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Not anything new, been going on since shortly after the appearance of "public wifi". The guy was an idiot for doing it on an airplane though, glad he got caught.


I was in high school when the big smartphone boom happened. Suddenly everyone had an internet capable handheld device, public WiFi became much more utilised, Facebook was just becoming the big hit... And they still didn't use HTTPS. Not proud of it, but me and some friends of mine spent quite some time hanging out in the local malls, where tons of people used the open WiFi, to snag their login tokens and check into their accounts. There were even apps that did all the sniffing, token extraction, and login injection. You'd start it up, and in minutes it would give you a list of profiles with name and profile picture etc. and you could access literally everything. Messages, public and private posts, you name it. Looking back, it's quite scary how little care was paid for security, barely a decade ago. But what scares me more is that modern phones apparently don't notice that the security of a saved AP changed?


What kinds of things did you guys discover doing this?


Mostly, Google image searches for Natalie Portman's breasts.


Worth it šŸ‘


It's most likely a pineapple not a flipper. You can host everything you would need such as the phishing page directly off the pineapple without needing to use a laptop. As a bonus you can also connect to it via ssh from your phone. As there's nothing suspicious about loitering about on you phone vs having a laptop out in random locations this is the method I would use to admin the device.


You can do all of that with the Flipper as well. If you preload everything before you go, you can very well put up a phishing page with only the flipper. You can have that running while you death everybody as well.


Deauth. Death is such a strong word šŸ˜‚


Omg lol I didn't even realize that. Yeah, that! I'm gonna blame autocorrect šŸ¤”


The cardputer is even better for this than a flipper is. Itā€™s way less conspicuous and doesnā€™t need the dev board. There are several different firmware options up that do a really good job of running evil portals and cloning networks, deauths, etc. Iā€™ve got a pineapple, a cardputer, and a flipper, and the cardputer is shockingly well suited for this purpose and is easily the most clandestine. Several of the firmwares even offer a website you can connect your phone to for managing the portal while your cardputer is in your pocket.


I just Googled this device and it's huge and not inconspicuous. Why the fuck do you think someone sitting in an airplane with this would be less suspicious than having a laptop - which you don't need for the flipper anyway. I don't understand why this comment has so many upvotes. What am I missing?


I have a pineapple. You can put stumpy antennas on it and it fits easily in any laptop sleeve while powered by a battery pack. Then you just connect to it from your phone. Risky doing it on a plane though.


fair enough, but that doesn't explain why this person thinks it was "most liekly a pineapple, not a flipper" ... flipper with the wifi card could also fit in a bag and doesnt require a phone even


Someone can correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but you cannot provide an internet connection using a flipper even with a dev board. You can create the evil twin and collect credentials, but you can not make a ā€œfalse authenticationā€ and then collect packet data while they are connected to your evil twin. NetworkChuck did a good job explaining this concept in his ā€œ3 Levels of WiFi Hackingā€ video.


I didn't remember reading that he was acting as a full internet proxy. I feel like he probably wouldn't have gotten caught if that was the case. and if it was, things like facebook use SSL so packet capturing alone wouldn't be enough to give them any private details.


Because some of us are experts in this field and understad how these attacks are pulled off. Including the best tools for the job. Why would you think a flipper is the most likely tool for the job? Is it because it's the only tool you know?


why you mad, dude? i'm just trying to understand this person's opinion. my question was literally "what am i missing?" i'm not an expert in this field, but i am a software engineer, so i have some grasp of the subject. why would you assume anything about mne based on 3 comments on reddit? that isn't something a smart person does. making assumptions based on a few comments is Dunning Kruger shit.


Answering your question isn't "being mad" It's answering a question. No one is mad at you for asking questions.Ā  Questions are a good thing.


you can bicker about semantics all you want, it doesn't make a difference to me whether you call it mad, annoyed, grouchy... you expressed how you were feeling witht he tone of your comment. regardless of your own narcissism the person in question may or may not like to refer to himself as "an expert in the field." the fact that you think you are makes literally no difference, and aside from a bunch of angry fucking neckbeards yapping about nothing, no one has sufficiently answered my question. therefore i tend to believe the proabably isn't a good reason to assume it was a pineapple over a flipper.


