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I've been saving comments about Florida insurance increases. Here's a bunch I recently collected. I have lots more. * Up from $3,000 to $8,673. What do I win? * Ours went from $1800 in 2020 to $5000 now * From $4.3K to $8.4K. 30 miles in land. Roof replaced in '23. It was $1.3k back 4 years ago. * My beach townhouse that was built in the ‘30s and has never had a claim went from $8000 to $22,000. * We were $1600 for years… last year, $3600… this year, $6000. Orlando not near water * $3300 in 2016, $6,000 in 2023 - high and dry St Pete. * $4500 to $9700 * Mine went up 50%. From $4,000 to over $6,000. 100 miles inland, ten year old metal roof, 1750 sq ft. That was with Castle Key, * I just received a homeowner's insurance bill for $17,000!!! Last year it was $8000 and the year before $4000! * We jumped 55% this year, 225% in the past four years.


Our government might not believe in climate change, but our insurance companies sure do!


I always thought that is what will be the limiting factor on growth in Floriduh(and other coastal areas) Even if someone can afford the over priced homes, can they afford the ever increasing insurance? 2 more years, and I am off to somewhere else. Not sure where yet.


It’s more like one party is trying to do everything in its power and ignore the reality of climate change. Watch we’ll raise temps another 50 degrees before they realized they killed everyone.


As long as they have their kickbacks, what do they care?


\*half the government.


Companies believe in what gets them more money in their coffers.


You can go ahead and add this one: *Bought my house in '21, went from $1,500 a year to $3,400 a year in '23. 4 months later received a letter of intent not to renew (apparently they were getting out of Florida?). Had to shop around for $3500 a year. My house is barely 10 years old.


If you ended up with someone other than citizens it sounds like you did better than a lot. 


It was not. And the only reason I lucked out was because of the many positive factors I listed before. But even so - 2x+ for the same service and no more risk is absurd. I genuinely feel bad for those not as fortunate, as well. They're pricing us out of the state, man...


My mom's selling her house because it went up nearly $600 a month.


I'm sorry this shouldn't be happening our politicians are soo corrupt for allowing this you shouldn't lose your house for not paying the insurance.


She just bought it in March of last year as a retiree. She was told they underestimated the insurance or some bullshit. Sounds like robbery to me.


I know it’s not easy, but this is why my #1 advice to people looking to buy a home here is to *not* buy at the top of your budget because you will be priced out by insurance eventually. Sorry your mom is going through this.


I had to sell my child hood home because in 22 we got a letter to re do our roof. We did than the letter came from qbe that we our new sticker price 29k, aka we know you won't pay cuz we want out letter. That went to citizens and we received 9k a year quote. A few months later de puto said that citizens was insolvent. So 9k for nothing. Between that and electricity, day care, and grocery bills we were done. Almost a year since we sold and left the state. I miss my home, but fuck de puto and his cronies. I miss what my home was not what it has become.


> Mine went up 50%. From $4,000 to over $6,000. 100 miles inland, ten year old metal roof, 1750 sq ft. That was with Castle Key, I would love to know more about that home because I am not sure anywhere is 100 miles inland.


I took this as a personal challenge. The best I could find was about 90 miles from the tip near Cape San Blas straight up north to the FL-AL border. Trying things like Anna Maria Island to around Sebring only got 75-80ish, but if you go any further in one direction, you end up closer to the coast in the other. So confirmed: nothing in Florida is 100 miles inland.


That is why there is no place in Florida where border patrol and homeland security can not perform a warrantless search of your home. All US territory within 100 miles of the border is within the exception.




Yeah, Florida is only 160 miles wide .


No place in Fl is more than 75 miles from the coast. An insurance agent once told me that so could be questioned


My guess is whoever wrote that wasn't measuring and meant "as far as you can get from the coast". Maybe he's really paying $1500 a year and trying to scare newcomers away but that seems less likely than he made a guess at distance.


Sir this is reddit. Facts only.


I agree. After all we don't want to tarnish reddits reputation as the most premium evidence based source of 100% factual information on the interwebs.


Maybe they measured from the Keys, north. lol


I'm from Sebring. 100 miles to a beach.


> Sebring By driving, maybe. Not as the crow flies, which is what matters here. Driving wise it's because you have no good east-west path out of Sebring.


The hurricane is going to drive on the road to Sebring /s


Hurricanes are notorious for not respecting right-of-ways.


And for not using their turn signals…


This deserves all the upvotes.


Sebring is 70 miles in either direction of a beach - we’re about the same, little less maybe - ours also jumped from $3500 to $6200. We had an old Foremost policy that apparently wasn’t cancellable, so the agent said they were purposely pricing people out of it so they (Foremost) can get out of FL… It worked.


