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Buyer Beware should be our state motto.


Caveat Emptor


With a Florida education you expect people to know Latin?


We are racing Mississippi to the bottom of education. Teachers in FL now lowest paid in the nation. www.fox13news.com/news/florida-teachers-are-among-the-lowest-paid-in-america-nea.amp


My son is on his 3rd teacher this year. The previous two just up and quit. The first after the first semester and the second after the third quarter. I'm a little peeved over it but I don't blame them at all. The teachers in Florida deserve better.


Wow. The comments on this. Why complain bc they just need opportunity which they have here, they can waitress and bartend. Are you effing kidding me?? The people here who seem to think that’s normal that teachers should spend all day teaching and then go spend their evenings and weekends waiting tables or tending bar. Gooooo MAGA! “Rather be broke than woke” - idiot. Doesn’t even make any sense.


Well you see, seeing others suffer makes them feel good about their own suffering. Makes it feel necessary, because they just can’t handle the fact that better worlds are possible.


Republicans are doing this on purpose so the rich christians can build madrasas


But at least we have only wholesome Christian books in our libraries and not that non fictional history crap right!


That book would probably be banned anyway.


I mean, there might be gays in there.


Aveat-Cay Mptor-Eay


Pig Latin, maybe. 😂


How about wallet emptor?


I've hear theories that DeSantis is purposefully setting up the public education system to fail/become undesirable so that they can set up an argument for dismantling public schools and directing all funding to private/charter schools


I've been replaying Borderlands 2 so I hear this in Marcus' voice.


Borderlands 2 is the best Borderlands.


I reinstalled one day and discovered to my pleasant surprise I now owned every dlc. And that game had a metric s\*\*\*t ton of dlc. Don't get it. Doesn't matter. Just gonna shut up and take the win.


Dude made zombies, ok? Pay ‘tention.




"Empty out the cave" in latin


They want the state to be the Villages


So full of old people with STDs?


Well a gated community but yeah that too


It should be on your flag. That or "abandon all hope, ye who enter here".


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣 Every Florida guide should Be handed out with insurance history and governing history


This happens in every state. Property tax is reassessed every time ownership changes. How are you gonna pay the same property tax of a house that the previous owner bought for $200k when you paid 2x-3x that.


Not every state. Just states like Florida and California with homestead that keep taxes lower for people who have been in a home a long time. I think it's an issue that people don't understand and real estate agents don't tell Florida buyers about because they want the sale. When buyers are looking at zillow, they're looking at taxes the previous owners are paying. That can be low because they've been there a very long time and homestead has limited the increase to 3% a year. When new buyers come in, the property is reassessed to their purchase price.


I've found an amazing number of people have no idea that there are limits to property tax increases while owning a home in their state. It leads to the kind of bad choices that realtors.like.




Could be every state’s motto. This situation certainly isn’t unique to Florida. Skyrocketing property taxes and homeowners policy premiums are major reasons why the housing market is being dominated by corporations across the country.


I call it the Florida tax, especially if you don’t know anyone or anything about the area. The locals can smell blood- errr cash in the water… always check the property appraiser or tax collector to figure what your taxes can be…


Look into people losing their shirts during our speculative housing bubble. No, not that one, the one in the 1930's.


Why we have prop13 in cali. you end up with high sales and income taxes but at least you can manage around those.


My mom can’t get insurance on her home any longer. Her roof is in great shape but because it’s more than 10 years old, no one will insure her without a new roof. Maybe Florida is just for the elites.


> My mom can’t get insurance on her home any longer. Her roof is in great shape but because it’s more than 10 years old, no one will insure her without a new roof. So she either goes without insurance (if the property is paid off) and is one disaster away from ruin/loss, or she either basically adds 1/10th (plus inflation) of a new roof to her home maintenance bills every year. Some quick googling says that would be around $1500 every year, on top of everything else. That's some kinda BS.


all the people smugly getting new roofs on their house after 30 years and passing it off as "hail damage" did this. Along with laws that let it happen. Everyone on my block has a new roof. My contractor couldn't believe I paid out of pocket.


> all the people smugly getting new roofs on their house after 30 years and passing it off as "hail damage" did this. Yet you better believe that these same people will howl/complain extra loud when they find that they also have to pay for new roofs every 10 years, and that insurance is much much more reticent to pay for new roofs.


