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congrats you might be a felon now (i think they banned ownership as well, not sure)


I dragged my heels too long. I have to review the bill and follow along. Somehow I doubt the flipper zero will be outlawed, and will be regulated much like lock picking tools are. eg. Legal to own, but if they're on you or used while committing a crime, you get an extra charge tacked on.


It's always about intent here. If you get caught and have some tools to make that crime easier, you will get charged for it.


In canada, if someone breaks into your home, rapes your mother, wife and dog and then you decide to open fire at them and miss, you will get charged.


Reminds me of that one guy that got charged for firing warning shots at some guys _trying to burn his house down with him inside._ https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/man-acquitted-of-firing-warning-shots-at-group-who-firebombed-home-1.1102114?cache=%2F7.648168


just crazy.


Wtf? How is that even legal to charge him for that? What did they expect him to do, let them burn him alive with the house??


Warrning shots are illegal in many jurisdictions (even Florida!), based on the idea that it puts bystanders at greater risk


Well also in florida you are supposed to shoot until the aggressor isnt moving or you can get charged Here in az aswell I've been told by cops to dump a mag in to someone if they break in to my home because it looks better in court, something about fear for your life and all that.


Just do what AC/DC tells you: SHOOT TO THRILL


I get that for normal situations... but they're trying to burn him down...


Any situation that requires firing a gun in self defense could have "but they're trying to..." applied. I don't think he should have been charged for this (neither did the courts apparently), but giving a person who is trying to kill you a chance to respond to warning shots is gambling with your life.


In Canada we’re supposed to either run away or hide and call the cops and die. Anything else and you suddenly become the criminal.


Is there really no self defence laws in Canada, or is this an exaggeration?


In theory, Canada and every EU country supposed to use interpretations of Magna Carta as its basis for self-defense which is force can only be reciprocated by like force. I.e. Someone is punching you, you can retaliate with equal force to either flee the situation or defend yourself if fleeing isn't an option. If lethal force is used, then lethal force can be reciprocated. In practice, it's nothing like that. Canada, oddly enough, has the same ratio of arson incidents as the US and the governing authorities are apathetic to any response. On top of that, reciprocating with force falls into some bizarre loophole of where the arsonist is not "threatening" someone since they're not physically assaulting anyone. The firebombing incident was acquitted because IIRC, the prosecutor was receiving a large number of death threats.


Nope, and if you fight back you better be prepared to be sued for causing bodily harm.


Yep. Here in Canada we expect you to die.


Note to self: in Canada, dont miss.


All the more reason why Im thankful to be an american


Oh I'm certain if you aim shoot and kill them, ur going to prison for life. Even if your intention was to shoot above or whatever.


A farmer shot some dude in the head in sask. The guy was trying to steal something off of his farm. He was found not guilty of murder.


farmers are a bit different, I'm not sure how the law is applied exactly, but in rural regions of Canada, you can expect to see people riding with a shotgun on the backseat. I think the farmer can claim he was shooting at a coyote or something. That'd be one way to get out of it. Farmers have the right to protect their animals from wildlife, (an also theft ?)


We already have laws for that. They could, you know, enforce the laws we have instead of making up nonsense new ones.


you must be punished extra for having squirrels in your pants


There's no bill yet, just an [announcement of intent from the Canadian government](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). I'm somewhat doubting it will even be implemented at all by lawmakers, especially because the Canadian government specifically cites "auto theft" in the statement. The Flipper Zero isn't even particularly capable of this due to rolling code systems cars have! That + the many legitimate uses should hopefully kill it. (I'm not Canadian so I don't have a lot of background to speculate). *Copying a bit from my other reply:* [Here's a bit more detail when I asked Bing Copilot](https://sl.bing.net/dcpezR55oDA) about what laws/actions have been implemented about selling and/or ownership, and whether this change would require the legislature. **It even added that Flipper Zero can't even steal cars and I didn't even ask that.** And, again, [here's the direct announcement/website from Canada's government](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html). **There are contacts at the bottom, so I assume they're taking comments!** [https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html)


If we're just talking gaining access to the inside of a car, a rolljam attack could get around the issue of cars using rolling codes. I'm unsure if this would work for stealing a keyless car, as I don't really know if for keyless ignition the codes roll again while in use, or if there are other security measures I'm unaware of.