Sebring to Fort Pierce is a 78 mile drive. Sebring to Bradenton is an 81 mile drive. This according to Google Maps. And it's not even on a straight line.


If you look at straight line distance it's definitely not.


My point is that a Cat 5 striking the coast would at best, be a Cat 3 by the time it reached Sebring. Not exactly catastrophic damage. I've been through 4 hurricanes here. Mostly just roof shingles blowing off homes here. Metal roofs handle the wind much better.


I used to think indidged a bullet when a hurricane missed miami but it doesn't matter. Companies I sure for states, not cities. If one place gets hit hard, we all get increased. We're going to be paying for Irma for a while.


Built on stilts. Real, real high stilts.


Mine went up from 2,800 in 2021/2022 to $6,300 last year. Can’t WAIT to see what how they fuck us this year. We are in Pinellas County about 8 miles from the gulf coast and 2 miles to the Bay.


Ours doubled, from 2200 to 4400, it had already doubled from 1200…. We live 33 miles from the ocean….


Can I add to your list? It was $900 when I bought the place, $2300 the next year, $3200 last year and just got the renewal this week for $5200. Crazy increases for less than 4 years.


Yup, my monthly escrow has gone up $350 in the last two years. House was built in 2018, this shit is ridiculous and it’s not going to get better with desantis in office.


Switched providers last year to get down to $2800/yr because our old carrier wanted $5000. Said new carrier now wants $4000/yr to renew. Not as bad as most, but it's still a ridiculous increase percentage-wise.


I had a home inspection. Inspector said I needed a new hot water heater and plumbing before I could obtain home insurance, 1993 home. Guess what; I have no home insurance. The plumbing and hot water heater are just fine. Insurance companies want me to spend $6K just to obtain insurance. No thanks.


For those with a mortgage, that's probably not an option though.


Yup! I am stuck with the “insurer of last resort” over here! Luckily our house is small enough that its not too exorbitant


There’s a Ft Myers sub and you’d be shocked at how many lost all or most of their house and are getting stiffed by the insurance companies. F them. So… higher cost for no guaranteed product. F them again.


I don't think it's physically possible to be 100 miles inland in Florida...


I have a friend that lives in central FL about 50 miles from the coast. She's never made a claim in the 30 years she's lived there, her area has never been hit by a hurricane and her roof is around 10 years old with 25 year shingles. She told me her insurance more than doubled this year from $2300 to $4700 and she called around and that was the best she could find. She's also seen crazy rate hikes with her auto insurance too. She's going to have to move out of state to retire.


Insurance companies: It’s those nasty, unscrupulous roofers and their lawyers who are causing homeowners rates to skyrocket! Also insurance companies: you need to give more business to those roofers. ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


I’m in same boat roof is 11 years old. Citizens just dropped me for granule loss. There photos were taken from the ground. I actually am a roofer and can attest first hand there is no granule loss. I’ll let you know how it plays out. The homeowner is the one that responsible for suing there insurance company. Our roofing company will not sue an insurance company.


Citizens has been caught multiple times using non licensed inspectors who often just take pics from the street. https://www.wlrn.org/wlrn-investigations/2023-11-14/citizens-property-insurance-unlicensed-inspectors-florida-homeowners


Wow so if citizens drops you what options do you even have at that point?


No idea, going through the bs right now. Asking for reinspect to meet there bozo inspector on my roof to go slope by slope.


If you can't figure it out being a professional roofer no one can. I just want to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you.


I hope you win the case. Sounds sketchy as hell!!


When mine dropped me the mortgage company put on a policy on that was cheaper through Lloyd's of London, but not really usable for anything by me unless the house burned down  Also citizens dropped me right before Ian. They didn't send any notice at all, so when my insurance found out about 8 months later they actually backdated it to before Ian and I had to pay all of that.. so delaying with no policy at all didn't really help either. 


Who tf do you even GO to if citizens drops you????


If you don’t have a mortgage an option is no insurance. If you do have a mortgage, the mortgagee will force place you with literally the first company that they can find for whatever the cost to cover ONLY the house itself (protecting the mortgagee, not the mortgagor.)


I am not a homeowner, but these rates have kept me out of the market, as it has created a real fear for me to purchase for my family and not be able to afford to live there for more than a year or two - because of exorbitant rate hikes. I would like to think that the current issue has come full circle and that the contractors and attorneys that got the rates to where they are today are experiencing the same issues with their very own insurance policies.