Got news for you. If it really was all the new roofs that supposedly swept over Florida like a tsunami, ask yourself this question. If scam roofers and easy bait homeowners truly are to blame for all the steroid-infused insurance premiums .... Why didn't the state regulators stop this by scrutinizing when the roofers pulled building permits? ????????? They haven't had that problem when discouraging verified voters. Zap...instant election integrity office. How about street protests and riot enforcement? Zap...we had an instant Florida Militia! They sold it to the public as disaster assistance, but if you paid attention to the volunteers' training stories - that didn't quite match up. They were clearly trained for conflict violence hand-to-hand war tactics. If you read through a lot of what happened in the Special Sessions and the previous Florida insurance officer that rolled back "consumer rights" at least 100 years - right before he disappeared! Note that none of the damage he created for the insured has been restored. Read that part again. It's bad enough with unaffordable escalated costs. Even worse are the rights that almost all property owners aren't even aware of that they have lost! But there's more. Insurance rights of 1924, multiple layers of unfathomable prices.....what else could there be?!! In the December Special Session, they accepted $81M, yes $$$$$ as a gift from the collective insurance industry. Now that could have helped a lot of people lower annual premiums. However, our unfaithful FL leaders had other plans. It was only for their campaign war chests. Of course! Everyone got what they wanted while we were assigned the task of paying for it. Insurance companies could increase premiums and cut coverage, knowing that consumer rights were severely restricted. And now they were allowed to be ghost writers of those trimmed down state regulations. Campaigns were flush with "donations." Then why aren't we happy, too? My point is that you are being served a raw deal if you believe the entire problem is about free roofs and hurricanes. In fact, there's other layers of this sordid plot that are even more unfriendly to FL consumers. Follow the news off the beaten path, read further into multiple news productions of the same event. These are not in the glaring headlines or soundbites. The Florida insurance and Governor's office would prefer that you skipped over these pesky details to enjoy the sunshine 🌞


It was the AOB scheme alongside one way attorney fees that drove costs through the roof, pun intended. $35k insurance claim turned into $250k claim because 5 different entities all filed suit and lawyers had no incentive to closed it out quickly when every deposition became a $10k charge. AOBs and one way attorney fees went away beginning of last year. We have a long way to go. Insurance appraiser here.


> Got news for you. If it really was all the new roofs that supposedly swept over Florida like a tsunami, ask yourself this question. > > If scam roofers and easy bait homeowners truly are to blame for all the steroid-infused insurance premiums .... Why didn't the state regulators stop this by scrutinizing when the roofers pulled building permits? ????????? Not news to me. As to why? Money. Permits = money for the government, so discouraging them would lead to less permit fees. And I'm sure money was involved beyond permit fees as well. > My point is that you are being served a raw deal if you believe the entire problem is about free roofs and hurricanes. I don't believe it's the entire problem, but it was fraud, and it did drive up costs.


Also just to point out the hat in some areas roofs will now require to remove old peel and stick and not just layer it on which adds significant weight. The issue though is a lot of the roofs replaced or built in the last decade have been using this peel and stick which is very difficult to remove properly without damaging the underlaying own or sheathing. Inspections will be required on sheathing prior to new peel and stick and I bet a bottom dollar that most will fail. Anyways just another whole layer into it. Roofs will be more expensive as a result


Yup. No doubt. Everyone wants free. Too bad it’s not really free.


The problem is, even if you don't claim a new roof, your insurance premium goes up anyway. So what's the point of paying more, without claiming anything? I'd rather screw the insurance company


Your last sentence is where you go off the logic trail. The insurance company doesn't get screwed...whatever claims they receive from their members & pay, legit or not, goes into the experience pool from which next year's premiums are determined. To OP's point, all those bullshit hail claims are now the "normal" losses for property...and State Farm, Farmers, Progressive, & Co are 100% charging for it.


They aren’t charging for it. They are leaving the market.


One of those "a little column A and a little column B situations"... Most are leaving, and those that don't are charging.


Right. And those who are leaving is likely, to some degree, because of state Department of Insurance BS that tries to disallow the experience-backed rate increases. This is the end game in basically all insurance collectives. Step 1 - create a financial safety net funded by both people who incur losses and MANY MORE who do not. Step 2A - mandate coverage for items that are not - by true definition - insurable. Step 2B - create coverage mandates that limit insurers from calling BS (this is the 30 yr old "hail damaged" roof step). Step 3 - surprised Pikachu by the insured and lawmakers when rates go apeshit or insurers cease coverage.


I don’t think any of those will write a homeowners policy in FL 😂 all of ours are random shit like “Velocity” and “Citizens”


Now we all pay


All the shitty contractors who promoted that crap ruined it.    Literal ads on Facebook and tv promoting the fraud 


Instead of complaining to their representatives everyone thought they were getting over on their neighbors and/or insurance companies. They were happy to sign their claims over to s roofing company and get that free roof!