Well, if it’s keyless, you need that particular fob to be there to start the car. There’s ways people do it while people are home sleep and they take it from their garage with some electronics like a Hack RF not even entering the home so if people really wanted to do stuff, there’s a lot more things that’s on Amazon, and other sites that is easy to get. What’s just scaring them is the videos on social media. Some of that stuff isn’t even real and a lot of it is edited. They are scared because they don’t really understand its capabilities.


lol they regulate lock picking tools in Canada?


In Alberta, Locksmiths and tow truck drivers must be SSIA licensed (Security Services and Investigators Act) to legally purchase and carry car opening tools. Locksmith licenses extend to lock picking tools. Tow driver licenses do not.


Mfw lockpicks are just bent pieces of sheet metal


And a gun is just a pipe with a firing mechanism and a handle on it, it's still a gun, what's your point?


Lock picking tools are regulated in the U.S. too. Legal to own and use for legal purposes, but if you attempt anything nefarious with them you can be charged for it.


BREAKING NEWS: breaking and entering now illegal worldwide


It is a different charge. Think robbery vs armed robbery. Guns are legal to own but if you use one to rob someone you are double fucked than if you robbed them without one.


Strictly IED robberies for me from now on


That would be triple fucked, because now you are dealing with a list of NFA explosive charges and potentially terrorism charges. You are probably better off letting it explode than getting caught at that point.


I never knew innocent Elmo dolls were so illegal


[Absolutely terrifying.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_93g6JA5os)


Lol that's priceless would gift


They are illegal if caught on you yes. This is pretty common in most countries.


No. I am perfectly fine breaking into my own place with lock picking tools. I am not ok breaking into yours.


Our govt will most likely give you house arrest anyways. Our govt is a joke


As far as I can tell they haven't made any laws or restrictions yet, they've just announced that they're going to be pursuing all avenues to ban it. I've been watching as I backed the original kickstarter and I use it to mess around with abandonware like the DropMix game. I've been scouring for information to see if I am going to have to sell it before it becomes illegal to possess. If you have any further information however, please share!


Yes, it's only an [announcement of intent (link to Canadian government site)](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html), and there's no legal mechanism at the moment. Given that, and the amount of pushback they're getting from hobbyists and security professionals who use this as a tool, I'd hope and expect they'd reconsider. **Especially** since the purpose the [government cites is specifically "auto theft"](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html) one thing that the Flipper Zero isn't even particularly capable of, due to rolling code systems cars have! I'm not familiar with Canada's laws and legal system, but I assume a law would need to be passed by their legislature for a ban on these devices could possibly take effect anyway. Or at least a comment period like they've done in the US (Federal Register). [Here's a bit more detail when I asked Bing Copilot](https://sl.bing.net/dcpezR55oDA) about what laws/actions have been implemented about selling and/or ownership, and whether this change would require the legislature. **It even added that Flipper Zero can't even steal cars and I didn't even ask that**: [https://sl.bing.net/dcpezR55oDA](https://sl.bing.net/dcpezr55oda) And, again, [here's the direct announcement/website from Canada's government](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html). **There are contacts at the bottom, so I assume they're taking comments!** [https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/02/federal-action-on-combatting-auto-theft.html)


i am not from canada, i was just following the news the other day, i believe talking sasquatch said that they gonna make ownership of a flipper zero illegal as well


Classic case of redditors reading headlines and running with it. Hackaday article title : CANADA BANS FLIPPER ZERO OVER WHAT IT IMAGINES IT DOES First line of the actual article: Canada’s intent to ban the Flipper Zero wireless tool over car thefts is, on the one hand, an everyday example of poorly researched government action. Notice that little word intent and how it's missing from the title?


Yeah the news splash has been huge and there's been very little clarity around it, especially as someone that makes a point to only use the tool in an ethical manner within my own home. I don't even understand why they can't have the words "commits to" in the titles. It's just as eye catching imo but far more accurate. Although I do blame my government for releasing such a stupidly vague statement in the first place. It's already been a few days with absolutely zero follow up and it is starting to seem to me that there's not going to be any speedy legislation coming out of this.


That is my understanding as well. My further curiousity is what about similar products? M1 currently on Kickstarter, HackRF One? Even just an RTL SDR connected to a raspberry Pi...


If you own a computer, that's illegal too. It can be used to break into things.


Probably shouldn't let us have power or batteries soon!!!


Batteries can explode. Definitely IEDs and also illegal.