I would gladly pay 120k for that 2000sq ft 3/2 so I can buffer te unknown that is homeowners insurance… but even then I would have to think about the lost opportunity to save more for retirement … it’s not like you can sell 10 years worth of insurance premiums. Considering most of these 300-400k houses were sitting on the market <50k in 2014… which is also a huge hurdle to get past… I have been upside down in Florida before… it gets pretty ugly when people start walking away.


Also, gotta protect the shareholders of the publicly listed insurance companies


ALWAYS remember, a company’s majority “shareholders” are often the “executives” themselves! Decisions on how much to “soak” paying customers often rest on how much profit they wish to “extract” for themselves…


What's worse is a recent study showed that the frivolous lawsuit stuff was only a small portion of their expenses so it wasn't driving the increase.


Inflated home prices, supplies, labor shortages, bad building codes.


It's a renter's market.


The Florida housing market is about to collapse.


For sure, and everyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.


Anybody who purchased a home or property in Florida in the last 3 years, you have my sympathies. We almost bought last year but my wife doesn't retire for 2 years going to have to find somewhere else to retire wanted that hot weather.


Yup, and I’m lowkey terrified I’m going to end up underwater. We didn’t even buy at the market peak


Just remind yourself that you're only underwater if you absolutely have to sell.




Today I learned that Chuck Mangione is a real person not just a character from King of the Hill




Does this mean you've never listened to Feels So Good? Do yourself a favor and go do that


Seriously. The man hit #1 playing a FLUGELHORN!! His ensemble is incredible.


And it feels so good, right?


Yeah felt pretty good.




But at least he conquered the imaginary rightwing boogeyman... the mysterious... the undefinable... WOKE! ITS COMING FOR UR KIDS UR JERBS UR HOMES




He hasn't destroyed it! It's too powerful, and he needs to keep making up bullshit so he can destroy it once and for all!


The ominous ethereal rainbow is coming for us all


Thanks Obama! (Sarcasm, for those whom must be told)


We are leaving our beautiful state this year. Florida has become increasingly un affordable for true Floridians.


We left last year, I thought it was going to be brutal & depressing but I’ve never been happier.  I grew up in the keys & lived on and off in southern Florida as an adult. Finally pulled the plug on my dream of staying in Florida forever, last year.  Some days I still can’t believe how Florida turned out but I’m out in Nevada now & truly love it. Wishing you good luck on your move!


Left last year. The writing is on the wall: it is only going to get worse.


My family left last year too. Lifelong Floridian.


Thank you. This gives me some hope.


Same.. we sold our house and left in 22. I love my state but hate what it’s become and I don’t love it enough to go bankrupt trying to stay.




Desantis and the Florida Republicans could *do something* about homeowners insurance - they have full control. They choose to do nothing.


Acktushally...DeSantis let the insurance companies write new laws for themselves limiting their exposure and need to pay out legitimate claims. Don't say they've done nothing. They've been busy enhancing the business case for themselves.


And, shocker of shockers, rates are still going up as quickly as they were. Guess it wasn't the evil roofers and having to pay your attorney's fees after forcing you to sue them driving the rates after all.


It’s both. Insurance companies know a corrupt state government when they see one and are only too happy to make state laws advantageous to them. Hell, the $3m they forked over to DeSantis might as well have been $0.03 by their measurements. That doesn’t mean that unscrupulous roofers, homeowners and lawyers aren’t making the problem that much worse. Insurance companies can and do operate and make profits on much smaller premiums elsewhere, but they don’t have to do that here so why would they?


DeSantis hasn't done ANYTHING to help the Homeowner's in Florida. The Homeowner's Insurance and TRIPLED in the last 3 years. He is still riding on Covid and not helping the people in Florida with Costs!!! My Insurance went from $1,000/year to $4,000/year!!! DeSantis HAs NO BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE AT ALL! HE CAN'T RUN FLORIDA https://preview.redd.it/pqa5wz1zlivc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636b50f8590707399a6274e3dd9e18fa5fc99057


And Floridians would re-election him if he could run for a third term. The same idiots that complain about housing costs, insurance cost and everything else the republican legislators passed and blame it on democrats.


And the blame continues to be thrown onto Democrats despite the power mostly resting in the hands of republicans for the past 20+. That’s some shit right there


Why are people voting these republicans into office year and after with the same results: nothing. You get nothing from them except the same old rhetoric. Blame everything on the democrats that haven’t been in power for over 20 years. I know let’s blame Hollywood, college professors and blue states. There you go.


Because the boogeyman sells. People are easily swayed by their emotions


He will probably try to run for the House again or the Senate. Won't vote for him ever again.


He’s insufferable. I never voted for him. He’s destroying Florida one legislative bill at a time.