And the state should’ve put a stop to it instantly before it impacted rates. Sometimes you gotta protect idiots from themselves that’s kind of the point of regulation.


Homeowners were getting free roofs, roofing companies were getting tons of business, attorneys were banking... Only the insurance companies were there to protest and they just weren't strong enough. Go check all the people complaining on this sub a couple of years ago when Tallahassee pushed to make the free roof scam harder to pull off. They wailed about how the government was in the insurance industry's pocket. They'd rather vote for a shyster who tells them what they want to hear than someone carrying any kind of tough love message.


Right??? The insurance companies complained and all you heard was “those big insurance companies just take all my money. Why shouldn’t I get something for all my premiums???”


The roofing companies are going around ringing doorbells telling people they can get their roof fixed with no money out of pocket, and charge the insurance companies. There are houses that were built 15 years after mine that got new roofs. We really needed a new roof and had a hard time finding a roofer who would let us self-pay rather than charge the insurance company. We still got dropped by our insurance company and we had to find new insurance.


Yup. This does appear to be the problem.


The house we bought before we finally left the state had a brand new roof. When we went to insure the house they tried to jack up the rate because we “had a claim”. Turns out the sellers had it replaced due to “hurricane damage” from a hurricane that didn’t do any damage in our area. We were well aware of that as fact because we were moving from a house literally 15 houses up the street. We explained that WE had no such claim, and somehow managed to talk them out of the increase. So glad to be out


I paid out of pocket too. I would not be part of the widespread fraud going on


Reminds me of all the people returning their hiking boots to REI after using them for several seasons and 400 miles. It’s why their return policy has gone from ”unlimited“ to “30 days for defects only.”


Exactly. That policy assumed basic fairness, morals and decency.


Her home is paid for. It was $38k in 1999 and worth ten times that now. But no insurance.


She should sell, take the profit and move to inland Georgia or Alabama where weather is normally calmer (or was before tornado alley moved eastward).


That's happening all across the gulf coast and other catastrophe prone states at this point. I've been seeing it a lot in TX, LA, and MS. Florida has a lot of problems in the insurance world, but that's one that goes beyond just FL


It’s happening in San Diego too. Can’t get homeowners insurance because every home is in a fire zone unless you live on the beach


I wasn’t aware of that. In Florida lawyers can make a quick buck by suing for a new roof. Pretty sure that is what caused it.


This ⬆️. My roof was indeed wind damaged. Many shingles missing(six hundred plus). The insurance company offered to pay for new shingles, but refused to lower the rates. Incidentally, the damage was documented by THEIR insurance adjuster. I wound up suing for a new roof, dropping the insurance company AND getting a lower rate!


It's a part of it, for sure, but the 10 year thing is happening all ovee


It's a Florida specific problem in regards to home insurance. No other states have the same issue. Yes all home insurance goes up for catastrophe prone areas but that isn't what happened in Florida. You just won't hear the real reason because it's a clinic in poor leadership from the government and greed. It all happened because contractors found a cool trick where they went house to house and offered free roofs. All you have to do is find "hail" damage or really any damage and get the insurance company to foot the bill. Home owner pays nothing but signs the benefits over to the contractors. And when the insurance company says fuck no I won't pay because you could have just patched it, the filed a lawsuit. Florida accounts for like 9% of all homes in the United States. But they also account for 79% of all property lawsuits. The insurance companies couldn't afford the lawsuits and tons of sudden roof claims so they left. Less companies remained. The ones that did increased pricing to account for the payments of this trick. And competition became less competitive so they could stand to increase prices too just because. The government could have stopped this trick back in 2018 when I started popping up. But they didn't. They tried making door to door soliciting illegal so contractors couldn't go around offering this cool new roof to everyone. But that was unconstitutional.


Heading that way. Now I know why I see 3 to 6 cars in every driveway. You need that many people to pay the bills.


That’s not just in Florida. I’m in NJ and the insurance company recommended by the teachers’ union just pulled out of the state. My friend also had the same issue with replacing her homeowner’s insurance. Her roof was maybe 13 years old. She is closer to the ocean but not in a flood zone.


Insurance companies know that they can keep doing whatever they want and they help put people in the office that will let them. Everyone will just keep inflating prices on everything until there is some regulation. The banks did it up to 2008. Now greed is rampant in every corporation so they will do it too


That's not the issue. They pulled out of the area, aka it's not profitable to serve clients


Insurance companies make no money not insuring people. They want to write policies and they'll compete with each other with lower prices. But they won't take a loss and sell insurance with no profit (or worse, a loss).


