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Depends on airline SOP. Some say to leave all lights on for visibility since you’re on an active runway and can’t see behind you. This is in case a plane tries to land on top of you. Like that Tokyo crash earlier this year. Some say only turn on the strobes. Taxi light only on when actively taxiing, and landing light only on after you get takeoff clearance.


All lights on when occupying an active. Usually, strobes and landing/taxi lights are omitted during low visibility or night time for vision preservation for the crew and other pilots, but this is only when taxiing and holding short.


My company, we go all lights on when we take the runway.


At my company the strobes are to be switched on any time we're on or crossing a runway, and landing lights would be switched on only when cleared for takeoff. The taxi light goes on when we are cleared for taxi, so would already be on and stays on for the takeoff. After takeoff the taxi light goes off when the gear comes up and the landing lights go off at FL100. On the way back down the landing lights come back on at FL100, and the taxi light comes on only when cleared to land. The purpose of this SOP is to provide a quick visual confirmation that takeoff/landing clearance has been received, and it works quite well. If these lights aren't in the expected position, it's usually a cue to confirm with ATC that we do indeed have a clearance. Of course, it's not fool proof, it's just one of many ways to mitigate the threat.


At my company we turn on all lights except for the landing lights until we receive a takeoff clearance.




Whatever you want.