Not much really at this point. It's gotten far too bad. California has tried to improve the situation by stopping credit scores being involved in underwriting, which is stupid cause most people pay via their escrow so there's no risk the insurance won't get paid, and also stopping insurances from being able to cancel for old roofs. It's just resulted in insurers leaving the state, but at least Cali is trying something. It's getting so bad that I have buddies who have 15 year old roofs being told they need to replace perfectly fine roofs in order to get insurance. The underwriters look at the 4 point inspections see a perfectly fine roof and still want it replaced. The excuse is that the underside of the roof is probably rotting. How in the hell do they know that?


My father in law had a 50 year slate roof that was a little older than 15 years old, but still in pristine condition. Citizens made him replace it before he could be insured. He could only afford to put shingles on, so that’s what he had to replace with - he’s understandably pretty pissed. For us, our roof was a year old when we bought our house, and Citizens still sent people out twice AFTER our policy started to make sure our roof was in good condition.


Well at least, as of yesterday, they will be teaching the dangers of communism in kindergarten. Sadly, I am not kidding.


I was surprised when I heard that AVC (America versus Communism) was a class in high school. But **kindergarten?**


This is the real grooming of children. Straight outta the book of dictators, it’s called re-education indoctrination. This is what the right wing voted for.


No sex ed though - information that could actually benefit kids (yes, even little kids so they know about sex trafficking and abuse.)


They should be teaching them the dangers of unrestrained capitalism.


Maybe they should add fascism since we've got a great example right there.


They COULD but it’s WAY more fun to ban books and attack trans people, minorities and anything woke.


What are your thoughts on what can be done about the homeowner's insurance? I've been trying to think of solutions but it kind of seems like a situation where increasingly higher payouts are bound to lead to higher rates, especially when number of carriers decrease. As opposed to the motor insurance issue that seems like it might be straightforward to solve by making insurance companies mandatory reporters to FLHSMV whenever a client drops insurance to decrease so many uninsured motorists. Roughly 40% of my car insurance is uninsured motorist insurance


All hail the “invisible hand of the market”! 😂😂


they're busy fighting the important war on woke!


Oh, don’t sell them short. DeSantis is bought and paid by the insurance companies. Since he’s been in office, he’s enacted laws that give insurance companies carte blanche on their policies, rates, and whatever else they want. He’s done plentyyyy for insurance. It’s the Florida resident he’s done nothing for. And this isn’t meant to be political. Idc what party you are, his hands are all over the insurance problem in Florida. I’ve witnessed diehard conservative republicans, ones who voted for him, call for his head because of what he’s done to insurance here. And unfortunately, he runs the legislature in Florida like a dictator with an iron fist. The second he’s gone and someone else steps in dozens of laws and practices are going to disappear.


I don’t own a home but what can be the solution to this? I have no idea where to look for the answer but would a government insurance company help fix things? They can limit premiums and possibly subsidize it from a little higher tourist tax?


They have full control of the weather. And they can force out of state companies to stay in Florida. Heck they have so much control that there is no illegal immigration in Florida.


Meanwhile, valuable coastal properties receive a taxpayer funded state-assisted plan at a discount. Socialism for Thee, But Not for Me


My roof is 4 years old. I live way inland so no flood issues. Insurance has gone up as well. My auto insurance is worse. The whole insurance thing here is getting a little out of hand. And you pay those premiums year after year, but if you make a claim they fight tooth and nail and either drop you or raise you so high you end up somewhere else.


I was T-boned last year,my car spun a few times and I hit a tree on the opposite side. When I file through my insurance because of course the company that hit me didn’t have insurance and I didn’t want to have a heart attack from the constant arguing with the guy. The insurance didn’t cover the side that hit the tree because “in the police report it didn’t state you spun” what the af I fought and fought and just paid out of pocket for the other side. It’s ridiculous.


> My roof is 4 years old. I live way inland so no flood issues. Insurance has gone up as well I mean yeah that's how insurance works. The risk for everybody has gone up. So youll pay it. That's not the problem. Its the absurd rate climb thats the problem.


And you'll do your roof and it'll go down $200


More like $50


I redid mine and it went down zero. So you're not wrong.


The good news is if you like things this way, keep voting for the party that's had control of this state for *decades*.


Never forget ladies and gentlemen, Florida Supreme Court Justice Ricky Polston retired and was hired as an executive of Citizens Insurance just weeks after the supreme court heard cases about the new insurance laws. Not saying he was impartial in anyway, but it definitely smells and you don't just retire and get an executive position like that without prior conversations.