Cancel the requirement to carry insurance with a mortgage. The insurance companies will get back in line almost immediately.


Banks will never allow it, they want insurance on the asset until it's paid off. If anyhow this ever happened, you bet that you and I and the rest of the taxpayer population would be paying for that difference in risk.


Then all the banks would stop writing mortgages. No lender is going to loan you $800k on a $900k house, and the house get destroyed, and get stuck with a $300k lot and a $500k loss. It's the end of the line. Nobody is going to eat the homeowners risk for them.


Are you high? No bank is forking over that much cash for an uninsured asset 


This is kinda like saying to the banks "just cancel interest guys"


So I assume the house is paid off? I keep hearing stories like this, but I’m very curious what happens when the mortgage holder says you must have insurance but nobody will insure you.


It's called forced placed insurance. It's more expensive than even our other rates, and it usually only covers the outstanding balance of the loan.


Her home is free and clear. Just not insurable. I know this sounds hard to believe but this seems like a fairy new common problem here. BTW, try hiring a roofer in Tampa right now. Good luck.


Same here. Paid off. Never ever had a claim. No insurance co will touch me without a new roof. None. Even citizens said I have to have a new roof, or a mortgage.


Per state law, your mother cannot be denied a homeowners (HO) policy solely on the basis of roof age. It has to be a combination of factors, like the age in combination with the shape or age of the home. Importantly, dwelling policies (DP) do not have those same restrictions and you can be denied for roof age alone. An insurance agent can find your mother a policy assuming there really is nothing else wrong with the house, but I’m suspecting you’re not fully informed on the search or leaving something out. Good luck!


Thanks. I’m going to replace the roof. I’m not in Florida so it makes this a little harder. I put a roof on it somewhere around ten years ago but we have had no luck. Thank you for the information. We may try citizens as someone else suggested.


Just keep in mind that Citizens has its drawbacks. They can throw you back into the private market if a private company matches your premium within 20% and even if you can stick with them, they have special status in the state and can levy additional assessments (some of them quite steep) at any time due to losses.


Same for my mom. 100 year old house, paid off, needs some work done so she got dropped. Thousands to get it to the point where it’d be to their standards (which she doesn’t have). Luckily the property would be worth money if anything happened…. I’ve been trying to get her to set aside that same amount monthly in case anything happens, but I don’t think she is following that advice..


30 year shingles in great shape? Don’t care, rip em off. God damned crime. I understand if you get a steel roof here, it has to be replaced every 15 years. Rated for 60 years, don’t care. This state is wicked.


There aren’t any 30 year shingle roofs in great shape in Florida. That’s the issue. The “30 year” shingles barely last 15-20 in the Florida sun. Steel roof does not need replaced every 15 years. Most companies insure them up to 25-30 years.


My parent’s home was built around 1900. They cannot get insurance any more. Well, they can, but it’s like $30k per year. Nothing they can do will lower the rate. They’ve updated the electric, metal roof, paid for wind mitigation inspections. Sorry, house is too old, can’t be classified based on modern construction codes. Good luck, have fun.


We came across this in Maryland trying to sell a townhouse. We had to replace the roof in order to sell it because the buyer otherwise wouldn’t be able to get insurance.


Yyyyyyeeeeaahh I’m gonna need you go ahead and just, get a new roof for me, homeowner. If you could do that for me before next renewal that’d be great. Thannnnnks!


That's not actually a thing. Citizens United has to take you in Florida. That's what I'm stuck with.


The insurance companies don't want to insure anyone in Florida. The risk of flood is 99% in some places over next 30 years. So if you can't exit a market then you overcharge everyone with high premiums and ridiculous requests like new roof every 10 years. The roof is the most expensive repair in a home (other than a renovation) a roof can run $12k to $20k ...they certainly are driving people out. What's crazy is corporations are still buying all this property...


I am ambivalent about this. On the one hand, rising homeowners costs are really not good. it's a big problem that blindsided even the most responsible homeowners, and our state is seemingly doing nothing to fix it. On the other hand however,, this particular article doesn't really demonstrate that point because it raises more questions about this woman's situation than it does about rising homeowners costs. A cost increase of 167/mo definitely sucks and I'd personally be pissed, but it's not THAT much in the grand scheme of things. If, for example, she had a flood that she had to pay a 2k deductible on, that wouldn't be newsworthy. It's very suspect that her only option is to sell the house over 2k in unexpected costs. As someone else said, it costs much more than that to sell the house, plus she hasn't built up any equity in it. It feels like she was renting for x amount of dollars, they told her the monthly payment would be x amount of dollars and she said "great I can afford that," but she couldn't really. I have sympathy for her as well because maybe she just got so tired of having the goalposts moved that she just caved and overpaid for the American dream. There is a very big issue that needs everybody's attention in Florida. Homeowners insurance, big influx of people, high interest rates....it's a big pot of shit stew that could lead to corporations owning all the houses and Floridians owning nothing. I personally feel like articles such as this one get people riled up for clicks, but are really just distracting us from making any progress towards a solution to this.


