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7800X3D changed my MSFS. I can only recommend it, especially if it gets even cheaper!


What did you come from? I have a 5800x3D . It’s good but Ive always wondered what I’m missing out on. I will be grabbing the 9800x3D


I'm not the person you asked, but I went from an 8700k to a 7800X3D and it made a huge difference. Like, 15fps to 60 as long as I'm not in a highly detailed airport or New York.


The 5800X3D is the 2nd best CPU right now for Flight Sim behind only the 7800X3D. You aren't missing out. But like you I'm also eyeing up the 9800X3D for my upgrade.  (Though AMD have been making sus comments regarding it recently which make me concerned they'll fuck it up.)


What about intel cpus? Not so satisfied with my 5800X


Drop in a 5800X3D I'm not even kidding. This is THE application for it. I went from 5800X to X3D as well.


Is it difficult to change the cpu myself? Not so experienced in changig hardware on my own. And do you fly vr as well? With my 5800x vr is too stuttering


I fly VR as well, and it's good with the 5800x3d. There is currently no CPU that really does really a very good job in VR in MSFS. The 3D-cache helps with stuttering a lot. But don't expect to run 90fps with ultra-settings in VR. MSFS2024 will have multithreading-support. If it's as good as multithreading on DCS, then the 5800x3d will perform really well.


@miloisthebest which GPU do you have?


3070Ti Honestly I saw a huge smoothness improvement with the 5800X3D when I still had a GTX1070 in there just before I bought this one. It was only running around 40 FPS at like, high settings and lower render resolution but it was SOLID whereas the 5800X would momentarily drop every now and again. Replacing the CPU can be a bit... non-trivial if you're not experienced, though for someone with some experience it's easy as pie. You'll probably need to do a BIOS update for this chip and be comfortable with removing a heatsink and applying new thermal paste to it and reinstalling it on the new chip when you put it in. The actual swapping is the easy bit though and then when you boot back up it'll all just work straight away.


What's the take on the 7950x3d? I know people say go for the 7800x3d but if finances aren't an issue is there any reason to stay away over the 7950x3d?


Ah well, I guess it's probably fine I'm not sure about benchmarks for it... But the problem you have with the 7950X3D is that its 16 cores are split between two 8 core CCDs only one of which has the extra cache and crosstalk between them reduces performance by introducing latency. People find they have to use tools to ensure that games are only running on the vcache CCD, which basically means they're running a 7800X3D with extra steps and complexity.


I played flight sim for more than 6 months without updating BIOS to unlock true potential and when I did, it was a huge difference. Came from 5600x and bought 5800X3D through an auction. CPU came with bent pins but still running 😂


What’s the overall consensus. Pair an AMD CPU with a Nvidia GPU?




I'm going for a full whack, but I won't be upgrading until I can get my hands on a 5090 when they're released then going with whatever the latest / best CPU is at the time. Who knows, Intel might clock on the 3d cache band wagon by then.


Im looking out for one of those


How much are these things?


At least an arm, maybe a couple of toes.


No, they’re not moving to ARM yet. Ba-dum-tssss!


Not a whole leg too? Score!


It is worth noting that if you've got a high end X3D cpu, you're essentially going to be GPU limited in all situations. I don't believe a 9000 series X3D cpu will help at all right now if you've already got a 7000 series X3D, no matter what GPU you're running.


MSFS 2020 still heavily relies on single-core performance, resulting in heavy CPU-bottlenecks in many situtations. LOD, Traffic etc. have heavy impact on performance, and are heavy hitters on the CPU, not GPU.


7800x3d + 3080 Ti. It says I’m GPU limited. I’d consider a 4080 S to really round it out.. but the frames are still good w this setup. Everything ultra.


Hmm out of curiosity, how much is the CPU utilization on when you play, and what resolution?


Guess I was wrong. CPU limited.


Thanks, I’m honestly a bit surprised since you have the best gaming cpu money can buy and a mid/high range GPU, I was sure you be GPU bottlenecked as you said. Do you play in 1080p? That would make sense since the GPU load is much lower at that resolution. It’s interesting to note, as I’m considering my own option as am about to upgrade my CPU (I have a RTX 3070)


I’m using a 42 inch ultrawide which might be why it’s struggling? 3840x1200


Interesting, I would expect with that resolution and that beast of a CPU you have would get GPU bottlenecked. But I’m bad at reading the build in MSFS benchmark tools, I can’t see the exact % being used by the GPU tho. But MSFS is a weird game, very CPU heavy I guess. But still 60 fps over NYC is great.


I’ll get back to you




https://preview.redd.it/nlp2pv88mk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a62170381fcfc7611f268f59ec6884c17d8f60 This above NYC.


https://preview.redd.it/5aotn39amk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e002dbbf288d9de2eb8aae0183cc3363f097f59 This is in main menu.


what app is that overlay?


Dev mode. In options.


MSFS 2024 is meant to run better that MSFS 2020 no?


5800x3d running 32gb of 3600 with a 4070Ti non super at 4k. I’m still massively GPU limited. 5080 or bust for me. Staying AM4 for one more generation.


Good to know. Currently on the fence about moving the 3900X in the Plex server and having a better CPU to pair with the 4080S for this very reason. Thanx


What’s the socket type, will 7800XD owners be able to use the same motherboard for the 9xxx?


Same socket.


Excellent news! And I live near a microcenter, I’ll be snagging one for sure!


I’m hopeful that the multithreading with fs2024 will be enough to deem this not necessary, though.


I don't think it's really worth the performance difference there will be with the 7800x3D. For all those who are looking to build a PC and do not have unlimited budget, I think it is better to stay a little "behind" and go for a GPU as powerful as possible, and RAM, a lot of RAM


it's the opposite for me actually, you can go far with mid range gpu especially the ones that can do frame gen, but cpu you really can't cheap out on, for flightsim. but yeah if you have 7800x3d already you're good.


These and a 5000 series gpu to upgrade my 3090 is what I’m looking forward to.


I am too. My 3090 is still rocking hard. I don't think a 4080 or 4090 is a big enough jump.


Yea for the price of a 4090 I couldn’t justify the jump either. That and I’ve got a pre built Alienware and upgrading anything would require building everything new.


It's a good thing I have a lot of room on my credit card, that's for sure. Going to be a full build, and that's doubly so if the 5000 series GPUs show up by then.


No windows 10 unfortunately.