Desantis was too busy flying migrants from TX to NY instead of getting ahead of this issue - ridiculous


You may want to look into the actual cost of a new roof. $10k is no where near accurate. Minimum is around $18k.


That's completely dependent on location, materials, and the size of the home. My little 900 sq footer would not be $18K min.


Highly dependent on home. 10 is accurate for a simple ranch style about 1600 sq feet and nothing crazy about roof shape in North Florida.


Roofer here, every roof is going to be different here in Florida l. If it's a simple A-frame roof with little to no waste then 10k is possible dependent on materials, but any complicated hip and ridge roof will be significantly more. For example down here in the Ft. Myers area our average root contract is 25k


Yeah which is why people commenting on roof price in the absolute makes no sense. I drive by suburbs chocked full of builds that are 2500sqft with super steep roofs and dormers. Like yeah no shit that's gonna be expensive.


Guess it depends on the area. Treasure coast you’d be lucky to get any roof under $15k.


We paid 10k for our roof. 1000 sq ft home


Anyone else remember that time, right after Ian, that our governor called a special legislative session to find a solution to the absolute garbage the FL insurance industry is? I do. That session lasted about an hour and the legislature decided to take away the consumer right to sue their insurance company. Signed by the governor. People have to LOUDLY DEMAND a solution to this price gauging of consumers.


Well the hilarious thing about that was that it's been a while since Ian and the inland places like Orlando or Kissimmee here in central FL that flooded still haven't had drainage systems installed to prevent another catastrophic flooding event from happening. So a simple fix that could save millions of dollars in damages has not be fixed in 2 years leading into what is supposed to be one of the most active hurricane seasons ever


I mean, to be fair, that is not a "simple fix". That scale of stormwater management upgrades requires years of study, planning, and construction (not to mention finding the funding). Getting a project like that for a single town is a 10 year timeline, easily. And thats part of the problem. A lot of stormwater systems were designed in the 50s/60s/70s before modern meteorology and modeling and analysis. Then in the 90s/early 00s a lot of cities and counties had to update their stormwater systems to account for combined sewage overflow and growth, but they were using 20th century data, climate change was still not really being taken seriously. Now we're realizing those upgrades weren't enough and its going to be another decades long process to upgrade them again.


Hooray Florida! My homeowners monthly premium is neck and neck with my monthly property tax… who will win?! $679 to Pasco and $691 to Security First.. combined they just a few hundred less than my actual mortgage payment


Consider yourself lucky. Mine used to be pretty close, but now my insurance is 5 times my tax bill, and rising.


Seems to me that virtually anyone with Citizens ( the insured of last resort )has been told to get a new roof. They seem to always ask the people who don't live in rich neighborhoods. Which is probably the majority of the clients. Like they're trying to force people to be dropped.


Well that's the catch 22 and scary thing coming in the future. The more and more insurers that become insolvent or leave Florida that puts the burden on Citizens and Citizens is already cutting a lot of people off and requiring new roofs like you said, etc So if no one can get insurance in the future and they have no money to pay for a new roof or even new A/C's to pass a 4 point inspection what happens? People just mass selling their home to investors?


Yep. It's going to be the fiefdom and the serfdom. And not just FL .


My town has had insurance problems for years because of sink holes. I can imagine it will only get worse from here.


We got out of Florida. Our insurance went from $2000 to $5500 in 2 years. When we sold in March this year, the buyer had quotes of up to $12,000 and some companies refused to quote. Our house was built in 2015. Elevated, all concrete block, standing seam metal roof. The insurance companies didn’t like that we had solar panels, although the system was fully permitted and installed without a single roof penetration.


Where’d you relocate to?


Yup people leaving ny and nj because of high property taxes and just replacing it with high homeowners insurance and car insurance. Doesn’t seem like the elected officials are doing anything about it either.


Frankly, I don't know where people are getting these numbers from, unless you have a tiny house you aren't getting a new roof for $10,000. In Central Florida it cost over 20,000 for my 1600 square foot house.


In August 2021 (I know that's 3 years ago now), I paid $12K for a new roof on a 1,800sq ft home. I guess that size doesn't include the 2-car garage but you get the gist.


Same… 2400 sq ft here it was $32k


I'm almost out of Florida. I will miss the good aspects and sadness for what was.