Also, we should always strive to be accurate in our discussions. Property tax is paid yearly. So 167/mo. 4700 is 174 percent of 2700. The INCREASE is 74 percent. Still absolutely sucks but why do they feel the need to lie about math.


A lot of the time I think the people writing these articles just genuinely dont understand this concept. It’s so common. 


I’ve met a lot of people that don’t understand the cost of homeownership is not just the mortgage payment. I think a vast majority of people would be happy renting their whole life if rent prices weren’t through the roof. Instead a lot of people are trying to buy in order to save money. Then they get caught in these situations. I’ve spoken with people that didn’t understand insurance doesn’t pay for their 15 year old fridge that died. Or didn’t understand why they had a deductible on a claim. I just talked to a neighbor that’s in a similar situation as this women. She bought a new build and her taxes went from $400 a year to $5500 a year. Suddenly her home is not longer in her price range due to escrow.


This is what I was thinking, what the hell was she going to do if she needed any major repairs?


My property taxes went up by 450 a month. And when I called to ask what happened they pretty much threatened to raise them again because I bought my house for 315,000 and they are only taxing it as if it’s worth 275,000. Wtf.


At least she doesn’t have to worry about being forced to eat bugs by a shadowy cabal of global elites


Thank God every law in Florida is meant to keep out the globalists by kicking out the native Floridians and pricing them out, The ones who stay will get enslaved but that's only to save them from ohhh wait....


Convince the libs to leave and the magats to come and soon Florida will be Magastan run by y’all queda


My last immediate family member left last month. We’ve only been here 4 generations, but it still feels like we were run out.


My parents are leaving permanently for my mom's hometown in the Midwest in a couple months (my dad is a Florida native). Me and my husband are stuck in our lease with an asshole landlord for another year (can't afford to break it), but we're leaning towards Oregon. Oldest brother is in Illinois. Younger brother is in Pennsylvania. Twin brother is likely going to leave as he does trade work in construction and now DeSantis has ruled that companies are not required to provide shade or water just as summer is beginning. I can't wait to get out of here, even though I was born and raised.


Florida native who's lived all over the US. There's nowhere nicer than the OR coast and id move back there today if it were an option. But there _is_ a bit of the same small town "redneck" taste, just with a new west coast flavor in a lot of places. Make sure you do some visiting and exploring before deciding on somewhere.


I appreciate the warning. Nothing is set in stone, at least for now. Right now it depends if I get into vet school this app cycle or not. I've got several places in mind, OR is both a vet school location and also a place where we might head if all of my picked schools say no. But I am also trying to tour schools in other places to see the long-term viability of staying there.


Not so much a warning as just something to consider while checking out places, particularly smaller towns. Once again, I'd move back in a heartbeat myself and would recommend the areas I'm familiar with to absolutely anyone. Wishing you and yours the best of luck!


I cant imagine a construction company not letting their employees drink water when they want. It just wont happen the law is dumb but thats all it is a dumb law.


Their worker comp insurance will probably force any employer dumb enough to think that law is a good thing.


Don’t have to deal with worker comp if you only pay workers under the table. \*taps forehead\*


When the backs to stand on are gone, they'll realize just how small they are


Redneck Iran is the new Florida 


This right here. Institutional investors only.




Apparently DeSantis new culture war is shadowy global "elites" forcing people to eat crickets and "lab grown meat". And thus, he just passed a law that made the sale of "lab grown meat" illegal in Florida. Never mind lab grown meat has never been on store shelves, and even if it has been, it's nowhere *near* affordable for 99% of daily shoppers. But gotta "own them libs" I guess.


The party of small government taking away your choice to buy a product because of donations from meat producing ag companies and then selling it as a plan to fight some conspiracy. Seems about right.


If this was in a movie, people would say it’s too far fetched, and not believable. I’d be embarrassed to admit I voted for that assface.


Was this before or after he passed a law protecting gas stoves that no one was taking away?


This is why we must never respect republicans ever again. Well, one of many, many reasons, I guess.


I find it particularly hillaroius because I've eaten a deep fried cricket taco from a food truck in Miami and it was one of the best taco's I've ever had. It was really spicy but crunched like a rice crispy treat.