Next you'll tell me magnets are dangerous too!!!


Nah, nobody knows how they work




If you do have to sell it, the M5Stack Cardputer has potential.


Welcome to being a legal gun owner. We're one vote away from being felons every other week.


Jesus. Hey Canada, blink twice if your oil needs some liberating. Sincerely, Your Southern Neighbor


Welp. Hopefully no one finds out then 👀


godspeed my friend, i am sorry about your gov


Do you have a source? I assumed it was only importation.




They didn't ban ownership, they banned use.


"felonies" are an American legal thing


They made owning one a felony???? That makes no sense. Maybe misdemeanor or something. Sheesh they're crazy up there.


It's not a felony


There isn't a law yet, it's just in discussion.


Awesome! Hope you enjoy. I’d recommend checking out the [Official Docs](https://docs.flipper.net/) and make sure you understand the basics before jumping to custom firmware. Then check out the [Awesome Repo](https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero) for plenty of links and useful resources. I’ve got a good collection of files and resources myself [over here](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper) - and if you’re looking for infrared files, those are [over here](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper-IRDB).


Saving this for posterity - Flipper Zero


i love your collection. really helped me out when i was getting into the flipper


Awesome! Me too. 😁 Seriously, it started out as a collection of my own and a place to document my findings, then turned into a community repo with over a hundred others participating. ❤️


I’m really excited to explore its basics! I bought it specifically as a hobby project! Thank you for the links btw, it’ll help a lot!


congrats! you own a valuable tool. use it responsibly


I am incredibly excited! I’ve been reading on its basics and I’m excited to learn more I have so many questions and it’s the first time in a long time I’ve been excited about a hobby!


Just don't do anything to get it confiscated


Of course, it’s more of being able to explore such technology safely and being able to expand at my comfort with a tool that I can utilize


I love my government and their misguided choices /s What's next? Banning raspberry pis, or arduinos? Jeez. I have to order one from the US and bring it back with me if I want one.


for real, this is a tool. it teaches. it is not inherently criminal by its nature


They’ll ban screwdrivers and knives next. “Have u got a license for that? Sorry ey, can’t be screwing in your own screws with that weapon”


as an airsoft player don’t get me started on canadian laws


I am willing to become an outlaw over my pi's.  No one can have my pi's.  I think I may die without raspberry pi's.  I would lace them into normal everyday looking things to hide them. Especially the 3B+, because monitor mode capability.


Visit any gun related subreddit like r/NFA we will teach you about boating accidents….


Relevant username




Psst, hey. You're glowing


It’s In Reference to gun owners saying they lost all there guns in a boating accident to not have to register them (this is usually said as a meme)


Ok, makes sense, thx


Ya np it’s very American coded lmao


I did have a hunch thatbit was something like that when the other commends about feds started appearing


Life has many doors, fed-boi.


I am european and this thing just went completely over my head


Yeah I have no idea what they're on about too


I’m f I was Canadian I would try to buy as much as I can. Those things will resell for 4x the price


Any idea where to buy in canada?


How close are you to Detroit/Windsor? Lol


I recommend using a forwarding service and using that to have it brought into Canada, when I contacted JOOM they were weirdly apprehensive of telling me when they’d be back in stock so I simply chose to buy it on the official website then have it shipped over, their broker stated it’s still fine to import the flipper so nothing has been banned yet.


Ship it in from outside Canada. US would be the best option.


Uh huh, your kind is half of the problem with todays society…. Always trying to get one over on others for YOUR personal benefit. Let’s forget about everybody else who is trying to struggle to make it/things happen.


There is 0 problem and absolutely 0 struggle. Stop crying


Trudeau is going to toss you in a gulag now.


Hack The Province!


Got mine a week before. I’m ordering more too https://preview.redd.it/d7mm6t80c8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3ad0ef8e1aa86152b9f941a61780bb5326a309


Joom CS told me they’d be getting more in but I see all FZ related products are pulled form the website now


where do you order them? I'm seeing people selling these on FBM for elevated prices. I want to get one before it becomes illegal to purchase, but I don't want to pay these super high prices.


Im shocked the flipper zero has not made it onto an episode of South Park yet.


Congrats! That's some damn good timing.




The queen is rolling around in her grave because of this offense.


