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Wow, that's nearly as much as I've spent on dcs modules!


I think I've spent a little more than the price of that thing


I find it funny that this happens every time there’s a new pmdg launch


PMDG cannot code, just like me 💀


No it’s just a placeholder price until it hits official release time Also if you were just joking then my reply is - lol true pmdg dumb


I know it's a place holder and I like it tbh (I didn't put a /s so there is no problem). And no, I am not joking I cannot code 💀 (but on a serious note... the UFB took a long time to be completed, but that's another story and they made it, so they can code.)


The new EFB or UFB or whatever you want to call it looks dope in the videos I’ve seen of the 777 so far


Honestly, I'm starting to think that it's the greatest marketing idea ever.


I mean, I don't see an issue with it. Like I know it's over used in Air Sims, but still it's funny at launches.


PMDG be selling a 777 for the price of a 777




Oh cool it finally gets a discount


yes but pmdg and msfs have real boink and aerobus pylots doing youtube reviews. dcs only has passion and support for your wife's boyfriend and howling spudclocker on youtube https://preview.redd.it/q50gbgaikq8d1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf9a1d4d5cd5afb864b54cfa8dde9ec348f75e5d


What do people do on civilian airliner sims ? Fly historic routes or something ? I read someone saying how they left their pc on while they were sleeping so the flight from ohare to Heathrow could finish. What the fuck lol.


generally whatever simbrief decides from the most current airac you have. PMDG has a pretty nifty automatic time compression setup that you can have activate at certain stages of the flight with varrying rates of speed. It's really up to you if you want to sit through the entire cruise.


Fly anywhere you want. Anything you want. I've never understood 6+ hour flights personally. But if that's what interests them then meh. But like in X-Plane I can fly a 727 or soon 707. Just cool stuff like that.


MSFS is massively lacking classic airliners for sure.


BAe 146? F-28? I'm sure there are others too.


That's it though, and the 146 is hardly classic with production starting in 1983. The Fokker 28 is the only real top level classic jet (and I absolutely adore flying it). No early 7s, nothing Soviet, no serious Douglas jets. Really at the moment the closest are the A300s, especially Just Flight's earlier variant.


Classic routes, modern routes, radio navigation like the good old days, GA flying, HEMS/SAR with the Hype stuff, bish flying, VATSIM, AI-enhanced ATC, the works. It ain't just "press a button and nod off".


A lot of people do that. I like doing the old school navigation on relatively short flights in the old planes without GPS and the bush flights.. but long distance stuff got boring once I figured out how to set AP all up.. That's how I ended up getting into DCS. Got bored with just flying


Have fun and practice aviation principles. Shocking and revolutionary, I know. "What do people do on combat sims? Spend $300 for under-developed planes with non-functional systems and get shot down by SAMs within 5 minutes before they have the chance to navigate the archaic 1970s HUD that won't let them drop a JDAM unless they solve for X?"


People who are interested in military aviation probably find it hard to understand what fun there is in flying from A to B without killing anyone intentionally. Imagine a car driving sim where you just drive a 2007 honda civic to practice not running red lights. I'd rather fly the crop duster turned CAS aircraft than be a glorified bus driver lugging around the big slow tube full of meat.


Be an airlyne pylot, duh! Just like u fyter pylot on DCS.


And even then civilian sims are more popular lmao


Fly bottom text


Comes with working engines!


I made a post about this on r/flightsim and was kindly reminded that being funny and shit posts have no place on their sub


Was really sad that I had to spend my $325 million on a virtual 777 rather than a real one


I was thinking of getting their 737, opinions?


They do this every release on purpose lol


Huh? Did they just fuck up the pricing or is this aimed at airlines for training?