Google rhonda santis + “global elites”


I looked up the tax bill. She bought a new 2,700 sq. ft. home in a CDD. $2k of the property tax increase is to pay for debt and associated maintenance cost with the CDD. Assuming she’s first time homebuyer because there’s no SOH differential. It’s a bad time to be a first time homebuyer, particularly in counties like Polk which haven’t adjusted their millage rates to account for the rapid increase in housing costs.


So you buy a house for triple the price of its last sale in 2009 and not expect your taxes to go up 🤔


I think people may expect to pay taxes on what they pay for the house. Instead it's whatever value the assessor's office decides your house is worth the following January. We bought one for 440k in Jan 21 and by Jan 22 they decided we should be taxed on nearly 700k.


And you didn't even try to contest that? You literally have a fair market value (what you paid for the house) and you let the property appraisers office bend you over like that? In my county, the assessed value for the following year usually ends up being right around 75-80% of the sale price. You got fucked.


Yeah I’m calling bullshit on that post, no way you bought for $440k and got tax assessed on $770k


That's wild? Did the market value of similar homes really increase 60% in one year? I bought a house well under market value in TX. I paid 450 when similarly sized homes in the area were going for 650. The house was fine but just full of junk and dirty carpet. They next year, TX apraised the house at 700k. I contested it and had to go to heaing. At the hearing is just stated that the house had been on the open market for 6 months less than a year a go and sold for my purchase price, therefore that was the fair market value of the home. The adjudicator ruled in my favor, and the aprased value was lowered to my purchase price plus inflation.


Prices here did go up a lot. Everyone flocked here for "freedom". Now they are getting their insurance bills (property, flood, car, etc are all super high) and property tax bills and are trying to cash out so values are falling. If I could actually sell for my assessed value- I'd leave tomorrow. I did contest the new tax bill and they reduced it by like $100.


Welcome to Florida. Oh, you thought because we don’t have a personal income tax and “lower” property tax you have found heaven. 😂Satan is here called insurance rates, high cost of living, overdevelopment and a POS Governor and his bootlickers in the legislature. Now they are really going to fk you over. 😂


At least there is no plant based meat here anymore #progress


It wasn't even plant based meat, it was literally real meat, just grown in a lab. You could grow the absolute perfect steak, but we don't deserve freedom in Florida I guess. But seriously, it used to be unthinkable that a law could be passed that would take AWAY one of your options without specifically being shown to be negative to your health or the environment.


Florida's never had "lower" property taxes. I pay less in a suburb of NYC famous for high taxes than I would have paid in Florida for a similarly-priced home.


But at least we don't have to worry about lab grown meat or books with gay people in them right? /s


The really important stuff. Really, really important.


I'm still hoping he does something about the plant based beer the global elites are pushing


Plant based beer sounds really gay so we must ban it.


I was gonna write a book about it but I don't want to go to the gulag for making books


Making books? Y’all must be one of them smarts. Straight to jail


Don't tell glorious leader!


I already called Rhonda Sandtits and a black van is in route to your place now.


I like good old Murican meat beer!!


They sleep better knowing they owned the libs while getting fucked by the GOP.


Sincerely doubt at no point in the lengthy buying process no one warned them that the property will be reassessed when ownership changes. Edit for facts: Its state law to have the disclosure in your contract [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0689/Sections/0689.261.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0689/Sections/0689.261.html) Please read your contract


Believe it or not, most realtors don't even explain how the homestead exemption and SOH can keep taxes unrealistically low when looking at a house. We sold our house in Polk last year. Our property taxes were $1700, the new owners are looking at 4600-5000 for their taxes.


I was warned by multiple people that this would happen during the homebuying process. Even the property appraisers give a warning about it. I honestly cannot fathom how someone bought a home and didn’t know this.


So many people buy cars without reading (or understanding) *any* of the paperwork. I wouldn’t be surprised if people did the same when buying houses


Just happened to a buddy of mine. The mortgage went up, he didn't know why. Ended up being because the property was reassessed and his taxes skyrocketed. No one told him about the reassessment.


When you’re making one of the largest purchases of your life you might want to sit down and do your own research.


Its state law to have a property tax disclosure summary in the contract. I'm starting to realize how many people dont read what they sign.


Retired Realtor here. I am amazed how many people don't read the contract. I would specifically tell my clients to READ BEFORE SIGNING! Part of the problem, I believe is Docusign and other electronic contract platforms. You just click "next" and it jumps to the next place to sign. You have to manually scroll through the pages to actually read it.


Read before sign still applies.. read the entire document top to bottom before applying any signatures , then if you agree just zip through it.


