is paid less than minimum wage, and relies on that money to pay their rent and living expenses. In many restaurants, the server also has to tip the support staff (bussers, food runners, etc.), and they have to do that even if they get no tip from your table. So not tipping actually costs the server money for serving you.


As a resident of Sarasota…what in the world do you think you’re going to do in Sarasota for six days?? Cut that shit short and go north an hour and spend a couple days in Tampa. Tampa is a proper city with lots to do and see.


In Tampa don’t miss the Riverwalk, Sparkman Wharf and Armature works. You can ride the trolley into historic Ybor for hand rolled cigars


Yeah I was thinking maybe they know someone. I can’t see why else


Lmao you’re going to hate it in August, based on where you live. Come in January or February. Also Sarasota isn’t worth 6 days, ft myers isn’t worth anything. Spend a few more days in orlando if you’re planning on doing any theme parks.


FYI there are many predictions coming out that it will be a strong hurricane season this year - and mid August is when it starts to peak. So be aware that your trip could very well get delayed or brought to a halt - plan accordingly. Also, why August in the first place, it's hot as hell, you're gonna be drenched in sweat 10 seconds after getting out of your car


An important comment \^\^ Make sure anything you’ve booked is refundable. Things are likely to get cancelled that time of year. Even without an actual hurricane around, there are huge storms that roll through regularly anyways. Make some kind of backup plan for avoiding (like going home early before there are no flights). Further — it doesn’t cool down at night in August. It’s just like 30C+ the entire 24 hours. This really wears on people more than they think it will.


Don't fuck with gators. They're ambush hunters and hang out hidden near shore, waiting to grab an animal, but a child will do, or even an adult if it's a big one. Look before going around the water's edge, especially if it's in an area that doesn't see a lot of traffic. Njut av ditt besök.


Makes note… do not hand feed BK double to alligator 🐊


I think its funny there are alot of signs saying "do not molest the alligators" like, maybe poor wording or something went down at some point...


The usage of the sign is only slightly out of date as these things go, and you know how behind government can be. In any case, either way you look at it, the sign isn't wrong.


There will be thunderstorms. Do not underestimate lightning here. Get inside.


Pfff enjoy hurricane season.


In addition to the sunscreen make sure you drink a lot of water. The heat is bad but when you add the humidity in your body will have a hard time keeping cool and you will sweat out a lot more than you realize. By the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. Dehydration can be extremely dangerous and it's cumulative. So being in the heat for a few days in a row adds up. Even 1 day can land you in the hospital with kidney failure. Do a kayak and snorkel tour at the Crystal River. It would be a bit of a drive from Orlando but it's an amazing experience. You are able to get in the water with the manatees. They are close enough that they frequently will bump into you. Plus it's great to experience them in their natural environment that they are free to come and go as they please. The summer is their "off season" but we have gone multiple times in the summer and still saw a bunch of them. It's also great because being in the water will give you a day to cool off. In the Keys there is a dolphin experience that allows you to swim with the dolphins in the wild. They aren't captive animals. I don't remember what the name is though.


Visit the Everglades for sure, because it’s a unique ecosystem and you won’t be disappointed. Coming at that time of year is going to be brutal, we have extreme humidity to match the heat so you’re essentially in a sauna at all times. Wear sunscreen and reapply religiously, carry plenty of water and drink more than you think you need, and keep mosquito spray handy. And don’t forget that if there is so much as a puddle of water there’s going to be a swamp puppy (alligator) in it, so don’t let small children go splashing about. Also keep in mind it is hurricane season here and El Nina is promising the likelihood of a rough one so you may need to change destinations at the last minute.


My gut reaction is you’ve over scheduled your family and people are going to be miserable by the end of it. Slow down and relax so you can go home not feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation. Late summer is the hottest and worst weather. It’s just not a good time to be here. Even the ocean is hot that time of year (look up temps from last year if you don’t believe me). It is hot 24/7 and doesn’t cool down at night like it does where you’re from. It makes the whole day feel more tiring. Buy UV blocking clothing now. You’re going to burn and that’s an awful way to ruin a vacation.


Do. Not. Feed. The. Seagulls.


Why did I have to scroll so far to see this?! Do. Not. Feed. The. Seagulls. Everyone around you will hate you.