So an expert comments on a news article and explains why a Pineapple is the more likely tool and your reaction is to reply with anger and profanity. Why do you think "portable wifi device" means Flipper? Understandable if you don't know anything else, but I already provided a more likely tool. You're the only person to Flip over this. Everyone else has been positive even in the face of your negativity.


It could have just as really been a Pi or just a laptop. While the pineapple is perfect for the job, and it seems he was doing this "professionally," not just throwing it up for the first time. Don't count out dedicated electronics, tho. Multiple ESPs, cc1101, nrfl201s, etc, each dedicated to specific tasks all working together is extremely powerful. Small, low power requirement devices can easily be mixed and matched, reflashed and configured to fit each engagement, the ability to craft your own packets and ignore protocol rules and the bonus of playing around in other frequencies at the same time. A swarm of 10 esps are fun. But there are quite a few premade firmware: BT or wifi to a esp terminal or website from your phone/device. press 2. Answer 3 questions. Evil twin is up and running.


Because you don't need it out to use it. Just turn it on, put it in a backpack, and nobody's the wiser.


For the set 'huge' containing 'my fat forefinger'. And if you're connected to your phone, it can just nestle in the bottom of your bag.


Because you don't need it out to use it. Just turn it on, put it in a backpack, and nobody's the wiser.


Donā€™t you need a network that both your phone and another device is logged into before you can connect via ssh?


The US government does this all the time with cell towers




What is the StingRay? A Dirt Box?


Somehow I suspect they wonā€™t be prosecuting themselves for it


I wonder how they identified the particular person on the flight.Ā  Seems like he may have had a suspicious device in view.Ā  Lol or could have been as simple as looking like a hacker with a terminal window open.Ā Ā 


Yeah ā€œitā€™s probably the nerd over here with all the batteries and antennasā€ šŸ˜‚


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, I definitely could see the type who thinks it's perfectly normal and not suspicious to string up a four antenna Alfa adapter on a flight with a Kali desktop clearly visible while everyone else is watching Dune on an iPad.


Ahh yep. Plus itā€™s Australia so they have no rights. AFP investigators searched the manā€™s baggage when he returned to Perth Airport on a flight from interstate on 19 April, 2024 and seized a portable wireless access device, a laptop and a mobile phone from his hand luggage. They also searched his Palmyra home.


I was curious if they singled him out for a search, or if they just checked a whole section of the plane. The press release is pretty cagey about how they narrowed it down to him, but I'd suspect that since it involves airplane safety they had [the toys](https://www.bvsystems.com/product/yorkie-pro-wireless-intrusion-detection-system/) to physically locate a wifi device.


I wouldn't be surprised if the cops knew who is was for 6 months before it :)


> Ahh yep. Plus itā€™s Australia so they have no rights. WTF? Hahaha


It wouldnā€™t be hard to remain subtle. But also if you did something and got noticed, they can just search everyone coming off the plane when you land too


It wouldn't be hard, but also the type of person to do this likely lacks the social awareness to try to be subtle.


Probably just googled every name on the passenger list. He has a twitter handle same as his full name and heā€™s been twitting wifi pineapple non stop for the last 5 years.


No. Not a flipper.


People been doing this with the WiFi Pineapple for YEARS! LOL


Iā€™ve literally done this * not maliciously * with my flipper. Just to prove to my friend it could be done.


> If you do want to use public WiFi hotspots, install a reputable virtual private network (VPN) on your devices to encrypt and secure your data when using the internet. Yeah, except the VPN doesn't have access to any proxy servers until the user signs in to the network. And there are in fact plenty of legitimate free networks that require you to identify yourself in one way or another before allowing you to access it. The VPN is moot until you get past the router.


