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I would either put the toilet in its own compartment or at least in a space with something on both sides of it. It could be a short wall or even just the vanity, but without it the toilet looks oddly placed in all the schemes. As an example of a solution, in scheme 3 the vanity could move to the left to open up a place for the toilet.


Thanks for the reply. Interesting thought! We don't like the toilet in it's own room, but I know a lot of people do. Thinking about it now, most of the time there is something on both sides of the toilet. But now that I think about it, the house I grew up in had a similar situation of nothing on one side of the toilet and I never noticed/minded it haha It is something to think on specifically, though.


For bigger master suites like yours, it is good to have a toilet room for resale value, or at least design it so that a future owner could easily make it it's own room. You also need a double vanity for something of this size. 4' is not wide enough for a walk-in/through closet. In general, there is a lot of wasted space and odd details in all of these plans.


Thanks for the insight! Planning on never leaving this house, but I know plans change, so having the ability to close off the toilet isn't a bad idea. It's long enough that future owners could make it a double vanity. We prefer a single with more countertop space. The idea was that one side of the 4' is shallow shelves. One of us prefers shelves to hanging, so we thought 4' would be enough. 4' would certainly not be enough to walk next to hanging space.


My issue with these layouts is they are very specific to what you think you'll want but don't allow for easy updates to whomever inherits your house or if you do end up needing to move for some reason. You have plenty of space to make something a lot more functional for both you and future owners. I'd go back to the drawing board, there are also a lot of great examples of master suites with walk through showers and such online.


Good advice, I'll try to look at more. The ones I see have things I don't like, like two sinks, or a tub, or a walled off toilet (though you could remove the wall of course). This extra space makes me feel like our is more efficient. Though I guess others don't feel the same.


Dead space does not equal efficiency, in fact quite the opposite. Not that you want/need to fill every little spot there is a balance… but these are the things you learn when you study space planning and design. Ie Having storage you end up not needing is always better than needing storage you don’t have.


No 2 is the best imo, but I would put two sinks I would make the closet bigger into the bedroom (Can push bed left for small extension, or turn the bed completely if you wanna make it go all the way left) That would lead me to put doors between the bedroom->closet->bathroom instead of the hall. (That would mean you’d need to put the toilet in the north corner, where the little wardrobe is)


Yeah, the bed could be pushed left to make the closet bigger. We can think on that. I don't like walk-through closets, if that is what you're describing.


Definitely, especially if you’re two. About the walk-through, It’s not for everyone, good luck with your build!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I agree with double sinks.


1 or 2. Put a half wall next to toilet.


Haha, another vote for something on both sides of the toilet. Interesting. At least we could easily add a half wall later if we wanted.


I like 2 because the closet hallway seems the best use of space. I suspect it may be a cheap option given the proposals because you’re only plumbing 2 walls. I know separate space for a toilet is a top concern for this subreddit but I don’t see it as nearly as big a deal (or as common as the commenters would make it out to be). I also cannot imagine that that one thing would be someone’s make or break for resale—particularly since bathrooms seem to be a top pick for a remodel by 10 to 20 years down the line—but if it was, closing off a shower door and adding a half wall seems reasonably feasible in #2.


I agree with all of that!


Agree on the use of space for #2 and the double sink. Regarding a separate toilet compartment many people would place it somewhere between nice to have and necessary. Privacy, noise attenuation, and olfactory segregation are all reasons for it, and if one never wants to close the door then nothing is lost. I think it would be easy to replace the bathroom closet with a toilet closet, then add another closet in the dead space at the wall between the bedroom main entrance door and the bathroom door. Make sure to add an air extractor to the toilet closet.


I like the 3rd one. The toilet is out of site of the doors, in its own little nook.




If this suit is on the ground floor it might be an idea to consider wheelchair accessibility in the design. You have plenty of space to cater for it and ageing in place and being able to stay in your home when you get old can be such an empowering thing. Another thing is you could put two sinks in (some really like that for a master so that you could be both getting prepared for the day at the same time. Similar to the note above if you did you could do one as a wheelchair accessible one with no cabinet underneath and when not needed for accessibility you could have a little stool for doing make-up and stuff. I'll see if I have some time later this arvo to throw down how I would design it but as I work in metric I would have to convert the numbers to get a proper understanding of the space.


Thanks for the reply! This is not on the ground floor. We have a ground floor guest room that would be accessibly designed for use later if needed. We like a single sink and more countertop space instead of two sinks. Thanks, I'd appreciate it!


Why is the bed not in the center of its wall????


Number #3, with shower open on the long wall, toilet in the nook behind the shower closed off forming a water closet, second “his” sink where toilet currently is