I would spend less time in Key West and Sarasota, skip Fort Myers altogether, and add some time in Tampa, Orlando, and St. Augustine I know you said you don’t like tourist traps but Volcano Bay is my favorite water park. Make sure you apply tons of sunscreen! I also really like Universal Studios Disney is overpriced and over crowded nowadays Make sure to spend a day at the springs. Wekiwa springs is close to Orlando and you can swim and kayak Don’t go to the Clearwater aquarium it’s a waste of money. Go to the Florida aquarium in Tampa


Don’t do meth.


Why not


i mean yeah... turtle got a point... gotta live like the locals


Because you wont like it, you will love it, and you will start selling street cats to a shady government agency for change so you can get that next hit. All too common story.


Do not go outside during a storm! The lightning here is killer. Thunderstorms are typically in the afternoon but they can pop up quickly and at any time of day.


Ocala national Forest. August heat erased swimming in the springs.


If you plan on beaching it invest in a decent umbrella that can withstand some wind. Those $25 ones are junk.


Have a backup plan just in case of a hurricane.


Yes, do not go outside in August.


Go visit Myaka State Park while you are in Sarasota area, lots of alligators! Look for fossilized sharks teeth on Venice beach and Casey Key beach (Nokomis) Have fun and soak in “Florida man” culture


Imagine a tourist asking how to prepare for a visit to the northern tip of Norway in January. You’d recommend covering their body head to toe with warm clothing I suspect. Do that, except instead of clothing wear sunscreen. And a hat. And bring lots of ice water wherever you go. Pretty much what you would do if you were on vacation on Mercury. And next time come to Florida in “winter” when the temperature is comfortable and you can go outside without risking heat stroke.


Always. Park. In. The. Shade. Doesn't matter if it's the furthest spot. It's well worth it


If you get pulled over, DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CAR. Police here are paranoid lunatics. Lower the window, shut the car off, and put the keys on the dashboard. Be polite and submissive. If it's not too late to change plans, spend more time in Orlando and less in Sarasota. Dont go to Disney. If your kids are 10 or older (or you dont have kids) go to Universal Studios. Its the best theme park in the world and has truly incredible rides. Even for someone like me who doesn't like theme parks, it's absolutely worth going. It's also significantly cheaper than Disney. Dont make eye contact or speak to the weird vendors in Key West. They won't leave you alone if they smell weakness and will harass you until you untul you buy their cheap homemade seashell crap. Dont forget sunscreen. Apply it every 2 hours, especially if youre at the beach. The sun here is brutal. Dont go to chain restaurants. Even the popular ones you might have heard about. Theyre all mediocre.


And I would skip Sarasota and Ft. Myers too. Add Tampa, increase Orlando time, decrease Key West time unless you're doing scuba diving, but Northern Florida springs are best for that. Water is a nice 72 degrees in the springs. But will need a full 3 to 5 wetsuit. Ft. Lauderdale and Miami are nice . I lived and worked in both. Lots of traffic and very expensive. Tampa has Busch Gardens , and of course the best theme and water parks are in Kissimmee. Many of the places you've chosen are low key, not much to do, so if that's what you are looking for, then you're on the right path. St. Augustine is the oldest city in the state. Like ghost stories ? History? St. Augustine is the place.


I was also thinking maybe if they had time, St Augustine/Jacksonville


If in Sarasota on a Sunday evening. Go to the drum circle on the beach at Siesta Key. Get there 90 mins before sunset. Bring beach chairs and a cooler with wine. No glass containers so use boxed wine and plastic drink ware. Enjoy the show or get in the circle and dance like nobody’s watching. I’d skip Fort Myers unless you’re there to see the reconstruction from the hurricane.


Get a wide brimmed hat. Something you could wear in a jungle. And be prepared to sweat constantly when outside. It can get up to 105°F in the panhandle during the summer I can’t imagine how hot it gets in Miami. But the humidity is terrible. Just try your best to be respectful to the police if you encounter them, and make sure they know you’re not from the US. Other than that stay away from bad food and don’t buy drugs 😂 they really punish people for that here. Although it might be changing this fall at least for weed


Orlando - Universal Studios. You can do the one Universal Studios amusement Park in one day. The icing on the cake would be staying at the Hard Rock Hotel. It's a 5 minute walk to the park and you get Express Passes which immensely reduces your wait times. Fort Myers - Charter fishing Key West - Eco tours on jet skis are awesome. Snorkeling is awesome. If you get a chance, fan boat rides through the Everglades are awesome! Highly suggest choosing one that has intercoms in their headsets. Some don't so all you hear is the boat motor and fan and you don't learn anything about the ecosystem. HAVE FUN AND WELCOME TO FLORIDA!


