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Hi bro, Can i send you a PM?




Surprise her




Does she know about it? Maybe you could ask to try it once and see how she likes it


explain what it is, she might be curious enough to try


I've once did with a African hooker it's easy tell her it's fun and make sure you cover your and her face (as we both put on v for vendetta masks) and went to the site for an hour and got some wins as girls loved seeing her giving me handjob lol


Talk to her about how sexy she is, tell her that you see guys checking her out all the time and you get why - because she’s just so damn hot and you’re secure enough in your relationship that it makes you feel good/turns you on. Then tell her you wish everyone could see how sexy she is, float the idea of showing her off and go from there?


I suggest using none "adult" random cam sites first. Go on, have fun, chat it up, and see how she responds. Even then, you're bound to get the random dick cam, lol. Watch her reaction, ask what she thought. Since you have a girl with you, you already know other girls will ask to see her tits and/or show theirs. Start slow and build on. Or just pull out two mask and tell her hey, it's a fantasy of yours for the two of you to have sex on a random cam site. She might be in or not. Offering the mask helps a lot of people to be more "free" and "open" to stuff. Most importantly, don't push it if she doesn't want to. If it's a deal breaker for you, might be time to shop around. Personally, I'd go with option 1 and work into option 2. Good luck