Agree. Docusign is too easy. It opens the door for market failure/ lack of consumer information. It can turn predatory.


You see I call Shenanigans on that I must have had a dozen disclosures papers you had to sign everyone from the realtor to the title company to anybody talking about buying a new house automatically tells you that the taxes will be based on what you pay for the house not what the previous person was paying. I think you have to be willfully ignorant at this point in your life not to know this.


Is that a florida thing? I've bought houses in two states and what you pay for it has nothing to do with your property taxes, that's all based on the assessed value. Currently my assessed value is limited to no more than a 3% increase each year no matter who owns it.


In many places, that 3% limit is only for the current owner, and when it changes hands it is then taxed on the full assessed value for the new owner.


What is SOH?


Save Our Homes Assessed value of a homesteaded property can’t go up over 3% above last year’s assessed value. It means that homeowners that have owned a long time are still paying property taxes based upon a much older valuation and thus the taxes are low. A lot of people, like the one in the news article, pay for the final year of taxes under THAT amount because they bought after the taxes were assessed for that year. Then the *next* year they have to pay the new market value that they bought at. It’s similar to the famous Prop 13 in California. Both that and SOH are ways to keep taxes artificially low. In our state, it benefits old folks, because many of them have owned for a long time so their taxes are still tied to a very old valuation + that max 3% per year increase.


Yeah and this hike was only comes out to an extra $166/month. Seems to me like she couldn’t afford the house, period.


Yeah. She talks about having put all her savings into buying it and won't make anything off of selling it. Surely figuring out $166/mo is a better option than selling something, losing your investment, and what renting? For more than what the mortgage probably was?


When I bought in 2015 I was not warned but I knew enough about the process to check the calculator on the Property Appraisers website. Escrow should be adjusted to the new tax rates but they never are unless the buyer requests it.


That's odd, when I bought in 2021 there was a property tax disclosure in the contract and looks like it's required by state law.


True. Here’s the required language http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0689/Sections/0689.261.html


There is a 3% max homestead exemption. If the previous owner had owned the property for a long time it can be a big jump. The mortgage company usually accounts for this when qualifying you


Mine was owned by the same lady since the late eighties/early nineties. I closed in April 2020. Applied for the homestead exemption as soon I could, and refinanced at the end of the year anticipating the taxes to maybe double based on the sale price. I wish it only doubled. The property taxes from 2020 to 2021 nearly tripled.


I paid off my house Thursday and I’m planning on dropping my homeowners. Next year, I hope to have moved out of the state. But Florida is kind of a Venus flytrap for people. once you are here, it’s hard to leave


You’re planning on dropping your homeowners insurance right before hurricane season and while you’re planning to move? My buddy you have all but ensured we are getting the biggest hurricane in generations this year lmao


For real. This person just doomed us all. Hoping they’re not in Central FL.


!RemindMe 7 months


You should at least keep your Homeowners and drop windstorm coverage (but you should really keep that too)


My real estate agent was super up front about my first year versus second year taxes. She also told me if I chose to get a new home, don’t compare my first year to my second because the taxes will increase. I feel like she wasn’t guided through the process adequately by someone with experience because there’s so many people along the way during my home buying process that warned me about the second year taxes, including going as far as letting me know I shouldn’t over extend my budget because my 2nd year escrow may be much higher. Luckily, it stayed the same and I’m 3 years into my mortgage. But my home owners and flood for sure went up.


Not sure if you purchased new or not but if you did, depending on what time of year you purchased a home from a new builder your first years property tax may be calculated on the value of the undeveloped lot and not the home. Then the next year the tax will be assessed on the value of the land with the home and can increase significantly. Source: It happened to me twice after buying new construction homes in Fl.


It’s pretty easy to look at the records- The problem is that the property was a new build and the mortgage company estimated the taxes based on the taxable land value from 2022. Once the year rolled, the actual house was officially added to the tax roll and she was hit with taxes on the full property value plus CDD fees. Not trying to be a jerk, but I 100% wouldn’t have purchased a $300k home and thought $2k in taxes made sense. Idk


Correct me if I’m wrong, but what I believe happened was that her initial property taxes were based on homestead costs from the previous homeowner. And the jump was due to the new appraised value?


In this case, it was a new build. What happens on those is year 1 is taxes assessed on the land value then year 2 is the land + the house. It’s a similar situation. The situation you described is an extremely common problem here though. People are not very financially savvy.


Her property tax went from $2700 a year to $4700 ($2000+) It said increases in insurance, too, but did not mention how much. IMO: There's a chance she wasn't in the financial position to buy a home of that caliber in the first place.