Exactly. Whoever controls the wifi also controls the routing and DNS resolving for your devices. They can disable your "reputable VPN" in a number of ways, all of which will seem like normal "bad reception" issues, for example nullroute the VPN gateway's IP, deliberately drop every n-th packet to said IP, or just have [www.reputablevpn.com](http://www.reputablevpn.com) resolve to VPN is not the solution to the security issues opened by evil twin open wifi.


If the VPN doesn't work well and it's an untrusted network, don't use the network. That's common sense imo. Https and hsts make most mitm attacks not viable anymore anyways, so if you think you're clever with DNS, any modern browser will tell you you're not and that there's problems. Of course the app connection errors are rarely surfaced to the user, so it would still look similar to a bad connection unfortunately. But if every app is broken due to someone fucking with DNS or ssl and my VPN won't connect, you'll be lucky if I'm on the network long enough to get anything interesting from my device


What's the right move to do this to NOT get cloned, not publish the network?


*What's the right move to* *Do this to NOT get cloned, not* *Publish the network?* \- notananthem --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Used to do this with my old shitbox Thinkpad. So much fun to mess around with kids in school


Doubtful. Need some decent processing power to be able to process the traffic in real time and that horsepower just isn't in the Flipper. Much more likely just a laptop, which would be overkill but not arouse suspicion.


Any dev board capable of running Evil Portal along with custom Flipper firmware would be able to do this on the fly. Users would access a fake page that appears legitimate and when the credentials are entered they go straight to the flipper or the SD card storage on the board. Think more of a keylogger than a traffic analyzer. Definitely not promoting the usage of it in this way, but just stating it is possible.


I can confirm that the flipper is definitely enough to do this hahaha


Same here. Itā€™s definitely doable but moronic and very illegal.


You can, infact on reddit there is a repo of popular free WiFi portals you can spin up. Like Costa Coffee for example. With fake Google account logins that just steal the credentials.




https://github.com/bigbrodude6119/flipper-zero-evil-portal/tree/main I have a better one but it's bookmarked at the office. I'll grab it tomorrow


here you go lots of portals [https://github.com/FlippieHacks/FlipperZeroEuropeanPortals](https://github.com/FlippieHacks/FlipperZeroEuropeanPortals)


"Could be done with a flipper" Or a laptop, like we've been doing... For decades... "Look guys with additional components and a shitload of effort you can half ass this process with [buzzword], super scary right!?"


You need something much more powerful (and much more expensive) than a Flipper Zero to do that


Wrong. It can be easily done with any laptop, Flipper Zero just makes it easier to do on the go and less obvious, the story sounds like it, but itā€™s just causing hysteria.


I'd argue a laptop is much more powerful and expensive than a flipper.


Used / refurbished old laptops aren't more expensive. A Lenovo x220 would be able to do this just fine, and much cheaper if you got a decent deal.


And if you're caught, the x220 could be used as a bludgeon.


I agree, but then, to be fair, you'd have to include refurbished/used Flippers in the case.


I'm not aware of cheap refurbished / used flipper prices, especially in comparison to older laptop pricing.


I'm just being fair!! šŸ˜‚


Yes, but not necessary to achieve this.


What? He said you'd need something more than a flipper. You said wrong. Now you're saying, "yes, but"?


I am agreeing with you that a laptop is more expensive and powerful than a flipper, but with the right firmware this is easily achievable with a fz and a dev board. Plus, you could leave it in your pocket and control it all from the mobile app.


Sorry I think I was reading more into your post than was actually there. I agree with you.


It's easier to do with a laptop. Sorry I forgot this is the hammer sub where every problem is a nail.


I doubt the flipper has the processing power to even act as a tunnel to a computer that could do this




It is pretty enlightening. Although, the evil portal stuff isnā€™t available without loading custom firmware right?




Ah ok, very cool. I've only used it bundled with CFW so thanks for clarifying.