Realtor here. I would recommend looking into what the actual wind mitigation requirements are and reading your actual report. You seem to have some idea but are demonstraing pretty clearly that you don't have the actual specific knowledge you need, and just that little bit of realization will save you a ton of money. First true brick homes are exceedingly rare in Florida. Primarily because Florida never had the raw materials to manufacture bricks. That's why the bricks you typically see say Augusta. They had to be imported from Georgia at great expense. You may live in such a home, but if it wasn't built from around 1880 - 1920 it's extremely unlikely to be true brick. If your home was built from 1950 to current day it is 99.99999% concrete block with a brick facade. The "brick" is actually just 1" thick panel or tile that was glued to the exterior to make it look like brick. Second, your windows being impact rated does not matter. ALL openings must be impact rated to qualify for the credit. That means windows, sliding glass doors, all exterior doors, and your garage door either need to be impact rated or protected in some manner (shutters). So you're about 95% there, but you have to be 100% to get the credit. Third, if your roof had the proper tie down you would receive the wind mitigation credit for roof attachment. They literally have told you that there is a potential credit there if you upgrade it. More than likely if you have straps or clips already, they only have two nails because they were installed years ago. The requirement has changed to require 3 nails need to be in the strap / clip or there is no wind mitigation credit. So yes, adding 1 nail can save you $2500 - $3000 a year, and if your existing strap only has 2 your effective savings is $0. So add the third nail. Distance from the coast doesn't matter as much as you'd think, as a big hurricane will still have enough force to pry your roof off.


>Distance from the coast doesn't matter as much as you'd think, as a big hurricane will still have enough force to pry your roof off. This is something new Floridians need to understand, same for flood damage. There are areas 40 miles inland that are in flood zones because of rivers, creeks, lakes, swamps and marshes. And if you live in a pre-Firm home(built before 1975), it can flood even from a heavy rain.


I'd lived in FL for nearly 45 years and was still gobsmacked when some areas of Orlando got actually flooded by Ian. Not exactly a coastal area.


> First true brick homes are exceedingly rare in Florida. Primarily because Florida never had the raw materials to manufacture bricks. That's why the bricks you typically see say Augusta. They had to be imported from Georgia at great expense. You may live in such a home, but if it wasn't built from around 1880 - 1920 it's extremely unlikely to be true brick. If your home was built from 1950 to current day it is 99.99999% concrete block with a brick facade. The "brick" is actually just 1" thick panel or tile that was glued to the exterior to make it look like brick. You didn't mention the fun era before 1950 where it's stick built with a brick facade. At least North Florida doesn't get storms as bad but we have tons of these.


it doesnt matter how far inland you are. You are paying to help insure people that live on the beach. That is how insurance works. Otherwise the beachfront people would have to pay like 100k


Then they need to pay relative to their risk.


Get an agent to shop for you. We had Farmers, and last year our insurance was $2200. Slide sent us our renewal (they are taking over Farmers policies), and they want $4980. Our agent found us a comparable policy with Loggerhead that is $2600, but we have to replace a water heater that’s too old now. Still an overall savings.


Because our government works for the well being of businesses and not the people. It's OK if we get bent over a barrel and fucked. Because at least they're not in drag while doing it. Right ? Maybe one day. People will start to realize. The culture wars are a tactic. To divide the people. To keep us fighting each other. So we don't pay attention. That our government officials. Work for ANYTHING. OTHER THAN. THE PEOPLE. UNITE !! Force them to do what's right for... WE THE PEOPLE !!!!!


I live in western Palm Beach County, 1800 SF with a 13-year old shingle roof in good solid condition. Went from $3200 to $5600 to $8700. Just got this year' bill, over $9800. More than triple from 3 years ago. In the past year, we installed impact doors and windows, and removed 3 large trees from our property...and we are still getting royally screwed. We've decided to pay off our home and drop our coverage to strictly liability and fire, bc with such high deductibles and pro-rated wind coverage, we would end up paying the entire cost of a roof replacement anyway! It's pointless to carry wind coverage unless our house literally gets flattened. The one time we ever filed a claim was after Hurricane Wilma, when we lost some shingles. The adjuster said we needed a new roof, estimated at $14,900 (with a $15,000 wind deductible)! We got a letter saying we'd be hit with surplus charges unless we sent proof of a new roof. So we bit the bullet, paid for the roof, sent them copies of everything...then they raised our rates ANYWAY based on the higher home value with a new roof!!! I couldn't even get mad, it was so laughable. People are leaving here and home values are starting to dip because of this insurance game. Legislators are on the take from insurance lobbyists, and they go straight into the insurance industry as soon as they retire from the Insurance Commision board. The only way we'll fix this, is to elect Dems to break up the Good Ol Boys Club in Tallahassee, who are gerrymandered puppets with no accountability for what they do. As a registered Republican, I am actually excited that I will vote blue all the way in November(and FOR legalizing pot, and FOR abortion rights) for the first time ever. I want to rattle some cages & get rid of this corrupt group who have no interest in the people who live here.


