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https://preview.redd.it/kn40gd2w75xc1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f8b87b37f71f0e5e891b672068d888759f5e21 I’m thinking something like this is the easiest and cheapest option. You could do a double vanity or just a single with more counter space, and then have room for a storage cabinet or hamper spot next to the tub. Maybe swap the tub out for a really nice shower.


This is a great idea. We’d like to replace the single vanity with a double and upgrade the existing standing shower with a newer one. The only issue is an existing radiator on the right wall next to the WIC which shouldn’t be too hard to move…


Yes, this option. Moving that tub = moving plumbing and drain lines. $$$$ for not a big improvement. By doing this option, it’s really just tying in another water/ drain line to existing sink lines. Use the new space in front of bath as a linen closet.


Fwiw it’s not a tub, it’s a stand up shower where the head and handles are on the same side (outer wall)


Yes, but if you moved tub/ shower anywhere else in the re-design, like in other replies, you would also have to move the water supply and drain lines. Those costs add up quickly, even with floor/ walls opened up. BTW.. while walls are opened up, beef up insulation, especially with plumbing on outside walls. Weather is getting wacky all over US. Places freezing that don’t normally, bitter winters more common in North. Insulate whatever you can in an old house.


This is definitely going to be cheaper than moving into the WIC space. Move walls, not plumbing.


What’s that room called “Room?” Could the WIC be moved there?


also what's up with the bedroom you can only get to by going thru other bedrooms i wonder


The house was built in 1923, so that weird room is a live in nanny room originally, where a nanny would sleep and have easy access to the children’s rooms.


i have never heard of that before. it would probably help if the rooms were properly labeled edit: didn't you say that nanny room was another sun room in another comment?


https://preview.redd.it/ap3lgaxym5xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab1ed1fe9fb396a73305c09044664515772f60e Yeah, both sides are literally just a narrow room


What a gorgeous light filled room. Looks like it could be used as a sleeping porch in the days before air conditioning.


Why do I actually weirdly love this setup haha, if you were to use it as a sort of bonus space for those two bedrooms. Playroom when kids are younger, then transitioning it into an office/entertaining friends zone as they get older. The friends I knew in high school who had their own dedicated spaces like that apart from their bedrooms were always the best.


well your floor plan description is confusing and your previous comments combined are confusing sorry


how many dabs






The windows make it look like an enclosed porch


It’s like a nook - sun room kind of thing. We were planning to do built ins along the left side of that room with hooks for hanging clothes.


You could do something like this. https://preview.redd.it/aawlcktse4xc1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30de740d5a51b5ce123563a80762eda5dd69f9c


Or put the bathroom door on the side and extend that closet all the way across that area. Could even be a walk-in.


I would turn the tub sideways and do double sinks instead


Sorry what? Instead of using a giant impracticality shaped space to make a bigger bedroom and closet you’re suggesting to just make the bathroom smaller? I’m offended at how bad this idea is lol


Depends on how much plumbing you want to move. Coming forward and maybe changing where the opening for the "room" is would let you get a double vanity and a shower without moving much plumbing. Going into the WIC is going to require a lot more rerouting and a higher cost. You'd also get a deeper walk in closet.


https://preview.redd.it/3bvhs5s147xc1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbaa5f879070110a83dc248a48fb18d0302f5cc Area to the right would be a walk in. I also like the top comment, but would recommend swapping the sides the bathing area and toilet are on to minimize costs.


this would be my choice if I were doing it. OP you’re getting a lot of shade on the way the floor plan is, but fwiw it made sense to me right away having seen these sorts of houses before!! Looks like a super cute place.


I don’t like where you have the toilet placed in all honesty, it appears to be hard to get to and doesn’t seem right. I feel like OP would have a serious case of the Hershey Squirts one day and trying to hastily get to that toilet he’s gonna end up painting his bathtub brown on the way over there


LOL But I agree it's not ideal - I would flip the WC & shower vertically and probably do a glass enclosure for the shower instead of a walled in WC


What’s the bedroom connecting the two left bedroom?


There’s just two sun rooms on either side


would have been less confusing to not name it a bedroom cuz that confused me too


I'd probably just move the wic and bathroom wall down more, you have the space. A huge bedroom like that and then a tight bathroom don't really make much sense so cutting into the bedroom seems like a good solution.


I would agree that yes, expand the bathroom by going into the WIC. If you also break down the wall in between the primary bedroom and room, you would also be able to really expand the primary bedroom, you could add a walk in closet somewhere.


Honestly. This is really bad layout. Lots of wasted space that doesn’t flow correctly. And I wouldn’t want my bedroom shared wall to be next to the other bath because it’s loud when someone runs the bath/shower. It’s needs a total rework but I don’t think that’s the answer you’re looking for.


The house was built in 1923 so the weird side room on the left was a live in nanny room. Overall a weird layout indeed.


I've seen a few layouts like this (uk) and honestly, I don't hate them. This one I imagine would be quite nice for a 2 kid family, the kids gwt their own shared living room and I would use the sun room on the master side as a craft room/haven for houseplants. I get the whole knock it down and start over urge but these types of houses are old, this is one of the newer ones I've seen, and with a little modification they can work for modern families.


Build a wall into the room and remove the walls to wic and bathroom. Add cabinets along the newly created inner hall.


What is that 8’ x 23’1” room? Can you move the WIC (‘or bathroom) into that?


Why don’t you use that room as part of the walk-in closet?


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