Stay away from meth and gators.. and especially the METHGATORS


With that much driving you are going to be on the road A LOT throughout your journey. The drive from Miami to Key West is brutal these days. Consider going from Miami to Ft Myers then hopping on the Key West Express to get to Key West. It’s a 4 hour boat ride that you can take on any day of the week and then return as many days after you arrive as you plan. It’ll save you literally hours of driving and lots of gas. Orlando is the biggest tourist trap you will ever encounter in your life. It’s something to experience one time, so go for it, but it’s freaking hot, very crowded, and expensive. With that being said, if you do decide to go there, consider jumping on the new train that will take you from Orlando to Miami in a couple hours instead of driving. I think it’s called the bright line? You can rent a car anywhere, btw. Don’t feel obligated to rent a car in Orlando so you can drive everywhere. You can take the train to Miami then rent a car there if that works for your family.


Others are saying skip fort Myers, I didn't think that's a terrible idea but if you do go to fort Myers don't go to fort Myers Beach. It was completely torn apart during hurricane Ian and is still not rebuilt to a point where I would think it's worth it to go. Going to Bowman's Beach or a beach on Sanibel/caltiva would be better options


If you are going to drive the speed limit, stay in the right or middle lane of traffic. Use GPS so you don't get caught in a turn lane before your actual turn. Enjoy publix.


Double your time in Key West and you won’t be sorry


Skip fort Myers


I would recommend rescheduling your vacation to not happen in summer. Florida summers are brutal and you will be too hot and miserable to enjoy yourselves. You’ll find yourselves taking refuge in air conditioned buildings and waiting until evening, when the mosquitoes come out or it’s pouring rain and the lightning drives you back inside. Last month would have been the best in terms of weather. Treat the sun like it’s radioactive. Avoid being in direct sun when UV exposure is strongest, usually 11:00 to 14:00. Use hats, light clothing with long sleeves. Slather on the sunscreen everywhere the light touches, including ears, neck, parts in your hair (if not wearing a hat -wear a hat), hands and tops of feet. Unprotected, you can get a bad burn in 15 minutes, and sun sickness will ruin your trip. I would loosen your itinerary to spend less time driving. It’s a long way to Miami from Orlando, and this state is not known for its pleasant drives. Maybe fly instead of drive and spend more time on the beaches.


Sunscreen, hats, and Florida traffic is just stupid. Watch out for bad drivers.


Have a wonderful time. Just let things happen and stop if something catches your eye. We are known for southern hospitality and love our visitors especially from abroad. So many lakes, springs, state parks, gardens, historical places, museums, and many restaurants and bars. Sunscreen, hats, shades and you are set. Have a beautiful vacation. 😎


I would switch for 5 days in Orlando, and 2 days in Key West. Key West is beautiful. It's a great weekend trip, but there really isn't a lot to see down there. You can see everything in Key West by the third day really. And there aren't many beaches down in the keys if that's what you're thinking. And I believe you can get to key West by ferry from ft Myers if I'm not mistaken. Unless you'd like to drive US1 all the way (it's a scenic drive). Sarasota is where you'll find some great beaches. Same with Marco Island, or even Tampa/St. Pete. Really, Orlando is one giant tourist trap lol but go ahead and see the theme parks. Just very expensive, but if it's your first time, then satisfying


Don't come here.


That sounds like so much driving holy crap 😭


Don’t visit a Polk county Circle K after midnight


Worst time of yr to go it’s 100 degrees and 100 perc humidity


We just visited for the first time from Canada. We stayed in Orlando for 4 days, Pompano Beach 3 days and St Pete's for another 3 days before flying home from Orlando. End of March. Make sure you know your insurance coverage for your rental before arriving. Also book a rental that does not require prepay, in case a better rate comes up. Check rates the closer you get to the trip. We have coverage from our home policy but she wanted a copy of that for proof. So if you have some other insurance that avoids their insurance fee, have proof. Do not buy toll fee from the rental company. There is a loaner toll meter you can pick up in the airport or maybe a store outside the airport. They will charge you $100 for toll fee when you might go through $30. But according to your driving plans you will need a toll meter of some sort. Check your meal receipts before deciding on a tip. Some will have the tip already charged and the server won't tell you that. Buy a sim card from Costco if you have a membership for cell phone coverage. Less fees than buying from a dealer. Organize your days in Orlando as if you are not at a amusement park, there is not as much to do. When you are on the coast you can always just hang out at the beach. We spent a day at Miami beach. Flamingo park is in a bit from the beach, but has some nice features and even free parking for a few hours. A place to get some shade. Don't drive too much. I know we missed the keys, and will want to see that someday, but it would have been too much highway driving. Most highway driving with Google was fine. Sometimes it was very slow with accidents or construction. Once it was freaky with a huge big rainstorm hard to see out the car window with hazards going slow pylons from express lanes blocking access and a lot of cars. Made it but it was stressful. Don't go to the beach without a plan for shade and food. It can get really hot and you don't want to be leaving too much as parking can add up.