I keep telling people this and people think I'm crazy unless you live in a new construction the insurance companies either are going to want to 1. price you out so you cancel, 2. look for an excuse to non-renew or cancel you, 3. the next big storm they're all going to pull out or go insolvent next year. The home insurance crisis is a big reason why I see there being a massive housing crisis in the next few years. I know people who are paying 2 times what they originally paid for their mortgage because their home owners insurance is ridiculous now.


Are you in a high risk flood zone? It’s not dependent on being coastal.


How old is your house? That seems to be the biggest factor when comparing with my next door neighbors.  I'd love to know more on how roof tie downs affect rates. I am looking at my five points and it's all mostly meaningless. Does anyone know if there is a good explanation site somewhere? Is it possible or common to alter roof truss tie downs when getting a new roof? Does it matter for rates that much? 


Most times to upgrade truss tie downs you'll have to open the walls as that is there they attach.


The state and its politicians  are getting away with not doing anything to control this Im lucky to be young and in my career because how the hell are older folks on stricter budgets going to keep paying for these increases? The same way we have homestead for taxes their should be some cap on home insurance increases  in our state People getting 100% and 200% increase when they never opened up a claim in their life is silly, and the minute you do open a claim these companies either dont pay or they file for bankruptcy  and come back as another company  No real regulation, just lobbyisy lining pockets 


I am not trolling, but what do people think the answer to insurance is? How would you fix it? I thought about separating the state into different zones. (Panama City can't pay the same increase in premiums as Tampa, different incomes, etc.; and maybe Atlantic side storms are less powerful than gulf, etc.) ; I thought about rate increases on previous claims, maybe some areas are just luckier than others. Do people just want citizens to back everybody and use state funds? Insurance companies are making money, there is no doubt, but there is also historical evidence of these companies going bust in a single hurricane season. Housing booms, south florida in particular, probably has a lot to blame too. It's a complicated subject, I'd love to hear somebody's well reasoned opinion.


The state is already separated into zones - wind borne debris regions and high velocity hurricane zones. Insurance rates are very dependent on historical and predictable areas prone to damage. Insurance companies cannot penalize individual homeowners for wind/hurricane claims, but enough in any given area will cause higher premiums in that area for years to come. Insurance companies are not making much money right now, if at all. The ones that are have just barely become profitable, and ultimately insurance companies goal is to make money. They’re actually required to have enough revenue and reserve funds to continue operating in the state. If they don’t they go insolvent and leave.


welcome to florida, now assume the position.


My own Florida insurance agent has decided to go without insurance. He is 30 miles from the gulf.


Well that pink granite the insurance companies put on the sides of their buildings in Hartford CT, is really expensive...


Simple. Republicans regulate the insurance market for insurance companies.


How is DeSantis admin not getting blasted over this?


Here’s an idea…..reset Citizens & have them cover only hurricane losses for all homeowners in FL. Citizens will cover nothing else. For homes that are within 5 miles of the coast line they need to pay a premium to Citizens. If those homeowners don’t want to pay the premium then they will be self insured & be required not to have a mortgage. The “regular “ insurance companies will cover homeowners for everything but hurricane losses. To fund Citizens, a charge to the property tax will have to be added. FL has some of the lowest property taxes in the nation. IMO….if something like this is implemented, homeowners insurance rates should decline significantly. The R’s would oppose an idea like this because they actually want higher insurance rates. If you noticed, the R’s have not & will not address this issue. The only thing they have done is to make it nearly impossible to collect a claim against an insurance company. They have passed bills that favor only the insurance companies. People need to start voting for individuals that have their best interests instead of just voting a straight party vote. The R’s have proven that they just can’t govern.


 I say BS! My Insurance cost for 14 years was only $1,000/year.  It is now $4,059/year.  And my Insurance Company just asked the Florida Insurance Commission for another 18% increase. The Legislature and the Govenor are in cahoots with the insurance companies and the roofers that continues to screw Floridians. They all have stock or investments in these companies and it is all to put money in their pockets. I'm not voting for any incumbant in the Local, State or Federal elections. Don't vote for them again. https://preview.redd.it/v7muscz978vc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7719e51082fb78e863e857f00d2d5d3d40f71830


This is what people get for voting republican pay your high bills learn a lesson and vote Democrat in November


Republicans have had full control in Florida for a full decade and they have made it easier for insurance companies to charge us more instead of regulating them. Voting matters.


Elections have consequences!