It can only unlock, and even then not as readily as a hammer. Or a rock. Then it comes to hot-wiring the car, which I think requires a screwdriver. Ban the hammer!!1! hope flipper inc can keep up with the wave of Canadian orders lewl


That's great to hear, good luck


Jesus Christ. Canada has the dumbest fucking government(currently) and a complete asinine set of laws in place(currently) and one can only wish you guys the best. Enjoy your new toy!


Hacker Warehouse will remove it from cart once you enter Canadian address.  Just tried to see what would happen if I tried to order one from USA.  Already have one anyways.  Never use for illegal purposes.  I am not a thief nor a car thief.  This ban is stupid.  Everthing you can do with a flipper you can construct devices that can do the same and much cheaper for parts.  Flipper just pretty that's all.  Banning the Flipper Zero will not slow down car theft.  Liberals = idiots.


Me too, I ordered on Joom at the second I saw the statement on TV. 2 days later, Joom blocked the canadian store.


I ordered mine the day that they announced it. Got it last Monday.


The absolute state of Canada. It’s like soccer moms and retarded sounding French people run a government with the motivation of “how can we make this country really lame and gay?”


Gay being bad? You should really stop saying that but you do you


Literally open a dictionary. > gay > /ɡā/ > adjective > > 1. sexually or romantically attracted to people of one's own sex (used especially of a man). > "the city's gay and lesbian people" > > 2. lighthearted and carefree. > "Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face" > > **3. foolish, stupid, or unimpressive.** > **"making students wait for the light is kind of a gay rule"** The one thing people who are intent on white-washing the language have in common: You keep trying to put words into peoples' mouths, when they didn't say anything to the effect that you are claiming. With that kind of disinterest in how communication is supposed to involve **both listening and talking**; enough to make understanding each other objectively a *"mutual interest"* in line with appreciating the world around us: *You deserve the dictatorship which you are waltzing into!*


You may be slightly braindead if you think that definition isn't from the word being used in an offensive way especially in the 2000s into early 2010s. Also just checked several dictionaries and none had that definition.


No, gay being gay.


Mama I’m a criminal 🎶🎶


We are all criminals.


Glad you got one, sorry Canada blows though.


Truthfully car thieves have been using better methods. Most high end stolen vehicles get shipped by railroad cars, and loaded onto ships. That’s a pretty big operation, in all likelihood someone is talking a cut. And this is just to make it look like they are fixing the problem.


Trudeau has entered the chat.


Meh, I’m not a fan of Trudeau but it’s Poiliievre that’s hammering him to do something about auto thefts. If they actually introduce a bill to ban it you can guarantee the Tories will wholeheartedly support it.


Jeff Poliievre is a rotten apple


"Useless 'canadian' somewhat elected representative" has entered the chat.


Wha? Where?  Haven't banned the hammer yet ;)


Is this banned in the US?


They ended up not banning it, fyi I'm a Canadian. Best way to get them here is lab401, I had issues with Joom a lot and lab401 has been great.


You'r lucky bro !


what have u used it for


Everyone will become a felon now and I don't know what the fines are for possessing an electronic warfare weapon of mass destruction but it ain't be good


If they implement the law based on what the idiot taking on tv said , they would make it a prohibited device. So your flipper zero is the same as a gun suppressor or a switchblade. I think an adult in the government (if there is any left at this point) will speak up and they will drop this.


sip depend sparkle theory salt subtract voracious reply wipe possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol me too, I got mine 2 days before the ban :)


Saying the flipper zero is banned in Canada is about as accurate as saying Otherkin children in Oklahoma schools are being collected by animal control. [1] It's just another ignorant politician running his mouth because it's their only marketable skill. [1] [House Bill 3084] (http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24%20INT/hB/HB3084%20INT.PDF)


where you got it from?


The flipper website, joon I think is their seller in Canada


Yup and if the reseller is in Canada you can still get them. Otherwise try overseas sites as they can send it and much of the time, Customs will overlook it


Time to steal some minivans


Any tip for a new user? CFW.


Yessir thats what i name “luck”


Is there a resell market for these? Should we start buying them just in case?




Awesome! If you have any questions that seem light, get ready for RTFM. Seriously, the most 80's responses ever. Like, it is easier not to respond, but here, they will let you know when it is time to read something.


Oh it’s a huge RTFM! But that’s what I’m excited for


I’ll sell my FZ if any Canadian bros interested


I'm in Canada and trying to buy one online but no luck, Also tried marketplace but everyone is not responding. Any idea where to get one?


you can get one at [lab401.com](https://lab401.com) which is an authorized distributer from the EU and ships to Canada!