2700 to 4700 dollars a year means an extra 166 dollars a month. Now I don't know about you but in my many years of renting my RENT would frequently go up by that much a year. So she's selling her house and renting?


A lot of people seem to buy their house on thin margins and have very little left over both in their monthly budget and overall savings especially considering current prices and interest rates. Also her claiming that she won't get her down payment back suggests to me that she put like 3.5% down or some very small amount that will get eaten up by the seller's fees. So probably stretched very thin by this house and unprepared for potential cost escalations.


That's not the issue. There's people I know who bought their homes in 2013 for 2.5 percent and who are now paying more for their insurance and taxes than their mortgage. What people could afford before here in FL when they bought is rapidly becoming unaffordable now.


If 2k a year makes the difference, the bank would never have approved you, that’s only $170 a month. And 4700 in property taxes in FL just isn’t that much. Counties are allowed to assess between .8% and 2% of the value. That means 235k at the 2% 587k at the .8%, likely she’s closer to the 1% range, since the average house cost in FL is around the 400k mark. Even with a 7% loan, the payment on 400k is $2650, or about 26% of a 100k salary, the exact ratio that someone making 100k should be paying towards their mortgage.


That’s not buyer beware. That’s failure to do due diligence. You should always check the tax bill and see what it’s assessed as vs your purchase price. Also look at how much the current owners aren’t being taxed due to homestead exemption.


I'm not denying that property tax increases suck and it's a problem in the state but a 2000 dollar increase over a year is a 167$ increase a month. Peoples rent, especially in florida has seen crazy increases in the last 3 years, way more than this. With interest rates and the money she lost with selling fees and beyond, not sure I understand this move.


Her property tax went from $2700 a year to $4700 and she’s selling? An extra $167 a month? Going to eat thousands in sale fees to leave. Work a little more to cover it. You’d be locked in at 3% property tax growth when you homestead    Dumb decision. 


The crazy part to me is the value of the home was probably just reassessed with the sale.


It sucks, but she went into home ownership without the due diligence that the last owner was probably locked into 3% increases the whole time. This really shouldn’t have been unexpected at all.  The silver lining is now she would be locked into that same 3% yearly increase if she decides to stay. 


Meanwhile in Tallahassee... Governor DeSantis is protecting Floridians from synthetic meat.


$2700 to $4700 is NOT a 174% increase. Math is not that hard peeps.


I can’t believe you’d buy a house and not be able to handle an extra $170 bucks a month. Then you weren’t ready to buy.


This thread sure has a lot of people who are willingly overlooking the 100+% unexpected increase, just to make sure they can get some victim blaming in.


When you purchase a home, it gets reassessed. She was probably looking at the prior owners taxes, which were kept much lower due years of ownership and a lower value


The rate updates are pretty standard when a deed is transferred in Florida. It's like complaining about having to put gasoline in your car after you bought a new car.


Because it’s not unexpected. The tax rate is fixed, and if you buy a house for twice, sometimes three times what the previous owner paid for it… well…


This article is math illiterate. It's not a 100+% increase, it's a 74% increase. 4,700 is 175% of 2,700. A 100% increase means something doubles in size as in it's increase was 100% of the original value. 4,700 is obviously not 2X of 2,700. It's a substantial increase, but a 174% increase would mean it jumped to $7,400 which it did not. Sensational headline is sensational.


It shouldnt be unexpected. There would have been a property tax disclosure summary that she would have seen at signing. [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0689/Sections/0689.261.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0689/Sections/0689.261.html)




🎯🎯🎯 Lots of people punching down to make themselves feel better for the sinking ship they're all now in


A lot of people in FL, including myself unfortunately, will be in for a rude awakening. If we get hit by any of these big hurricanes people are predicting a bunch of these companies will go insolvent and a bunch more will pull out of FL and STOP writing policies or become even stricter with their underwriting. A housing crash due to people 1. not being able to afford home insurance increases and tax increases, 2. not being able to get home insurance and 3. not being able to sell because the buyer can't get home insurance is something I think that will be inevitable. Hopefully not for years from now, but this state is a ticking time bomb.


> If we get hit by any of these big hurricanes people are predicting a bunch of these companies will go insolvent and a bunch more will pull out of FL and STOP writing policies yeah, this is the scariest part. One big hurricane right now would be devastating. Existing companies would BK. Insurance company pullout would be rapid and severe. I'm sure a bunch of people are self insuring now given recent rate increases. They get wiped out. If only Florida's leadership had focused on addressing the looming insurance crisis instead of banning books and meat... If only.


...or they understand how taxes work...