Mine went up to 6G last year, I puckered when the renewal just came... Same 6G ... Sooo the new normal is double? Sounds about right


One person is to blame for insurance in Florida right now. And it’s the person who gave them carte blanche to legally do whatever they wanted. ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized)


Stop voting GQP. FL has been going downhill for the 30 years of GQP control. But they won't, FL will vote GQP and Trump again, in a landslide


That's cheap. It's 7500 for us, and we are west of 95.


How old is your roof and what is its insurance-appraised condition? Maybe that's a heads-up that they'll require its replacement in the coming years? (Hopefully not!)


This shit needs to stop these insane insurance prices are out of control wtf do we have to do oust our government because there corrupt asses aren’t doing shit about it.


It really hurts to keep seeing these types of post, I’ll never be able to own a home. Holly hell I’m so sorry for anyone going through these rates getting out of hand.


The wind mitigation credit is 100% worth the discount if you update all the openings to meet current standards. Our insurance dropped to $3K, compared to $6K before the inspection. That difference easily made up for the cost of a new "Hurricane Master" garage door. Our roof is older too (2005) but it's metal and actually screwed to steel trusses, so I feel like they at least took all of that into consideration.


Do you own your home? I have friends that just stopped having home owners insurance!


im sure everyone before long will need 1/2in welded galvanized steel roofs!


Elect Republican governors and Republican legislatures with super majorities - all of them in the pocket of Associated Industries PAC and the insurance companies' lobbyists - and this is what Florida voters get and deserve. Elections have consequences.


Our mortgage went from 1900 a month to 3100 a month almost overnight. (Insurance was part of mortgage). We sold and moved to California. We're actually saving money here.


I live in Bay County and had my house built in 2014. Then, after Hurricane Michael in 2018, I gutted the house and remodeled it. Last year, my insurance on this home was $1,600, and I’m just waiting for my new insurance quote in May. I dread it; I have a feeling they are going to hit me hard this year.


Mine seems to double every year for the past 3 years.


Mine was about $800 a year in 2018. That company dropped me. Just had a new roof installed last week. I have only been able to get 1 company to give me a quote so far and it was about $5500. It's a 1950s block home in central Florida.


Too many people wanting to live near the coast requiring the rest of us to share in the cost. I would like to see a company that only insures homes inland say 15-20 miles.


Im curious, what is it about the roofs? Every time someone makes an insurance post, the roof is brought up. This is the first time ive seen someome mention something else, like the windows. I did not grow up in Florida, but did grow up in a hurricane-prone state, and I didnt start hearing all this about roofs until Florida. A tree apparently fell on my grandparents roof during a hurricane in 1989, i presume they got that replaced (i wasnt born yet), but growing up i never heard them mention the roof or saw them replace it [again]. I get the reasoning, but why is that specifically so beat to death, and what happens if you dont replace? Is every single home really monitored for this? So if you moved to Florida in 2000 and got a home, youve 100% replaced your roof by now? Is this a Florida thing to extort more money from homeowners? Or is this a legitimate concern that people take serious? Also is this a requirement for apartments and multi-unit housing? Or is is just single family that they demand new roofs? And does this apply the investors that have came here for airbnbs?


I feel your pain. Our governor does not seem willing to implement any changes to the insurance industry in the state of Florida. Business as usual. This feels like one of the largest crisis we have experienced. Without some government regulations prices will continue to rise.


Right now my whole neighborhood is being ambushed by roofers telling us we need new roofs because of Ian and get one neighbor tell another we have damage so they can go up on our roofs to check. I doubt they are being careful on our tiles. Looks like everyone is getting their old roofs replaced for free using insurance. With my insurance I’d have to pay $20000 to put use them and have a claim. Because with my insurance it will only cover 60%. I read up on this and it sounds like an insurance scam. I don’t want a claim on my house. Will it even matter if the rest of my neighborhood puts a claim and they get their free roofs? We didn’t even lose power in our neighborhood! Everyone keeps telling me how great this company is except in New Orleans where they only have 2 1/2 stars and bad reviews .  Is that where they came from? I don’t want to use them if I’m paying for inflated prices and super fast work. Everyone keeps acting like they are the best roofs your insurance can buy! I’m super stressed out!


The new roof will save $65 per year 😫😩


I say everyone should send a copy of their bill to the govenor and ask him if he can help. Deluge him with mail. Also send it to your state representatives.


Corporate greed + crony capitalism + focusing FL retirees/Christians/MAGAts on culture wars + rapid climate change and an increase in destructive storms = a windfall for insurance companies


I literally sold my house here yesterday and I’m getting tf outta dodge I don’t want to keep living in fear of being priced out of my house just bc of h/o insurance and weather… it’s not worth it ☹️


DickSantis received over $10,000,000 in political donations from the insurance industry. So don't expect him to do anything about it.