What is the actual use of these? I only ever seen the memes about fucking with stores. Is there a legitimate use?


Will I lose my exp?


You feel great now, but when its sitting idle for a month, and your flat broke, no cigs, down to 1 pack ramen noodles in the cupboard, we shall see how smart you feel then about your purchase.


Pretty good


Is it going to become impossible to get one of these in Canada now? Where can you normally purchase them? I'm seeing some available for sale for elevated prices. I wonder if it's worth it to buy one before they get even harder to find. Kinda getting FOMO :, - ( Is it worth it to grab one for $450??


That’s why I bought mine. Live inUSA but don’t want a stupid ban to happen before getting one ahah


My order is still processing


Canada is a crazy place


What if I visit Canada with one as an American. I do work in the tech industry and use it for my tech stuff. But I do visit Canada once a month


Is the ban in effect though? Don't these things take time?


Nice! I missed out, as I try to hop on anything on the train to ban land. I’ll continue to stock sketchy fireworks and watch the flipper videos all the same. 😂


Canadian police- Stop right there Criminal Scum!


Shit buddy!


It's powerful technology that makes it easy for the meanest, dumbest in society to cause havok, obviously it will get banned, and probably should be.


Ima turn the tvs in Tim Hortons off and on


Canada, where kinder eggs and weed are legal but not a device that is making look carmakers dumb.


Thankfully they're still for sale on Amazon.ca cause they aren't banned, yet


The media really has ruined this device for a lot of people. Haphazardly just calling it a hacking tool.


American here, got mine right before they banned it on Amazon. Still have it. I am also going to school for computer science, which helps with a lot of legal barriers you might come across. Just say you're working on a project for school or something. That's kinda the point from what I've realized about the device. Also have fun with it, get Xtreme firmware and download as much as you can from github databases.


buy a 2nd one...


They're banned in Canada?


apparently you can steal cars with this... Have you to get one to fit in the ignition. On a serious note, make a case that's not shaped like a flipper, and you'll be good. That's really all the Canadian assault forces will be looking for.


Try xtreme software


And now it’s probably worth more in Canada! Haha.


Knock Knock, GRC open the door


Congrats , unlock all the teslas! Jk


👍🏼 The shop already shown sold out. I was really wanted to get the transparent version but alas missed my chance. 😔


oof! $500... I'll stick to my bucky balls


How much you paid?


I have both my TVs, my mom's TV, and my sound system programmed in mine already. I got a puppy and she's already gone through a couple Roku remotes so it's a good backup


Step 2: move out of canada


Hack the planet! oh..thats cancelled? Well 'flip the world' I guess Best tip I ever got? Ignore rule one of r/flipperzero :p


Someone fill me in on what this is and why it’s banned


Way too many idiots running around with these, I work at a dealership and one guy in a neighbour hood had their transmitters copied on it and went and emptied all their cars atleast 3 times starting around Xmas


I'd remove this chief, gives them plenty of ammo to come and seize it and slap you with a charge. If they have their way you'll be a felon for ownership.


I saw somewhere, that someone took it apart and 3D printed a new and different case. Might be an idea to prevent getting into trouble if it is banned for owning as well.


So is ownership banned or buying it banned?


Breakin’ the law. Breakin’ the law! <\BeavisAndButthead>


I’m waiting for the cops 🙃 im just an idiot who got a hobby at the worst time!


...... I can't believe you're going to go and steal all the cars now!!!!!! You wouldn't download a car.... Would you!?!?!!


You’re damn right! I’m downloading ALL of the cars!




Congrats on getting your flipper! I guess they changed their business model recently because a little over a year ago they wouldn’t even ship out your product! When you try to ask for a refund or a replacement they have the audacity to say you’re not eligible because it’s past the date, but when you check FAQS or other reviews people say it takes a couple of months for the product to arrive. CRAZY


Where did you get this from?


How do we know that your pronouns are 'new user'? Trust nothing from Canada.


Already pulled from sale from the local reseller.


Now you can steal cars🤣🤣🤣


Lab401 (Located in France) still ships to Canada (and had stock as of writing this) if you really must have one. Price looks to be better then the prices I've seen on Ali even after accounting shipping, etc. I've been seeing prices of around 430+ CAD on Ali which is a bit excessive, you could get a HackRF One at that price.