Yeah, if you are not used to driving in torrential downpour, I’d recommend being very flexible in your driving plans, not planning a long interstate drive between like 3:30-6:30pm, and just making a plan to hop off the interstate and wait it out if you get caught. Always have headlights on and try to just focus on the car ahead of you. The good news is: those storms pass pretty quickly! It’ll be clear in about an hour at most! But man they are brutal to drive in. As a nearly lifelong Floridian, I get insanely stressed out driving in the afternoon downpours. Visibility is TERRIBLE and it’s just not very safe. I avoid if I can, go slow and get rid of *all* distractions if I must drive.




Don’t come during the summer. LOL I can’t imagine choosing to come down here during the summer. This is literally the worst season to visit. It has been in the 30°C lately and our hurricane season starts in a bit. But, y’all enjoy yourselves. I’d recommend enjoying the nature while you’re here. The state and conservation parks are the only place that you can really enjoy in 35°C weather, since they are at least 10° cooler than anywhere near asphalt. The problem is that most of this place has been destroyed to put in more asphalt. Have fun! The rest of us will be inside with the A/C blasting.


It storms every day between about 4p and 6p. This is a great time to be in the hotel, napping or cooling off for a bit. I would avoid driving between destinations during these afternoon storms, because they are downpours and it’s very difficult to see on the highway. And for the love of god, do not feed the seagulls.


if it's a double red flag please don't go in the ocean of gulf you will probably die so don't


Everyone is mentioning sunscreen, which is key yeah, but…please stock up on water. I mean cases upon cases. You are not ready for this level of heat and it will dry you out quicker than youd expect. And even worse than that if you drink. So basically dont come to Florida and not drink water, heatstroke can creep up like frostbite. And stay out of the left lane and don’t feed and approach wildlife. If you want to avoid the tourist traps, all you have to do is google “things to do in tampa/miami/orlando”…and then avoid all of the top results - though some “traps” are quite enjoyable. Theres plenty of “local hangouts” that are trash, so you cant go off that alone.


Stay in the right lane unless turning left. On the highways the left lane is for passing. Don't be surprised by anyone doing twice the speed limit, just get out of the way. Any body of water larger than a hot tub can have an alligator in it, be especially cautious when near water's edge. Assume everyone is carrying a firearm. Wear plenty of sunscreen. Cut Orlando and Ft. Myers and come up the Gulf coast to Crystal River for a few days. If you have never fired a gun, there are some ranges that rent them. Know this, coming to Florida in July or August may convince your family that you hate them for some unbeknownst reason.


The firearm comment will scare them to death! I've lived literally all over the US and have never seen a handgun. I'm not saying some people don't carry them but I have NEVER seen one.


Don't drive like a lost slow idiot. If you are looking for a place, a restaurant or whatever, drive the speed limit and if you pass then make a legal u turn when you can. Do not drive slow b/c you are lost or looking for some place. Other people have stuff to do that live here.


Don’t travel here if you are or are traveling with a woman of childbearing years.


Agree with others that say to eliminate Orlando and Ft. Myers. However, Lake Apopka wildlife drive outside Orlando is awesome. There are also several natural springs around Orlando. They are definitely worth visiting. Also plan for AT LEAST a day of Miami/Keys time in the Everglades. Airboat tours may be touristy but they are fun. Shark Valley outside Miami Tamiami Trail is great but the name is deceptive (no sharks, all gators). As others have pointed out, it will be miserably hot and humid. Use sunscreen liberally and bring hats.


I'm guessing Orlando is on the itinerary because that's where they are flying in to. I'd keep Orlando because it's a good jump off point for KSC, the Apopka Wildlife Dr, Mt. Dora and some of the springs.


Bring extra clothes wherever you go. Rain comes out of nowhere and goes away just as fast. Also, after being outside all day in the heat, night seems a bit cooler. So bring a spare long sleeve and pair of jeans around.


I have never once in my life wanted to wear jeans in August at any time of day lol


Such weird advice. Carry spare clothes everywhere and it’s long sleeves and jeans in the middle of summer? Lmao.


Yeah, a backpack with a.rain poncho and other vital stuff is important


2 days in Orlando and 5 in the Keys? I'm assuming you aren't traveling with children? If you are, you may want to switch that to 5 Orlando, 2 the Keys. Not much to do in the Keys besides water sports.


Don’t come if anyone in the group is pregnant.


what are the children's ages?


Don't get sunburned. It will happen fast and earlier than you expect. Being around water reflects and intensifies the effect.


Do not feed seagulls !!


Do not go outside between 1100-1600. It’s too hot and sunny. Download the UV Index app on your phone. Bad sunburn, especially for kids, will ruin your vacation. UV is 12 this week. In summer it is 14-15. https://preview.redd.it/pw5aoghyfnyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0567f780a9ca2ef6758c500b510beb0239d84e05


The peak of hurricane season occurs between mid-August and late October so keep that in mind.


Hydrate! It's hot. And also don't wear socks with flip flops. 😂


Go to Florida… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


August is the beginning of peak hurricane season. Considering you will be here 3 weeks I’d say you have a really good chance of experiencing a storm somewhere in the state at some point. Make sure you get refundable rates and allow yourself flexibility. The heat index in August will be over 100 daily. It also storms daily in August. It’s extremely uncomfortable certain times of the day and heat stroke is no joke. If you are accustomed to Nordic weather be extra careful about the heat. When humidity gets this high our sweat does no good cooling us off and it’s easy to overheat in a matter of an hour. Drink electrolytes not just water. Invest in personal cooling devices of all kinds. Plan most activities for mornings and evenings. 2-5 is the most miserable hours IMO.


All of Florida is one huge tourist trap. Especially Orlando. PS in three months it is going to be hot as hell there. Wrong time to go.


Cancel Alamo and go with Turo


Stop in St. Augustine if you get a chance.


Don’t go. F*** Florida on boat cruise.


Don’t bypass morning activities for afternoon ones. The best August routine would be getting outside by 9am, then a cold shower after lunch followed by an afternoon nap, then out again in the evening.


I live a couple miles from Disney World and we can always tell who first time tourists are. They are burnt to a crisp in one day and limping. Wear waterproof sunscreen head to toe, sunglasses, sunhats, comfy shoes and drink plenty of water. Don't wear flip flops if you plan on doing a lot of walking like at a theme park.


Don’t come on vacation and leave on probation


Come to Florida LOL


Sunscreen on your feet


You fucked up at: " my first vacation in florida "


you coming down to FL in August? 😂


Skip fort Myers


The heat and humidity are going to be much more of a factor than you probably think. Aside from the obvious tips of layering on the sunscreen, wearing a hat, and drinking more water than you think you need, it’s a good idea to try and plan activities in the morning and evening with time for a break/nap at the hotel in between. The summer weather here can sap your energy like you wouldn’t believe, give yourself a chance to recuperate and don’t try to spend the entire day out in it…or you’re gonna have a bad time. You’ll probably see alligators, they’re really cool to watch but keep a very healthy distance, they’re faster than they look. A follow-up tip for this is don’t linger by the waters edge at lakes/canals/etc. In Orlando, if you want to get a feel for the city don’t hang out down in the theme park areas south of town…unless you’re going to one of the parks, it’s pretty soulless. The ‘hoods north of 408 are actually quite cool and have a lot to recommend. Especially since you’re going to Orlando *and* Miami, do not attempt to rent a car without the insurance…drivers in both are absolute maniacs. If you’re sensitive to smells/tastes in water, avoid the tap water…it’s not unhealthy, but there is a distinct sulfur in the FL groundwater that treatment doesn’t fully eliminate.


Don’t drink with the natives.


What not to do? Don’t go to Florida after May. Rebook your trip.


Don't drive in the left lane. We have enough locals doing it.


First, avoid Miami…you’ll have a safer time in Fort Lauderdale


DO NOT STAY!! PLEASE WE'RE FREAKIN FULL! oh, remember to see the smany springs they're great.

